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VIP Member
The poor woman can’t do anything right can she? You are all so hypocritical.

You complain that she isn’t disclosing adds properly and yet, when she points out things that AREN’T necessary to disclose, it’s still not good enough for you.

You say that she (and other vloggers for that matter) are putting their Children’s safety at risk by putting them online and yet, some of you go out of your way to find the name of their schools and publicly post their address (and have also done this to other vloggers). Hardly behaviour of someone who’s concerned? And a bit stalker-ish for that matter.

You get annoyed when you don’t get a response and get blocked, but then when you do get a response, you call it ‘passive aggressive’

You say that they don’t have much money, and yet you report them to the ASA which could potentially put them out of business.

You claim you hate these people, yet you literally watch/look at every single thing that they do! That’s some kind of superfan dedication right there. If you really don’t like someone, surely you just wouldn’t watch them or look at their social media?

You’ve shamed her for being paid to promote food banks on behalf of Ella’s Kitchen. I guess that’s a task she was given as part of an ongoing partnership with them. If it annoys you that much, why not take it up with Ella’s kitchen? Any company advertising charities HAS to spend money. They get flyers made and posters etc, does that mean that the people making the posters should do it for free?? I don’t think so! Advertising via real people is actually far more effective!

And just a few extra notes:

I’m not Rebecca, or anyone in her family for that matter. I’m not even anyone you have ever talked about on here because I’m not a vlogger.

There probably are a few spelling mistakes in my text, hardly worth a snotty comeback.

I will not be responding to any comebacks from this. So just incase you say you’ve scarred me off with your reply’ haven’t. I just don’t want to give you any more of my time.

You IP addresses CAN be traced and all of you can be reported for cyber bullying and defimation of character. You shot yourselves in the foot by creating a Instagram page and crossed the line by accusing them of child abuse!!

I refuse to call you vile people, because you obviously have some horrible things going on in your life to make you act this way. What I will say is, it’s vile behaviour. Perhaps instead of trying to bring each other down, you could actually talk about your issues.
You clearly all hate any Channel Mum vloggers (perhaps you tried to vlog and weren’t successful, I don’t know) BUT channel mum actually have some great support groups. Maybe if you used them you might overcome your problems and not feel like you have to put your shit on others.

Just an idea. Maybe your New Years resolution could be to be more kind.

Trash threads are the ultimate low! Get a life.
you Know what. Tomorrow morning I’m calling up the hmrc and Teresa may to tell them that it’s so unfair that hotlines for reporting business doing wrong should be shut down. Reporting Mrs M or any other business is totally above board and 100% legal. Why do people work for the government snooping on those doing wrong?. Why does the asa even exist if we shouldn’t be reporting people? It’s there to protect the public. I can’t believe you are so naive to see this. If anyone goes out of business due to wrong doing the blame stops with them full stop, end of!! Also no one goes out of their way to find out what school S goes to, They say many of times where they live and anyone with any local knowledge knows the school. Hardly call that snooping the internet to find out.
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VIP Member
Of course she hasn’t actually written any of it!
It’s clearly just a generic bunch of kids activity things that you can pull off a google search or find in literally any teaching aid of youth club pack.
Her name is on it but she’s no writer!
Honestly, I have so much second hand embarrassment for her. Imagine the “book tour” - teapot pose and over inflated lips ahoy!
It will be in the 50% off bin before the summer holidays......
She’s not the most eloquent or articulate & her spelling & grammar is shocking so let’s hope someone else IS writing it! ?
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Active member
Alright, now I’m furious! I’ve just had a text from my uncle wishing the family a merry Christmas while he and my elderly great aunt are in the queue at their local food bank. I didn’t know things were that bad for them and now it’s too late and I’m too far away to help. She could’ve done so much more with her platform to raise awareness and instead she half assed it and did the bare minimum to get her pay check and her name in the paper

So from 6pm last night until 2pm today Fairshare in Aberdeen depot have received more donations!! Really!!! Ella’s kitchen!!

Any extra donations are likely due to shops clearing their shelves before they are closed over xmas and very unlikely it’s off the back of her vlog in less than 24 hrs!!
And as if they’d have those figures already! If it’s so so busy who’s got time to collate the figures and send them out immediately???
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The poor woman can’t do anything right can she? You are all so hypocritical.

You complain that she isn’t disclosing adds properly and yet, when she points out things that AREN’T necessary to disclose, it’s still not good enough for you.

You say that she (and other vloggers for that matter) are putting their Children’s safety at risk by putting them online and yet, some of you go out of your way to find the name of their schools and publicly post their address (and have also done this to other vloggers). Hardly behaviour of someone who’s concerned? And a bit stalker-ish for that matter.

You get annoyed when you don’t get a response and get blocked, but then when you do get a response, you call it ‘passive aggressive’

You say that they don’t have much money, and yet you report them to the ASA which could potentially put them out of business.

You claim you hate these people, yet you literally watch/look at every single thing that they do! That’s some kind of superfan dedication right there. If you really don’t like someone, surely you just wouldn’t watch them or look at their social media?

You’ve shamed her for being paid to promote food banks on behalf of Ella’s Kitchen. I guess that’s a task she was given as part of an ongoing partnership with them. If it annoys you that much, why not take it up with Ella’s kitchen? Any company advertising charities HAS to spend money. They get flyers made and posters etc, does that mean that the people making the posters should do it for free?? I don’t think so! Advertising via real people is actually far more effective!

And just a few extra notes:

I’m not Rebecca, or anyone in her family for that matter. I’m not even anyone you have ever talked about on here because I’m not a vlogger.

There probably are a few spelling mistakes in my text, hardly worth a snotty comeback.

I will not be responding to any comebacks from this. So just incase you say you’ve scarred me off with your reply’ haven’t. I just don’t want to give you any more of my time.

You IP addresses CAN be traced and all of you can be reported for cyber bullying and defimation of character. You shot yourselves in the foot by creating a Instagram page and crossed the line by accusing them of child abuse!!

I refuse to call you vile people, because you obviously have some horrible things going on in your life to make you act this way. What I will say is, it’s vile behaviour. Perhaps instead of trying to bring each other down, you could actually talk about your issues.
You clearly all hate any Channel Mum vloggers (perhaps you tried to vlog and weren’t successful, I don’t know) BUT channel mum actually have some great support groups. Maybe if you used them you might overcome your problems and not feel like you have to put your shit on others.

Just an idea. Maybe your New Years resolution could be to be more kind.

Trash threads are the ultimate low! Get a life.
And a merry Christmas to you too. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Chatty Member
She definitely reads here! I don't know why though. The majority of the posts are valid points and made well however I've seen posts just within the past 48hrs: one telling her to get off her "fat arse" and others criticising her posture, stating she has a hunch back and criticising the way she is smiling in a photo. I wouldn't choose to visit a website where people said such things about me. I'm all for calling her out on her sketchy behaviour (by god there's enough of it) but i think commenting on such things as appearance just drags this sites credibility right down, that's not constructive.
I told her to get off her fat arse because I watched her lie in bed with an ill child filming and I would happily tell her to her face where I'm from telling someone to get off their fat arse means stop being lazy she was thinking of herself and not her child so bore the F off if you or Reb don't like my attitude.
She really pissed me off seeing a little one struggling so unwell and her wondering if she was going to get sleep. I couldn't care less if someone is a size 10 or size 20 big or little arse but if they lie in bed worrying about sleep when a child's ill I will tell them to get off their fat arse and help their child for me what she did last night is far worst than the AD shit etc it was neglect and as of today still hasn't got that poor little girl to a doctors so go love Reb elsewhere cos she has proven what a cold uncaring mother she is.
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How it this the only trash thread where there’s a troll attack everyday and yet none of the know or are related to Reb? And how is it that there’s been a similar pattern on every thread that pops up like this on the net regarding Reb... even back when she only had 5k followers.
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VIP Member
Louise isn’t my favourite either but she is doing what I’ve wanted Reb to do from the start. A clear cut letter explaining things. It’s not bloody hard Reb! And no we’re not twats and arseholes for wanting to know if you’re selling us something. Anything other than clear cut is shady and deceitful. Would love it if Rebecca did what Louise has done. Yes she’s covering her own back but at leasg she’s bloody doing it! Reb couldn’t give two hoots! She has the attitude that’s shes above all that; a hindrance and a hassle to just be upfront.
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VIP Member
Can't wait for all the "Omg that's amazing hun, you totally deserve this" comments to start ?
Oh the Sheeple have started already polishing her ego. Most of them saying "well deserved"??????. It most definitely isn't bloody well deserved???. When will her Sheeple ever see her for what she is ???. Someone asked whether it will be available to buy in France???. I've lost the will to live???
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Active member
I've just watched that food bank vlog. Why does it matter if someone is smartly dressed? Is that what it takes to make them worthy of being fed? It's such a ridiculous thing to mention. The fact that anyone needs a food bank is horrific, regardless of how they dress.
just proving the point that she doesn't know anything about life! living in a bubble of her life, no Rebecca you dont need to look homeless to need a food bank, so many people are just getting by.
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Well-known member
Really not what this tattle forum is about ? couldn't care less what size anyone's ankles are or... genuinely can't even remember what else she accused us of bitching about. I'm not here to criticise anyone's appearance tbh?‍♂
Trying to sweep the real issue under the carpet again and making people feel sorry for them and hoping we’ll all forget about the mistakes they’ve made recently. Rebecca will think that everyone here is trying to thwart her goals when really they’ve caused their own train wreck. Rather than lashing out at anyone and everyone it would’ve been easier to put things right but they’re only making it worse for themselves. Amateurs at best, for being their full-time job and only source of income it’s quite worrying they are just winging it by the looks of things you’d think they’d have read the rules a million times over to make sure they get it right or at least have a decent PR team behind them, they don’t have a clue how to deal with the backlash they’ve received its glaringly obvious
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Well-known member
AD always appears in tiny text at end with reb.

I dont think reb and Pentland were ever true freinds.

I think they all trying to distance themselves from her but also be polite and fake hence why they still comment sometimes on her posts.

Louise was never channel mum
Has way bugger following

Call me cynical I maybe wrong some maybe genuine friendships forged in Industry.

Many are hangers on looking for leg up.

Kate murnane and Louise Pentland have much bigger following and attract better brands they don't need to associate with the at all geographically they miles away.

I said it before and still think its odd

How she networks with very few channel mums or infleuncers.

Even the Scottish ones.

If Charlotte taylor won award at northern vlog awards is there nothing for Scotland.

The seldom travels to any major events.

I cannot stand " CHANNEL MUM"
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anony mouse

Chatty Member
Lol scarface that comment made me chuckle.

I commented on my phone whilst making my family an xmas tea.

Whilst I was cooking I reflected about how many families dont have that much this Christmas and realise how lucky we are.

Troll central today.
Ha ha maybe they think we still have dial up internet in our wee dark dungeons. Enjoy your Xmas tea!
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Of course she reads her thread ? what a blatant lie! They all do, but reb seems to be one of the only ones who makes it so obvious thus giving it more attention. Referencing her "bullies" and "trollls".

You don't see Emily Norris or ash mama reid spouting so much shit about trolls daily like old melds ? they just come, read, get on with their life and maybe answer one of our theories in their vlogs.
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She is a liar who is continuously attempting to control everyone's perceptions of her. She can’t do that here, a classic narcissist casting herself as a highly principled person, but in reality she is only concerned with her own needs and is too weak to face the truths that she’s been called out for, her defenses have been threatened so she’s resorting to nasty reprisal when that doesn’t work she uses the good old pity card. But when it comes to the truth, she will always stonewall, blame and shame others, and deflect accountability for her own wrong doings.
This message from her tonight is a cover up for her shambles of an ad for a food bank, another passive aggressive Meldrum ‘have a good Christmas with the family’ what about those that don’t get to spend their Christmas with loved ones Rebecca or those not so fortunate that they won’t get a meal or are sleeping on the streets? She doesn’t care in the slightest, again it’s just look at me pity me with all these trolls I have. Rally up sheep ?? time for you to stroke her ego again ?
So Rebs doesn’t read or care about the so called bullies! Is she for real? Drowned out? No love you remove comments and block folk!


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I don't agree that you have to keep Poppy under lock and key and some fresh air could do her some good, but don't go bringing her where people are eating. They are so inconsiderate and selfish.
I agree as in fresh air is good for you but in this case she’s really poorly, I think she should be inside kept at a steady temp, going out in Scotland from a warm house breathing in that cold air will aggravate her chest, I know as m really poorly with a chest infection and even the door opening with a blast of cold has me hacking ? Bottom line is Poppy has been unwell for too long to be ignored, it is not clearing up. It’s appalling they are going for breakfast with her!!
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So she describes her channel as a ‘family’ one but she doesn’t make videos with children in mind & swearing in them is acceptable. Got it Reb.

What has she said? Thanks x

She is indeed very passive aggressive to her viewers! In case she was wondering, that’s what made me go from actually enjoying her videos in the very beginning to not being able to watch 30 seconds nowadays without wanting to roll my eyes and I hate that. Her voice, her tone in general, her whining, everything about her is passive aggressive.
She has no respect whatsoever for her subscribers or for anyone for that matter, it’s like it’s never her fault and she’s doing us a favour really!!! Condescending, rude, dishonest, patronising to name a few! She’s rude to anyone who dares leaving a comment or state their opinion.
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VIP Member
I don't see the issue with her sister deleting people she doesn't know tbh. After all, she's not the fame hungry one of the two that's chosen YouTube as her "career". I've always thought she looked uncomfortable being filmed. I do agree it's odd that both Tegan and Lee decided to clear out their IGs though - something has definitely gone down. When Rebecca inevitably decides to blame anyone else but herself for what's happened, let's not forget she's been the one that tags her mum & sister in IG posts which would only encourage her followers to follow them too. She's the one that's drawn attention to Tegan's account in the first place.
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