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Such tragic news this week about the horrendous impact of eating disorders and Thick as Pig shit is harping on about weight loss and quick loss schemes ready for the gym. Dozy bitch.
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How old is Poppy? Some how I have missed hearing about her bad sleep. Had it always been bad?
When she was a baby she was the most perfect baby who slotted right in and slept most of the day and all night 🙄
Then she grew into a toddler who was carried on a Tula on walks, put down for 2 hour naps in the afternoon then in bed early at night and suddenly became a ‘sleep thief’.

My children can eat for Scotland. It’s a running joke with family & friends that while they’re fighting their kids to finish dinner mine are asking for a second portion then dessert 🤣 Not once, ever have they woke up at night hungry. They might wake asking for a drink but never food.

I think P either is just genuinely not a great sleeper, with no medical (redness legs, hyper mobility) reason behind it. Or she’s in a terrible routine for her age & has got into the habit of waking through the night. It could be for some attention, missing her daddy. Has Rebecca been having a snack one night P got up, gave her some and now it’s a habit? My oldest would think it’s hilarious being up at 11pm munching toast while his brother sleeps 😆 if she genuinely wakes every night because she’s hungry that’s a huge red flag. I’ve always worked with children, mainstream & additional needs and never heard this from parents as a ‘thing’
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Chatty Member
Does this woman just get what she wants? All the time! Last week begging for a Dyson airwrap, this week low and behold, she gets a dyson airwrap 🙄 £500 just like that. “Happy birthday to me from me” wtaf. Where does all their money come from?

Although this then did make me chuckle. £500 well spent grabby!!!! 😆 😆 😆 pa ha ha ha ha
The fence they sold 😂

Also why didnt she look into this before buying it if it worked with extensions

...... how long before it's for sale on facebook
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Rue Git Le Couer

Chatty Member
It wasn’t that long ago she was telling the world how happy and content she was 🤔
And she also said how the extensions were the best thing she’d ever done? I feel like that was only a few weeks ago & now she’s fed up of them already! She is the most restless, unfulfilled, brainless twat I have ever come across.
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Parenting Solo is such hard work, no time to do anything but can manage to sit on the sofa, read a book and eat popcorn with no bother!
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Re: the child’s tshirt from Zara

I don’t understand why she’s bragging about this?!! Why does a grown adult women even want to be wearing clothes for children?! I find it very strange. I mean, I know wee Lee has to wear clothes from the child’s section of most shops but that’s out of necessity- he’s too small and short to fit into clothes proportioned for fully grown adult men so I guess he has no choice but to buy children’s clothes....

Weirdest couple I’ve ever come across.

You can use funded hours at a private nursery as you like. She maybe goes 2 full days. Doesn't have to be 3 hours a day.
In Scotland they now get 30 funded hours per week.
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They'll get a better view of the housing and hotel development when it starts too. 😊

Desperate to see a photo to see if the fence looks as bad against the marshmallow as I'd think it does.
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She hasn’t a clue how to cope. How would she deal with life if Lee worked in a Mon-Fri job and had to do overtime, weekends etc. Does she think partners who work come home and take over from 5pm every day and weekends. We feel very lucky to have time during the week together when my partner is home from offshore and overall he is able to spend much more time with our little one than if he was based here all the time. Most parents don’t have 2.5 days without any children free to themselves and those that do would be able to run the house and have time to themselves I would think. She could have a really busy full life if she really was a stay at home Mum but she comes across as the sulky older sister/babysitter!
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Sorry Beggy, but I’m feeling GREAT now the country is reopening. Seeing friends and family outside, eating out (outside), kids back to school......! You are only languishing because you are realising that you had nothing in your life to start with. Oh, and also because you let the fact that an expensive hair curler didn’t work on your hair get to you 🤷‍♀️.
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She posted a few days ago a vitamin drink she was taking when she was cooking the tea, now this one is in the morning - where has the family Sambucol gone? she is such a LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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View attachment 546449

Is there something different?
It looks more or less the same...?!!!
It still looks shit. You can still clearly see the extensions- they are still completely obvious. The bleach on the top of her hair is too blonde for her natural colouring and the damage on her natural hair is so bad. I dunno what budget hair dresser she goes to but her hair is absolutely fucking terrible.
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VIP Member
Oh boohoo little girl!!! You have your parents on call whenever you can’t be arsed. You have more me time than any other mother on the planet and you’re a lazy cow that likes nothing more than “ pottery days at home” by your own admission. So what are you moaning for you lazy fat cow.
Fuck me there are single parents out there struggling to feed their kids, trying to juggle a full time job and looking after their kids and they don’t moan half as much as you do. Shut the f up you silly spoiled bitch.

Sorry but she’s really pissed me off. I hope the dog rolls in fox poo every day that Lee is away! And then rolls in her bed ( although she‘d still be too lazy to change the sheets!)
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