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VIP Member
I think shit definitely went down on Sunday, she was definitely on one. Jamie looked fuming when she was filming him with Ronnie on his lap (proving that Ronnie doesn’t have a flat head). I reckon she’s constantly been checking Tattle and getting herself more and more worked up, they’ve had words and she’s agreed to step away from insta for a bit. She probably couldn’t get out of yesterday’s ridiculous sticker shit, so today they’ve gone to the wedding venue (in the new Audi) to organise Ronnie’s gifted christening and so she can post pics of the place and tell her cult that she’s having some time away. Just in time for her to have a few weeks off for Christmas and come back in the new year with ‘guess what guyyyyyzzzz we are getting Ronnie christened at our wedding venue’ oh and by the way here’s a shit load of swipe ups to skint yourselves out with
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Quite Contrary

VIP Member
‘Momma missed you handsomes!’ What, because you were out for an hour putting stickers on products in shops FML, get in the real world Soph where people actually have to work for a living!
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Chatty Member
I think she needs to educate herself about dogs.... she really has no clue. The things she says it’s like she thinks that he thinks the same way as us.... and don’t get me started on the brother thing!! She’s an absolute twat and if she doesn’t stop what she’s doing she is putting her son in danger. I sometimes actually wonder if she puts Henry before Ronnie!
I thought she spoke to that dog quite aggressively when she was saying to it “get in the Christmas spirit” it’s a dog it doesn’t know what fucking Christmas spirit is you daft bint 🙄
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someone said yesterday that there had been an Audi spotted on her driveway. Then this morning she has to confirm it by taking a completely pointless photo of 'ice on her windscreen' but managing to get the dashboard of it in! She's just unbelievable. Yes Sophie, we know it is effin icy in the morning because we have to get up and scrape our cars to go to work!!!!!
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This whole exit reminds me of Jack Towers ( not sure if anyone followed him) weight loss journey, Played the mental health card, deleted Instagram and then fucked off living his best life with money which was raised for a gastric band.

‘Fame’ comes at a cost and especially when you exploit your life on a daily basis. You’ve got to be able to deal with the good, the bad and the ugly. It seems when she’s on a high she’s like a kid in a sweet shop. When the shit hits the fan she goes into hiding.

I wouldn’t wish bad on anyone but she has brought this on all by herself due to greed. She needs to take time out and realise what’s important around her. Not how many likes, £ signs and arse licking comments she gets.
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New member
Long time lurker here ✌🏼 Saw the light with Mrs Hinch months again but I still follow her to roll my eyes at every single one of her stories!! Anyone noticed how she’s conveniently taking a ‘break’ the day after the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend...after flogging every deal going and making her quick and easy money 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ She really has no morals!
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Kikini Bamalam

VIP Member
While it is lovely that people on here feel for her, don't forget she gives no shits about anyone but herself. She wouldn't piss on someone if they were on fire in the gutter without charging them for doing a story on it.
Forgive me, but I'll save my compassion for those who deserve it.
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Does anybody else think her eyes always look bloodshot?
I hate that last clip with the head movement 🤢🤢 she’s not a nice person I think she’s a spoilt greedy selfish individual who is clearly trying fill a gap in her life! She’s probably really miserable deep down with her empty life, and she thinks having a perfect home will fill that!
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This!!! Me and my OH can’t afford any presents for anybody this year. Last month we managed to scrape up £20 to buy some second hand presents for our daughters birthday/Christmas. I’m a stay at home mum and OH works 50 hour weeks and we’re struggling to keep up with everything. I’d love to wake up for just ONE DAY and not worry.
PM me your details love I’ll make up a little Christmas pack for your little one xx
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Regina Falangey

Active member
Sooooo I was a fan until this week, even defended her on an Instagram account that was slating her. Eyes well and truly opened. I find the change and link with money quite fascinating to watch. I do wonder if any of us were given the chance to do the same would we? Probably not now looking at what it can do to you! I think if you’re going to put yourself in the public eye you have to be prepared for people not to agree or like what you do. You’re going to have one stressful life otherwise which is starting to show now.
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VIP Member
If this is all true she genuinely looked like she is on the verge of a breakdown. Get off insta soph, get off tattle, enjoy your lovely baby and get some help.
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Chatty Member
Why has she got her mink-eurgh in such a twist? It’s just a fecking hashtag.

Oh, I forgot, my bad. Anyone who doesn’t kiss arse is a troll. Even a follower who might find your revolting use of the word “Hinchmas” somewhat offensive to their religious beliefs must be a troll, because they are not lauding you with sycophantic arse-wipery.
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Perhaps she spent too much time on the F.R.I.E.N.D.S set and in true Ross style she will come back in a few weeks saying WE WERE ON A BREAK! #ifyouknowyouknow 😆
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Chatty Member
Someone has a new car... that’s not a Range Rover dash and steering wheel my little tattlers
Could this be the new Audi?
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