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Chatty Member
Morning nusties, what in the poodle tipped fluff cut have they done to chicken Strip's tail?!

Also no body shaming here, but...does Henry have a fat tail?! It Just looks so odd, I don't think I've ever seen a dog with a fat tail. Tails are normally, well, tail like. Arent they?! Thin, whippy, waggy. His looks like a third leg.

Off to wash my eyes out now and reassess my life 😂


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The Green Triangle

Chatty Member
Timing Zoph, timing …… in reality how many folk will want a home collection from home bargains, yep the hinch cult, some folk just setting up home because it has to be cheaper than supermarkets etc, a few Airbnb/ b&b owners.
I own a holiday home and I wouldn't buy a range like this and not because it is Hinch (that goes without saying) but because there is no guarantee the range will be there a year or so down the line. When we started we bought supermarket sets but they were never there when we needed replacements so now we stick with IKEA which has the same basic ranges for years at a time.
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I almost never take photos, by the time I get my glasses on and figure out how to do it the moment has passed. But if I was asked to post something from any given date I can almost guarantee it would be a filthy meme, an offensive meme or something with the words cunt or fuck in it 😂, but for an actual picture I'd have to go back at least a year.
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Daft bint could've spent her afternoon at a club instead of teaching the boyshh how to get hurt. They don't socialise because all 3 parents are too lazy to keep commitment up and she's prefers to spend that time getting more chickens.
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Chatty Member
BOOP hahahahahahahaha 😂

And the stupid cutesy shoulder shrug he does after the boop is so cringe I think MY penis and balls went inside myself and I’m a woman 😂


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Too many potential thread titles popping up in this thread. You’re on fire nusties.

Also - forgot to say earlier. Ewww at her in her minging brown dressing gown (with seemingly nothing on underneath - unless she’s wearing shorts…) filming her washing machine clean. I work from home mostly and I still get dressed for my Teams calls. She can’t even be bothered to wear any clothes for her job. Ah well. Good prep for when she has to resort to only fans.
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Has she fucked off then? 🤷‍♀️
What I don't understand is that if she wants to push the whole family/home narrative.. the kids had have 2 weeks off school for Easter. She claims to miss them when they're not home but she hasn't actually spent any time with them?

Mamfa, Fiddles and Cling on took the kids to make cup cakes and they played in the astroturf prison when we had good weather.

• She's launched her Lorry.
• Talked about her experience with Rons autism
• Had a launch party for her brand.

Why does she never go for a walk out? It costs nothing and you can make memories with your kids.

I think she clearly has anger issues and has at some point, had a meltdown and screamed at those kids or perhaps lashed out.

She evidently cannot be left alone with her own children, trusted with sharp objects or go anywhere with out fiddles in tow.

But well done on the washing liquid hun 👍👍👍
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I do believe she has anxiety, but not in the way most other people experience it. I'll try my best to explain my theory (only had 1 coffee so far, so brain not fully engaged yet 😆)

She gets anxious in one sense because she has never had to do anything by herself before. She's never lived by herself, traveled by herself or looked after her kids alone. I'm sure there is a million other things she's never done without Fiddles or Jim by her side. It's self perpetuating because everyone enables her, I imagine she throws a tantrum "but Jaymeee I'm scaaaaaared, there might be trolllllls there" so he just goes along with her. Or Fiddles tells her there will be trolls there so she needs to go along? (Qui, @fannysjohnny ?) She's always been treated like a lanky woman child so she still behaves like one and blames being scared for being unable to do stuff.

Secondly, I think it's a control thing. She gets scared about new places/live appearances because she can't control how she will look or come across at them. She knows she doesn't look like the person she filters herself to be on Insta. She knows she can't gush and fawn over her sheep in real life like she does via message to them. She knows she hates spending time with her kids so wouldn't want people to see her in the wild getting angry with them or ignoring them. She knows she's terrible on live TV because she blurts out nonsense and is really thick and talking about how she wipes down surfaces or shops for tat 3 x a week isn't actually interesting as an interview subject. She knows she's a fraud with no talent or anything to say. So she calls this reluctance to do anything anxiety and just glosses over it all.

Does this make sense?

Big love to the nusties who have shared their own experiences with anxiety, gentle hugs to you all. ❤
Ageee with this, I think deep down she also knows she’s a charlatan and a massive fake and it could be revealed (beyond us TrOLLzzzz 🙄) at any time, some sheep are seeing the light finally.
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Well Sophie enjoyed writing dates to herself didn’t she..of course her wedding day would be included - self indulgent narcissist springs to mind!!
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The Green Triangle

Chatty Member
The crap party has to be from before Easter surely cos of the kid in her school uniform? Essex schools ain’t back yet.
What I don’t understand is why hold on to the footage for this long? It’s hardly a fucking launch when it’s been out for weeks?
Why does she constantly get this stuff so wrong?
1st episode of Stacey's Renovation TV programme :ROFLMAO:
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Exactly, who needs a scented duster that gets thrown away?? All my dusters are reusable and I’ve had them for many, many years but they are still going strong after numerous washings! Not only are people wasting lots more money on products like these but they are filling up landfills too and that’s not good. If you want your house to smell nice just open the windows and let nature do its magic!
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I have second hand embarrassment from her latest stories ...

And what friends did she invite cause I ain't seen none 🫢 i wouldn't of even posted those stories. They're actually embarrassing 🫢😅😅😅
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See this is the kind of thing P&G and/or YMU need to haul her filtered-fake padded-arse over the coals for. Massively fucking irresponsible parenting showing the tend twin toddlers that “playing” with the appliances is FUN and INTERESTING. FFS.
The best time to delete this Soph, was as soon as you posted it. The next best time is NOW, you stupid bint.
If you DO have 5m followers, you’ve shown them all something pretty daft which you deserve to get told off for.
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Jumping on this trend that even I’ve seen. Hinch babe though - you forgot to write AD all over this. Took a screenshot for everyone to send to Nigel.

Eta - I ain’t even a cleannnaaaa though.
She plagiarised the quote on the reel too, about why women clean. I saw that on another post a couple of weeks ago. 🙄

ETA - FFS I’ve just watched it back and she actually puts her name at the end of it so it’s looks as though she came up with the quote! She a piece of work!! 🤬
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