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Wize Owl

VIP Member

To be honessssscht I remember her spraying the yellow tree black for Halloween…. she bought this white one coloured WHITE 🙄 I don’t think she has a clue what decorations tat she owns 🙄 Also, her and the boyssssssch haven’t been decorating the tree for YEARS because they are only aged 4 and 2…. she showed Ronald decorating an Easter tree once, but the video was reversed.

Hennerz looks so bored during this, bet he wishes she was getting a Chinese take-away out of the bag 🥡🥢🤭

#NailWatch they need redoing 💅🏻 She should have let Trace out of the loft when she got this bag of tat out 🤣
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The only person that has been judgemental is her. Adding a fake voice when looking at his books, reversing camera shots. She's his biggest troll. Ron deserves so much better.
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Has to make it about herself of course and the fact she is acoustic 🙈
She didn't looked overwhelmed on that crowded party boat footage that came out a couple of years ago.

Anyway how long is she going to milk this dubai shit for... well done hun you went to Dubai.
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Looks like a couple of followers spotted her or met her in Dubai, the place she makes out is magical and once in a lifetime destination yet down her local high street, Tesco, b&m, the prom, hairdressers no one seems to spot her 🤷🏻‍♀️ she travels to London for “work” meetings and is never spotted, literally nothing she posts makes sense these days
I love that she's made it out to be a super incredible, exclusive, "could only dream of" hotel and she's bumping into followers there, the same ones who stalk her around the barg shops, and who are normal people who she is so humbly grateful for. My favourite part of the whole debacle is that she's had to PAY for it like every other Joe Bloggs ha ha ha...except not all her faymoush besties who have had better trips gifted for free pahaa
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Bet the true celeb of Maldon - Sam Ryder of Eurovision fame would be recognised and possibly approached. I still can’t believe she didn’t support him when he was in Eurovision - she was probably too full of envy because he has talent & a lovely natural personality which she wishes she has
He’s got better hair too! I bet Sam doesn’t spend £1k a pop on shitty looking Rapunzel hair extensions! 😉
Bet my life savings that this hasn't happened.

nobody cares that you're acoustic babes.
View attachment 2787008
The thing she doesn’t grasp is that no-one is judging Ronnie. The judgement is about her as a mother and how she treats him. That judgement would still be there regardless of whether he had autism or not!
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See those manky minky gloves-don't let yr old man use them with their sausage fingers.My Johnny just had to have ago-one wine glass knocked off my side table and 2 family heirlooms down.
Omg….haven’t seen your name in forever!! Now we just need Shady Essex back as well 😊❤
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I did this for my family … I want to take my family back … I I I … ME ME ME. Ok we get it, the holiday, everything, was all on your dime Sloph. Jim’s spuds (wherever she keeps them) must shrink that little bit more everytime she makes it clear they’re all sponging off her.
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Swedish chef

VIP Member
Every influencer with kids with ADHD or Autism or any of the other diagnosis genuinely just seem to feed their kids total shite. Why don’t they wean them on proper foods. PTWM is another one who feeds that son pure junk every day. I’m sure that doesn’t help with their symptoms. Even ‘normal’ kids fed on these diets would be hyper with personality changes!
Because sensory issues, taste textures smells can be a real challenge for many kids who are ND. You cannot wean, conjule, punish or wait until they are hungry and then they will eat, because the child just won't eat. And you are correct a proper nutritional diet is a abouselty beneficial when managing ND issues, however many ND kids (and adults) are unable to do so because they are ND. As for the PTWtwat can't stand her, only ever ventured over to her thread once or twice and that was enough, utter bastard who uses her kid for engagement and likes.
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She has so blantantly been advised told by her management to continue with going back her original MrS HiNcH the ClEaNeR roots 😏😏
It's not "challenging" at all and is clearly for her to drag out as content cos she has absolutely NOTHING in the pipeline 🤣🤣

Lonnie has such a borrrrrrrrrrring, babyish show bedroom 🤦🏼‍♀️ he's got his own personality and likes now yet is stuck having a bland colourless baby's room, with strategically placed items and very few toys, books etc 😕
Heaven forbid he wanted a colourful Spiderman themed bedroom for example 🙄
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Didn't bother downloading the ones where she also shags the dog

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Chatty Member
My son came to visit me the other day, he is an adult now but I didn’t feel the need to record him, take pics etc I just wanted to enjoy his company & reminisce about when he was smaller especially to embarrass him a bit in front of his boyfriend & show him silly pics (unfiltered) of the daft things he did.

Ronnie & Lennie wont ever get that, they will have filtered, perfect pics & wonder why they weren’t good enough, there won’t be daft stories like how they fell in mud or argued over some toy cos mummaz has to interfere all the time.
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Re the cleaning challenges. Why am I having to throw my goods away every month. Do people have monthly clear outs? I'll have nothing left by the end of the year if I'm just legging it round the house lobbing everything in the bin.
She forgets we don’t all go and buy shite in B&M every month
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Look at her pishing her gym leggings about the hotel seeing and reposting her tag. Fucks sake, I tagged a coffee shop the other month and they did the same to me, doesn’t mean I’m an instacunt who’s gonna get free coffee and scones for loife.
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