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Poor Ronnie looked like he was being led away by a stranger in her story earlier ...he's really unsure when it's just her and him and his body language around the alpacas 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ he looked so uncomfortable, can only imagine what his poor little face was like 😞
So she's on the beg now to be gifted Xmas shit from small businesses after last night's sickening reveal of hundreds of £££ worth of baubles ...she's determined to get one up on Trollomon that's very clear now (she won't though 🤣🤣🤣)
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Tell me you’ve read tattle without telling me you’ve read tattle

1) the boys don’t seem to go out anywhere nowadays - inch posts the boys at play zone and a party
2) so dangerous all those stairs and no safety gate - inch post the safety gate on the back passage (Oioi)
3) the kids have no creativity and freedom - inch posts Ron with acrylic paint
4) antique roadshow of missing things videos weekly - inch posts a video about a trip to the tip
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Lol is that the best she can come up with, that is a year's worth of work?!?! 😂😂😂😂 funniest thing I've heard all day that.
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What an appalling selection of food in that pan try. I honestly couldn’t see the ingredients to make one meal let alone feed a family of 4. Crunchie and breadsticks anyone? With a side of harribos 🤷‍♀️

I make no wonder those boys don’t sleep. They are filled full of E numbers then micro managed. Fresh food and fresh air. Long walks bike rides football. That’s a starting point Sofa. In fact apart from Ronnie attending baby ball I don’t really recall seeing the boys play football. What a strange environment with the dog and 2 small boys and not a football/ tennis ball in sight. From where my fat crunky bum is sat on my settee I can see 2 tennis balls (belonging to daft dog) 2 balloons which mini toes brought home from a party and a football which has found its way inside and been abandoned by littlest toes. I could probably open a shop with the amount of footballs in my back garden and the one in the boot of my car drives me nuts rolling around but I keep forgetting to put it in my car boot organiser ( oh wait I don’t have one doh)

Sorry for rambling I need to prise my bum of the settee and clean the kitchen (I shut the door after I made tea) Sort out mini and little toes football kits for matches tomorrow. And numerous other jobs that normal people do but I wasted all day hoovering crumbs out of my pan try barskeetts oh no hang on that wasn’t me cos I’m not a twat. I wasted all day at football practice. A farmer’s market, a 6 year olds birthday party and 2 long dog walks. Cos my mad dog isn’t overweight
BRB off to get the little toes football boots out of the boot room. That I had built but never use. (it’s called a cupboard in the hallway)
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miss n thropy

Chatty Member
Has no one gifted her wellies? For the love of god please someone gift her some wellies for those kids! in fact for the love of me someone send her some wellies for those kids! its giving me irrational rage watching them in their slippers OUTSIDE 😡😡😡
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Says alot at the fact everytime she opened a box she was shocked what was inside.
Ohhhh I loved these. Ohhhhh the bells. Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh. She bought that much..Well, I usually say tat, but I'll give it to her, the decs are stunning but she forgot what she bought due to the literal trolley full .. Imagine that.

She's distasteful.
I love opening all the boxes of decorations I have collected over the years, ones my children have made, ones that remind me of special times. Places we were when we bought them. Our angel is older than me and I love her. Most of them have a story behind them. They don't fit a theme. I can't imagine ever just replacing them all as I want to "Try something new" she harps on about making memories, it is impossible for her to make or have any as she is so wateful.
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Wize Owl

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You can imagine that scene off Matilda where the colourful classroom gets changed back to misery whenever trunchball in coming. I bet that’s what it’s like when for Mamfa when Sopha is on the way round
Or like in Gilmore Girls when Lorelai’s mummaz Emily has to put out all the gifts her battle axe mummaz-in-law has ever given her before she visits... I can Imagine Mamfa and fam running around getting Sopha’s stuff out of the loft and garage, putting it all out before Sopha turns up 😂
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Make it make sense

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The comments about Henry ‘he looks so happy’, ‘oh to have a day in the life of Henry’, ‘I would love to be like Henry’ (what sad and morbidly obese?!). These people just encourage her 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Did anyone else's toddlers LIVE in their wellies from 1-4 approx?

It was a struggle to get them off my two. I think it's because they can pop them on on their own without any help.
My little brother NEVER took his wellies off. He even slept in them!

We went on holiday to spain when he was about 3 and he wore his wellies every single day.

My poor mam had to explain to people every day why her 3 year old had wellies on in that heat 😂
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She’s “Created” something that already exists ( just like everything else she brings out)

Amazon, ASOS, SHEIN, boohoo, PLT.
They all have the same set in a range of colours including white 🫢
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Pretty sure Jamie’s Spanish sentence was incorrect anyway.
Trying to remember my GCSE Spanish and I feel like he would have needed the future conditional verb for to be. Which I think is sera. I think it’s more like “Hace calor sera manana” (tomorrow it will have heat”. Hasta manana means “see you tomorrow”. He essentially said “see you tomorrow much heat”.
Yep, he said see you tomorrow. I love how confidently incorrect he was as well. And her getting all hot and bothered over an ugly weird British bloke speaking nonsense in Spanish, unbelievably cringe
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her dad reminds me of the lion out of the wizard of Oz and I can’t unsee it 😂
Fiddle is tin man because she is lacking a heart and Inch is Scarecrow as he needs some brains. I’d say Hinch was Dorothy but she’s more the wicked witch. Hennerz won’t fit in the barrrskit to be Toto.
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Don’t come for me, but I can’t bring myself to take the piss out of her dad. He looks lovely. He’s the only ‘non hard faced’ person in that family, and I kinda want to give him a big Welsh cwtch. 🥺
I think most of us have a soft spot for her dad. He’s put up with a lot bless ‘is ‘eart
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Bubble wrap & lit candles I mean what could possibly go wrong? Then ingredients for mulled wine spread on the windowsill too, great effort Sopha (NOT)
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Lou Lou Rose

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Their ‘out door slippers’ wtaf? Because there easy to put on?? Aren’t Welly’s even easier to put on??
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