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All this pinecone talk makes me giggle 🤣
She has no life at all, the lying little cowbaggggg

Pathological liarrrr, Sophs a pathological liarrrrr, lies lies lies, lies lies lies 🤥

her nose would be growing with all the lies if she didn't filter it
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The way he screeches chickens, I reckon he’s got that off her.
He seems more comfortable around her now, but still on her part there just seems to be no real bond.

Fancy using your child to get one over on tattle
She’s not right in the head
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Ronnie does seem like a sweet little boy. It's such a shame he is being exploited in the way that he is, poor lad.
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Chicken shit wasn't funny yesterday nor is it funny today. Its like two man team all over again and I'm getting groundhog day vibes. Why is she sharing the same videos again?
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“You are loved the world” irritates me. It does not make sense, like everything else this cunt says and does

She wants to write what she used to write which is “you are loved by millions” because she is obsessed with the idea that millions of people “love her”. She can’t write “you all love me” so she writes “you all love my children”‘meaning “you love my kids. I made my kids. Therefore you love me” she tweaks the wording “you are loved the world” to disguise what she really means “you are loved by the world” ie “Hinch is loved by the world”. She’s insane.
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If her neck was really that skinny her head would fall off - she’s so fake
And I never look online but ……. Dick
I'm not suggesting Mrs Hinch uses filters and I certainly don't hope the #mrshincharmy or any potential #mrshinch #cleanfluencer sponsors who do a Google search for #mrshinchhate or #mrshinchtrolls or #mrshinchfilters find these threads and see the many, many #hinchfaces. I'll leave these here just in case though.

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Careful Tatlers, we’ll get a story about how ACTUALLY she’s blinking lots because it’s a sign of anxiety… like remember she told us how she has a real lack of body confidence… poor Soph. Pretty sure I see her shoulders more than my own!
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it actually sounds like he says “chicky chicky” which is what he probably is saying but hinch thought it was hilarious that it sounds like “Shit” so now encourages it more. Stupid dumb bitch.
Watching that back it does sound like he's saying Chicky chick. If that was my kid I'd be like "Yeah Chicky chick, lets clean up the chicky chick poop!", try and swerve the phrase into something more age appropriate.

Reminds me of the time my speech delayed son got in trouble at nursery for saying "fuck". They wrote an incident report and made a point of telling me about it in front of the other parents at pickup time. There was no way he would know that word or the context in which to apply it. Anyway it later transpired the poor little chap was actually trying to say "fork" 🙄 seriously some people shouldn't be in charge of children!
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Blimey a real family day out for Mamfa, Fiddle, Soph, prob Jamie and Lonnie. That’s appalling. They could have gone there ANY time. They could have taken Ronnie out of nursery to go - they took him out for holidays. Also that’s an excessive amount of pumpkins for a display. Guess what we do soph? We GROW OUR OWN PUMPKINS for decorations in this house. You’ve got a big enough garden to do that. Although the llamas would prob eat the plants.
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Ugh she's a disgrace re "chicken shit". Yes kids do occasionally pick up words they are not supposed to, it happens to the best of us. But the ONLY way you can get young children to stop saying undesirable words is to stop saying them yourself! Clearly her and Jamie don't moderate their language around the boys and actually seem to find it amusing!?? She's not mature enough to have children.

Poor little Ronnie will have no idea it's wrong and might end up getting in trouble at nursery because of this ☹
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Chatty Member
I felt itchy watching that, she scratched herself so much throughout that video!

Also this 'hairhat' joke she keeps making. 🙄 She knew she was going to film herself and answer questions, run a bloody brush through your hair woman. God knows you been given enough products from hair companies!
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Don’t think I’ve been on here for a while but I watched her stories today & really had a sense that it’s all gone wrong for her. I really think it’s over. I don’t think we will have a satisfying big dramatic downfall, just her occasionally hinting for tv work and never getting it, the brands she promotes being smaller and fewer, they’re going to try hard to get her name out there again & get more animals for content but they’re done, I’m sure of it. She doesn’t have the fans now and the ones she has will be getting sick of looking at her filtered face chatting the same shit over and over, talking about “fifth bedroom” etc.
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She’s so arrogant. She obviously reads here, we all know she does and she’s read all the comments yesterday regarding Ronnie swearing.
So she’s showing it again today. A grown woman, “mother” , and she finds that funny 🙄 and is showing it again just to prove a point.
Fuck, she’s absolutely pathetic.
💜Magic roundabout have a lovely time, you deserve it 💜
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Cassy Role

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Due to lack of communication content from ole Cunty Mcfilteredtofuck Cuntface, I will have to crack on and make my own. Well I stole it from an instaahunz IG account. WTF is wrong with people?View attachment 1631756
“give a follow for more cleaning motivation ways to make your house one big fuck off fire hazard and probably void your house insurance”

There. Fixed it.
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Chatty Member
My little pineapple is off nursery poorly this week and to cheer her up I said let’s look at pumpkin picking and get it booked up, she said “we can’t go today because (insert middle kids name here) is at school today so that’s not fair” see that sofa! My kids know more about treating kids fairly than you!
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Reason for the Q&A - she’s been told her engagement on Instagram is absolutely shit so she sent herself some questions had to do something about it.

“Doesn’t read online” the lying cow. First thing she does when she wakes up is reach for her phone to scroll Tattle. The smoke and mirrors act over who is living at Greyskull. Saint Sophie giving the house to a family in need. Stop pulling the wool over the huns eyes, we all know the sister lives there. Namedropping her famous BFF. The mention of the “fifth bedroom“. The braggy bitch just can’t help herself.

The most disgusting thing, yet the most predictable, was the final “question” about Ronni e and his “journey”. The lump in the throat moment, the ‘tend emotion. Yes, Soph he IS an amazing little boy. Shame on you and your moneygrabbing husband for not protecting his privacy.

Finally, belvita biscuits, pancakes and nutella for breakfast?! Diabetes on a plate. Absolutely fucking clueless. Give it up Hinch.
The tears are of shame because she has a nd child, there’s no emotion for his journey. Any decent mum would allow their child privacy and dignity. The tears are because he wasn’t what she wanted. Boohoo. Piss if you transparent fuckwit
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