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VIP Member
What spaniel ever sits still long enough to be
a) dressed up in that ridiculous shit
b) keep it on
c) be filmed

Oh I know. One riddled with anxiety, morbidly obese and depressed.

I’d have Henry in a heartbeat. My springer would teach him how to be a dog ❤
I wonder what Dogs Trust make of this story ☹☹
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I complained to Iconic last October about using filters and this was the reply. I don't have any photos from then but the filter she used looked the same as the latest story. They are as bad as she is so hope they have had a telling off as well.

Thanks for getting in touch!

We appreciate your feedback.
I have checked this for you and have been informed we believe no filters were used. If you have any other questions we would recommend for you to send a direct message on Instagram to our social team!

We hope this helps!

Hannah xx
Customer Service
View attachment 1170739
In other words they probably asked her and she said no.
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VIP Member
Funny that hinch has posted this post only a while after PTWM has posted that her ‘non-verbal’ son has just said his first whole sentence 🤔

Both using their son’s for content and making out like they are both going through this journey together....or maybe ye are just both lazy parents that don’t put your phones down and interact with your children 🤮

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View attachment 1169280
Of course she has to add about herself ffs 🥱
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Sophie should genuinely be worried. Although, I’m amazed it’s taken them this long to take action. The irony is that her 3.5 million bots will count against her as I suspect the ASA has a higher level of scrutiny for the more-followed accounts.
They investigated her in 2019. She aka her management doing damage control claimed she was overly cautious about following the law around ads. 🤣

Wonder if they will fine her this time. I'd love to know how many complaints they've received this year alone. A lot more than 3. 🤭 I just larve it.

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Well-known member
I've just spent today trying to support folk who are seriously struggling with their mental health due to the price rises.

And then there is this alpaca wanker bragging about her two fucking houses.

Fuck off Hinch.
I see the struggles folk have in my line of work too. It absolutely sickens me the sheer debauchery!
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Well-known member
That isn't the face of someone more than happy to have a photo. That's the face of someone who is freaking out about how they are going to look in that photo because they look nothing like their filtered self.

I actually don't think I'd recognise her if I saw her in the wild. Actually, probs would because I'd spot the saggy trackies a mile off or her voice would cut through me like a knife.
You’d smell her trackies
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no hun is just as bad as these other influencers, he has his own thread on here he is a known racist and has been vile to his neighbours calling them names, everything he does is for clout, he stuck his nose in the little mix/jesy/nicki minaj stuff, saying leighanne messaged him about jesy blah blah blah turned out it was lies and the messages were fake, he then jumped on the C19 wagon when people were saying things about the vaccine even though he had his first jab, he was saying it was fake and it was the government scaring people. hes a mess ill be surprised if he does have anything on hinch that is real as hes known for faking a lot of things. although he did call out Kate Hayes and show her message to him, he just told her to F off.

is hinch quiet? ive not seen her posts today? another day off?
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I know SS isn’t everyones cup of tea, but seeing her latest story where Joes away and she’s relaxing after all 4 kids asleep, highlights so much how mollycoddled Hinch is. She can’t even look after 1 kid alone let alone both😳

Good point, the planning approval dates is not something even Hinch can pre record and pretend with
Both SS and Hinch are as bad as each other in terms of using their kids and lying to followers. However I do agree that SS does seem more able to look after her kids (she does have help around the home though) and can go out with them. I still don’t like her though 😂
Funny how they both mentioned putting their babies down and having some ‘me’ time.


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I’ve not really posted on here before and have only briefly caught up so not sure if this has been mentioned or talked about but…..
I heard from a friend of a friend who works at tesco HQ that after the summer her range is being dropped due to poor sales!
anyone else heard this??
Again sorry if it’s common knowledge here and I’ve missed it x
Yes, fantastic news, boohoo Sofa. We had someone ages ago whose friend worked in marketing for Tesco and they said the same👍👍👍👍👍

If this is true (and I am a cynic when it comes to her, nothing personal to you) then

We’ve had someone ages ago saying the same, so time will tell🤔

So if she’s almost stop cleaning, Iconic and other beauty products drop her after ASA investigation and the Tesco tea is true, where will the money come from🤔
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She’s going to bankrupt herself with this house. Like once it’s done, what is she going to do for content? This is why doing it bit by bit while living there would have had more people interested as it’s more realistic
Exactly £7k a room roughly on stone tiling, even with klarna the majority of her sheep could only afford 10 tiles
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VIP Member
I complained to Iconic last October about using filters and this was the reply. I don't have any photos from then but the filter she used looked the same as the latest story. They are as bad as she is so hope they have had a telling off as well.

Thanks for getting in touch!

We appreciate your feedback.
I have checked this for you and have been informed we believe no filters were used. If you have any other questions we would recommend for you to send a direct message on Instagram to our social team!

We hope this helps!

Hannah xx
Customer Service
View attachment 1170739
Sorry I couldn’t remember who it was!
They had the opportunity then to do something, they deserve to be in trouble now.
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I don’t believe the garden furniture man story what did it for me was the “we already have perfectly good garden furniture” or whatever she said like she’s never binned anything that was perfectly good! But if it was true it would make sense most of us have known exactly where she lives for years have any of us trolls turned up on her doorstep? No but the fans would in a heartbeat!
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VIP Member
Exactly this. I've said before she is tone bloody deaf and she continues to be by the looks of it. It amazes me, it really does. I really don't begrudge anyone anything they've earned but hers is all from deception and manipulation which is just does not sit right with me morally. I actually like the kitchen design and would love something like that but I think I'd rather have my small kitchen that needs a refurb badly than know I've only got a nice kitchen because of my lies and manipulation. This is probably why I will never be rich :ROFLMAO:
Absolutely agree! Flaunting all the wealth whilst most of us are going to be seriously struggling financially
I’m the same. 2 years and stayed covid free had all jabs and caught it end of Jan. I’m now suffering with long covid. God she grinds my gears!

Edit for spellings 🤦🏼‍♀️
snap! Free from covid for two years and the bastard has well and truly got me! As for the liar, her endless “innocent“ flaunting has pissed me off too much! Why would you show off all the renovations whilst living in her dull grey palace? Is she that well and truly thick!?
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