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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
So she's on with 'tend yawns now then. Never seen such a put on fake yawn as that last night. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Must try harder Soph.

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Mrs Hinch #449 once, twice, three times the same nursery…
Winning thread title by @HinchesSousChef 🥳
Edited to remove swearing which isn’t allowed in titles.

Winning thread titles taken from page 30 onwards guyshhh 👍
Keep them short and sweet so they can fit 😘

It’s a short and sweet (the exact opposite of Soph) recap today guyshhh.

Soph’s taken over Tracy’s nursery and turned it in to a clone of Lennie’s, which is a clone of Ronnie’s.
Jamie cleaned the shower and Soph channeled Stacey by pretending she fancies him loads when he deigns to clean something in his own house just like Stinky does when Joe picks up a paint brush.
Sophie remembered she’s a cleaning account and has a book to sell so did some half arsed cleaning. She also did an ad for her latest bottle of chemicals.
Soph and Trace came up with an idea for a competition where Hinch comes round and cleans your house and styles it etc. She didn’t steal that idea from Tattle talking about another account in Europe who does that. Nor is she trying to get her own lifestyle show like best bubs ok?!
Oh and she’s still sending herself messages and coming on stories to rant as Gretel. Nutter.

Soz if I missed anything but my kids have the dreaded you all to the moon and back.

Wiki is the pink button at the top for newbies.
Ronnie and Lennie don’t rhyme.
Sophie doesn’t have a second name she added Rose in her teens.
Jamie is short for James.


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Who the hell cuts the veg before putting it in the fridge? I don't. It'll go bad so much quicker...
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@Bunnykins hope your kids recover quickly.

A few things:

1. no Ad for the P&G
2. No AD for the hinch water bottle
3. The milk dispensers would get in the way of those storage boxes. Bet she can’t close the fridge door.
4. Washing bed linen is a must - calling prerecords on all these posts
5. Not showing Ron’s bedroom - wonder why?
6. Why feed kids food out of pouches when you claim are at home 24/7 ( 😉) - she should give her kids real food.
7. By pre-cutting vegetables and salad items, you will make them go off quicker! Also store them in the bottom drawer which is designed for the purpose of storing veggie’s

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Oh hey guyssss. I’m fankyoo for the Fred title votes. To celebrate I’m gunna offer one of you lucky trolls the chance to win a wooden light switch surround so you too can have your rooms officially souscheffed.
Actually 🖕🖕I don’t have time for this today I havzz a cold sore and I need to cut up all my cucumbers so they fit in my fridge barrsskitts.

@Bunnykins hope you’re children are ok and haven’t lost their sense of taste as I’ve sent you a care package of cauliflower muffins and broc
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Haha can you imagine the lions reaction if she started screeching 'handsomessss' at the top of her voice. It would take one look and think christ I'm gonna eat her to shut the silly fucker up.
Knowing Soph the fucking Lion will have written her a letter outlining the main reasons he’s a hincher!!

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It just baffles me why there is never things like fresh meat or chicken in her fridge? Does she never cook fresh homemade meals for her kids? Like that’s a basic skill. what do they eat? Ham, peppers and Philadelphia!? Oh and Charlie Binghams ready meals??
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Never posted on tattle before. Only recently heard of it really. I loved Mrs Hinch until I came on here and can no longer look at her the same!!! Thanks guys you’ve ruined her for me lol !!!!!!
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Mm.. Mmhmm.... That quote is bollocks but nothing new there.

She acts like her life is so perfect. She's unhappy. She has money, but nothing else. She has a horrible relationship with her children, she doesn't care about them and that's the saddest of it all really because those children didn't ask to be brought into the world, they're used for entertainment by the two people who should protect and love them unconditionally.. And she doesn't. She has a strange relationship with Jamie, a fake relationship actually, they're not happy. She has an even stranger relationship with her family, her friends don't give a fuck about her, let's be real they just like the Mrs hinch title and to get freebies from her. She has nothing, she's gonna be a sad lonely woman plonked in a huge house, thinking the house will make her happy.

I'm going to bed knowing my children are loved, they KNOW they are loved, I have a happy marriage, a good job, a beautiful home, savings in the bank that we've worked hard for, I've been through alot in my life, so had my husband but I can honestly say I'm so happy. Is my life perfect? Christ on a bicycle, no its not but I'm happy but most of all, my kids are happy .... Sophie, you literally just have money and absolutely nothing else, I do hope the farmhouse brings you the happiness you're searching for cos god knows nothing else in your life is bringing you it but your children will grow up despising you. Get help, get off Instagram, work on yourself, your mental health that is very clearly deteriorating, work on the relationship with your children, and come back a better person because right now you're nothing more than a piece of shit who's embarrassing herself on Instagram daily.... I mean I'm here for it cos I fucking love tattle but you really do need to look in the mirror 👍🏻

Goodnight tattlers xxxxx
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These might be a radical suggestion, but since she is paid to clean why not show us how to clean those pointless milk dispensers. Oh yes that’s right, she is a lying cunt and those things were abandoned many pints ago.
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VIP Member
Thank you all nusty trolls, you’re all lovely xx
I’m going to try and catching up on all your posts later to give me a much need giggle ❤

I hope we’re all going to enter Soph and Trace’s competition 🤣
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Can confirm from the packaging industry… a tonne of research goes into the plastic, thickness, size and number of holes in fruit and veg packaging. They are honestly designed to keep it as fresh as possible. In particular, keeping fruit in airtight containers is a bad idea because most give off a gas that makes it rot faster, which is then trapped in with it. Hope this helps x
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Hope your children feel better soon @Bunnykins ♥

I'm still wondering why brands like P&G want to work with Mrs Hinch to promote their products? She's a liar, she rarely cleans, she doesn't show many cleaning videos and last night she says she can Hinch up a room in your house which is apparently her filling a room with useless junk. I thought Hinching was cleaning, she said just last week she's paid to clean?

And, we all know how nasty and aggressive she can be after last night's rant and her giving giving finger to her followers. I also feel sorry for small businesses so desperate for business that they send her freebies. She doesn't care about small businesses or helping them. The only thing Hinch cares about is lining her pockets.


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