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Awww someone's angling for a John Lewis collab. I'm pretty sure her sheep won't be chucking 20 quid a pop at those ridiculous plastic boxes, not when you can get them anywhere for about 3 quid each. She's desperately hoping that those boxes sell out on John Lewis so they want to collab with her. She's such a money grabber, she doesn't care what debt she encourages her silly sheep to get into as long as it brings on contract and money for herself. Note to Soph - your sheep's stomping grounds are poundland, b and m and home bargains. That's your demographic. Silly bitch.
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“I don’t class myself as a celebrity”. “Which celebrity couple are expecting a baby in 2021?” Her words🤡
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I do love that his photo drop exposed that they prob did all go to the fair together and it wasn’t the same day as the car show. Lol. The pointless lies. She’s a cleaning page. All she has to do is clean things. Not lie about going to the fair. Just clean your bog hinch and you won’t have any issues 🙄🙄🙄
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LOL at “I don’t class myself as a celeb” but also “WHICH CELEBRITY COUPLE IS HAVING A BABY..”

piss off
And she said there's one celeb in particular shes obsessed with I bet shes talking about herself, and the stumble over the cleaner comment.. shes lying
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I'm just catching up guyyyssss but just came on to say how disgusting she is with the pumpkin "dick".
She spoilt a lovely family montage of a day out with her children by showing that and laughing at Inch with that stupid cackle she has.
Family time then acts like an immature school child. Wanker.

View attachment 814399
Even Jamie (short for James) seemed a bit weary of her *nudge nudge wink wink* it looks like a willy humour.
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I bet the fair photo was taken by the niece and sent to Jamie.

He was at the car show with his garage floor mates innit. Soph had a tantrum that she was expected to be at home with her children so ma and niece took her on a day out to the fair. Niece was with the boys while Soph was off having a laugh on the ride recovering from her anxiety after dealing with a tend toddler meltdown
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I drink lemon juice

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I've got that Sylvanian bathroom set in my daughter's Sylvanian house. She's 5 and a half and it's still a wee bit fiddly for her to properly play with. What is she doing thinking this is any way suitable for a 2 year old?!
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Yes fan pic has disappeared! It’s really suspicious that this happens everytime isn’t it Sopha 😉 we know you tell them to take it off or make their account private 😉😉😉
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Gawwwwd shes fucking koo koo isn’t she? Certifiably crackers.
Sophie my lovely give it up - your looking like a crazy woman
PS Soph my sweet ….. 15 min timers belong to Lynsey not you. Ya lil copy cat
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Mrs Hinch #445 Act 1, scene #445: Cease speaking, wench. - Shakespeare, 2021.
Winning thread title by @Whenthelightsturntostars 🥳
Winning thread titles taken from page 30 onwards guyshhh 👍
Keep them short and sweet so they can fit 😘

Thursday was a day off. It was well deserved as we’d put up with her crap for days.
Friday and she was back starting the day with a photo of LennieLoveIsArt’s fooooootzzz and a stolen quote.
We then had an elaborate Fresh’n’Up Friday -the word is freshen you moron - which was all a big undisclosed advert for the best selling orfur’s new blank book of paper and seemed to be some sort of experiment to see how many chemicals could be mixed together before Castle Greyskull is blown sky high.

Then it was on to her / Ron’s dollhouse where she decided to use her gifted Iconic make up brushes to paint the detailing. A set of the brushes costs upwards of £55 and she’s just covered them in emulsion. Very relatable. Still it doesn’t matter as they’ll send her more freebies soon.

The afternoon came and Lennie was palmed off on Nanny Fiddle Fingers and RonnieBlessIm had day release at nursery so Soph was a free agent to twat about with her mates as usual.
She was soon back to pretending to be Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen round at Tracey’s “house” clearly this is all an elaborate ruse so we think she’s let Trace out of the loft...
Hinch has taken over decorating the nursery for Trace’s new baby because it feels like her own... everything feels like yours when you’re a self entitled prick.
Anyway thank the Lord for for St Sophie the patron saint of freebies because poor old Trace is really struggling with a small sized nursery and an Ikea budget so she really needs Lady Bountiful round to add those finishing touches and patronise and belittle her along the way as well as sprinkling in a few undisclosed ads for her own range.
Putting 🙊 next to your paid for content isn’t cute and doesn’t count as marking it as an #ad either Soph.

We were then treated to a video of Jamie’s lardy arse eating his sexeh grey joggers as he WALKED Henry. See you nutsy trolls they do walk him - round the corner to Fiddle Fingers house to pick the kids up just in time to get home and chuck them in bed and have so well deserved me time.

At this point it was fairly clear that the fact that it was Baby Loss Awareness Week and that the Wave Of Light event was taking place on Friday evening had completely passed SophME by. Posting photos and videos of her babies and decorating a nursery on the day when mothers were remembering their loss is pretty low by anyone’s standards.
Luckily for her after a quick glimpse at Best Bub Stacey’s page and she quickly threw together a story for it along with an image of her own range #ad candle.
How can someone get everything so wrong all the time?

Saturday was quiet except for one of Hinch Express posts where she cons people in to advertising her account thinking it’s to promote themselves.
Sunday and she was back with footage from a day out that looked suspiciously like an undeclared advert. Jamie, short for James, and Freda Fiddle Fingers took the kids to a Pumpkin Farm.
Suspicions over the fact it was an advert were heightened by the fact that lots of other accounts visited the same farm yesterday and all marked their stories as ads and gifted so what’s the chance that Soph just happened to choose the same day for her entirely normal family day out 🤔
Soph found a pumpkin that looked like a boy’s willy tee hee hee hee. 🙊 Jamie looked fit for the knackers yard. It’s hard work being a single parent to two little boys and a 31 year old influencer.

Then she was back in the kitchen making biscoff truffles for “someone special who needs a le pick me up...” she didn’t tell us how to make them, what ingredients to use or indeed share anything remotely useful. Then she wrapped them up in an old nappy and stuck a twig in it! ta da!

‘Mrs Hinch, you’re a twat’ - William Shakespeare or was it Pablo Picasso? ...oh no it was Tattle.

Wiki is the pink button at the top for newbies.
Ronnie and Lennie don’t rhyme.
Sophie doesn’t have a second name she added Rose in her teens.
Jamie is short for James.
I just lovvvvv your recaps 😂

‘Mrs Hinch, you’re a twat’ - William Shakespeare or was it Pablo Picasso? ...oh no it was Tattle.
This literally made me laugh out loud @Bunnykins
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I'm so glad she's getting a night out, poor lamb must be knackered looking after two kids all day, running a house , keeping her social media interesting and generally being an amazing human.......🙄🙄
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She's making even less sense since she's started naming the source of her quotes.Just why would she look to Henry Ford for inspiration?
Wasn't this quote aimed at his work force on the production line 🤔
She probs doesnt know who henry ford even is 🙄🙄🙄
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Yup those look like bolt ons to me.
After losing so much weight they were probably like two deflated ballooons so Inch treated her / himself. He’s the kind of pig who’d give you that as a birthday present.
I’ve been saying since she had Lonnie that her boobs look enormous. And not in a “I just had a baby way”.
I know lots of women who have had boob jobs and it’s made them feel better about their bodies etc so no judgement for having one. As per it’s the lies the “I’ve never had any surgery” bollocks.
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1. Her fucking weave loots like straw. It has no shine and does look natural at all.
3. I thought my taste in music was bad, but Michael Bolton takes the fucking Biscoff.
2. The choking hazard’s in the doll’s house are a disgrace. She’s an imbecile surrounded by sponging yes-men who won’t say anything to her about the choking hazards for fear of losing out on the £££.
5. I’m calling bingo on toy alpacas showing up at the doll’s house.
4. I have posted this in chronological and numerical order the same way Maldon’s mum of the year posts her prerecords.
6. I’m not a celebrity and I don’t get paid to clean.
“Takes the fucking Biscoff” Bwahahahaha Bravo!! 👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣
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