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My sister bought me a t-shirt for Christmas saying I've been hinched 😭😭😭 apart from binning it does anyone have any ideas what I can do with it? 🤣 Xx
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I was introduced to tattle via the Sali Hughes news article about her trolls. I was intrigued and gave it a google assuming this was the site that Hinch talks about so much. I lurked for a while and then made an account to see the pictures/attachments etc. I thought it only right that my first post be in order to help reach 300 threads by midnight tonight.

I originally started following Hinch because I found the stories where she actually cleaned (on mute obvs) quite calming in an ASMR kind of way. Then the cleaning became less and less common and the swipe ups became more and more common. I kept following her for a long time hoping that she’d clean again as I did really enjoy her back in the day. By the end I was just rage watching her being a covidiot and fuming at myself because I couldn’t keep my house as tidy as hers while looking after my baby girl. I just enjoy reading here and laughing at her fuck ups now.

The only thing she has ever influenced me to buy was one bottle of zoflora. I used it once, got a stinking headache from it and never used it again.
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I never followed Grinch, saw her on YouTube, heard her deep bloke voice like she's on the roll-ups and that was enough for me! The fake laughter, stupid names for household items, the obsession on instagram with all the minky "if you know you know" horse shit 🤢🤢🤢

my mother had borderline ocd, I knew how to clean using various old skool chemicals from a very young age... shame grinch doesn't!!

Seeing her troll-barbie head cut out of card in every Asda just tipped me over the edge 🤬
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I don’t think she’ll be back on today. She won’t want to give us content to get us to 300. Also SS’s montage I think was lovely (I know not everyone likes her) no showing off of expensive gifts etc (other than her engagement ring but we’d all be showing that off lol). Hinch won’t be able to help herself on her montage of Ronnie opening thousands of presents in slow mo. She’ll miss the mark like she always does. At best they’ll be an inspirational quote later on.
Totally agree. I don’t mind SS at all. And I’m happy they’re engaged - even more so the timing! GO JOE!!
I reckon Zopha has been bored out of her mind this past week. They don’t do anything fun on a normal week and now she’s taken “time off” I bet she’s climbing the walls!
Like a lot of others we’ve been stuck in the house with just each other (and our dogs thank the Lord!) but we have a laugh together. We’ve drunk far too much, played cards and board games. Enjoyed ourselves and just generally pissed about. They never seem to just muck around or actually play with the child or the dog. Everything is so staged and without an audience I think she’s lost 🤷‍♀️
Sorry - bit waffly (Not an actual waffle!) but I know what I meant 😂
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*Deep sigh* I've had to come on for a wee rant. I can take a lot of things in my stride but I have to let this out to someone before I cry or scream. I work in a supermarket which probably says it all but today I have really struggled due to rude customers and a bully of a manager. I work on a meat and fish counter and today whilst I was cutting a steak earlier this afternoon, a customer remarked, "My knives at home are probably sharper than yours and you've cut one steak thinner than the other, I should have just cut it myself at home!" I just glared at her yet the temptation to say something was too much. I know we're supposed to remain professional at all times, especially in challenging situations, however we're only human at the end of the day and if someone is going to be rude to me for no reason I'm not going to stand for it.

I had already warned her that the steak was going to be tricky to cut! 🙄 At the end of the day I just laugh at the pettiness of it all, there are literally thousands of people dying and you're complaining about a steak, get a life! On top of that the bully manager overheard me and my colleagues discussing the rude customer and he came out with, "discussing it on the shopfloor is unprofessional!" Sadly not many of the managers in our shop have our backs when it comes to rude customers so we're expected to kiss their backsides and just put up with the abuse!! People in retail really aren't paid enough for half the crap they have to put up with! I don't really know what to do because I work so hard in my job, I take great pride in it and the majority of customers love me as I'm kind and helpful but I rarely receive thanks or appreciation from management for my efforts. I feel like my lazy colleagues get all the credit whilst the hard workers get nothing. I know all retail is basically the same but the company I work for is a high end supermarket that prides itself on how it looks after it's staff. What a joke!

Sorry, I just had to vent to someone as my partner is never really that interested and that's the other thing - I need this job sadly as he lost his back in June! Next year I must look for a new job, I deserve better. I tried to keep this short but once I start ranting that's it!
I’m so sorry you had to deal with this. I work clothing retail and I stand by I’ve never seen anything like people’s attitude this year. Thankfully all our management team hate standing up for the customers so we have each other’s backs. But the tantrums I’ve seen over fitting rooms being closed and keeping a queue system has been like looking after a bunch of children. Could see Soph being one of those people as well
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Chatty Member
I think we should enter 2021 with a clear conscience. Time to confess. What is the worst/most useless thing you’ve bought/something that you’ve done when you were ‘influenced’ by Hinch, whether knowing it at the time, or not?

Don’t be afraid. No judgement here. Amnesty time.

Can I just say that finding Tattle has been pure joy in this awful year. I’ve still got a few friends who follow her and cannot wait until I find the right opportunity to enlighten them.
I have a fair zoflora and fabulosa collection. Gave loads of it to my neighbours and was still left with a full cupboard of the stuff, don’t use it now BabyShark is crawling and pulling himself up everywhere.
I have a lot of wax melts and a few burners too, again out of use but I’ve always bought the melts from Asda not Ava May😂
I got off lightly I think.

Oh I did say to one of my kids earlier ‘do you want a crunky snack’ and they looked at me like I had 3 heads.
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Not sure if it’s been suggested butttt I wonder if Hinch and SS have gone away together? To a lodge or something?
Na I don’t think they like each other enough for that, well maybe hinch does but it’s all fake SS and Joe’s side
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I saw that was on but didn't think I could watch it without becoming enraged and throwing stuff at the tv
I thought I would be the same but it actually just highlighted that these “celebrities” are just a commodity for brands, magazines etc.

So Soph, if you do happen to wander over here at 20:19, you are as much of a product as that plastic tat you hawk. These companies care about you as much as you care about your shoppers. That would be not at all.
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Just to bulk out the thread even more 🤗 I’ve also been thinking about how the whole fairytale, lies and scheming annoys me. Whereas some influencers I follow are maybe gifted a Christian Dior handbag showing it off in one story then the next sat in a dressing gown asking if anyone else is sick of the kids being off school and if anyone else’s husband is a serial napper who does fuck all around the house. Or the whole Dubai thing I’m not condoning it but it doesn’t bother me I view the stories and think god you’ll be deleting that story of you swinging around a pole when you are sober and watch back 🤣 The Barmo Armo cry jealousy if you have an opinion on posts with Hinch, there’s nothing to be jealous of and it’s all so fake and not to be believed. The most you ever get is the flip flops lying around and a staged long shite with a song outside the toilet door copied off another profile. It’s pathetic the whole thing and that’s how I found Tattle because I googled ‘does anyone else find Mrs Hinch annoying’ 🤣 The rest is history 😏 xxx
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whats the story about trace being in the loft? 😅☕ I always see it mentioned, but ain’t got a clue 😂😂
She went off radar for ages, someone (not sure which tattle bastard) suggested she was in the loft. She was up there creating a memory corner! If my memory serves me right?
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Just been down a rabbit hole with the earlier mentioned Insta scrounger with the blonde hair. A very polished account Hinch could only dream to emulate. I agree that her new million pound house is Hinches dream but how to pull it off without losing her nearly 4 million , cough, followers and bots😜👍
The thing is with these Insta Huns is they buy these massive houses with a big mortgage and these posh cars on finance. Them houses cost a lot to run, what happens when the bubble bursts? How are they paying for them?
Sopha has what, £2million in the bank. That’s a lot of money, but not enough to keep up the lifestyle they want for the rest of their lives when the bubble bursts. I can’t wait!!!! 😂
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Tried to respond to a post on the previous thread, but just to say that she even had her mobile number for all to see at one point (on an online etsy account or some such, don't quote me on what though)

There is dumb and then there is dumber
Ahhhhh was this the time when she got found out sending trolling messages to herself, her number showed up exposing it was herself 🤦‍♀️😂🤣
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Hello tattle bastards, let’s get this to 300 for 2021!

What was the moment you realised that hinch was an utter twat?
When I convinced my mum to spend £250 on a flipping hoover that was absolute shite. All because Mrs hinch claimed it was “amazing”. I feel so bad for my mum.
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What's your point

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Sorry she booked annual leave to hinch her house???
That’s fucking ludicrous
Yes! She works 3 days, chuff knows what she does the other two (shopping most likely) and often books days off when youngest is at childcare to hinch.

Puts her fabulosa collection on facebook, lenor scent ball things in organza bags shoved down back of radiator, minky this, minky that! I'd rather spend my day off sat on my arse watching netflix.
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Actually made me smile watching SS xmas montage - seemed very natural ,not staged with no annoying slo-mo and no bloody thumb popping up at the end 😋
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