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Cucumber and eggs

VIP Member
Hinch is too stressed after her jsp car crash interview and being called out for showing off Ronnies £400 play house, at a time where people are losing jobs and struggling. So jaymmmmeeee is trying with the damage control tonight. Reminding everyone with messages from the sheep, that they are a lovely family and soph is so lovely and works so hard!!! Fuck off!!
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Test tubes of hot chocolate....jesus. What is with all these hot chocolate stations?we had a tub in the cupboard as a kid , I have one now and I still enjoy my hot chocolate just as much. This isn't Costa, you don't need bloody station for hot chocolate
Melts my brain
My hot chocolate station is a mug in the cupboard with some instant hot choc sachets ‘rescued’ from hotel rooms when I was working stuck in it. I‘ve been retired three years but as we say in Yorkshire ‘they’ll be reyt’ 😳😁
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I’ve recently started meeting my sister over the local nature park to walk her dog with her. Get a socially distanced visit and a gossip.

It’s shocked me the amount of lovely, healthy, happy looking dogs I see over there. In comparison to poor Henners.
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Another thought...(brain on overdrive this morning!)

So Jo Bloggs Huncher is sitting in her lounge looking at her Klarna paid for grey furniture, wondering if she can afford another bottle of Zoflora on eBay (special edition yanno) while ignoring her baby - feeling a bit sick with worry about Christmas coming and no money and then sees this shit about Hinch feeling sorry for herself....SURELY that’s got to hit a nerve somewhere? Or are they that spaced out on wax melt fumes that they just can’t join the dots? 🤷‍♀️

There has to be! There have to be members of the 'army' waking up everyday and suddenly realising the mess they have got into and the fact that others round about them aren't spending ridiculous amounts on cleaning products and tat, yet have 'dream' homes or are working in similar jobs with similar home set ups yet are not worrying about buying Xmas and making their next Klarna payment, all whilst Hinch is vague moaning because JSP asked if she is essentially a commercial commodity and Zoflora distanced themselves.

I don't believe for a second that a huge proportion of her sheep don't read these posts and think 'get a grip and come walk in my shoes', but then quickly forgive and forget as soon as they remind themselves she is being 'trolled' and she's shown 'the boys' and more tat they can buy.

Like someone else already mentioned, I don't believe she has many followers now that genuinely have no money to spare, I feel like once she grew and dropped all what were essentially cheap cleaning methods (her vinegar, bicarb, stardrops etc.) for the big expensive brands because she could get paid, she'd have lost many of those who were cleaning on a tiny budget. Around that same time her house started filling with *gifted* items which I'd have thought would have turned them off too. BUT...there will likely be some still watching and going without more essential things believing that 'it just happened and she doesn't know how it happened' holding on to hope that it will happen for them too if they persevere.

However, I do believe the worry is for that group that do have seemingly slightly more disposable income. But not huge amounts. Nothing they could make huge purchases with in a single week/month, so instead of saving or making significant purchases, it is actually being put down their sinks and toilets regularly, or wasted on cheap tat, so come Christmas or necessary purchases there is panic as to how they are going to happen. When their car breaks down or the washing machine needs replaced, they are hoping payment in now 'out of favour' bottles of zoflora taking over all storage space will be accepted. This is still the group she seems heavily marketing towards. She tries to hide a lot of the huge purchases and gifts, whilst peddling unnecessary B&M and ebay tat. Other than her ridiculous LV story, there has been no reference to even quality clothing purchases that her sheep may want to then save towards, it's all cheap tat off of ebay or those websites involved in the wage scandal.

Now each to their own. Their money is their's to spend as they wish and if keeping up with an IG influencer is what they wish to do, go do it. But that is why it annoys me so much when the #ads and #gifted disclosures aren't made clear though. There are so many out there spending every penny they have, potentially even using credit to try and have a lifestyle that is being portrayed as 'normal' and 'achievable by anybody' when in reality none of this stuff would be sitting in the influencer homes if they weren't gifted or part of a paid advertisement. They wouldn't have cupboard filled with excessive cleaning products if they weren't being gifted, paid or striving hard to be noticed whilst doing a lot of work in the background beyond IG stories to make sure it is being noticed.

If they were all just honest so that their followers could actually see how much they were spending out of their own pockets versus being given, and also made it clear that all these purchases were helping add to the influencers bank balance. Social media wasn't a huge thing as I grew up (in fact Facebook only came into existence here whilst I was at uni and it was for certain unis - you needed a uni email address and at that point only certain UK unis were on it determined by it being a uni with a large US student intake). Yes we were all taken in by glossy ads on TV and in print magazines, but we were also very much aware we were looking at adverts. This secretive switch to making everything look part of 'normal' life is just so sneaky, especially when there is a lot of money to be made off of it by those wanting attention and fame.
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Eleanor Abernathy

VIP Member
A sensory carpet?? Fuck off! It’s been put down because you’ve been given a free sample and she doesn’t want him getting muddy while he’s in there because God forbid the child should get a bit of dirt on him. If they were that bothered about sensory stuff they’d have a bit more than some Astroturf on the floor and that shit board she made.
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So they’ve been out in it everyday apparently yet the best she could do to introduce the playhouse was pretend she was cleaning up outside. Where’s all the footage from being out there every single day for 2 months? Also her goodnight post looks like it’s from Ronnie being put to bed. Funny that Tattlers said that we never see his bed time routine and now here’s a glimpse of it. I swear she spends more time trying to please us than she does trying to please her fans.
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I made jars like those about 10 years ago. In my defence, I was newly single, skint and living in a homeless hostel with my 1 year old. We gave these to some of the supportive mums I met at a baby group.
Soph... if you want to make crafty stuff, just do some baking with Ron or some colouring, he will love it.
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I would have lurvvvvved JSP to have asked much more than she did. SS being there was a huge hindrance because she even jumped in to answer on Zophe’s behalf. I would have loved.

JSP - “You worked in Sales so moving to Instagram would have been quite a natural move for you, as you know this business well, ...... You get mist things given to you, I’m sure your fans love all the ‘give aways’ you must be doing as you can’t possibly keep everything yourself, ..... Yours is a platform that mums follow, do you feel a responsibility to express extra caution around animals, cleaning products etc..... and finally how do you feel about the environment Sophie.... oh and please don’t call me a troll as these are questions for people who should be taking responsibility”


she really needs to take responsibility and behave like an adult.
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Didn’t use a pic of her kid either did she. She doesn’t even try and hide the fact she isn’t that keen on him anymore 😂
Shady she’s tickled and blown raspberry’s on his tummy once for the gram this week, that’s quite enough perfect gram mummy for her... After all.... all together now... she’s just learning Guyzzzz 😂
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Arghhhh god the pair of them are so pathetic. Jaymo doing the damage control and Zoph claiming in an interview that she’d LOVE to have a conversation with her trolzzzz

Well you know where we are Grinchy, bit difficult when you block anyone who gets in touch though

^^this gif reminded me.. remember when she went through that phase of loving fields? Now she’s got a garden full of AstroTurf. Ohhhh the irony.
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I found Tattle when Sali Hughes was on Jo Good's show a few months ago complaining about trolls. I was curious so looked around and found this place. I came thinking the thousands of posts would all be "I hate that ****** *****, I wish she and her family would **** *** & ***. I was happily surprised to find that wasn't the case. BTW I've always loved Janet.
That’s the misconception among current Hinchers. That we are all just haters of Sophie because I’m their eyes she is “perfikt” and we are jealous. No, we dislike the fact she portrays something she clearly isn’t. She is a very skilled saleswoman, married to a sales manager (who she had an affair with) and is a very deceptive one at that.
In actual fact, most of us were drawn in by her. Then we realised how many lies she told and how scheming she was, how little she cares about the damage her bad advice causes and the detriment it’s had on people’s mental health and finances. We are all educated, intelligent people who in no way personally “troll” Sophie. It’s not allowed. We are allowed our own opinions though and this is the forum to do that on. Sophie can not claim we are trolls when she actively seeks this site out to see what’s said and then twists it to fit her current agenda.
She is on a downward spiral and she knows it. Gleam knows it. She spends and spends her money on pointless tat to fill that gaping hole she has which comes with having a lot of money and nothing to work towards.

Blimey. I almost sounded like someone who has a masters degree. I’ll finish putting up my “Live, Laugh,Love” sticker now....
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I’ve just realised, that quiz is gonna drag on for hours because Soph’s not gonna be able to get a question out cos Inch is gonna be talking over her and getting Henry’s cock out. Jamie may I remind you it’s a quiz to save the children and the children do not need to see a dog schlong. Keep it PG you perv!!
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Can you imagine her meeting her so called trolls? How would that meeting go and where would it be? Would Jimmers be on guard duty frisking everyone and making lewd jokes as they waited for their audience with Her Holyness? Would Fredayahoo yodel a few tunes while people waited in line? Would questions need to be put to Henry first because he understands her so well and knows exactly what she's thinking and feeling? Would the meeting be held in the playhouse or in the pergola because of course she never goes out so any meetings would need to be at HMP Maldon.
Would there be a dress code? Tracksuit bottoms tucked into ankle boots and a jumper that only has one sleeve so a shoulder could be exposed? Sports Direct twin set and flip flops? Would there be crunky snacks to eat or a full on grazing table for the nusty trolls?
Once an audience was granted for a duty troll with a duty heart, would her Royal Liar say " can I ask you why you don't like me?
Would a troll say "oh there's so very many reasons Soph, but basically, if I'm honest, it's just cos you're a weapons grade cunt"

Hope that makes sense
All the vest xx
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Nosey Moo

Chatty Member
Just a random thought; why does she impulsively buy anything. Like “Ronnie loved looking at the fish at the pet store” *buys fish*. “Ronnie loved the playhouse in Dorset” *buys a playhouse*

that kid is gonna grow up getting anything and everything he wants or even enjoyed looking at for 5 seconds.

& I also don’t get why the playhouse couldn’t have been an Xmas present. What normal person has money to splash on some random thing like in November. Plus it’d have been better to buy in the summer around his birthday next year.
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