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Nicer eyebrows here and she looks pretty but what is the exposed shoulder all about. So many times, even at the zoo with SS, theres a boney shoulder flopped out for the camera. I just don't get it.
She does this a lot ..... maybe it's an ED body check
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My dog has kibble and he doesn’t eat it all on one go, he wouldn’t choose to eat it at all if he knew he was going to get that load of crap either! Its not as exciting 😂
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I used to like Stacy too...before Hinch came along and now she has changed?
She has started to 'advertise' more, she didnt care much about selling before now its everyday.....I have also noticed she is mentioning 'trolls' a lot more too before she would laugh it all off (as you should) now she seems vengeful?
In my opinion it seems "nice relatable family and good Mum Stace" is being "influenced" too??
I’ve just unfollowed. I think the Hinch association is doing her no favours.
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or JusRollWithIt

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I'm sure I remember this being posted. He was tiny at the time so it was a while back.
Yes she did share that quite some time ago. And horrible if she was sent that. There was some hubbub at the time about whether she should have shared it because it would be heartbreaking to the family if they saw the photo being used in that way. But I agree with her, the sender was vile to do it. Awful.
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She’s definitely trying to get engagement up, we’ve never had so many polls before
Oh no I forgot voting gets her engagement up!
I went for Toad In The Hole, cracked open a beer and sat back to wait for the sh1t show to occur cos no way can she make yorkshire pudding!😂
Oh hang on do Jus Rol do a frozen one?! 😳
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She hasnt exactly slated them, she asked if anyone had any ideas why they werent dissolving properly.

I stopped using pods for this reason, went to work once and didnt realise there was a half dissolved one stuck to the back of my trousers! never used em since
They are going to twist it into that though for sure because they are not rational
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I notice she’s never ever bothered to say oooh look at my mate ss smashing itttt on loose women, so proud Stayyyce! Ss often plugs stuff for grinch but she never ever returns the favour. She’s sat on her arse in that gray house all day it’s not like it’s be hard to but her Bessie mate on the telly?!! 🤔 so selfish and self obsessed. And I think that craft post was definitely her trying to steal SS thunder, if she thinks she’s gonna get a crafting crown on top of her “cooking” and “cleaning” crowns I despair at the lack of taste of those followers.
also they’re both on 3.8mil followers right now. Would love it if SS beat her to it! Possible as well after Grimey on Radio 1 talking bout her stories about her ghosts cracking him up!
With her it’s all me, me, me
I’ll say it again
She likes and comments on about 10 replies on her grid then that’s it no more, no 🐑 even get a like
And it’s not as if:
a) she has anything else to do
b) she does lots of grid posts so can’t keep up it’s like one a month if that
c) repeat a) and b)

I can’t see her appeal unless you are simply dim

And I saw SS’s storey about those little ghosts and it was quite funny
See SS is more relatable not like crazy brows
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I really do feel sorry for her. She started her cleaning account and it got big. She claims she can’t believe how this has happened to her but she could have stopped anytime she wanted but she saw the dollar and carried on. Now she can’t escape and it’s obviously causing her to spiral.

I used to like watching her stories for the cleaning but now she barely cleans and if she does it’s just the bare minimum to keep up the persona. I remember being really upset because I couldn’t keep my home spotless like hers and I used to get really down on myself because of that but I had to keep reminding myself that she has help, she doesn’t work and neither does Jamie. I’m on maternity leave now with a 4 month old baby but when I was working full time leaving the house at 7, getting home at 7 every day I was so depressed that my house wasn’t Hinch level clean. My fella also works full time. Now that we have a baby my house still isn’t Hinch level spotless because I’m spending my time caring for my baby and my fella is out at work 6 days a week.

She sets unrealistic standards and all of her followers are buying into it hook line and sinker. I remember spending loads of money on cleaning products just “because Mrs Hinch does it” and I can’t understand why I did that when the same couple of sprays and cloths can be used around the house! Waste of money. I’m sad for her because she’s clearly so unhappy but if she stops this, what’s going to pay for the endless ridiculous house transformations and extravagant holidays? She’s probably scared Jamie will have to go and work and she’ll have to actually look after her son all alone. I dread to think what she’ll do when he cries. I just spent an hour trying to get my baby down for a nap, doubt she’d do that tbh.
You my friend are what I like to call a loving mother with her priorities straight! So happy you stepped out of the trap, and losing unnecessary stress to your life.
I totally agree if she is not enjoying the "High life" come off instagram, get jobs but as you say the 💰🤑 is too tempting to stop.

MY house is lived in, by that I mean it is clean and tidy but not a bloody show home, I would hate a home like that.
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She seems to have been wearing the same gloves for kitchen and bathroom 🤮
I'm new on this and have had my eyes opened! While I normally don't mind her and usually mute her stories. I couldn't believe today's stories, I noticed with the gloves on while cleaning the kitchen there was no tattoo or bracelets but when she cleaned the bathroom you could see the tattoo and bracelets 🙄🙊🤷‍♀️
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If she had a chat to hen about Ron being in her belly why has she not had the chat about over eating and not burning off that Christmas weight he would understand then and get himself signed up to the gym
He will be off to the vet for a doggy gastric band. Healthy eating and exercise? Not hinchs style
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I couldn’t think of anything worse than chicken a tin. No offence to anyone who has that.. but I personally have never seen it. And it’s not like she can afford diced chicken from the butchers at Tesco or something. 🤯🤯 also I would be more impressed if she made her own pastry. Not like she doesn’t have the time as she’s sat at home all day doing sweet all
But she was iN a RuSh
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I hope you're going to take some snacks for the grazing board. May I suggest a topic or milky bar wrapped in some Jus Rol?
Or just take a pot of turmeric.

As far as I know there’s only a sensible amount of furniture on the pergola, no weird fake flower displays. Although I am wearing Grey joggers. Eating dominos 😂😂
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What in the name of God is this!
I love my dog dearly but I have never done this in my life. Treats and treats, he gets them when he deserves it. Next week she will try to breastfeed him 🤣🙈
This is precisely why my OH has told me I'm not allowed a dog, because I will give it treats all the time and overfeed it! I overfeed everyone but at least my family can say no, a dog will just keep eating til it ends up looking like Lardsomes 😂 😂 😂
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