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The vid of Ron playing with the farm animals is so lovely to see. He looks happy, engaged & just more alert than I've ever seen him before. So often we see him glum faced & looking bored. Watched it with no sound so luckily missed her screechy voice!
And he looks SO much better with his hair cut.
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I’ve had one of the worst days of my life, I’ve been crying for hours. I think my social Media needs to go. Its not helping my mental health at all. People have real things going on, having a really hard time and I don’t think I can cope watching this prick living her ridiculous life anymore. Life is so unfair. Fuck yeah I’m jealous, jealous of how easy she has it. I feel done in. This battle is exhausting
I feel the same way. I’ve been absent for a week or so (can’t believe how many new threads there are!!) but I’m really struggling with social media atm and ‘influencers’ and how they come out on top. Meanwhile there’s normal people struggling to make ends meet cos of Covid and job losses and a messed up world, and hinch is getting gifted pastry cleaning products and everything else left right and centre plastering it over the gram for everybody to see !! Hope you’re okay 💗💗
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While I do wish this pity party post was a sign that the end is near, I don't think it actually is. She has spoken to often about having exciting projects coming up, things the Hinchers have been asking for "for so long", we still don't know what that microphone was for that her and Inch had in lockdown and she's publicly said tat she has more house renovations planned. Plus she didn't do that trademark for nothing, or test the waters with the prison tracksuit and notebook - I think we have a whole line of products coming in the near future 😞 Sadly it is just a PR stunt and to whip up her army into a frenzy about how awful tattle is and make them worry that it's so bad they could potentially risk losing her due to it.


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She’s just cleaned her shower with NO CHEMICALS only washing up liquid and a song playing in the background saying I can breathe without you. She’s obviously finished with Zoflora watch their sales drop. Is this a new path she’s taking
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Winslet to the party, but just updated my Husband on Hinch and he said it’s “all a bit petty”

anyone know a good divorce lawyer?
My boyfriend calls me a troll and says I'm obsessed with Tattle, so I won't fill him in on #pastrygate. 🙄 😂
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Wonder if at any point, any of you feel guilty? Any of you feel like the things you say are horrid cruel and nasty even if they may have a streak of truth to them, Wonder if you all had a thread about Caroline Flack before she died and if you realise this is the same thing and that you are all just playground bullies?

Don't worry I am leaving as you all just boggle my mind. Nasty vicious pieces of work. Vile.
And you’re on this site because just why exactly? You’ve got lost love.
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I worry about Ronnie feeding Henry like she makes him. My kids have always been taught to leave the dogs alone when they are eating and never tease them with food. It's an accident waiting to happen. I've messaged her in the past about being bitten as a child but she just ignored it. Maybe because I was polite, she only seems to see troll messages.
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life is great

Chatty Member
How is that even a meal! Seriously tho vest has got to sneak out for a decent feed at some point during the day. Tells her he's in tescos whilst him and Ronsomes are living their vest life in the car with a McDonald's
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New thread title thanks to @kgaff3 with a total of 62 likes! 🎉🎊

For all previous Mrs Hinch threads:-

BBQ scandal - Breaking lockdown rules by having a family bbq - reported in The Sun newspaper 28/04/2020 but she has never denied/confirmed it.

She left messages on a fans mobile phone so these can be listened to here. Voice Notes (VN) Thread 151 post 244


For new members.

Kate to the party and #bekond are typos from Hinchers so Tattle are using them.
Among others, a few words below that we use, there are many more, either rude or sarcastic.
Onslow, Vestlife, Kanye Vest, Mr Inch etc. = Jamie as he is seen to always wear vests.
Freda/Ma Barker = Zophs mum.
Lardsome/fat bastard/chicken strip = Henry.
ATV = all the vest = Jamie wearing vests and she uses ATB (all the best).
RonRon etc.

She has written a memoir ‘book’ called This Is Me out Oct 1st
She has trademarked her Mrs Hinch name, so expect a range of cheap and cheerful goods galore to come out (assuming eBay).
She has been signed to a PR company called dundascomms, so expect big things like TV appearances.

Facts we’ve seen: - contributions from @SarcasticEllis @bellinibobble @SunshineRae and @Loulou

- Unsafe tips i.e. fire hazards and furniture damage due to misuse of products - ignored rather than addressed e.g. Lenor on soft furnishings (this takes away their fire retardant properties) and spraying diluted Zoflora on everything (flammable). She has stopped this but has not told her hinchers to cease this practice (from the Hinch groups on Facebook it’s clear they still do it- and burn Zoflora in their wax melters).
- Promotes products (and/or the ingredients that go in them) which are tested on animals (including dogs).
- The fire services issued a plea for people to stop putting vases of flowers on hobs after she was seen doing it. We joke that’s the reason she had her kitchen redone she got a new hob but the vase of flowers disappeared.
- Encouraging Hinch hauls and buying more stuff especially non-essential shopping during a pandemic when many are losing jobs.
- Allegedly buys followers. Gets a steady few thousand a day, even when completely inactive! Bum stretcher and cumslut are some of our particular favourites.
- She’s a P&G partner but stored her washing tabs unsafely under her sink, in reach of her crawling baby. Hence the reason why Vogue Williams is now promoting the Fairy safety TV advert instead.
- Pre-records a lot of her content. She actually does very little cleaning. Her bracelets often disappear and then reappear mid story.
- Using a ridiculous amount of chemicals/doesn’t give a toss about the environment. Thinks washing 2 or 3 items at a time is fine because it’s at 30c.
- Has been warned by the ASA numerous times regarding undisclosed ads. She is one of the worst for not labelling stuff as gifted etc. or she writes it really small in her stories/in white on a light background. She isn’t clear about her earnings on eBay swipe ups and affiliate links. Basically she’ll do anything to avoid disclosing properly. We got to £40,000 of gifted items and gave up counting.
- Despite numerous tattle members warnings/cautions about safeguarding, she continuously posts naked pictures of her baby in the bath.
- Doxxing. She never shares the identities of her hinchers when sharing their stories, but will share ‘trolls’ and then steps back to allow the barmy army to attack on her behalf. This has happened many times. She also likes to reply to people on IG crying troll, then delete her comments a few seconds after and leave the army to finish off.
- Spent Jamie’s 40th birthday in an Audi dealership claiming not to have purchased anything. Then posted a picture on her personal IG account at Christmas showing the house with a Range Rover and a new Audi in the drive, but the account went private when called out about it on here.
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VIP Member
Ronnie asleep on her lap is the most common picture of her actually holding or ‘interacting’ with him. Why doesnt Inch film her playing on the floor with Ronnie and interacting with him when he’s actually awake! Pictures when he’s awake are mainly of her holding him in a very clumsy, awkward manner, him facing away from her.No pictures of her snuggled up with him and him poking at her face, putting his fingers in her mouth like babies do!
Spot on. Never snuggled on the sofa watching a bit of TV or reading a book together. Eating a snack together. Just normal stuff. It’s like she only likes him when he’s asleep. Like a pet.
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Well-known member
She loves to spread shit particles around.
She thinks nothing of using the hand held hoover around the bog then using it on her kitchen sides. It’s like using the toilet brush to clean your teeth 🤢.
Then wipes the nappy bin with the same cloth she uses on the door handles. She has no clue on cross contamination. Also she wipes the disinfectant off straight away so she isn’t disinfected anything. You have to leave it to sit for 5 minutes for it to work then wipe off with warm clean water and a new cloth. But hey what do I know I’m just learning guyzzz.
Oh Soph, why you playing a victim leading up to your book launch. It’s boring. She forgets she’s a vile bully. She tries to pin point the blame to other people to try and cover herself. Classic bully.

Oh and of course Henry is near! Ron is eating.

Why is her pastry always burnt?
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I'm half tempted to buy her new book, read it, write "what a pile of utter wank" on every page then send it to her readily available on Google address! 😂😂
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VIP Member
Very Hudson to the party but a fake lemon tree??? Why? Just buy lemons from the shop instead of parading a plastic thing in your kitchen
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Active member
If she loves a boring life so much she could just go off & live one? By now she must have made enough out of being Mrs Hinch for them to live comfortably for the rest of their days with no financial worries. Of course being out of the limelight would mean that all the #gifted stuff would stop rolling in....
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Active member
Sorry just learning is she supposed to label gifted if she’s using a certain item that she didn’t pay for??? For example it could be pastry or disinfectant.....
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Chatty Member
Her stories this morning definitely make it sound like she is gearing up to take a step back. How she loves a boring life etc.

What happened to the home range she was supposedly bringing out?

And can someone explain to me why the audio book* is £22+...?! Instead of the £10 or whatever it is for actual pages?

*I have not looked for it, it popped up on my audible pre order list 🙄
I actually find her quite insulting and patronising when she says “the boring life” because she only uses that term to sound relatable and draw attention away from the extravagant and excessive things she has in her life. Making out like staying at home is boring. Just because you go don’t go out to restaurants or bars and have late nights is not boring. And if anyone describes her life as boring then it’s because of her lack of creativity and effort with her posts and the fact that she never seems to do anything remotely interesting with her toddler. I’m home all the time but I would never describe my life as boring because I spend time with my family and enjoy being in my home. I don’t know about these media training lessons she’s been having but she needs to get to a creative writing class because the way she describes things is boring.
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