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Chatty Member
Right imma say it.

I don't hate jaymeee. He genuinely seems like a good dad, on their live he actually made me laugh and I think he'd be quite open about being in it for the money, If he were ever allowed out I would imagine he'd be good for bants.

Ronnie lights up around him, that's been obvious during the last few days and the various montages. Thank god that boy has him.
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Cucumber and eggs

VIP Member
Jeez 2 threads in a day. I get the jist of what went down at HRH party without having to read every single one.

Hinch wore a wedding dress to her birthday party of only SIX people .........I meant ronnies birthday party 🤥, had too many rola colas and decided to do a live with ATV looking like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards. Whilst drunk from the said rola colas, she ordered a load of shit from ebay that 'she forgot about' and will appear in the basket on her stairs next week. A girl called jenna called her out for having 30 guests, joined tattle but never really gave us much info. Guests are waking up this morning with dodgy tummies from the stale sandwiches, cheesey balls and stale pop corn. Its okay because hinch gave them all pine loo cleaner, a bottle of zophlora and a mugshot to take home. Ronnie had the time of his life with some decent colourful toys and is now in a colour coma for the rest of today. Ss took the day off the gram, to sit at home gluing flowers to whatever she has left, that hasn't seen a glue gun 🤥 anything i misse?
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Oh no

You know what I don’t blame you. It’s been like a really fucking shite adaptation of mean girls. No ken can and should be demanding anything from you at all! I for one appreciate your insight and I’m glad you’ve fought your corner as others have been bullied away and not returned. Fucking infuriating
Thank you, I’ll fight my corner because I’m being honest.
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Oh no

Exactly....please dont leave. U will find ppl come on here and say stupid shit and then go again. We welcome u and glad to have u here. We all have been affected by this woman in one way or another and to have proof shes a lying scumbag is confirmation that we were right about her
Thank you, I’m not leaving 😂 I know everything I’ve said is 100% honest.
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Oh no

Anyone else think ‘the neighbours’ reaction is a little bit OTT or is it just me? I’m not sure whether to believe her or not but I’ll hold off any judgement until (hopefully)we see it in the papers
OTT? Really?? No my reaction isn’t OTT at all! I’d say some of the people here are OTT! I mean who the fuck checks rightmove to see when a house was bought? Weird behaviour
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VIP Member
Did anyone see the First Dates episode where the guy’s mom came with him for his date, and was hiding behind a pillar watching? The girl she wouldn’t want to see him again because of it?
That’ll be Ronnie and a Hinch when he’s older. Guaranteed.
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Oh no

Yeah right !!! All talk no proof, still waiting !!
And you can continue to fucking wait!! The amount of rude people on this site is shocking!!! I’m not posting any proof to appease people I don’t even know and open myself up to possible legal action. So make a cuppa and sit ya arse down cos you’ve got a long wait 👍
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VIP Member
Sorry.. but according to Rightmove only one house has been sold on their street in the last 12 months. In Jan. That’s 6 months, not 9. 🤔
Wow....just wow 😂 Definitely just going to scare the neighbour off. People always scream for neighbours to join but then literally demand ‘proof’ when everyone knows she could get into trouble over that. Do you really expect someone to get themselves into trouble because someone on a gossip site demands it? Looking at Rightmove to try and prove someone’s lying? Come on, I think you’re getting yourself in too deep here lmao
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Active member
I'm very hungover so my brain isn't working, what do you think their body language is saying?
She has her back tilted away from Jamie - the picture is all about Sophie and how she looks in the dress, not about it being a loving family photo together. Look at the space between her and Jamie, he is holding her arm like she is on day release. She is holding Ronnie away from Jamie, so that the focal point is on her and Jamie is just an afterthought. Sad really.
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Active member
This is the one thing that pisses me off so much about this site. Everyone is always saying I wish we had a neighbour on here, or a friend and then immediately turn on someone who says they are. Demanding proof or it didn’t happen making them out to be a liar. Give them chance ffs!
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VIP Member
I still can’t get over her a wedding dress to her sons birthday. Truly selfish and shows how it’s the Sophie show and ronnie is just a cash cow for her. she wears a big fancy dress and he doesn’t even get clothes that fit him. Imagine the cheek of expecting someone’s birthday to be about them what are we thinking 🙄 I know he’s only 1 and no idea but still if you’re going to throw such a big fancy party at least make it about your child 🙄
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Well-known member
Guysss I've designed t-shirts for us all so we can always remember the party of the year! Hope this helps 💕 Swipe up ⬆ to get yours!

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Oh no

The mistrust on the part of the tattlers is because we've been lead astray before. Nothing personal against you, we're just being cautious.
Cautious! Some of you on here are damn right Rude! Just because I won’t post “evidence” and put myself in the frame for a legal battle most of you just jump to the conclusion that it’s a lie. To be quite frank with you I couldn’t care less who believes it and who doesn’t, I know the truth! I can sleep well at night knowing I’m not a liar so that’s all that matters to me.

Yes my profile was created last month!! I’ve never used Tattle till yesterday!! Anything else you would like to question?
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