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VIP Member
Is she taking the fucking piss? They block and delete anyone? I just can’t believe the bare faced cheek of her! Take ya chin and get in the bin you attention seeking prick!
Soph hun, if you want positivity there is a rave thread. You might find it's a bit quiet though, your Hinchers aren't arsed enough to come on and praise you. All the vest babes.
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Well-known member
I have a friend who is a hincher (she does have other, good qualities I swear) and she has said how annoyed she is that she has gone quiet and then just posted that this morning.. said that she feels its taken the right piss out of everyone worrying about her... Wonder if that is how many other hinchers are feeling today...
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VIP Member
Exactly . I said when I first joined here that if she was 18 stone, missing some teeth and the wrong side of 40 she would not have become popular

My prediction for queen hinches comeback. Knees up to her chest, Hands covered by sleeves, meek voice, no gretel, glistening eyes.
Agree. There are many other accounts on insta who actual clean things, it’s their job. They give out hints and tips they’ve either made or if sharing they tag the original creator. A lot of them promote products not tested on animals, and share their findings. A lot of their tips actually involve natural products like Kim n Aggie used to. But because Hinch looks like she does, plus they were both in sales AND both at home all day to completely concentrate on their brand she has more publicity. Oh and Veston of the teeth like Stonehenge buys thousands every day
Oh and when she does come back expect her speech to be on a par with Paltrows Oscar 1
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Good Egg

VIP Member
Wow 😯
She’s posted this morning. She kissed Ronnie and didn’t look at the camera for validation...
Narcissist there is no other word for her I’m sorry, and her Army are her flying monkeys. Monkey say, monkey do
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New member
Never really felt the need to post here but I think she has stopped posting because she has absolutely zero content. You simply cannot post wiping over a hob every day and expect to keep people’s interest.

I don’t know if this has already pointed out so apologies if it has. The thing that has actually disgusted me is that a person with such an enormous following that has such influence over their followers has chosen to take a rather long break (from something that is meant to be their job) for personal reasons rather than standing up and actively taking a stand against racism with the recent horrendous death of George Floyd. It is so important to use that kind of platform to support others. I will be unfollowing any ‘celebrity’ that chooses to completely ignore this situation.
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VIP Member
Exactly, I cannot think of one thing she has ever shown us, that portrays her as being kind. Even when she shows her giving stuff to her family she makes it all about her. That's not kind, that is self centred and greedy
Trace, is that you hun? Don't worry, Hinch is only allowed 6 people on show at one time for Rons party so i'm sure she will be sending a few more up there with you real soon. She'll need somewhere to hide the others while she stages her pics for the gram 😂
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VIP Member
I think the day I would leave the Mrs hinch thread on tattle would
Be the day she releases a video without gretel just her to camera. Admitting to her army how
Much money she has made, how the swipe ups put cookies on your phone which then gets her a
Profit off every purchase after for 30 days, how she planned it all, how influenzas actually work etc. Basically dropping the bullshit “I’m just a little woman from a village I didn’t ask for this I don’t know how it happened!”. If she actually said “guyzzzz it was all
Planned” then I would be on my way. If her army still wanted her after the truth was revealed then fine. But until the truth is revealed by Sophie I will
Be here
Sorry my typing is horrific there. One too many blue WKD. Take me pissed I’m home
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So she’s replied to someone on her Instagram pic about how horrible tattle is. Apparently we’re the reason for the strop, which is funny because I thought she’d been betrayed by someone 🤔View attachment 141796
i smell bullshit. I think she’s using this as an excuse if I’m honest and I feel like it’ll Allow her to avoid explaining what the real issue is, I mean it’s not like tattle is a new thing, you wouldn’t get butt hurt and have a few days off at thread #168. Defo something closer to home I reckon.

But this is the problem she hides the real shit that’s going on and when she’s back it’ll be as if nothing happened and “we have an amazing, perfect life in my little house guyz“ and she wonders why people “are nasty” we are NOT!! she’s just not relatable!
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VIP Member
Just catching up but omg the absolute brass neck of her. She gone fucked up. Somebody she knows/knew or trusted betrayed her trust. Either sold a story or something. Her sad pic the other night and then Veston the protectors pic too both stated as much. So she runs away and waits for the begging and adulation. However, what happened was lots of people came over here to have a moan at us....and ended up staying. So she panicked. Bet people were moving on already. So she’s blamed us. Deflection. Like a small kid who blames their sibling or invisible friend. Bet the cow managed to get the story blocked.
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Good Egg

VIP Member
Another thing why I think her comments are only gushing we love you and can’t be without you is because people do not want to be deleted/banned. Hinch has created an environment whereby adoring fans never say a negative or away from the crowd comment because they don’t want to be blocked.
Manipulation at its finest. She has brainwashed her Army. (Flying monkeys). This reeks of narcissism.
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New member
I reckon there will be lots of pre-records so she can have the Hinch Family BBQ and have Ma Barker round and cousin Abs
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She’s gonna stay off for at least today, she’s milking it for everything it’s worth and with her hinchers begging for her return she’s bloody loving it. Attention seeking dickhead.
I don’t think she will come back with a reason she’s been away. It’s not like she can say gleam told me to go dark for attention. PR stunt at its best.
she won’tneed to give a reason other than the bullshit she spouted yesterday about needing a few days away. Her hinchers will be just happy their queen has returned
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Active member
Have I dreamt that she once said she’s blocked this site from her phone as it was making her ill?
So how does she read then? Maybe she made a pact with Vest foot forwards that she can unblock Tattle if he can unblock willy hill?
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Chatty Member
God she's just pissed me off even more. Freedom of speech eh soph? Hypocritical old witch. Shes dumb as fuck too....that comment has sent even more over here and they only have to watch for a bit to see its just calling out her bullshit. She cant believe the vile things she's read?? Try reading comments that your own half wit brain dead dumbass chav army have written to innocent people like that Amy girl who got death threats from.the inbreds!!! I'm fuming! Also princess zoflora, if we have caused your mental breakdown, you dont really wanna piss us off anymore do you???!!! Do one you lying old cow. All the fucking vest you bellends.
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