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So we finally hear Ronnie ‘speak’ from one mum to another (and being the parent of a speech delayed child) that is the noise a 4 month old would make - not the noises a10 month old ‘should’ be making. But at least we now see he isn’t completely mute!
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A Millionaire making the poor give to the poor then acts like a hero. She’s exactly what’s wrong with the world.

She probably used some sneaky affiliate to make money from it somehow too (did anyone see how many millions branstons made via his nhs donation link) takes the piss these fuckers.

What did you donate and contribute Soph? Oh wait it’s all for show and also because Stacey mentioned a charity probably. Does my fucking head in it’s to early for cunt bollocks today.
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Oh Jamie!! Your mates are going to rip you a new one😂
Someone needs to check that video again because maybe he’s blinking in some sort of morse code for someone to come help him
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I read an article a while back about personalised clothes and bags on kids and how strangers will call their names so the kids are more likely to go to them thinking they know them 😳 how many creeps and weirdos knows ronnies name? And her army seem like crazy fuckers
Many moons ago when I was a kid my mother refused to let us have anything with our names on
i remember really wanting an Alice band that where all the rage with names written on them
didnt get one
anyway I grew up and while about 6 months pregnant was on a bus
i happened to glance out of the window and saw two little girls wearing the Alice bands I’d so badly wanted-they where just being kids playing in the street
i knew,without ever meeting these kids before,that their names where ‘Laura’ and ‘sally’ (I’ve just made those up-I cant remember their real names-this was 22 years ago)
I shiver ran down my spine and that’s when I got it
years later I went as far as putting my kids names on the inside of their book bags-I know it’s a long shot but I just wasn’t risking it

wonder if grinch does it cos she forgets the name of her own kid?
(I mean I do that all the time but I have 6 of them!i tend to just say random names til the right one turns round!)
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What the actual fuck was that Whitney performance? And with Fred Vest standing in the background like a right spanner
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It was after this that "DM your dad" happened 😂😂😂😂😂😂
As a beauty therapist she has completed offended me and my industry by saying ‘it should smell like zoflora, doesn’t matter if it’s clean as long as it smells clean’ 😡😡😡😡😡

we have to follow so many cleaning procedures and have safety data sheets with all the chemicals we have, including nail polish remover! Fuck off Soph! We use hospital grade disinfectant FYI!
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There's an awful lot of cutlery in the glass on the table where the grill is outside. I thought two forks would be enough for the two of them but there's 3 in the glass! It's not as though Ronniecaneatawholepotatowivallhistoofsthenpaintthefence needs one so who is the third fork for I wonder? Not missing your mother too much are you Sophie?
You’re right!

3 knives
3 forks
3 spoons

C’mon Zoph, it’s clear that Ma is there, why not just be honest?
I can’t believe she is actually endangering her life by having her live with her? It’s ridiculous!!


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Notice how when she’s showing her zaflora hour after someone mentioned it on here Yesterday I must add stew wearing her gloves she never usually wears gloves for zaflora hour then at the end gloves are off to hold the bottle 🤔 pre recorded obvs, not wanting to show the colour of her nails. She must have albums all in her phone
- gloves on cleaning
- red nails cleaning
- black nails cleaning

there isn’t one for stick on nails cleaning.

and seriously has she just sprayed a towel that she wipes her hands on with zaflora but just wear gloves to clean with zaflora. ye right
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How bizarre that she finds that picture of those god awful pants saying that she will bust out of them yet she doesn’t notice that her own child’s clothes are too tight for him
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Today. Then a few days ago. Not saying the sky can’t look like that but it’s the same teal ffs. Whispy clouds floating on the same pathway. And considering she’s been SOOOOO busy this morning when did this happen? Nah this is pre-recorded pal 🤣🤣. What did Veston Blumenthal do? Spend all day the other day cooking various burgers in various different shots 😂😂. Wouldn’t put it past her


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Right so if she’s doing all these jobs while Jamie is out with henrysalwaysgothiscockout and Ronnie is sleeping in that shitty Moses basket.
She’s upstairs putting washing away while he’s downstairs unsupervised in something he’s completely unsafe in.
surely as he’s “so close to walking” he could get out/fall out.
Unless as we know she’s a complete liar and ma barker is there
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Probably already been said/asked but has she ever posted a story with Ronnie with him babbling or giggling? None that I can ever remember anyways. I think she puts music over all his posts because he genuinely doesn't make a sound 😪
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Like so many here I used to like her page in the earlier days. For the past however long she’s really turned me off with the whole gifted/ad/swipe up nonsense all the time... then I saw one of her minions mention this site a few days ago and have been catching up ever since - y’all are hilarious 😆 and THANK YOU for opening my eyes to what a scam artist she truly is.

Please keep the tea flowing!
I also think it’s hysterical that she clearly has these threads bookmarked - you couldn’t make it up how it’s like she’s trying to prove you all wrong with responding to ‘criticism’ e.g. just now posting the noises Ronnieblesshims makes from the concerns of his development (he doesn’t sound like a 10 month old but ok Soph), emphasising that she had jacket potatoes cooking IN THE OVEN like see I do use my brand new kitchen, posting a SS on how she’s contributing to this pandemic (sharing a link isn’t exactly effort and certainly isn’t personal contribution), I could go on but that’s all just stuff from the past 12 hours!!

Oh and zoph you are clearly glued to these threads so how about stop playing the victim for your cult and get a grip on how vile they are to people just for sharing constructive advice? It’s disgusting behaviour and I would be so ashamed of myself if I were you.

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I mean, I’m seeing it as being like the activity journal, rather than providing actual advice.

‘Make sure to follow Stacey Solomon and do a Smartprice version of whatever she does’
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So smugdog millionaire get prime position on the sofa, whereas Ronniewifftuftsteefandfeetz gets dumped behind the sofa! You really are complete whopper of a twat Soph 😂 I can't bloody wait for the day, when Ronnie destroys all your grey gifted tat cos he's going to have an absolute field day in that house. ATV 🤣
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