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Chatty Member
View attachment 100769

Yeah, because I'm stuck at home worrying about how I will get food shopping and if this whole situation goes on for much longer, how I will get any baby items (due in July) as I have absolutely nothing right now, but if you could just show me all your gifted stuff that you have in your home that will make me feel much better and settle my anxiety. You fucking stinking minge bag.
She is sinking to new lows now. Just when you thought she could not get any lower she just keeps pulling it of the bag. She is like a cockroach. Dense as fuck. Who cares what you have in your grey house So stop getting your ma and Jamie to send you questions so you look popular!! Nothing will make this woman humble not even a fucking pandemic 😡
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Chatty Member
Hinch, this is nothing. If you’re so desperate to prove to us ‘trolls’ that Ronnie is standing up all by himself then VIDEO HIM DOING IT.

I wanna see him stood by the side table in the background, opening the draws and pulling out the contents. Something ALL babies do as soon as they are apparently able. I still don’t get why he doesn’t roll from place to place, it baffles me. Yeah he probably doesn’t need to be crawling at his age but I would definitely be worried as to why he isn’t rolling or sitting up from laying down at his age.

I just wish she would take this little lad off social media, one day he will come across comments made about him and his parents and probably ask why did they continue to exploit him the way they are?

I know for sure if I had a following like hers and people made horrible comments about my little boy, I’d take him off there. Or at least limit the stories/posts about him. Let’s face it though, Ronnie is the best thing about her, without him she really is boring.
Defo... so many photos of my daughter every morning, 10am still in her pjs pulling everything out my tv cabinet.. literally did that just by rolling over to it. I only ever see Ronnie on his mat, in the bath, bedroom floor or on their laps. Never ever seen him somewhere random he’s rolled himself over to. I’m sure she’s reading, maybe he will be over by the dining table tomorrow 😂
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Chatty Member
Did she really serve some turds in beans today lol

and apparently Ronnie didn’t want the melty sticks so he crumbled it perfectly on the sofa.
its not mushy with slobber or all over the places and ground into the sofa with this hands?
Exactly what I thought. There’s no way hes been sat on that sofa unaided, so what’s she saying then, that she sat there and watched him do it. So obvious she’s put it there to show how relatable she is
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Looking back at her highlights of Ronnie at 6-9 months, in her Christmas 2019 photos etc - the only difference between Ronnie then and now is he is much bigger?! Otherwise I can't see any development. Usually a baby that age changes dramatically over a 3 month period yet he seems to be pretty much the same.
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She has well and truly fucked me off today. I had to deliver my daughter some shopping cos she can't leave the house. My little 18 month granddaughter was trying to run down the garden to see me and it absolutely broke my heart that i couldn't pick her up and give her the snuggles I so desperately want to and she just doesnt understand what is going on, and in my head she thinks I dont want to cuddle her 💔
And she, SHE, parades her son in the bath for all and sundry to see without a thought for his safety or welfare.
She has no idea what's going on in REAL life. Outside of that Hinch bubble, where she still thinks its OK to see her parents, still trying to flog stuff on ebay without actively doing a swipe up (these are the ones I bought guyzzzzzz) and acting like a complete fucktard.
I'm getting wine... anyone want one?? 🍷🍷
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Chatty Member

This popped up as i was scrolling through the stories 🙄🤮

More rubbish for her deluded sheep to buy could wrap up dog shit in a pink shiney bow..tell everyone it's replica Henry Hinch poo and they would buy it in their droves no doubt. Wtf is wrong with these bloody people
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The standing photo doesnt really help her with regards to people asking the questions over Ronnie’s development.
All babies after a certain age LIKE to stand, that doesnt mean he can or will stand independently anytime soon
And he definitely didn’t pull himself up to that position, the basket would have toppled over, as it’s not solid enough. She engineered that photo, poor boy 😢
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Chatty Member
I cannot believe she could be that tone deaf today as to say I cant reply to your messages but let me show you round my empire of shite. Use that time to reply to messages instead of flogging you daft witch.
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I’m so confused, she bought wheelie bins?! Does she not just have the council ones and that’s it ???
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I can’t keep up with all the thread but read what I can when I can. Has anyone else noticed how she is so uneffected by the current situation we’re in. For someone that harps on and on about her anxiety and panick attacks you would think she would seem a little worried/down . I read the corona virus thread and for people with anxiety it’s really triggered them and understandably so! It just makes me laugh how she can be too anxious to go to the shop on her own but all this doesn’t phase her ?!
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Ok ok. Another weird point. Why the f are influencers putting tik tok wank videos on insta??? If I wanted to watch a tik tok shite video I’d have the app to do so. Ffs. I swear to god people are ducking idiots and I hope natural selection seriously wins. That is all.

I’ve had a drink which I don’t normally ever do but in this case after so many deaths, family on the front line and these wankers continuing to do what they do I've discovered I really just couldn’t give a shit.
Snap - if I was interested in tik bloody Tok I would download the app and watch it. Why do they insist on posting their shitty videos onto every social media platform that they can. I am not 12 and don't want to see you "flip the bloody switch" - that time could have been spent talking to an oap in isolation 😡
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Yesterday I mentioned Ronnie had the telltale signs of being on his back a lot because of the hair that had been rubbed off on his head. Today she posts and strategically places her text right in that place on his head 😂😂 no fooling me Soph
I have noticed this too! She is trying to cover it up
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Chatty Member
I've just come home from my night shift on an NHS ward and wanted to say how much those of us who were working at 8 last night enjoyed watching videos of the clapping. It raised our spirits and made us feel very emotional. There is no way to please everyone but everyone on my team was over the moon xxx
Thank you for everything you and your colleagues are doing. Take care.
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