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Chatty Member
This so called message has got me raging beyond belief!

No way on God's green earth would a mental health organisation especially the crisis team tell you to write a fucking 'Hinch list'. Having worked with them for several years when I was at my lowest with depression and anxiety, they encourage you to do things that will help you if let's stay you cant get out of bed so for me it was things like reading, listening to music, visiting family, walking the dog and generally taking baby steps. Not once was I encouraged to do a 'Hinch list' although cleaning was suggested. I was once sucked into the world of Hinch and use to clean my hours for hours on end, with multiple products then sit and endlessly watch her on Instagram, and you know what it use to make me feel worthless and inadequate as I didn't have the fancy things she had or the big house with a garden, the husband etc but I've come out the other side and now when I look at her page I feel pity and sadness, she portrays to have it all but never seems truly happy.

How the hell can this women sit there and try and jump on the mental health band wagon, when the world is in turmoil. Their are people in this world that really do suffer from it and at times like this, it heightens the anxiety and depression as we aren't aloud to see family, friends, loved ones need I go on!

Will someone shut this stupid bitch down!
You can’t reason or shut someone down who is that thick and self absorbed. The way I look at it any ’advice’ or anything she does just do the opposite. After the last few days when she said she was eating out of her freezer, packets and pasta just proves the level of her stupidity. I would love to publish some research on her and to be honest it is the only reason I watch her as she is like some crazy social experiment. She is not the ‘norm’ and is in fact a very dangerous woman with what she is doing but if people fall for it and Believe it then more fool them
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I know it's been said many times before but why the fuck does she constantly bang on about how much she loves Ronnie?!

I love my kids beyond words but they rarely make an appearance on social media, that doesn't mean I think they're a bunch of arseholes 🤣 though they know how to act like it at times hahaha.

And I agree with the post above his tuft is winding me up now how many times do we need to see it 👴🏻
I think she’s trying to convince herself too be honest. I don’t think she’s bonded with him at all and she’s almost saying she loves him coz it’s something parents say but she really goes over the top. I don’t think she doesn’t love her son but I think she doesn’t love him as much as she loves her dog
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She is so DULL. I don’t understand the attraction. There’s only so many times you can be shown how to clean the same shit over and over! I swear if I see that fucking hob squeegeed again ... 😠
It’s the wipe and pine of the toilet that gets me. I don’t even like cleaning my own toilet so why would I wanna see someone else do theirs 😲😲 less toilet videos the better! Her house is a new build anyway nothing dirty in my opinion. We can all clean day to day. I wanna see her try and tackle a proper stain or patch of mould
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My youngest is June 2017 born so of course Timehop is bringing up her at Ronnies age and she’s just so animated and fun. A recent Timehop pic is her in a highchair while at a buffet breakfast and she’s holding her cup and there’s a big toothy grin, there’s a real twinkle in her eyes. She’ll have had some toast and sausage cut into strips and baked beans, I probably even tore up a croissant for her.
And normally I try to defend a little and say they all develop differently (she was a late mover but the waving and babbling etc certainly made up for it) but Ronnie just seems so vacant. No sparkle in his eye. It makes me sad. He could be such a vibrant wee boy given half the chance
This is when their wee personalities start to shine through, I’ve 2 nephews both born in July last year so a month younger than Ronnie. They’re both very different, one is wild and in at everything and holding himself up using furniture, the other isn’t moving much yet and is perfectly content. The thing they do both share is their faces light up and the biggest smile when they see their parents or family members and friends. They both giggle uncontrollably at nothing, they both live with dogs and giggle at the dogs antics. They’ll pat the dogs (always supervised) and babble away in their baby talk. They both have huge stimulation from their parents, one of them was meant to be going on holiday but it’s been cancelled so they’ve put him in his holiday clothes and set up a paddling pool in the living room, he’s loving life. Poor Ronnie looks bemused half the time like he hasn’t a clue what’s going on, and it seems a monumental effort to make him giggle.
She screams trolls at the slightest thing, she should be protecting her child not using him as a prop! Social media has a lot to answer for, it’s great for many things, but so detrimental for others.
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Didn’t want to eat his melty sticks? He’s probably sick of eating the fuckers day in day out.
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Chatty Member
Clearly struggling for content.

Queen Hinchcliffe of Maldon has actually listed Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner as something she achieved today?

People empty the dishwasher and make their bed every day. Don’t need to write a fucking list to congratulate myself.

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Maybe I'm reaching but that seems like something someone in ED recovery would do. That's not something regular people put on a list. Would be like listing every time you pee
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Shuts out the trolls? My arse! She never fucking shuts up about trolls!

Good morning everyone xx
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Of course she eats tinned spaghetti and sausages :sick:
The eat like kids don’t they. A lot of kids will eat better than this! This is a quick breakfast after a busy week & you don’t have the energy to make proper food. Not something 2 bone idle people should be eating 🙄
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"Swimming costHumes, command sHtrips". I'm not being funny here, but does she actually have some sort of speech impediment?
speech impediment, brain impediment, personality impediment, take your pick, she's got them all.

I can't bear to look, is she still persisting with the narcissistic navel gazing story posts all about herself?
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Why is she cleaning excessively when they’re in lockdown. How much mess and dirt is there with those two and a baby who isn’t on the move yet?
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Dropping off a bag of essentials at her parents house? Forgive me if I'm wrong but don't they have two kitchens? A house kitchen and a garden kitchen /out kitchen ? 😯 surely both of these kitchens will be stocked up with everything Ma and Pa Barker need? I think Pa Barker is possibly in the over 70 age group but ma Barker isn't is she? So unless she has underlying health issues she could get her own essentials couldn't she?
This "dropping off essentials" makes me think Grinch has been to Tesco or some supermarket or other and no doubt Onslow and Ronnie were there too. We all know she can't go anywhere without Onslow so all three of them go out putting themselves at risk. Unbelievable!
Ronnie looked as sick as fuck!
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Chatty Member
Wait until she realises there is probably a big market for toddler stuff eg house proofing items and see the £££ in her eyes. Then he will soon be encouraged to grow!
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Why is she using degreaser on her window frames??? How can a window frame get greasy, use the correct product for the job you dozy cow. You are supposed to be an expert.

Just back from delivering meals to the older folk in our town who are isolating themselves. They are wonderful people and so incredibly grateful for the packages we take. If the Hinchliffes don't want to actually get off their arses and do anything to help why not donate to a local community initiative like this - I'm sure she could find one right now.
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