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Chatty Member
Is there no kind of law about how much you can stock in your home regarding chemicals? Imagine that all going up! House insurance would surely refuse to pay out or what if you private rent could the landlord not be taking you to court? Seems do bloody dangerous!
Whose kitchen is this?


Well-known member
So, you would class me as a troll for making a spreadsheet? Ok then..... I suggest you look up the definition of what an internet troll is.
I don't really care for your opinion tbh. I just think it is truly shocking the greed of this woman, yet she bleats on about how she only makes a little bit of money from Instagram. She makes so many people feel inferior and bad about their own lives and I just hope the list makes them realise, that she only has all this stuff because it has been gifted to her, for free! I also hope they are shocked at the amount because when it is listed like that, it is disgusting and vulgar. Especially when there are far more deserving people out there. People who's homes are flooded or burnt down. People fleeing domestic violence and having to start their whole life over again, somewhere new. People who are homeless and living on the street. Families living in poverty. People who work their arses off on minimum wage to keep a roof over their head and food in their bellies and never have a chance to have the little luxuries. Single parents. People who are sick and/or dying. Doctors/Nurses/Midwives/HCA's/ Paramedics/Porters/Techs - all the people who work for and keep our NHS running (and I can tell you, its out of love because it certainly ain't for the money). Our police and fire services. Those who work for the armed forces (and their families). So many people are more deserving. I get that these people don't have the selling power that Hinch does but she doesn't even pay anything on in kind.

I'll admit that if you are new(ish) to the forum, my main gripe may well seem like the gifted stuff. That has just grown along with my dislike and intolerance of her, but what initially brought me here was her promoting the excessive use and misuse of chemicals, hoarding of products and 'things', unnecessary spending (often beyond peoples means), the negative effect she can have on already very fragile mental health, absolutely no care for the environment or the long term effects her actions (x 3 million) will have on both the environment and people's health, her lack of transparency and her inability to handle any form of criticism even when it is constructive. Go back and read my earliest posts and I'm sure you will find them more palatable, to the point and relevant. When you've been here as long as I have, you tend to just talk more about the day to day stuff and general gripes. There's only so many times you can repeat the earlier, impactful, passionate statements that initially drew you to Tattle. I hope that helps you to see, that my issues are more than just her gifted goods, however your comment won't stop me from adding to my little (or not, as the case may be) spreadsheet.
How have you managed to keep a track of her gifts

In the past I did feel for her poor accountant having to calculate all her gifts and crap. But I’ll be honest I don’t know the accounting rule for this kind of gifted shite. Normally it’s all declared if above a certain value.


Well-known member
Just had a nosey on the p&g website
Can’t believe how many brands they have. That’s me changing shampoo, sanitary towels, skin care & razors.

edit: if anyone can recommend a shampoo for a really sensitive scalp prone to hair loss? It would be really appreciated.
Is treseme or pantene on that list?