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Mrs Hinch in I paid for this shocker 🤦‍♀️ We all pay for all of our stuff every single day. It’s not a novelty for everyone else. Seriously fuck off you stupid shallow arsehole. She literally is unbelievable. As for giving her basically brand new kitchen to her parents for it to sit there as some kind of fucking shrine why in deadsomes name didn’t you give it to a charity, a refuge, absolutely anywhere where it would have made an actual difference to people?? Fucking dick 🤨
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Imagine copying your friend. They have a new kitchen fitted, so she has one fitted but covers it with a story about the wall. Her friend starts organising with jars, so she follows suit. Imagine having a friend that has to copy yet try to out do you each time. No friend of mine would be around for very long!!
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She is never going to use any of that stuff she has decanted into jars today. They are simply for decoration and she never cooks so why would she need garlic powder or Italian herbs? And Onslow won't be allowed to eat any of those chocolate raisins as it will ruin her display.
She has 100% copied Stacey here. But she looks ridiculous as Stacey runs a proper family home and cooks proper meals for her children. Hinch is just playing at homes and doesn't have a clue it's actually embarrassing to watch.
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New thread idea.
Gifted this, Gifted that but why on earth would you gift that twat.
She’s actually extremely embarrassing isn’t she. Imagine being gifted a bloody £5.00 bath bomb. BUY YOUR OWN STUFF LOVE. Like the rest of us. Erghhh begger.
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Her new kitchen is lovely, it does look a lot brighter and lighter. It’s just the lay out is so off with that hole, it would have a much better flow if it was open plan
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Not trolls Soph, just fed up of dishonest influencers like yourself who do not care about what they flog, even if it’s dangerous to health and the environment - as long as you make money from it. Hope Greta makes an example out of you and those awful companies that pay you, one day very soon.
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It’s all really sad- tbh I don’t begrudge her accepting the stuff- because I would too, but I spend A LOT of time in hospital with my daughter, and I often wonder why these companies who send these people toys for there kids, toiletries etc don’t send them into places like hospitals, imagine the joy on the kids faces, the joy for the parents if they were given a bath bomb to enjoy a nice bath after spending months on a hospital ward? I for one would be so much more inclined to buy a product off a company if I saw them ‘gifting’ to things like this than I would if I just merely saw an influencer using them
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By next week she’ll have been sent one of those crap blinged up bottles. The lemmings are all killing themselves to get theirs over to her first. Someone will be on her doorstep this weekend! 😱

In other news my darling husband (him of the oh so romantic Valentine’s Day card) is taking me out for dinner and then we’re off for a long weekend away (I’ve shaved my legs and everything! Thought I ought to de-Yeti and show willing at least! 🤣) Anyway if you could all please keep your trolling to a minimum so I won’t have a gazillion new threads to catch up when I get back that would be soooper. Thanks dahlings! 😘
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Don’t normally post here, but I had a thought I’d like to share. Remember when Hinch bought a sewing machine from ebay because she really really wanted to learn how to sew? She used it once, added a swipe up link and we’ve never seen it since. That to me just shows that she’s fake and after the ££. Can’t believe it took me so long to see it 😖
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So, you would class me as a troll for making a spreadsheet? Ok then..... I suggest you look up the definition of what an internet troll is.
I don't really care for your opinion tbh. I just think it is truly shocking the greed of this woman, yet she bleats on about how she only makes a little bit of money from Instagram. She makes so many people feel inferior and bad about their own lives and I just hope the list makes them realise, that she only has all this stuff because it has been gifted to her, for free! I also hope they are shocked at the amount because when it is listed like that, it is disgusting and vulgar. Especially when there are far more deserving people out there. People who's homes are flooded or burnt down. People fleeing domestic violence and having to start their whole life over again, somewhere new. People who are homeless and living on the street. Families living in poverty. People who work their arses off on minimum wage to keep a roof over their head and food in their bellies and never have a chance to have the little luxuries. Single parents. People who are sick and/or dying. Doctors/Nurses/Midwives/HCA's/ Paramedics/Porters/Techs - all the people who work for and keep our NHS running (and I can tell you, its out of love because it certainly ain't for the money). Our police and fire services. Those who work for the armed forces (and their families). So many people are more deserving. I get that these people don't have the selling power that Hinch does but she doesn't even pay anything on in kind.

I'll admit that if you are new(ish) to the forum, my main gripe may well seem like the gifted stuff. That has just grown along with my dislike and intolerance of her, but what initially brought me here was her promoting the excessive use and misuse of chemicals, hoarding of products and 'things', unnecessary spending (often beyond peoples means), the negative effect she can have on already very fragile mental health, absolutely no care for the environment or the long term effects her actions (x 3 million) will have on both the environment and people's health, her lack of transparency and her inability to handle any form of criticism even when it is constructive. Go back and read my earliest posts and I'm sure you will find them more palatable, to the point and relevant. When you've been here as long as I have, you tend to just talk more about the day to day stuff and general gripes. There's only so many times you can repeat the earlier, impactful, passionate topics that initially drew you to Tattle. I hope that helps you to see, that my issues are more than just her gifted goods, however your comment won't stop me from adding to my little (or not, as the case may be) spreadsheet.
You go Sunshine. You are our book keeper and doing a bloody good job 🥰❤
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I’m so sorry if this has been asked and repeated a lot but I’ve just come off a long shit, 7th day in a row and I’ve skimmed through the threads but can’t see if anyone got a reply from P&G? Last time I saw people where writing in about the removal of the safety lid and these threads move a million miles an hour 😂 bunch of trolls 😉

It drives me crazy that she does the winky emoji when she’s replying to Tattlers. Just say it! I think she’s scared to direct her Hinchers here as she knows she will be down the plug hole as quick as zoflora!
7th day in a row doing a long shit is impressive. What have you been eating, Hinch's casserole? 😆
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Wow! Haven’t been on here for a while but I feel so pissed off by Mrs hinch at the moment! First of all might be small to some but she does NOT have the frigging flu! My 3 year old daughter had the flu 2 weeks back I went to take her a drink in bed and couldn’t wake her I shook her and was screaming her name and nothing rang an ambulance and she was admitted she was severely dehydrated due to not keeping the water and juice down and to be told from a doctor if I hadn’t checked on her I would of lost her was absolutely devastating and horrific! And my god how many silly women are now leaving the lid off pods in a low down cupboard she’s absolutely ridiculous she knows people stupidly idolise her! And also what idiots are soaking there oven trays in fabric softener 👀 you really can’t fix stupid but seems you can spread it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️!!!
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A company have written on her grid post let us know if you want any bathrooms we would love to work with you
#gifted coming up
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I have just gone back and looked at her highlights on lanterns when she was relatable sophi just learning together seem she has now developed a speech impediment since she has had Rylan teefs 🐴
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