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MOD could never have come back - she was totally rinsed. And how do you come back after you've called your hubby a grade A twat on here! It was a grotesque display by the other instamums when they all laid into her online and were all vying to be seen to be friends with the 'wronged' other instamums. So concerned with how they came across. Really embarrassing. I unfollowed all of them after that, bunch of twats. MOD was awful too, she got far too big for her (Grenson) boots and thought she was above it all. She fell hard. I didn't like her but glad she got out of the cesspit. I'm sure her loved ones advised her not to go public again. FOD will exploit anything for content, can't stand him either.
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That WhatsApp conversation was the most contrived fake bullshit I’ve ever seen. When her kids are older they’re gonna read all that and realise how self absorbed their mother is.
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She was always calling Matt her person on the motherpukka podcast from years ago? How embarrassing that she’s regurgitating this narrative- I’m so embarrassed for her 🤮
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Why am I reading the WhatsApp messages in a Hugh grant voice á la the opening monologue of Love Actually🤣🤣 the drama
I can’t believe she showed those publicly. Wouldn’t you just read that back and cringe yourself inside out?

It just shows how far up her own backside she is.
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All of what’s been said I resonate with. This is why we’re now all so fed up with the BS. Mother Pukka seemed like the last good egg but evidently she’s the same as the rest, spouting ‘we’re all just trying to put food on our kids tables’ except don’t try fool your audience.
She was never a good egg. She was just more calculating than the rest of them. She was the worst of the lot hiding behind the, “I’m the honest one” facade.
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Filed under "things that didn't happen" 🙄. For someone who has a "debilitating lack of confidence" she's masking it rather well.
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Oh god, can you imagine all the drivel she it’s yet to write about “navigating the world of a new relationship, like a crisp packet blowing in the wind.”

It’s going to be a good money spinner for her, i’ll give it that.
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Glad to hear these two self obsessed twerps allegedly aren’t feeling sad but a little bit of focus on the children and their feelings wouldn’t go amiss. Consideration of them and how they are processing all this seems to be very conspicuous by its absence amongst the mutual self congratulatory back slapping by this pair and their acolytes.

Instead everyone around them seems to have been instructed on exactly how they should feel and behave - mirror the Pukka narrative or else

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'I’ve been trying to gather up the broken pieces of my lost self. Think slightly scratched digits picking up shards of glass hoping to form a whole once more.'

'We were falling apart at the seams'

Do we really have to have rehashing of the same shite metaphors over and over again?

I thought she was supposed to be a writer.
Where’s the crisp packet blowing in the breeze?
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Chatty Member
I think I’ve figured what it is about her. She’s uncomfortable. She’s uncomfortable with herself, her online persona is uncomfortable to watch, she’s uncomfortable as a parent, she’s all round uncomfortable.
She’s built her online presence during the “instamum” years, part of the white-middle-class-able-bodied-and-privileged set alongside mother of daughters etc. since they’ve been cancelled for whatever reason or fallen out of fashion, she’s switched gears but not quite ready to take both feet out. She still uses photos of her kids (face hidden) for her posts where she is desperate to come across as a higher order activist, superior to instamums and Jane public. Manifesto this, quagmire that. But she only ever talks about her kids as a full-time chore and never posts anything else family related. She does a graveyard shift job which nobody else would’ve wanted and it’s completely at odds with her quest for flexible working around family. I’m sure she was all about body positivity and loving yourself after birth or something, but she’s pumping up her face without any disclosures (so much for AuThEnTiCiTy). She is just uncomfortable in every way.
I think the word you're looking for is desperate.
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How can they possibly know how to have a successful divorce, let alone have the audacity to preach to other people in The Times about having a successful divorce. It's been a few months at most! Are they even divorced yet?
But they are going to be each others bestest best friend, the best ever and it is all going to be lovely and just pukka! (Idiots)


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does she honestly never get bored of herself??

View attachment 2761055
God, she’s insufferable. I work 4 days in a senior role in the city… I manage to parent alright thanks. I hate how she thinks she speaks for EVERYONE.
I’ve just been looking at her post on separation anxiety. It’s so gushing and over the top. Yes, it can be quite sad when your child cries when you drop them off, but it can actually be quite nice to have a bit of a break and do some work in peace and quiet.
She makes you feel guilty to not be on your knees in a snivelling heap to drop your children off at nursery. I negotiated with my workplace to do shorter hours so I can cope with school and nursery drop offs etc, which I think is pretty normal. My mum did the same thing in the 80s.
She’s SO full of shite. Replace ‘key worker’ with ‘grandparents’ and ‘day’ with ‘5 full days and nights’. And ‘anxiety’ with ‘self-indulgent joy’
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My guess is Matt distanced from her and her phone first, pretty sure the cracks started showing for him first. Her showing off is totally trying to say I am FINE without you and SO much happier. It's like watching a teenage soap. Note we don't see Matt doing the same. Granted he doesn't have the same profile and she will use anything for content.
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Chatty Member
My utterly baseless conspiracy theory is that she met Ollie whatshisface while she was with Matt, not on Hinge as she claims. She wanted a way out but tried to keep it a secret but then friends such as Style Me Sunday found out and unfollowed her about it, realising she was as fake and lacking in moral compass as the rest of them.
I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, it's literally only been 6 months since they announced their divorce so that's a very short period of time to get on Hinge, meet the love of your life, introduce the kids and call his family your 'fam'. Obviously the separation process has been going on a lot longer and she probably mentally checked out of her marriage way before, but I kind of hope she did meet ages ago as otherwise it seems madness! Although I know there are plenty of people who do this.
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I listened to it last week but couldn't be bothered typing up a recap so thanks for that!

She chose marriage rather than the person ("he's a nice guy") and that...wait for it ladies..."he just wasn't my person". No idea at what point that became apparent to her. She doesn't give up on the "my person" thing does she. At least she said that Matt, sorry "my ex", would say the same about all this.

Are there people on here who did week on and week off with their kids like this? It sounds really tough for the kids. I am not criticising if anyone does, I know this is how it needs to work for many, just seems a lot of chop and change instead of longer durations or sole custody. Again, I get how complicated it must often be and I'm just interested. No offence meant to anyone.
I don’t understand what purpose it served to publicly say half the crap she said. This is what therapy is for. Her sharing her personal BS helps nobody. Hind sight is a beautiful thing but I can’t help but feel their remarkability has worn off and now he’s her EX and she never wanted to marry him in the first place.
Coupled that with her having a photo of herself in her ann summers bra on hinge claiming it shows her as multi-faceted, I can’t help but feel this woman is the most pathetic pick-me.
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Yes, again maybe another unpopulat opinion but 50:50 is shite for the kids. It's an arrangement made with the needs of the parent in mind and not the needs of the children IMO.
I agree with this too. When me and my ex split, there is no way either of us wanted our child going between two homes, we’d seen how miserable it made some children of family members. our child had one home with me and went to visit their dad on weekends. All their things in one place, one bedroom, one “home”. He said he didn’t want to treat our child as a possession that was “half” his.

ETA - we had no family court involvement in our divorce and we managed to work it all out between ourselves. I don’t know any friends who have divorced and have had to go down the court route, I think quite a lot of couples manage to do it without outside involvement. or maybe we are remarkable! 😂

Anna will milk this for all it’s worth now. She will be on PR overdrive trying to get in any publication or show she can to trot out her contrived lines. I bet she will even crack our the thick rimmed glasses to look more intelligent and sincere.
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Chatty Member
Anna's post divorce road show will tell the story about how her marriage broke down due to lack of flexible working for new mums and the resulting PND that that caused #flexappeal #wemightberemarkable

ETA I don't believe for one second that she forgot to apply for a school place. It's all part of her faux 'I'm such a middle class airhead' act.
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VIP Member
I think I’ve figured what it is about her. She’s uncomfortable. She’s uncomfortable with herself, her online persona is uncomfortable to watch, she’s uncomfortable as a parent, she’s all round uncomfortable.
She’s built her online presence during the “instamum” years, part of the white-middle-class-able-bodied-and-privileged set alongside mother of daughters etc. since they’ve been cancelled for whatever reason or fallen out of fashion, she’s switched gears but not quite ready to take both feet out. She still uses photos of her kids (face hidden) for her posts where she is desperate to come across as a higher order activist, superior to instamums and Jane public. Manifesto this, quagmire that. But she only ever talks about her kids as a full-time chore and never posts anything else family related. She does a graveyard shift job which nobody else would’ve wanted and it’s completely at odds with her quest for flexible working around family. I’m sure she was all about body positivity and loving yourself after birth or something, but she’s pumping up her face without any disclosures (so much for AuThEnTiCiTy). She is just uncomfortable in every way.
Yes to all this. I just find her so very try-hard. She isn't stylish, but wants to be seen as cool. Her story up at the mo about dominatrix wellies make me cringe. She may have flex appeal but – and I appreciate this is just my opinion – she doesn't have sex appeal. She is awkward and she talks in a way that doesn't sound authentic, like she's trying to sound a bit cockney and street especially on the radio or podcasts when you hear clips. I find her uncomfortable to watch per the post above, just like she's very self aware and trying to be someone she isn't.
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