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I love Dubai it’s my favourite destination with the kids. There is non stop entertainment for them all times of day and night. We have the best time there.
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Omg she’s delusional. Let’s have a catch up whilst I continue to ignore the backlash I’m getting and pretend that the week I received so much hate from mum-shaming trolls is the week I started to feel myself and actually enjoy motherhood

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I thought it was funny how she was on about wanting a unique name no one else had. Proves she chose Bambi simply to be “different”. 😂😂
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I wish more celebs and influencers would be honest about and promote real noses. I know it would make a lot of people, myself included, more confident about the non perfect features we were given. I honestly go on Instagram, and even though deep down I know better, I scroll and scroll and question why every single person seems to have these beautiful, small button noses, or a little ski slope nose and perfect smooth skin and then….there’s me.
A fact for you! Our Nose and ears are the only thing that will keep growing as we get older! (I'm sure there is another body part) Bring on our big fat noses and massive bat ears!! ❤ Our cells regenerate every 7 years so you will be a new person in 7 years!
Gross fact, our skin sheds so much its the dust in our homes 👍 I've decided to freak everyone out and remember that Molly doesn't accept herself enough to post pictures of her true self.....just shows how sad and unperfect she really is!
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Gemma looks terrible it took me a moment to recognise her 😵💫
Awful hair and make up, I didn't recognise her either.

As for Molly, that first pic of her and Gemma on the PLT grid is her real face professionally photographed - totally different to her own grid.
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I'm new to this post and happy for her but at the same time I'm really pissed at her. My issue is that she constantly posts that child all over Instagram knowing that women are struggling to get pregnant. I've nothing against posting kids on insta but she does it to a degree where its bragging and its causing harm to other women who don't have it so lucky. I didnt like the way she said she feels alone when she had that child when there's women out there who literally have NO SUPPORT! yet she has family and boyfriend (not husband) to support her. Yes I get it adjusting to being a new parent is tough for everyone with all the changes no matter who you are but she really can't compare herself to women who are truly alone.

What gets me is on Monday my friend called me in tears because she's been waiting to try for years because she got burnt a lot by exes and has has irregular cycle so it's taking her and her hubby a while to try. She got a negative test when she was almost sure she was pregnant and looked on insta to find molly gloating about her baby on a post. Yes she wrote a petty comment about them not being married but she got hate from followes talking down on her and critiquing her marriage to her husband. She was in tears but its OK for Molly to rub salt in!
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If this was a woman living on a council estate, telling the Internet she is neglecting/abusing her baby, SS would be straight round
I was thinking this, people take it as red if there's money in a household the children must be safe and well looked after, this is not necessarily the case.
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sydney crouch may aswell just morphe into molly at this point why does she copy everything molly does
It’s not really copying Molly though, Molly isn’t the first person to have an over the top display for a baby, it’s the norm for influencers these days
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Random, but does anyone else find molly maes eyes really weird 😂 her and Zoe have the same eyes and I can’t figure out what is that makes them weird, maybe the shape or the eyebrows too? Idk, but her and Zoe have the same look and something about it makes them unattractive 😩
Not weird at all! Honestly I’ve felt for years she’s got evil eyes, there’s always been something very insincere about her eyes. Glad I’m not the only one who sees something is off about her!
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Chatty Member
Do we think Molly’s mum has/had a drinking problem and that’s why they aren’t close? I remember her sharing that post about having an alcoholic parent and I always thought she was talking about her mum 🤔 It would explain why she doesn’t drink as well and doesn’t like environments that are surrounded by alcohol
Never thought about this, could be right! I know it’s a lot more common than you think in her mums line of work…
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I don't think the Catholic Church can preach about sin - *cough* sexual abuse cases *cough*. 🫣
Catholicism doesn't support sexual abuse, that was a few specific priests. Anyway that's a complex issue and this is about Molly.
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So molly stopped breast feeding due to low supply 🤨
Not judging I didn’t breastfeed as it was too physically demanding but at least just tell the truth
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Is she a moron or is she a moron?
This will make a lot of people see her true colours. The 24 hours thing ok you could get away with ignoring, starving your baby when they’re crying for milk… mmm think that one might stick!

& in regards to getting the papers to write articles and make her out as a victim, probs a bad move as she’s just spreading the news further and further for more people to hear what an atrocious Mom she is.
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