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FOD is quite rightly getting absolutely roasted in the comments on his rocket launch post, predominantly about not allowing comments on his blackout Tuesday post.

Obviously he couldn't win either way, by posting or not posting he was going to get held to account. Yet somehow, faced with those two choices, he managed to find an even WORSE option.

You love to see it.
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I may just have a dirty mind but read cummings saga differently.


Basic hun starter set point proven.

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I was thinking back to November. My initial reaction to the comment about Candice was that I couldn’t judge whether it was racist as I’m not a WOC and so my opinion wasn’t helpful. I then did quite a bit of reading, include lots of diverse social media, and decided it absolutely was. (I educated myself.) I had quite a few fights on here at the time as a result with people who really disagreed with me. I also felt awful about times in the past that I had dismissed that sort of comment as not particularly serious.

That’s the sort of journey Clemmie should have gone on. An apology and a promise to do better, and to understand the impact that these things have - even more from her as a HCP. A BAME woman arriving at the labour ward and finding out that her midwife was someone who has been openly part of the culture that dismisses black women in an environment in which she needs to trust her absolutely is really, really damaging. It could have a direct impact on your labour and birth. Her acknowledgement of what went wrong would have helped.

Ironically of course she had only recently posted about Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race (also ‘recommended’ by FoD) which explains EXACTLY WHY that sort of comment matters. For those who remember she had said that it changed her outlook but then refused to give any specifics at all. I assume she didn’t actually read it and it was just another virtue signalling post.

There was a way forward but it involved honesty and humility.
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I am not remotely posh but know a lot of properly posh people and I’d say they are as varied as everyone else in their views and inclinations! I’d say very broadly (and this may be true only of those I know because the ways I’ve met them demand it) that they have a lot more confidence than the average person, which I do envy.

Count me in though as someone who likes a child-free bathroom. I have an en-suite at the moment so do get to use a relatively clean sink but would kill to be able to have a bath without having to tidy up a million plastic toys, clean it thoroughly and not have the pervasive smell of constant unflushed poo throughout!

And while I love my children very much, even with the current 24 hours a day togetherness we have, when they were very tiny, I felt very ‘touched out’ and shattered at time from their need to be always with me. So something that is ‘away’ from kids, whatever that is, is so valued. It’s not about rejecting your kids but just having some mental space. Of course most of us don’t have actual rooms to do that which brings me back to those baths...
Yes- there is zero acknowledgement of the privilege of having those totally private grown up spaces. AND the SoDs are lucky enough not only to have "adult only" areas in their home, but a "kid only" playroom ffs. Most of us have a a bedroom with varying levels of privacy depending how old your kids are, and a single solitary living room SHARED BY THE WHOLE FAMILY 😱. We count ourselves lucky in our house that we have a dining room too!!
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I just don’t understand how a grown man can be so in love with themselves that they are constantly taking videos and photos of themselves? I don’t know any men like this. It’s just so vain. He must really be enthralled with himself!
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Am I the only one who thinks he’ll keep at it?

I don’t think they really have much choice if they want to keep the renovations and furnish the house. It’ll be another IWD sadly :(
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What staggers me is that he actually says in his stories that before this last week that he essentially never thought about race issues or white privilege. How can that be true? Did he honestly not reflect on racism for a moment after Clemmie’s unmasking as a secret racist troll? Did he not think about his/their privilege then and how monumentally wrong her online remarks were and why they were drawing such huge criticism? No...before the last few days he never took a single moment to think about issues of race and racism in the uk and where he and his wife fit in. Such a complete lack of awareness of anything outside their own #gifted bubble. It honestly says everything about him and his vile wife.
I think a lot of influencers (and tbh their fans judging by hun comments) genuinely believe that detractors are simply jealous of them, not fellow members of our society who can engage in a fair and nuanced discussion about rights / wrongs. Like influencers have transcended from mere mortal presence into almost a celebrity like bubble, they are just freelance sales reps tbh but I think there is something SO powerfully intoxicating about these people being presented as the roadmap for what we should have? It’s created a really fucking weird and toxic environment for many reasons (mental health & debt for women who can’t keep up the worst imo) but for the influencers it means they operate in two modes - either complete adoration or cancelled / public disgrace once you’ve gone past the point of no return.

They’d probably benefit if there was more of an open dialogue around these issues as no one is expecting us all to undo centuries of oppression and our own childhood socialisation overnight, they just want you to do better. I have no doubt Clem could have done a real baddie to goodie transformation if she put the work in, HOWEVER in doing that I think that they’d have to challenge the wider influencer industry - eg why are these events just full of rich white women, why are we getting free renos let’s do up a women’s shelter, etc etc. And no one wants to do that, she doesn’t want to be a person of note for anything other than the freebies...

I agree they are utterly vile. You have to laugh though as the house of horrors is now like a horrible prison / museum of yesteryear, it’s already horrible dated and half complete - like a throwback to the glory days of insta mamahood queendom and Pinterest board creation. I would be stressing the fuck out about what happens if XYZ of their high end freebies needs maintaining on their significantly reduced salaries, it’s like when lottery winners end up bankrupt 😫
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bwahahahaha that dressing room is absolutely shit! looks like a shit kitchen showroom! and ramming all their crap in there for the photos is amazing!! i bet it smells too.

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I get big centrist dad vibes from Simon.
Speaking of centrist dads... I had a dream last night that I was shagging Dominic Cummings! Can’t stand the man in real life but in the dream I found him quite fit? Grim. Sorry, totally OT but your post reminded me!

Anyway back to FOD. I know he was proud of his hair cutting skills the other week but it’s verging on a bit of a ‘meet me at mcdonalds’ now. No bueno.
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So rather than using this time wisely to address and reflect on her racism, MOD is online blocking from HOH. I snuck in a comment on a burner account (aptly named house of scrounging) about a week ago saying I’d loved what they’d done with the curtain, so original. Just checked and I’m blocked!

So rather than using this time wisely to address and reflect on her racism, MOD is online blocking from HOH. I snuck in a comment on a burner account (aptly named house of scrounging) about a week ago saying I’d loved what they’d done with the curtain, so original. Just checked and I’m blocked!

Presuming she didn’t like my username 🤔
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Funny how they deliberately showed an angle which doesn’t show where they ripped out the original Victorian cupboard and replaced it with tat.
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’you don’t see white dog poo any more’ could be the fact you get fined £1,000 for not picking up and disposing it 🤔 i always thought it went white over time..... correct me if I’m wrong
I think it’s because there’s a certain ingredient that isn’t used in dog food anymore... I may be wrong though.

Either way, the dog poo joke’s so fucking old it’s embarrassing. Who does he think his audience is? People who’ve been living in a cave since the millennium?
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Chatty Member
I might do you a recreation of Clemmie’s infamous Marks and Spencer’s show down with the smock.

I can show you how to style it with a bare leg and a Birkenstock or leggings and a boot. It’s very versatile you know. I like to layer a polo underneath on colder days, or a cheeky flash of a lacey cami for date night.

The pockets are what make it for me. So deep and practical for a working mum on the go (I’ll look wistfully, if not a little smugly through my fringe at this point.)

This is where I keep all the hair bands (head thrown back and a silent laugh like someone in my art studio has made a really funny joke.)
I think I might have been influenced. I kind of want one now. In foil leopard print with neon accents, paired with a trainer.
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Breakdance Badass

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My youngest son’s name is also quite a cliched name for a dog. There’s been a few times when we’ve been out on a walk, heard someone calling his name, turned round and they’re shouting for their dog 😂
This reminded me of my first babysitting job, aged 15. For a woman that worked with my Mum. I got dropped at their house and the dog ran into the room, I was standing patting it and her husband walked in and shouted “Breakdance Badass sit down!!!!”, I was terrified and sat on the sofa. Turned out the dog had the same name as me and that’s who he was talking to 😂
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I don't follow the interiors account and when I go looking for it, keep typing 'House of Horrors' into the search bar by mistake #freudianslip
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....and there we are...

Btw, been a lurker rather than a poster recently. Been trying to take a step back from social media. The SOD’s are just shit for c*nts and they’ll always be vacuous. I’m so happy Clembot hasn’t come back. She made my shit itch.
Urgh. I’ve just seen his just doesn’t feel sincere and a bit copy/paste of other posts by influencers who are posting for the sake of it/so they’re seen to be not because they’re being sincere.
How he can post this given what Clemmie said about Candice is beyond me. Tone deaf doesn’t even begin to cover it. How can he genuinely say he’s reflecting on his own privilege and not acknowledge what Clemmie said and not use that as a learning point/starting point?! That should be what makes him uncomfortable- that bias exists in his own fucking home by someone many hold in a position of trust during a vulnerable time in their lives. Someone who went against clear NMC guidance but due to her privilege kept her job.
Think you’ve summed it up perfectly with vacuous and c@“ts.

Edited to say:
How the hell can he post this when he didn’t do the first one and to this day still hasn’t done the first one re: Clemmie’s racism?

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