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VIP Member
Someone on these threads posted the link to the article printed about their house before it was theirs, it looked lovely and I don’t recall it being a dim grey mansion! Maybe they didn’t photograph those bits?
Not sure about upstairs but they’ve definitely painted all the downstairs. I can remember the huge fuss they made about spilling the paint in the car and getting it Valspar matched to F&B.
In the magazine article about the previous owners, the house was painted to accentuate the light, rather than the cave/basement look the OD’s seem to favour.
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Anyway, don't want to come across as a clemmie lover, I'm not, I just start to get a bit defensive with regards the midwifery stuff.
Doesn’t it frustrate you then how she uses
It as and when it suits her and the book is so dreadful, and the fanny admin etc. I really respected her as midwifeyhooper.
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I think she thinks she’s a trail blazer for being open , upfront and one of the “we need to talk about.....” panel , that’s seems to be the thing to do for Insta women.

Those of us who’ve had children discuss things as they naturally occur and do it without fuss but it’s her selling point to try to be at the forefront of “let’s talk” and making it seem like she’s a guiding light for the uninitiated.
@Deb99 she needs to "lets shut up" for him......
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Well-known member
Beyond gross. I have complained to Superga (who of course won't listen). Really hope the press pick up on these two soon.
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Because they will have been advised to be more relatable to followers. So they've dutifully gone holiday slumming in a luxury gite in France. Having to actually drive there themselves in their freebie, luxury Volvo and wearing their freebie, holiday outfits.

You know, like we all do.
Because y’know it was too expensive for 6 of them to fly during a school holiday 😉

Excellent comment by the therapist. MOD seems to be contradicting FOD’s post, to defend herself, by suggesting she rarely uses this method of punishment. There are arguments for and against use of a ‘time out’ place, however what is unquestionably unacceptable is taking and then sharing a photo of a toddler you have caused distress to with 1m random followers on the internet.

I saw that post before spotting the #AD. My first thought was what strange poolside attire, my second was to question where his socks are, and my third was an observation that his trainers need a wash. If I was Superga I would want my money back for that effort.
Why question where his socks are? I never wear socks either. Can’t stand them
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VIP Member
By culture, I meant that in countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, nose piercings are common. Uniform is a whole other discussion.
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Anyone remember when the paint got spilt in the boot and made a terrible mess?

I could have sworn they had a Mercedes.
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I had not heard of hello my name is campaign, but I did complain to my GP surgery that they didn’t wear name badges and I just received received acknowledgment that they will be bringing in name badges. Edited to add, I just read that Dr Granger started her campaign in 2013 and in 2019 my GP still hadn’t incorporated it! Strewth.
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VIP Member
I agree with everything everyone’s said about MOD’s hypocrisy but I also think Love Island is drivel 🤣
I’m not sure about the name badges, tbh. I used to have to wear one at work (not in a hospital, admittedly) and you always got some creeps who made a point of taking your name down and using it constantly. I suppose it’s always a plus in a healthcare setting but don’t they introduce themselves to new patients? (I also don’t know anything about the campaign behind it either, so maybe I should read up on it).
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Chatty Member
Yes it is. My sister in law has been a full time midwife for over 30 years and is exhausted. I am just amazed that King's allow Clemmie to milk her role to the tune of £240,000 a year in extra income. It sends a very dangerous message to the public at a time when the NHS is struggling so much.
I suppose it’s not too dissimilar to consultants doing private work to supplement their nhs income, really? Tho i suppose their private work takes pressure off the NHS - more so than flogging cracker tatt.

I think you just have to assume, re transparency, if they don’t explicitly say they’ve bought it, it’s been gifted?
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Double dare a braver person than I to comment: “Red is a great choice Crem. At least the colour will hide any mooncup leakage.” Because we know her cycle as well as she does, and which form of ‘san pro’ she prefers. We also know her husband has had the snip and she has therefore just had her coil removed. I’m thinking we know far too much!
Has he had his snip? How did this pass me by? I must’ve slipped up.
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Well-known member
They live in Thanet which is basically the worst place to live in Kent, known for crime and just overall being a dumping ground. They make out they are so upper class
Hence why they got a whacking big house for v little and they shipped the girls off to private school.
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