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So, those that don't think she has been harmed by DC, what are your thoughts?

I'm leaning toward an accident. I am open minded to a stranger attack. I don't think she has harmed herself.
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I wonder if they suspect hes done something and are making him sweat. He'll make a mistake soon as he wont be able to carry on. Psychopathic behaviour. I feel so compelled to follow this story but equally devastated for poor Esther and her family.
Our talking about this helps her. It keeps the heat on the criminal the police are pursuing.

If we keep quiet she loses justice.

LBT urged us to shut up today. Interesting.
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The man who last saw her is saying she set off on a different route to the one she had originally planned.

Still hoping and praying for a happy ending 🙏
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I find the silence really strange too. The family say they don't think she's had an accident, but I don't understand why there isn't more appeals for sightings or for information. Regardless of what they think has or hasn't happened, you think they'd be doing everything possible to try to locate her.

Edited to add... Unless the police have suggested not to appeal for information, but that poses a lot of questions as to why too.
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LOL, if you mean like me - then I found this thread googling the story, which interests me as I've spent time in mountainous terrain.

Here's a link to the document:
SvenS, I have very much appreciated your comments on here. Because I straddle between the two theories, and a lot of what you have written re the accident theory makes sense to me. Plus you helped me get clearer in my mind that she probably went West and never did go East. Maybe she always went West and could possibly have had the accident that night.
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All personality disorders derive from interrupted attachment. Ie something occurs in early childhood that disorders the child's emotional regulation.

In the different types of PDs the common theme is Fear of Abandonment.

Fear of Abandonment has become the key topic. DC raised it. The cops poke at his wound.

I find it very interesting that we only hear about DC's father. Never his mother.

When men mentally, emotionally or physically abuse or kill women we need to examine their relationship with their mother.

It's not always the mother. Sometimes another caregiver affected them.

But if they hurt a woman they are usually working through repressed rage or fears of maternal abandonment.

Sometimes even when the boy had an apparently good relationship with their mother eg Oscar Pistorius.
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I actually think there are a few posters on websleuths have been suspicious of DC for quite some time but the rules of that website are very strict about what the moderators term ‘victim blaming’ and at the moment DC is classed as a victim of the tragedy. So posters on there have to be careful what they say, but reading between the lines a few of the posters are thinking along the same lines as many people on this thread.
That’s so bizarre. Clearly the victim here is Esther since she is the one who is dead.
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I think some women are as bad. Someone I know husband was murdered in may. By October the same year she was living with someone else with her four children. One of who was only a year old.
Sounds dodgy.

From what I've read, only those with something "off" in their personalities can do this. It's not normal.

One of them is a narc & the other (target) may be normal but suckered in with a sob story.
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I think there’s something here. When they can rule out the partner straight away they always do. Remember Jo Yeates in Bristol? Her partner was never brought up. 🙁
That's only because the media hounded the their landlord simply because he was eccentric. Plus jo's boyfriend had an alibi. Hr was at his parents in sheffield.
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Jane Fonda

The fact that someone running in the mountains found the bone suggests that it wasn't in a dangerous area for hikers. Would indicate that she did not die there.

If she did have an accident elsewhere, then yes, perhaps animals moved her remains. However, it's still odd that after all the searches her clothing and equipment wasn't spotted.

I had a quick read about vultures and came across this article from a few years back!

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Just joined ... been following case on websleuths but it is so restricted there and we can’t talk about DC with respect to possible involvement. I seem to share most of your opinions that DC needs investigating. I also firmly believe the cops are playing a clever game here..... anyway so tired now but look forward to discussing more tomorrow!
Welcome! That site is the antithesis of its name. You're free to think here.

Too late to dig yourself out now me thinks 🤫
I meant it as a compliment. I love her posts.
Mine are wordy and meandering but Betty gets right to the point with a fresh zinger.

I have not just "liked" but "loved" her posts.
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Exactly , this would not be a criminal investigation if the police believe Esther had an accident . I agree with the poster above about the partner not using the website they shared to appeal to the public to help find his partner of 19 years that’s very strange
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In cases where a foreign national dies in disputed territory (such as at sea or, like this, where it could have happened in France or Spain) I don't think any of the police forces actually want the case.
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I read the whole websleuths thread today 😂 had a quiet day at work...

I think something unusual has happened - by this, either she deviated from her planned route (and why would she do this?) or she had some kind of freak/unlucky accident. Theories that she fell into a lake don’t really seem that plausible if the search teams have done their work properly - surely they’d have found her by now? Or at least a trace of her?

If her partner’s statement is true, in that he has provided the authorities with all his passwords, devices etc - I also wonder whether he would have made it from France to the mountains undetected and back? It is very hard to cover your tracks IMO - surely if he was truly a suspect something would have given him away...I do think he seems off though.
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Whilst we're in the midst of this void of information I thought I'd mention what the "sleuths" are saying over on a well known board. One simply stated that Esther has/had asperger's syndrome, bizarrely, even though they cleaned up the thread they left this post (and a couple more). In fact the admin announced that " Members are not qualified to diagnose anyone", I'm not sure how they "know" this! The most bizarre post though must go the poster who postulated that Esther could have " Perished in her Sleep due to Hypothermia while bivoacing ", clearly the poster doesn't think much of the eyesight of the rescue services nor the quality of the dogs used!
I hate it when there are missing person cases a lot of people seem confident to diagnose autism/aspergers. It seems the answer that covers everything to them.
‘Why did X disappear?’
‘Why did X murder that person?’

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I was reading today that one of the mountaineers in the area who used to work for the police rescue team has said that it is most likely that Esther fell down and slipped on the scree on the mountain. When you look at some of the pics of the paths it seems quite possible.

Accidents and slips do happen. I was chatting to a woman a few weeks ago who was hiking alone in Spain in the mountains. She slipped and fell on to some glass. The glass went through her hand and caused a fairly major injury. She had to bandage it up as best she could and walk for 4 hours to a hospital. She almost fainted when she got to the hospital but she made it.


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I think there’s something here. When they can rule out the partner straight away they always do. Remember Jo Yeates in Bristol? Her partner was never brought up. 🙁
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Well unless DC was using his credit card and phone all day long on all of those days, then of course he could have driven to where she was, especially if she slept back at the Cabane de la Besurta the night of the 22nd, and maybe something happened the following morning. Then he went back and started using his phone and credit card again. It was only 100 miles away. Maybe they arranged to meet at that Cabane during the phonecall on the 22nd as he could drive right up to that spot that night. If her phone was off there would be no more pinging & he could easily have left his back home. Now personally I don't think this happened, but my point is, it's ridiculous to say he can't have had access to her because he used his phone and credit card those days. He would have had to have been on them every hour of every day to ascertain that. 100 miles is only a 1.5 hour drive. He's controlling this narrative way too much and is making himself look as guilty as sin. I don't know why he is doing this. Look at Caroline Crouch's husband. Everyone thought he was innocent too. He was there at her funeral all snivelling and it was only then they arrested him. I wouldn't be surprised there's some suicide note on her phone, written by him, and the whole thing gets passed off as suicide.
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I didn't even consider suicide.......but I didn't know about her facebook page (probably cos I don't do it myself) If she was going through some deep soul searching, well that sheds a different light on things. I know people have said that she wanted to continue travelling, while Dan wanted to settle down more, so.....heck I don't know. I hope she isn't selfish enough to just leave everyone (including her own family) to pursue whatever it is she is looking for. Its been done before by people, so its not impossible I suppose, but still....gosh I don't know what to think now.

Wonder what took this woman so long to come forward? I mean Esther went missing in November, this is the middle of Jan, so why take so long to say "oh by the way, I saw her and she was xyz" Or did the papers have this for a while and just sit on it?
I think it's just that the paper has got hold of it.

Ms Adomaityte added: 'I spoke to the Spanish police two days after she was reported missing and told them everything I knew.
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Just got sucked into this rabbit hole.

Really hope for her family there is news, but if its snowing on the mountain it may hamper.
Only thing is, if she has passed - the cold will work to preserve & may help answer some questions.
Ideally she has taken off & will return when she is ready and & strong enough too.

He really seems so controlling & she seems like such a lovely soul!
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