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I totally get the BPD because I suffer with it too but you have to help yourself and the amount of alcohol she consumes knowing she has an addictive side plus the fact alcohol is a depressive is totally irresponsible to her own well being , I think she does use it for attention too I don’t know as someone else has just said you can set your clock by her , I manage my BPD well and that’s what it’s all about knowing your triggers not adding to them
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Chatty Member
I saw all the house tour.. why did she buy it 🤣 Im baffled 🤣 Omg she wants to change everything! Attic conversions, the back garden is awful, small main bedroom with a pointless ensuite, it's back to front. Everything needs changing or moving. It's going to cost them thousands. A 400k house and it's nothing they like! I know some people buy houses they do up but not a 400k house.

All I can think is the reason why they bought it was because their school is 2 minutes down the road.
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Wow she is massive arsehole, she literally tore that house apart slagging it off, its perfect how it is, she literally wants to change absolutely everything about it.
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I'm nosey, but I'm not going to go out of my way to find the house online, she'll show us soon enough. I'm definitely not planning to pop round for an iced coffee and some fajita pasta. It's a gossip site and we're gossiping. Threatening to lock the thread seems a bit harsh.
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Chatty Member
Here we go again . I’m in such a bad depressive way due to eating junk and swigging beer like there’s a beer shortage . She’s an attention seeking cow and laps up all the attention messages from her fan club . It doesn’t stop her from flogging though does it when’s she’s in such a bad way . You can set your clock by the silly twat what her next moves gonna be .
She should get herself a full time proper job and she’d be amazed at how good it would make her feel instead of talking non stop shit into her mobile phone 19 hours a day . 🤣
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Well from that house tour I have been able to find the full address very easily and I am bloody useless on a comp.

She's greedy by name greedy by nature. Nothing she does surprises me anymore
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Now we’ve seen more of the house I can see why for the first couple of days she very craftily chose the one shot of the front door, magnolia tree, balcony and rope swing (without mentioning the front was actually round the back) just to make it look like a big fancy house. It actually looks smaller now. The front is prettier than the back in terms of garden but the front of the house looks like a completely different building to the back. The balcony looks like it has two acro-props holding it up and it looks to be part of a housing estate. The allotments will bring in all sorts of vermin and they over look the garden too… imagine trying to have a nice sunbathe and Mr Bates is 8ft away spreading his manure 😂 If I lived in a HA/LA house and then moved in there I’d rightly be chuffed to bits but would I spend my hard earned cash on it? No, afraid not.
Its on an old housing estate that backs onto the fields, it's in a really busy part and with the allotments next door they will have zero privacy.

Personally the more that's said on here and the more she shows I don't know why the hell they've bought it.
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I must be doing something wrong working full time
Sending my kids to a child minders. Scrimping for a summer holiday. What is she gonna do when Instagram stops becoming her income? People will soon get bored. Plus she sold her cooker?! Why couldn’t she of left that for the people who would’ve loved to have a cooker in a council house. Honestly money grabbing greedy twat
Bet shes one of them even took the light bulbs with her, money grabbing low life
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I’d hardly call someone who had 2 rounds of private IVF and a boob job in her early twenties as hard up ffs. All that money she and her ex stole from pensioners? Only left her partner after she was exposed…….up till then she enjoyed the lifestyle!

proud of being a fucking influencer? Get a job ffs and stop lying. Actually work hard and having something real to be proud of!

my first husband died leaving me with 3 young children, no life insurance and no family around to help. Worked my arse off and now live in a 5 bed house owned outright, all me, after I put myself thru uni as an adult and now work as a band 8d chief matron for the NHS.

these greedy shameful influencers are like a cancer on society. Praying on the vulnerable to swipe up and use their codes. These 2 eat for free on all the gusto referrals whilst there’s families going hungry and they give NoTHiNG back. Nothing.
The woman’s nothing but a parasite and still preys on the vulnerable on a daily basis looking for them to fund their lavish lifestyle and her followers can’t see it . There quick to jump to her defence like they’ve been brainwashed by the fluent shit that comes out of her mouth .
She wouldn’t know a hard days graft if it hit her in the face full on . Fingers crossed her Instagram status will soon dry up and her sheep will start following someone much more interesting 🤨
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I havent been following Greedy for that long but just recently started following H. I’ve never seen (IMO) two people so different. H comes across as kind and polite she’s very sweet and clearly articulate and smart. How on earth did she end up with Greedy!!
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Chatty Member
She’s a fuking mess.
Sort your teeth out and burn those fuking old lady things on your feet you scamming heffa bitch.
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Surely the idiots that keep buying from both their MLM scams, as well as those using the swipe ups to spend money they've worked for have to eventually realise they are funding them being able to sit and do essentially nothing and have a lot of weekends away that many of them would struggle to afford themselves!

Whilst they are sitting struggling to flog a couple bottles of perfume to their friends, and being encouraged to buy various fragrances up front as 'they sell out quickly and you'll miss out', this pair are cashing in on that. You over pay for a Lumi that is made in China for pennies, there's part of another break away. It's disgusting. They know what they are doing, and even if they didn't it is not hard to research the ethics and business models behind a pyramid sscheme MLM. Cashing in on women that probably followed them for budget DIY or because they were 'relatable', possibly not not wealthiest, maybe relating to the mental health issues, etc. I'm sorry what makes them any better morally than any other scam?
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Very Cherry

VIP Member
Here we go again . Who really takes to Instagram to boast about having their tit out to try and dry the infection out attention seekers that’s who .
Is it me or are them gnashers getting bigger 😫

I’d say so . Hopefully as far away in the valleys where there’s no internet .
This is my first post on this thread, Greedy really is getting on my tits so thought I'd join in. I agree about the teeth getting bigger and why on earth does she keep sucking and licking at them, surely she can't think that's an attractive look, she does it about every 20 seconds. 🤢
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I didnt really understand the point of showing us her undies when a couple stories earlier she was so insecure that she refused to go in public in a dress. Makes zero sense.

Attention whores gonna whore tho i guess.
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"I can't stop eating and drinking iv got an addictive personality"
In other words, your an alcoholic. I'm all for having a drink and going out letting your hair down, but recently all she seems to do is have an alcoholic drink every single day, she can't seem to go a day without it, and thats just from what she shows on the gram. Probably why she feels like shit all the time
I have an addictive personality but it doesn’t lead me to drink everyday , it’s done by choice there’s no other reason for it it’s nothing to do with an “addictive personality” she’s pathetic
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