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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
This but also he doesn’t appear to be holding a bottle of water or anything? Crazy in that sort of heat!
I thought exactly the same at first but isn't he carrying a backpack 🤔 It would be crazy not to be carrying some water on a walk in that heat.
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I just don't understand not taking your phone on a foreign holiday when you're gonna be away from your accommodation for a decent amount of time. I can slightly understand leaving your phone at home in your home country.

Whenever I've been on holiday with my family and someone wants to go back alone, we always message when we're safely back. You just never know what can happen in an unfamiliar place, especially when it's so hot which can cause disorientation
Was he disoriented and or confused?
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Latest is saying he made it into town! 😯

I really was not expecting that, where the hell is he?!
It's no doubt click / share bait. There must be lots of people that look a bit like him and lots of fake sightings.
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I’ve been lurking here, but I feel the need to point out that this isn’t a trope. It’s known as Missing White Woman Syndrome and it very much exists. Claiming that it doesn’t simply adds to the problem.
A trope is a recurring thing, a pattern - so it’s a trope. And I don’t disagree it’s a problem, but this is a public figure gossip site and he’s on the telly, we’re bound to pick up on it even if it was just on Xitter and socials.
So it’s going off topic to talk about the media bias and “Missing White Woman Syndrome” which is somewhat a different issue, and is often related to women and girls more so than men.
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It’s very sad that someone who has been so much in the public eye ‘pushing’ a harmful way to health turns out not to have been a healthy chap at all. doesn‘t look good I feel for his family I hope they get some closure.
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There’s been rumours abound about other grooers in the tv industry but I’ve never seen anything about him before.

A story being about to break could be a trigger for him taking action. IMO it’s more plausible than him simply being depressed.
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One thing I do wish people would stop mentioning is about him being a doctor and being knowledgeable about not going for walks in heat. having worked within the NHS a lot of doctors are medically competent but very lacking in common sense.

Also He was a doctor in qualifying only back in early 80s he didn't practise as a doctor he isn't licensed as a medical doctor and pretty much went straight into television after qualifying.
I just read this after posting! Glad I'm not the only one thinking this.
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Wether he’s in the sea or on land, the umbrella would have been found. It would float on the water surely. How can he just disappear. That water looks calm and regular boats going by too
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Going for a hike in a heatwave in Greece isn’t a good idea. Especially if you’re over the age of 50.
I can imagine the government having to put warnings out to tourists if this keeps happening. Yes he took water (as did Michael Mosley) but the phone is only really useful if you can use it to call for help.
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Dotty Merton

VIP Member
Daily Mail reporting cctv footgae from the resort has now been seen with him picking his way down the slope before stumbling. So very sad for his poor family.
Not that it matters but I am confused about the he was feeling unwell story, where did that come from? I thought his wife had said it.
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I wonder if he decided to kill himself. I know older people are less likely to be glued to their phones but not taking someone else's if you aren't feeling well and walking by yourself doesn't seem sensible.
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Jane Tee

VIP Member
I don't know yet, planning to start next week.

Protein, fruit, small carbs, nuts.

That sound right?
You can get the carbs from fruit or veg.
I would eat a lot if green salad and tin sardines in water. Boiled egg. Apple. Almonds. Fruit tea.
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VIP Member
There’s been rumours abound about other grooers in the tv industry but I’ve never seen anything about him before.

A story being about to break could be a trigger for him taking action. IMO it’s more plausible than him simply being depressed.
Oh my god, that puts a whole new perspective on this story.
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