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No logic in that wee head, has she not considered that her getting ‘worse’ covid 3 years after her last vaccine is because it was 3 years after her last vaccine!??
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Covid has just become an excuse to justify starving herself. It’s a complete misdirection. She can spout on about vaccines and CFS and random relatives that all conveniently have the same symptoms ( hysteria in the new pandemic in that parish), but it’s just a handy way for her to explain away severe weight loss.
It’s always a mental health problem not a physical health problem with Mrs O Rourke.

Between the starvation and the refusal at all costs to stop breastfeeding I’m just over here saying a novena for her bone density.

The majority of her issues could be cured with some cheese and a Valium .
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Sorry but im also screaming at the ted baker dress to the physio appointment- watch she’ll have a fake dm asking about it with a follow up on how they were going on date night after (to the garden centre cafe for non upf Caesar salad)
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She's being purposely obtuse about the whole thing. She is going against everything she should understand and value since she had been through the effects of an eating disorder. She knows well how body checking effects people and is now actively posting videos in a bra or half dressed for no reason other than to show off her weight loss. She also knows how triggering it is to demonise food groups and she is now on a whole "this food is good and this food is bad" mantra and alluding to how eating certain food "cured" her despite the fact that she was given actual medication.
I would honestly respect her more if she just said "I was sick for a while so ate a lot less and lost loads of weight in a short space of time and I am actually delighted because I wanted to lose my pregnancy weight for ages". It's so much more enjoyable when people are honest because a lot of us would relate to wanting to lose weight for a long time and when it did drop off we then felt more confident. But she has to make it into this big load of shit about demonizing UPFs and how she's a better person because she touches grass with her bare feet. Cringe
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Why does she call Thomas her "toy boy"... He was born in May '91 and she was born in August '89... Not even a two year age gap. She's so insecure.
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Looks like the mam didn’t go to Andrew’s wedding either. She probably is a weirdo in fairness. I’d be so upset and disappointed if one of my parents point blank refused to go to my wedding.

Oh of course Mel had to have at least one of her children there despite the request not to. Ren is like 18 months now at this stage, she can go without breast milk for an evening for god sake.
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Good lord someone get the girl a diary. Why does she always have to share every passing thought with the whole internet? I actually feel sorry for Thomas a bit that he has to go on these ridiculous roller coaster rides of crap with whatever she’s hyperfixating on next. It was UPF for a bit, now it’s brain retraining and it’ll probably be something else in a week or two then back to UPF for a bit again. It’s so fucking boring. has she even been doing the ‘brain training’ long enough to have a ‘best’ one that works for her? Hasn’t it been like a day? :rolleyes:
I think even if she does get a proper medical diagnosis she won’t accept it? She’s that type of person
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I have one of the conditions that you can't see and people tend to say aren't real, you just need to try harder etc. I made myself more ill by trying harder, I cleaned up my diet completely, I exercised, I did all of the 'right' things and I was still in a heap(although I will confess I never tried touching grass). All I managed to do was exhaust myself and make myself feel bad for what felt like not trying hard enough if that makes sense?

In the end I finally got to see a specialist and was put on a combo of meds and it was life changing for me. I realised that actually I was ill and no amount of exercise or eating clean or meditation was ever going to fix me and I had spent a long time beating myself up for no reason. I hadn't realised how ill I was until the meds kicked in and I was like holy shit this is what 'normal' feels like. Fortunately I'm mostly great these days, I still eat well, I run a lot, I take care of myself but I'm under no delusions that that is what is making me well rather than the meds I scoff each day.

If Mel was actually ill then she is lucky that a change in diet and a bit of grass touching helped her. I do think she is feeding into the you just aren't trying hard enough narrative that can surround invisible illnesses and I can see why so many are frustrated with her. She needs to do a bit more self reflection and a little less self defence.
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It is peak Melanie to be on her first holiday in five years … but spending the time in her stories and comments, at war with anyone who dares disagree with her 😆

She could’ve stayed in the mouldy bungalow and ranted from the gifted floor mattress instead!
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Collection of ramblings from her newest youtube video. Giving weight loss tips, anti vaccine rhetoric and going on a long rant about someone saying her channel being sponsored is off-putting.
I never seen anything like it. The dramatics "the kids were sick for months and months" .And you would think Tommy was away at war and she only saw him twice a year 🙄 In the words of Blanche Hunt from corrie " I've never heard such self indulgent whinging in all me life " 🤣
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Whilst pointing out the distinctive stone chimney and location beside a field 🙄 now there’s an old banger and electric car with tinted windows parked outside as a good guide.
A 70’s car to go along with the 70’s bungalow :rolleyes:

Aren’t 25 year mortgages very common? It’s a lot per month for everyone at the minute Mel, not just the poor ol’ O’Rourke’s with their 2 cars, 3 bedrooms, grandad pad and sex in the city walk in wardrobe

Also stumbled across this in the description of her video of the house tour she did while trying to confirm how many bedrooms the bungalow has. She must be delusional if she thinks she hasn’t disclosed where the house is, she even gave us the floor plans ffs
Very private and cctv protected 😂 You would swear she owned a secluded country mansion in the middle of no where with thousands of euro worth of security measures in place 😂😂 Calm down Kate Middleton. You live in a bungalow, probably with a Ring door bell. Her notions of grandeur are comical 😂 Remember she said about having the tinted windows for the young lads privacy, as if the paparazzi are going to be running alongside her car!
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Chatty Member
Nothing wrong with the discs here lol
View attachment 2954400
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST can this woman not just watch a movie? It’s so clear that she has no solid sense of identity if she is so influenced by the behaviours of money characters.

I watched Goodfellas over the weekend, I’m not about to make a reel warning people of the dangers of getting involved with the mob. Does she seriously think that every young woman walks away from movies like Twilight with a new perspective on relationships rather than just thinking yeah that was a *insert your own feelings* movie???
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with all the talk ud swear it was gonna be 3 weeks in Italy 🤣 and lord above after 1 trip away obviously had to mention 2 flights....she thinks she ll be a travelling fam!
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I've always said it, there must be something very wrong with their mother, to not attend your child's wedding and have little to no relationship with your grandchildren is just crazy to me. Jessica also said she probably won't be at her wedding either . The whole not wanting to be around her ex is bullshit, they are split how many years, surely they could spend one day in the same room, they wouldn't even have to speak to each other. It must be something in the female genes with that family 😂
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VIP Member
Time and time again I will say it.

Melanie has an attention seeking disorder and Munchausens. Those two combined are what has caused the multitude of very vague illnesses she claims she has spanning the last decade on youtube. A very very long list of lies. She has benefited greatly from her imaginary illnesses - content and plenty of money and it gives her the attention and the "poor you" she isn't getting at home.

As @mindlessness said she's lonely, these little online communities full of genuinely unwell people will feed into her delusions because they don't know her tendencies to lie and make shit up for attention, these people genuinely want to help others suffering.She loves these forums because people in her real life know the games she plays and won't feed into it. Melanie has to be number one and centre of attention all the time. That's what drives her illnesses- the need to be seen.

Even the way she poses hundreds of questions within one paragraph on that forum is just Mel doing her very best to self diagnose. It was the same with the bulk of the illnesses she claimed she had- the doctors were at fault, they weren't listening and she would self diagnose. She's mostly never had a professional diagnosis for 95 % of these so called "illnesses"

@monga thanks for sharing the SS.
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Chatty Member
Collection of ramblings from her newest youtube video. Giving weight loss tips, anti vaccine rhetoric and going on a long rant about someone saying her channel being sponsored is off-putting.
So she’s gone from desperately asking people on FB and insta if they’ve ever experienced this weird nerve fizzing sensation as she had no clue what it was to now suddenly she’s got two family members who had the same symptoms, one for 18 months after the vaccine and her aunt who had it as a result of long COVID? Well why didn’t she ask them about it then? Does she remember the stuff she spouts to people or does she just make it up as she goes

* pics attached aren’t mine, saved them from a post another member here posted on the last MM thread


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Someone take her phone away from her!
So far on the list of possible ailments just from this "nerve pain" she's experienced. Causes suggested by doctors: anxiety. Causes that Mel is querying or that Internet advises: chronic fatigue syndrome, M E, long covid, fibromyalgia, caused by ultra processed foods, caused by gluten intolerance and insulin resistance. She needs to stop diagnosing herself with every possible thing under the sun and advising people of medical stuff when she's shown before she doesn't understand how to read research or not cherry pick studies.
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