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That video 😥

It all felt very insincere. Forced touching with no depth behind it, lack of eye contact at times and then the extreme of very intentional over the top eye contact, coupled with furious head nodding to try make it appear very raw and deep- this all just durning the questions bit, mind.

The 4 minute segment where they stared at each other- Melanie crying in particular- it reminded me of crying when I looked at my ex and realised I was not in love anymore but loved as a friend(anyone relate?) but to me it wasn't tears of love and contentment, rather tears of burying/ignoring the gut and this video to try prove to herself and tattle "it" is still there.

I think for Melanie, Thomas has reached best friend status.
sorry I’m either reading you wrong or I’m totally heartless, but why would staring into someone’s eyes for an extended period cause you to cry? Especially your spouse. Something weird there.
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It's hilarious that she actually thinks she is a "big believer in flexibility". It shows very clearly
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She blocked me 😂😂😂 pointed out under her reel that as a single parent I find it disingenuous. She can make whatever she content she wants but as she wfh and she has 3/4 other adults in the house her reel is ridiculous to us who actually have to do it all by ourselves.
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So let me get this straight. There is a reading corner with many classics and Melanie forgoes all of them and chooses the 'Sex and the City' copy she finds. What a shocker. And then she conveniently wears functional sandals and talks to her son about Carrie Bradshaw saying that Birkenstocks are lesbian shoes and how that was problematic? What a coincidence that she just happened to wear those shoes and have her partner take her pic, right?
Sadly her son is only interested in banging things though and not the riveting things she tells him.

Plus she then has to show everyone she knows about the Mandela effect. And how she is part of a group that is convinced it was IN and not AND in the title of "Sex and the city". Fascinating information being shared. Thank god she added that hashtag. Good job, Melanie 👍🏻
What the actual hell is this post? I mean I get that not every post has to be meaningful, but this is just such a random assortment of information in the caption and seems super forced.
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I see Melanie has inserted her voice into Something that doesn't concern her... spotted over on the sacconejoly's thread. SS from a tattler from Jonathan's IG.

A commenter on tattle summed her up as "the biggest dose in Ireland" 😂


* some of these comments have since been deleted
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Why is that anyone who expresses reservations about a vax fast-tracked for emergency use and which age suitability criteria changing literally by the DAY is automatically ‘anti-vax and anti-science!?’ I took the swine flu vax against my better judgement (another one emergency authorised) and it’s since been taken off the market. FFS, let people make up their own minds based on their circumstances. 🤨
People are free to make up their own minds, no one is forcing you to do anything. But I would wager that most reservations people have about the vaccine is rooted in fear mongering pseudoscience and misinformation from illegitimate sources.
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Melanie three weeks ago: what do people want from me? I can't impact change in any way on Instagram. Hence I don't post about important issues on here. We should refocus energy here.
Also Melanie all year: sign the petition for aviation, follow the profile etc. It's so important. Please please please you guys.
And now:
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If she's gonna mention her dad, Thomas and her stepfather that I don't think anyone knew she was close to, she probably should have given a shout out to her father in law who has given them a roof over their heads. Her post gave me the impression that she really misses her family and isn't comfortable living with her in laws. What she wrote about her dad was nice but I thought she was gonna tie it into Thomas as a father but nope. Shady
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oh my god 😂😂 she’s so pretentious

“Can’t Sell Me Love by moi ☺💚

Fucking stamping it like it’s a work of art when it literally reads like twelve monkeys on a type writer hahahahaha

Imagine being thomas and having to read that drivel while she watches you with her pennywise face going “well? 😋 what do you think?????😋
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Chatty Member
I agree, everyone should mind their own business with the Covid vaccine stuff, it's private medical information after all. I'm finding the current climate of oversharing so strange, some people asking literal strangers whether they've had the vaccine when it hasn't got anything to do with them lol. The main reason to take it is so YOU have less of a chance to end up in hospital/seriously ill if you catch covid, you can still infect and get infected, vaccines never give you 100% protection.

Not meaning to scare but to inform btw. The swine flu vacine has been linked to narcolepsy (one in every 55,000 jabs for children, and the risk of narcolepsy increased 4-fold in adults) ( It's a debilitating, incurable chronic illness which affects daily life, so it's understandable why people are hesitant towards the COVID vaccine when things like this have happened in recent history.

It's pointless in hating or thinking less of people because of their vaccination status, it just causes more division in these already divided times.
Except regardless of how one feels personally, the covid vaccination has absolutely everything to do with other peoples business!! Do I want to know if a public place is full of people who refuse the vaccination for unfounded reasons? YES.

I agree people can still get covid. With far less aggressive symptoms. So win win in my eyes.

But this is a thread for Melanie. So let's keep it that way
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My sons dad has been admitted to the hospital I work at with Covid related illness. It’s pretty bad atm and because I’ve nobody else to look after my son full time I’ll have to take sick leave until he’s better. That means I can’t use hospital privileges to dip in and out to see him and look at his notes.

All of that to say 1. I’ll be taking a break for a few weeks from the thread

2. if I do have a rant about her over something minimal it’s all my issue and yes I probably am deranged and you can ignore it 😂

i love the comments here though they’re always spot on. talk soon!
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The part where she says that she misses wine etc gets me so bad. Drink the damn wine! She's not an alcoholic! Jesus woman. This just proves to me that she hasn't dealt with any of her issues because they evidently come out when she's drunk which is why she's stopped drinking. I went through this in my early 20's, I went to therapy and now I don't use alcohol in that way and can enjoy a glass of wine without it being the end of the bloody world. Do the damn work on yourself Mel and stop pretending you already have.
Catastrophising is a huge component of depression and anxiety and she does it constantly. Seriously it's just painful to see at this point.
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She's acting as if antigen testing is free and only PCR costs money. Hahahhaa. Oh Melanie.

Ireland supposedly has spent 400million euros on PCR tests since this pandemic stated. And she complains about it being a waste and how antigen should be used.
Just to put it into perspective: it's estimated that in Germany, where antigen testing is widely used since March, it's costing the government and in turn the taxpayer, about 630 million euros a month to provide antigen testing.
And those antigen tests are used IN ADDITION AND NOT INSTEAD OF the PCR tests she dreads so much. It's not like we stopped using PCR tests all together in Germany. They are just used in different ways. So if you test positive on the antigen tests most of the time you're given a PCR afterwards. And of course there are other occasions when they are used as well. They remain the gold standard of testing.
Yes, Germany is a lot bigger than Ireland and it's not the same, I know. But 400 million euros since the start of the pandemic, when for a huge amount of this time no vaccines were available, and testing was the only way to even partially contain and control the situation, is really not exorbitant. And I would wager proportionally Germany and countries that have used antigen testing for a while haven't spent any less. So I don't really get her complaints.
She complains about incompetence in decision makers and how money should really go to things she feels are "the right places". At the same time the fundraiser her husband did from, originally, May 11th still hasn't paid a dime to the organisation. It's been almost two months. It's going to be 2022 by the time the donations get to the recipient 😅
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Title c/o the clever @BANDJ2018 and inspired by Melanie's sob story reel about being isolated from her village of support with a baby despite living in her in-laws attic and having a partner at home.
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I also wanted to point out that yesterday's boob reel was filmed with a filter.

Also looking at today's reel- the segment where she's wearing the ugly red bralette is also filtered.

But go off Melanie about how you are above filtering yourself and your body parts.
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"But WHY are football games unacceptable to them, but they fume about not being able to dine indoors? You can't pick and choose what suits you!!"@Sazb64 This!!! This Exactly!!

It's the flipflopping for me.

ETA when people were dying in Italy, Melanie was calling it a flu and making bank about the wedding she didn't have. When our death toll was climbing, Melanie was walking around a shopping centre without a mask. The entire pandemic Melanie never once offered any sympathies or bothered to reflect on the loss of life.

This latest story is nothing short of a fucking narcissistic attempt at using an extremely sad scenario to bolder her theories.

She's not once spoken out, aired her sadness about loss of life UNTIL it can be used for her own agenda.
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Trust her to make the indoor dining all about her, like a true narcissist
Never mind the business owners who’ve been struggling for over a year
The staff who have been on the COVID payment
The suppliers having nobody to supply to because it’s all been fucking closed
No no Queen Mel is discriminated against because she can’t eat a sandwich inside
Wasn’t she on about taking mushrooms in a past life? What does she wash her clothes with? What’s the house cleaned with, is she sure there’s no mould in the walls considering it’s an old house?
Because all these anti-vaxxer idiots love to harp on about vaccines being unknown chemicals being pumped into you…and yet they ingest chemicals and dangerous substances all the time without even realising
So unless you live in a tree and live on actual fresh air…you’re ingesting chemicals and unknown substances all the time, a vaccine is the least you should be worried about
Get the vaccine folks, it’s really that simple
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What the actual 😂
This comment got me :ROFLMAO:
Why is she talking like the character from her book is a real person and not someone she made up herself in her head? She chose those words, “Erin’s” voice is Melanie’s… and why is she so aggressive and oddly specific about the plot line? She’s off her rocker

Of all the shite she comes out with, this has really reaffirmed to me that she's a total narc. Any shred of doubt I've ever had has left my body. Who in their right mind would write something like that?Why is she trying to personify a fictional book character.... It's disturbing to read that. I love how as per usual she absolves herself from any blame by blaming a *fictional character* she wrote.

Are we taking bets on how long it will take before Melanie decides she too, just like Jonathan had imaginary friends growing up. Milo, her imaginary friend growing up who was a gay man with a beard and tattoos.
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