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She says she's "making content to raise awareness" HILARIOUS!
NOTHING Mel does is about raising awareness in the slightest! What a crock of sh*t saying she's about rausising awareness!

It's obvious to everyone but Mel that she is an attention seeker DESPERATE to shame anyone who she perceived has wronged her & anyone associated with them aswell, they are all fair game for her pathetic videos.

She wonders why one of her siblings keeps "stalking her"
Mel seems to forget she is one 3 children, 3 children who seemingly had a challenging childhood. Children who are now adults and will probably be kept being told by their family and friends that their desperate attention seeking sister is wallowing in their past again.

She seems blind to the fact how triggering her daily content must be for him, how provocative her daily content will be, how upsetting her daily content will be. Like Mel said herself it's easy to say don't look when people are critising you online, perhaps your middle brother feels that too!

Just because she seems to get some perverse pleasure from living in the past, others might want to move on from it, others might see it very differently and others might be inclined to be very upset & annoyed because their innocent children were dragged into this whole performance and they might be getting bullied because of it. Who knows! Mel certainly doesn't, Mel is ONLY interested in herself. Mel is only interested in living in the past despite having the "best life" now 🤣

Mel is absolutely lying when she says she's only talked about her brother once or twice! I've not seen all of her content and I can recall many occasions where she has spoken about her middle brother many times.

Mels memory is VERY convenient! It recalls everything she wants it to recall and it forgets all the bits she wants it to forget, then she lies, I have witnessed multiple lies. I suspect this is why the police take her with a pinch of salt.
She has heavily criticised the police many times BUT the first person she calls when she wants even more attention than usual is the police! Hilarious!

You keep believing you've only spoken about your middle brother twice Mel, the reality is you must keep triggering him and others by exposing their painful childhood aswell as yours. You keep pushing their buttons. You reap what you sow in this life and the more exposing Mel does about her family, be cause believe it or not it's other people's family too, the more what's happening will keep happening.

I see her middle brother as innocent in this whole performance. He didn't ask for her to call him out, humiliate him, call him a disgusting parent, he didn't ask for his darkest secrets to be exposed because even I know allegedly happened to him as a child because of Mel AND I SHOULDN'T know that! Nobody should know the above things unless her brother decided to share them with the world.

Mel deserves EVERYTHING she gets and more. If she decided to publicly share my childhood, my traumas l, my abuse, my children's stories, all online for the world to entertain themselves with, without my permission, I would be making her life an absolute living hell!!!! never mind sending her a few messages! Just because she has forgotten what she has said about her middle bother he won't have and the 1000s of viewers wont have. What gives her the right to tell his deepest darkest traumas to an audience online? Can you imagine if her middle bother was online telling Mels abuse stories without her consent!? She behaves disgustingly, just because she is happy to gossip and overshare, she assumes everyone else and their past is fault game! Nothing is confidential if Mel knows it.

Grow up Mel, nothing you do is about raising awareness in the slightest and you know it, we all know it and your followers definitely know it.
You have a following because you are a loose canon who's life pivots around imploding due to your own selfish attention seeking behaviour and your followers are along for the free ride and entertainment. You are an absolute joke! You are an insensitive, insincere and duplicitous person.

Sadly your poor husband is blindsided by you, he won't always be, and when he too gets sick of your drama and the way you speak to and treat him, which we can all clearly see, you'll be left with what? NOTHING & no one, because what is abundantly clear is everyone seems very happy that you are estranged from them. When your husband and his seemingly lovely family see through the Mel facade, All that will remain in Mels life will be her multiple personality disorders and more blame, because EVERYTHING is always everyone else's fault! Never Mels 🤥🙄

The damage has been done re her middle brother, she's told everyone his abuse trauma, she's pulled apart his life, his relationship and his parenting skills, the damage is done and EVERYTIME she posts online about her family she will no doubt trigger him, that's why he reacts imo. If she'd done the above to me, I'D REACT ASWELL, as would anyone who's estranged sibling told the world their deepest darkest taboos!

Mel knowingly goes online umpteen times a day and throws a grenade at her family. Just because she says so much that even she forgets what she's said & what damage she's caused, doesn't mean everyone else has forgotten. I imagine her brother absolutely dreads her posting online, and he is extremely hypervigilant & reacts with anger everytime she opens her mouth and posts a new video, and the only person who's caused that is Mel!

Mels own actions cause Reactions. It's not rocket science. Similarly, if she hadn't been so vocal in criticising the police so publicly and she wasn't the root cause of her own current problems, perhaps they might take her more seriously and respond more promptly. But as always, it's never Mels fault! 🙄
Not gonna lie to sit and write a message that long on a forum screams you know her personally which is fine but tell us 😂
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Christ, nothing is sacred for this woman. She's a step mum, 2 days a week at most. For 8 years. RELAX NANNY MCPHEE, YOU'RE THE STEP MUM.
I would be apoplectic if the step mum of my kids shared a PRIVATE card written by A CHILD to my tiktok ego wankfest.

Wow, what a banana. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Chatty Member
I laughed out loud when she said that she has respected her families privacy!
I also knew that she lives in Wakefield because she was telling all of the strangers when she started doing lives. The ones she did when she should have been working! Nobody has posted your address and your family already know where you live so I don’t see what difference it makes. The harassment thing also started before this thread even existed so it’s not our fault that you thought that your brother was going to kill you.
Motor mouth Mel is a hypocrite.
Her estranged father is her post man 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
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I have never seen a creator so obsessed with their own tattle page. Why feel the need to correct anything here if everyone here is a sad pathetic troll according to her? I personally have never felt the need to correct someone’s opinion of me if I don’t like them anyway
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She said the other day anyone who posts at night on tattle must be unemployed 🤣 Here's me posting from work on my break before another surgery! Guess she doesn't know how hospitals work! I work crazy shifts and I call out lying grifters like Mel on a site designed for doing so because she is a liar and she uses vulnerable people and their trauma on tik tok to line her pockets.

I bet the police are sick of her wasting their time. She chooses to call her whole family out online, what does she expect! Nobody would stay silent under the scrutiny she puts her family under everyday, absolutely nobody.

I've come to the conclusion she's deliberately agitating her family to get reactions from them so she can play the victim to her sycophants and get more sympathy. I think her followers are under the impression her family are threatening her or something and she is pretty ambiguous when talking about what they've done wrong, but all they are doing is having their right to reply about what's happening now, which they are entitled to do, regardless of what's happened in the past.

Mel has created a safe space for herself to be in full on victim mode, all I see is a nasty piece of work who's taking her life out on her innocent husband and it's disturbing. We all know where it will end that is for sure!
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Hates Tattle so much that as soon as she heard Mrs Hinch’s Dad had died, she scuttled over to the thread to trawl through it for nasty comments. She’s showing herself up massively, keep chatting Mel you are digging yourself deeper and deeper. Hilarious 😂
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perpetual victim. Not saying she doesn’t have trauma from her family because she clearly does. But if everything and everyone around you is toxic maybe you should start to look inwards as well
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I find it odd she calls the kids mothers ‘birth mums’ you’re not their mum in any sense, sorry, you’re just their dad’s wife.
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I find this woman relies far too much on the validation of children, strangers and anyone that will give her it. I’ve gone through a lot very similar to her and I go weeks without even bringing it up. Whilst I know trauma affects people differently, I’d just hate discussing it SO often as that would fuck up my mental health so much more.

I have no relationship with my mum, I even moved hundreds of miles away to get away from her. I can go a few days without even thinking about her at all now, it’s been almost 7 years and I’ve worked so hard on myself to get to this point. She needs to take a step back and do the same for her mental sake. Her husband must be sick of hearing about it, surely that affects his mental health too? I wonder how the mums feel about their ex partners wife and her TikToks.

I’d be fuming if they were my ex partners wife putting private details up about my children, cards or anything. I’d also be worried about about her telling them things that they shouldn’t know about at all. I’ll probably never tell my children the full extent of my trauma, my partner and dad don’t even know all of it because it’s such a heavy topic.

I personally get the ick from her husband, he’s a pedophile in my opinion. I know she thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread but he was lurking around a vulnerable teenager whilst he already had a partner and 4 kids. I’d find that alarming but she was young, vulnerable, easily manipulated, no idea of boundaries from her own abusive family, and he’s probably her first love.

I’d wonder what they even had in common besides her grandmother and him being her gardener. Grown adults shouldn’t be around teenagers, especially ones who have so much more life experience. She became “step mum” before she even lived her life free of her abusive family. She should’ve had time for herself to heal, get therapy, focus on herself. If my son dated someone that much younger than him and met her as a teen I’d feel disgusted to be honest.

I also find him weird in the sense that he said he hadn’t loved like that tell Mel or some shit. I’m sorry to save but clearly you did otherwise you’d not have 4 kids with different women? 🤣 That must be nice for the mums to hear, that he was faking the love. Even better for the kids to hear that he didn’t properly love their mums too, such a weird thing to say. I think he’s just saying it to inflate her ego and make her feel better. She’s got to have her head in the clouds to think her partner didn’t love or have relations with someone else but she does come across the jealous type. Which is why she should’ve been with someone her own age from the beginning.
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Awwww man, I see that the hearing aid gate made the news 😂😭 I did find it funny how me apologising, holding my hands up, correcting misinformation and taking full accountability never made the cut.

Anything that suits her narrative though eh.🙄

Although the information is freely out there in the public realm, I don’t think family names/pictures of them should be posted on here. I don’t think it’s fair on them IMO.
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Delia Smith

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I think what I hate the most is the cockiness. The way she stands in front of her husband with that sort of masculine stance - demanding he does a ‘fit check’ for the camera. Agree he looks shy and terrified of her. And yes, he’s also way better looking.
On a live recently with her husband she was slating the mother of his kids. It’s was clearly very awkward for him ….
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I've been SA as I'm sure the majority of her followers have. How is not just the SA but everything that goes with it too.
Mine was I was 15, he was 33, he plied my with alcohol, I passed out, his word against mine, even tho he admitted it, admitted having intercourse but said i wanted it, never got to court, cos threw it out! So yes I understand historic cases, the police have failed many many women.
Other SAs I didn't even report.

But do I now go telling everyone not to bother with them, how useless they are etc?! No, I would encourage people too & tell them what their rights are.

I have MH issues from c ptsd too, God the last thing I'd want is to be playing it all out, I can't even say some things out loud to my husband, I want to but it won't even come out, let alone make whole role plays about it.

She loves the attention & has not grown up. I was immature & I did things wrong but I learnt & learnt to help support others.

She could be doing so much to help, telling people of agencies in their area, telling people their rights.

But no, it'll always be about her. Makes me laugh as now in my 40s I'm only just starting to not blame myself for behaviour. She never self evaluates, its always someone else who is in the wrong!

I thought watching her initially how awful it was but I've seen red flags & then heard her mention tattle & came straight to look for her because there is no smoke without fire!
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Was just watching this lady when she mentioned she’s in tattle. Popped over for a few other threads!
She definitely has narcissistic tendencies whether she likes it or not.
her space isn’t safe at all.some of the things she talks about are disgusting. She needs to work harder at get job and get on with her life. Really don’t like her.
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The video called Part 72 dated 19/03 has always disturbed me. I don't know if this is the video she is alluding to in today's video.

In the Part 72 video adult Mel says a few times that "she wishes her brother had gone all the way with her"
Adult Mel wishes she had been raped by her brother to nievely save others from his behaviour???

I find it extremely disturbing that she wishes she had been raped by her brother. As a SA survivor living a life recovering from SA I deeply struggle to comprehend why anyone would wish for their brother to rape them. I think the video shows the complexity of the problems this woman has by saying everything she says on tiktok without considering the consequences of her many words. It is a challenging subject to discuss because it is a challenging subject, but if it's not challenged and discussed it runs the risk of being accepted and normalised.

I believe her tiktoks are wholly inappropriate and extremely dangerous and this is why I call them out.
I would interpret that as her feeling like she would have been taken more seriously if she had been raped and her brother would have been sent to prison for it. But it is a complex and challenging thing to feel and think and isn’t the kind of thing she should be working out on the internet.
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I think she is confusing us objecting to her airing her family’s dirty laundry versus her telling her own story. What happened to me is very different to, as has already been said, talking about her middle brother and his parenting skills, and the step kids and their mothers. She has become intoxicated by the attention and just run her mouth.
I respect her right to tell her own story, but that doesn’t give her the right to speak for others who she doesn’t speak to anymore.
Go back to therapy Mel and stop relying on validation to heal you. These people you call friends are not therapists.
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Her latest video about doxxing, hypocrisy at its finest.

Hey Mel do you remember when you doxxed my friend at Christmas? When your sycophantic followers left threats against her life and threats to harm her in your comment section and you thought it was funny, remember the multiple videos you made about her saying the most derogatory comments after having never met her, remember how she had to go into hiding and reactive her social media to escape you and that idiot woman her ex is fucking. Because she was doxxed by you both. Remember that? I do, I remember her being terrified. I remember a vulnerable abuse victim that was being relentlessly bullied, stalked and abused by her ex and his crackpot new girlfriend and you aided in making her life as upsetting and as difficult as possible.

Now similar is happening to you and you don't like it.

Good I’m fucking glad you don’t like it. You deserve it.
I’m really sorry your friend had to go through that and it’s a shame more people aren’t aware of what a massive liar, manipulator and hypocrite she is. Her TikToks aren’t getting much traction or engagement any more so I think people are putting two and two together and coming to a conclusion of ‘wtf’. Anyone talking about sitting on their husbands face when their stepson is in the chat is grim, I don’t care whether he’s 18 or not, it’s highly alarming and a massive red flag in my opinion.
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Chatty Member
TikTok is a selling platform, creators who starting gaining traction on there accounts will start earning from them , the reason why something doesn't feel "right " is because she is trying to turn her account in to an earner . She doesn't have links in her bio about organisations that can help . She's selling a story to then start selling you rosemary hair oil and Ekin su🤦‍♀️
wtf has her dad got to do with us???. She chooses to stay in an area that all her family live locally too. I don't understand the logic! Tattle life made her cry cos she seen her dad who is her postman🤣
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