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I genuinely think Mama Kaz is so insecure because she can’t give Dean kids and if she sees him interacting with other women she automatically thinks he’s going to cheat for that reason.
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The fact that she called him abusive, violent and controlling and he was transphobic to her and they still got back together... yikes. The two of them need to get some self-respect - perhaps it doesn't matter for Kaz because of her screwed online presence but I would be worried in Dean's shoes because those accusations are going to stick

It was telling from the start that no one was taking clear sides so I shouldn't be that surprised that they're back together. But you'd think being transphobic would have crossed the line. It'll be interesting to see how they play this off to the audience
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Does anyone else think she’s putting this girl (Kee) in danger? I mean if she’s a victim of DV the last thing Mama Kaz should be doing is blurting out about it on TikTok with like 6k viewers??

Please someone tell me that they’re watching this!!!

This is angering me so much holy shit

She’s shown that poor girls partners name…
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Can’t believe she’s still on live banging on about this…

I’m only live because he’s live! blah blah blah

They’re like bloody kids. Grow up the pair of you. Either get back together and go your separate ways and shut up telling tales on each other.
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DG mentioned a while ago that there are certain words that gets you banned on live etc, this was in relation to when they are on line pushing for gifts etc. Half of me thinks if you are stupid enough to gift; it’s your own fault, but I imagine that there could be lonely or vulnerable people who get sucked into the whole “team” thing & are cleverly coerced into gifting. To use this situation to push for leaderboard is vile, I wish Tik Tok had morals & took the platform away from people who take advantage.
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Just posted this on Elphaba’s thread too

Right ok, so according to MK, Elphie lies about how sad she is and she plans as to when she cries on live. But like… is that it?? If she’s manipulating people into gifting her then that’s their fault for wasting their money in the first place. She won’t be the only person on tiktok doing it! And I’m sorry, but if we had been on tiktok and in Elphie’s position when we were 18, we can’t say we wouldn’t have been mature enough or known better not to do the same thing or similar. Calling her evil and everything else she said was uncalled for, she really hasn’t done much wrong to MK specifically.

Now onto this hairdresser. MK said she asked for her help to share her story, which is fine, but then seconds before she was due on the live she pulled out.. so why was MK still getting involved? This whole thing was just to expose and take down Elphaba, which to me- is bullying and a witch hunt (no pun intended). The fact that she’s now shared business that has NOTHING to do with her is disgusting. This hairdresser was being physically abused by her partner, and received a threatening message from him today when he found out that MK was exposing their story. This hairdresser who very quickly, deleted all social media while Kaz was on live tonight - probably scared for her and her babies lives! Yet Kaz has told their full story, their full names and Snapchat/SM handles.
Couldn’t put it better myself, totally disgusting what she’s done and I just pray this lady and her child are safe right now. Mama kaz is so incredibly stupid and she flat out refuses to listen to anyone trying to tell her what she’s done!! A lady’s life is in danger all for a bit of clout and drama and views, social media at its worst.
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I just went into No Face’s live who is cam 2ing & he has spoken to Zac, Kaz asked the women to put her in her will. Lowest of the low.
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Chatty Member
I can’t take this seriously 🫠

He’s scammed people for PS5’s
He’s punched holes in walls
He’s lived off of her money
He’s cheated
Anything else?

And yet she’s chose to stay with him through all of it. It’s now all of a sudden an issue, because they broke up. But it wall allllll ok what he did, scammed lied etc, and yet she’s a good person😂 she probably spent the money he scammed on weed or crap eyelashes She’s on there crying now over her cats, that she loves so much. But yet chose to abandon them, as SHE doesn’t feel “safe”, but her cats are fine. She’s also sitting there saying now how much she still loves him.

Fuck off will ya mama kaz, I’m gonna be completely honest here, your twice his size and weight, and I reckon there’s absolutely no way Dean would be able to take you on. You’re full of shite. You can handle yourself.
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I'm watching the live now and there isn't one tear even though there are constant crying noises every time she talks. Her lashes look dry as a bone!
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Seems convenient to me that yet again they’ve broke up the same week as eq and Bradley. I think papa dean is genuine n doesn’t realise kaz is fabricating it all for clout thinking he will just take her back once she’s hit number one on the leaderboard.
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god it’s so fucking childish when people can’t stand to hear criticism and just cut them off. how are you gonna get anywhere in life doing that.
Exactly! Nobody likes too hear criticism or the truth but sometimes you just have too, The thing is I think MK thought lots of people would be on her side but it just ended up backfiring massively and she’s made herself look like a tit so of course she’s not gonna want to hear people disagreeing with her, she’ll just listen to what she believes is right…

She’s back live with “Papa” Dean and why the FUCK ARE PEOPLE SENDING HER GIFTS AFTER TONIGHTS ATTITUDE GOD I DONT UNDERSTAND!! She was literally calling EVERYONE stupid like half an hour ago! Now she’s like “cmon mama cubs // guys let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s smash this mama cubs” FML
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Vile. Utter fools. Sitting pouting with those hellish duck lips waffling on about supporting them. The thing is neither of them are actually interesting. I enjoined kaz's lives and withoutfail it's only been them talking about viewer support or saying come on guys let's push on leaderboard. For what? What are you giving?
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I’m watching the live now, not sure what to make of it all!
She was desperate to not talk about it the last time they broke up and he said she was abusive

I'm sort of leaning towards them both being abusive? I don't think she's the saint she makes herself out to be
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She's been live for probably over an hour now talking about the same thing over and over again. Do you not get drained at a certain point? Why are her friends allowing this?

She was originally crying for him to be taken off of TikTok which was a bit confusing

Also surprised she hasn't focused on how weird it is that he was talking to a 19 yo allegedly?
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