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Chatty Member
I remember when Tom was released from prison and she ‘just so happened’ to get papped outside in her pyjamas, full face of makeup and watching the security man install cameras around her rented property because she said she was scared for her life.. But she literally went Dubai 2-3 weeks later then her friends house now her new house.. Do we believe she paid for security system for a rented house a few weeks before she moved out? Anything to get into the paper 🙄
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All those thirsty pics she posted yesterday and she has got like 20 or 30 comments on them. With her following it's an absolute disgrace. Bet she is mortified, also when she is posting from her new garden shed digs she is trying to hide everything with her big head. I would love to know what really went down last couple of weeks? Sure whatever it was Malin will be the victim and Malin will rise again being all spiritual dancing half dressed because that 'female empowerment'
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Well-known member
I follow that Millie and her posts today made me feel so sorry for her! Reading a passage on being a victim and saying it resonates with her, obviously he’s never treated her with respect but she shouldn’t be taking this all laying down?
So clear that she just seems to want a happy family regardless of what he’s done in the past which is so bizarre! If my boyfriend was sent down for DV against a woman he cheated on me with I’d be out of there.
All three of them are just vile messes. Very troubled people, Makes me so sad!
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Her baby passed January 23rd 2019, by march 17th (7 weeks) she's already made an app??? Which never launched as it was a flop but just seems so calculated I'm not saying she knew her baby was going to pass but idk anymore? Why would that even be on the for front of your mind only 7 weeks after? She was thinking of ways of making money off of the tragedy of her babies death as soon as, she had already with her mother


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Also why is she pretending as if she doesn't live in the shithole that is Bedford? I literally go to the same car wash she's at lol didn't she put in a DM article that she lives in London once 🤣 she thinks she's so boujee when really she's just stayed in the same town she grew up in (ps I can say this because I live in Bedford and therefore can confirm it's a shit hole)
I live near Bedford and I can confirm what you’re saying 😂
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As if Mr Sharpie wasn't a PR stunt for a new Campaign to help women its terrifying she will do anything and none if it is genuine !!
It's the same old sh*te with her, I don't see how prancing about in your underwear pouting like a twat is helpful or empowering to women. She's a complete beg, bet she was also messaging that steroid looking man who just got out of jail, she certainly has a type but as long as she can confidently shake her backside on her underwear like 'boss bitch' 😂😂 (cringe) I'm sure broken abused women everywhere must be entirely grateful that she's changing the world 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Malin you may have a big house, the newest car, a hot tub to yourself your versace earrings and robe but she has no one around to enjoy it with not one soul and the people who are around are either, being paid to be around, or are benefitting from her in some way. It's sad to see really but she's created that reality
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New member
Exactly that it's the I'm never drinking again.. I'm never eating meat again I'm never getting hair extensions again and then does it and doesn't even hide it she's contradicting all the time.

Also ever noticed how quickly she changes friends and other company? One minute she's dead onto personal training then it's yoga.. haven't seen that lady in a while? Then it was boxing. And all that spiritual bollocks she talks of and crystals etc again she just uses it to her advantage as it's "in" at the moment much like her "body positivity" is however if she really was spiritual and made out she was such an old caring soul that she is would she really be frolocking around Dubai boasting of hotel suites food and alcohol as we have all just come out of a real tough year with many people loosing jobs etc? I'm not saying she can't have a holiday and enjoy herself but when she brands herself an influencer it kind of comes under the responsibility for her to think about how her actions look out side.
Her persona of what she promotes her self to be to brands doesn't match up to her actions she's fake! And nothing annoys me more than these influencers thinking they are charitable people because they occasionally share some FAQs on there story ok it's better than nothing but come off it the money they earn the stuff they get given and buy that goes to waste?!
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Well-known member
Never liked her on love island, very 2 faced on there.
same as! Hated how if one of the girls told her something she went behind their back and told everyone else such a snake 🐍 obviously she went through a lot and I feel for her but there was always something off about her and I’m sick of all the body posts it’s just for likes every blogger is doing it now to stay relevant
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Why does she always fall pregnant so quick when she meets a guy? Also she was swinging out her tree on alcohol and most likely drugs over the past few months. If she keeps abusing her body like that, a poor child won't stand a chance. It sad when it happens, been through it myself, there is something off about it all, she splits with him and then all of a sudden there's a drama but life goes on. She's so weird.
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Her content is drying up like an old girls fanny.
It's *post same 1 of 5 photos of her bruise/ broken hand / cut on her face don't forget to include WARNING!!* or *posts that one photo of her little girl in hospital* or *post out of sync reel in underwear dancing like a drunk wench talk about being comfortable on your own skin even though had bum boobs and lipo* she makes my toes curl up!
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I’m so sick of seeing her face and half naked on my feed all the time! She is so annoying!
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VIP Member
Whos watching and Waiting for the DM reveal 😂 or it could be The Sun , who will get the scoop on this next big massive story from this massive global celebrity 😀 she really does think lots of herself doesnt she
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New member
Guys above is my wiki I've put together for Malins page before I submit can anyone think of anything else with links or pictures? Thanks
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It's all so predictable stay away for the big story Sunday come back Monday as if nothing happened and you didn't cheat and lie to your audience about female empowerment and abuse ! They roll out so much crap you forget where it started and where it ends luckily there are platforms like this still for free speech and free thinkers ! Again using trauma for entertainment we didnt see a big post about Sharpie just stories , ' quickly get the sheeple to forget heres a couple of pregnancy sticks' , they're a huge campaign coming to make more money for people that dont care about people that need caring for ! I'm not alone in thinking this is all way to suspicious and convenient , is she a basic boss bitch independent female or a grieving , healer female freedom fighter or is she a woman looking for love and a family , again she portrays all of this which is it ? What a long break that was ! What is she getting this week to display to grieving mothers all over the world !
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Well-known member
Bag in her story is a fake, Gucci don't even make this pattern so it's not even a replica. Don't believe everything you see online she never had designer bags before she went to Dubai ..
lol it’s Dior.

But you are right, she’s never had designer bags at all in the past

I can confirm this looks fake AF too..and I’m sure if she spent £3k on a bag like this she would of filmed herself in the shop, a boomerang with the carrier bag and filmed the unboxing like a looser. 😂
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New member
That definitely reads to me that she’s having a dig at someone who has said something to her and she’s calling them out on their ego about being superior to her? The more I think back to when I started following her, the more I realise she’s been a psychic vampire all along.
All these calming and spiritual people that just disappear from her stories after shes raved about them for weeks, but once she's taken advantage of them, broken them and I believe extracted everything she needs from them just to make herself appear more spiritual, to grow her followers is when they are dropped and she moves on to the next one to suck the life out of. She’s one dangerous creature!
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