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In her latest vlog she picks things up from an antique shop - but what struck me is when she said that she wants some old riding boots with the wooden inserts and would put them by her front door because she thinks that would look great. I used to ride for years so had boots - many and all of the clothing etc that goes with riding. She does not ride. Why would a person want things that they do not use or have an interest in displayed in their house? She might as well say that she wants a pair of boots from a fireman. It just struck me as "furnishing a fake home" - these objects have nothing to do with her own life experience (i.e. she travelled to X and this reminds her of X, or she had a long friendship and this object reminds her of that friendship, etc).
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Christ I just watched not even 4 mins of the bloody vlog from yesterday .... How to fill up 4 mins of everyones lives talking absolute HORSE SHIT! (core values/ phone constantly going off/ sister from another mister/ paying people doesnt mean you are on the same team .. blah blah fuckedy blah).

New flop project in the mix though so we should have more fodder to talk about here ... one saving grace .. hope this one falls flat on its arse like the other one did .. gives us Tattlers weeks and weeks of content to laugh about.


She mentions the UK opening up but superficial silly moo moo only mentions Hairdressers/ pubs and beauty spa's ...... hmmm .. let's let that sink in shall we ......... nope I am not responsible for what my face does when she talks....:sleep:

She never wants to discredit Male photographers .... if their work was any good? Why is that lovely .. becuase they saw you as a blow up doll with your fake tits/lips/chin? Well it wouldnt be his fault if you thought he wanted a cheap KFC meal with all that fake meat on display.

When she edits this shite she calls content .. does she stop and think how boring as fuck it is? It is all about buy buy buy sell sell sell me me me .....wouldn't you think being in tune with your audience that you would have something else to offer the world? She is like the female version of Del boy ..... with the same shit taste in clothing but none of the appeal or capacity!

She wants more time alone with Ali?? REALLLLLY .... what does Ali say about that? And she feels she is "chasing her tail" with her vlogs .... well my 5 yr old niece could knock this shit up in 5 mins so don't know what all the haste is about... I could do one of her vlogs whilst having a shit reciting Shakespeare to my imaginary friend in my bathroom in less time!

I mean I am not saying I detest her .. but I would unplug her breathing apparatus in order to charge my Iphone....;).

How filthy is that fucking steering wheel ...... I just vomited a little .... Jesus it is suede too ... bleurghhhhhh :sick: I mean does your fanoir slurp when you walk darling ... oooofff the level of cleanlinness ..............

Italian Prosecco ......... GROUND BREAKING ...... if it wasn't the only country to produce Prosecco ... (Breathe Chicken Breatheeeeeee) @Oops... get the cavalry ..... she goin down! I would tell the bitch to go to hell but I don't want to see her there!

The gift opening was vomitworthy ... so I skipped the whole fiasco ... especially seeing the Essex mini skirt version of her Wedding dress she wears so much .... I mean are YOU OK lovleyx??? Who the actual fuck wears their wedding dress over and over ... It's borderline psychotic!

Can someone tell me how mucxh shit is in that greenhouse please? The amount of crap is all for the Instagram posts ... it is getting sooo obvious now .... it is ALL store bought! She is going to HATE me but then again she needs to join the club ... there are weekly meetings on the corner of "Fuck you" Street!

I am sorry ... but who in the right mind with their partner .. films that shit tiktok reel and feels proud that this is their job???? I am absolutely fucking flabbergastered that a couple would think this was a good idea ... Ali grow a fucking pair now ...Being a dick won't make yours any bigger!

Oh Jesus .. here come the reveals of the rooms ...:

Toilet ... fucking awful .. but I have hated the "Burger and Lobster" pisser for a while.

Bathroom: O dear Lord of latter day saints ...... WTF is that toilet .. black and sympathetic .. I think not! Too close to the basin and BLACK!! What an absolute shitshow of a bathroom ..... bloody awful .. sorry @Julia123 I cannot be as eloquent as you at the sight of that! And don't get me started on the 2 mirror combo.

"The Ferrari of showers" .. ummm no ..Ferrari make beauty .... yours looks like a Lada ... (Sorry if anyone drives a Lada)

The staged flowers .... how 1 dimensional for a vlog ... to show you are still relevant is it my dear?? You my dear are like Mathematics ... I hate mathematics!

"I am going to show you the other shit I got on another day as I am overwhelmed" ... NO NO ... don't get it distorted ... you have no content so you are saving everything for another shitfest...........Don't be ashamed of who you are or how worthless your vlogs are ... that's your parents job!

Oh but here we go ... the self depression .. self flogging ..woe is me .. "I don't feel like other instagram girls ... I don't feel in synergy with the receiving of gifts from brands" ... Oh will you just tell the truth for once in your life darling ... you feel like this as you have fuck all left ... all those girls are working hard and all you do is constantly moan and fang about being littwle owld lwydia .... poor poor slothy sloth...soo tirwed ... Just fuck off!

The we have the stamp with her shit new brand all over it ... bored .. (PS. YOU ARE NOT THE QUEEN ..... The stamp is not going to make the brand any better just FYI)

The "Kelly" ... QUEL SURPRISE .....evidently NOT bought from Hermes directly as you would have been gushing from your fanoir to give us the whole shopping experience ...Tattlers remember not everything you see is real ... even salt looks like sugar!.... bore the fuck off darling ... xxx

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I once bought into the whole "Carrie is an angel, super duper supportive friend, don't we all wish we had a Carrie" narrative. Then I realized that when Lydia misbehaves (think Lydia in Dior barefoot and cackling), Carrie eggs her on. When Lydia is gauche, which let's be honest is more often than not, Carrie is right there neck and neck with her. Yes, Carrie teases her and sometimes stands up for herself, but overall she isn't making Lydia a better person.

Then the breaking point in my opinion changing was Nicky Lazou's video. What kindhearted person would have traveled hours, into the night, rushed into a private home, and sat holding a foaming at the mouth, screaming rabid Lydia's hand, chanting "breathe chicken breathe"? AND THEN gone on to block the heavily pregnant hairdresser, that Carrie saw crying her eyes out that night, when the same hairdresser tried to reach out to Carrie to de-escalate things with Lydia?

Carrie is the lighter fluid. She keeps Lydia paranoid and feeds off the frenzies. I think Carrie's family has money so she can faff about being a pretend big boss COO to an influencer that isn't all that successful at influencing. She has a sugary voice, clean scrubbed look to her, but beneath it she has to be as bad as Lydia to have lasted as her friend for all these years.

Birds of a feather, and all that shit, #amiright?
Yes agree! I've always hated their videos together... they act so immature. Like you, the breaking point for me was Cawwie's MAJOR role in hairgate. She was there with millen the several times they went to Niki and loved their hair... including the June appointment.

During hairgate she also didn't pay for her hair, witnessed the whole thing, AND then for 9 months she edited the vlogs and left all of the hair slandering and bullying in before finally encouraging Lydia to do that terrible video... edited that and published it. Bad enough she did all that but since February, she's been an active part of the cover up and deleting. If she's not coaching Lydia to never mention it or apologize... she's sitting by the sidelines letting it happen and helping Lydia play victim and slander Nicky. I'm quite sure Carrie is fully involved in all of the bot buying and fraud... either by doing it herself or knowing about it and looking the other way.

Carrie has shown us who she really is and I for one believe her. She's more than complicit... she's a participant. People will do terrible things for money, fame and power. They are all selling themselves out for material things and an "easy life" and it's all starting to crack. All three of them are even showing it physically... it's toxic soup that's for sure.
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Actual photo of Lydia using her wallet to purchase her sourdough bread at the farmers market....
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I’m sure Claire Chanelle will be throwing some shade about Lydia’s *cough* Hermes purchase soon enough! She said in one of her last videos that this past 12 months the stores in the UK have all been closed and the only way people have been able to get bags is if they already have an established relationship with their sales assistant. In which case, you can email them and vice versa.

She made a point of saying that during COVID their sales process has been very different and no one has been able to buy unless you’re a well known customer which Lidl is not.

I just bloody wish she would out her and say she’s a liar, but will happily accept a very obvious passive aggressive post from her instead.
I believe that's why she said it was a "new" sales associate...because Claire Chanelle knows all the London SAs. Pretending it is a new SA, would negate Claire claiming none of the SAs she knows helped her.

More like an imaginary SA helped her, but she has to pose and lie as if she is now one of the exclusive few that get to buy a Hermes.

Bitch, please. 🙄

She lied about the first bag, then had to backpedal and admit it was used from a second hand seller.

And which "friend" introduced her to a new Hermes SA? Carrie? Dee? Alex? Josie? The only "friend" that could have done that is Claire. However, they're no longer friends.

It also seemed so obvious to me, that when she was talking about how wonderful she was treated in the store when purchasing the black bag, she was being dishonest. You can literally see it on her face.

Everything has been a lie with this chick. Right up to pretending she was a victim of some attack.

33 going on 13 is what she is. I am actually embarrassed for her.
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Your work is amazing! ❤
I am late, but can I add to my "hay with bike" outfit her toiletpaper fascinator?
I seemed to have missed your initial request, good thing you had something you wanted to add!
Fascinators are HARD. I hope I captured you well.


Oh these are too good 😍 Please can I have an avatar? If you have time only 😘 Can I be wearing her KM black ostrich feather dress, with Ali's bday knives in hand. I have long blonde hair x
Sure thing, babycakes
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Chatty Member
Just thinking about it, Lidl’s birthday week has been quite something. And it’s not even over yet.

  • vlogster made a video about her.
  • Claire Chanelle publicly backed and promoted Nicky.
  • Her “friends” met up for lunch in Notting Hill without her.
  • She’s uploaded evidence of her breaking all COVID rules with Carrie.
  • She’s posted a “rant” on her main Insta feed despite, in the same week, saying she’s just the happiest person ever and simply “excited” for her life.
  • Her husband uploaded a video showing her true colours and nasty comments about how she paid for his birthday gift (the knives).
  • Her husband signalled abuse.

Surely Ali would have received lots of messages about his Insta story and if he’d ‘signaled’ by mistake, surely he would’ve removed it? He left the Insta story up for the full 24 hours.

Surely Ali would have received lots of messages about his Insta story and if he’d ‘signaled’ by mistake, surely he would’ve removed it? He left the Insta story up for the full 24 hours.

Anyone else care to add this list of birthday celebrations for this “queen”?
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Is it normal for people to sit and have lunch in the greenhouse?! Seems weird to me when they have got that big house! Like kids playing in a Wendy house. I honestly think she’s got some serious issues!
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I'm pretty sure Lydiot hates Cawwiiee's kitchen floor 😂
View attachment 531585View attachment 531586
Uh, I don't think sharing pictures of Carrie's house is a good idea. Until she agrees to show the house herself, I think this is an invasion of her privacy, which she is entitled to.

ETA: I also don't think it's fair to make fun of Dee in what I perceived to be fat shaming. Lydia and Ali tart themselves for the camera constantly and sort of have it coming, but Dee barely appears on videos. Making fun of her job and menial tasks is one thing, but to call her fat when she doesn't even feature on her videos is quite another. Just my opinion, feel free to disagree.
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Did Sellier ever mentioned Lydia again, after they were informed about #bananagate.
Maybe the 2nd one was with Sellier, and she made a whole ass video about it (the lost one) and they pulled it back. Guys, I think that's actually it. She never mentioned Selliers herself, again. Maybe once after #bananagate.

Love that that bag is for her associated with something negative.
Lydia just answered your question. Posted 15 minutes ago. After your question. Madam is reading here as per usual.


😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
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Carrie has shown us who she really is and I for one believe her. She's more than complicit... she's a participant. People will do terrible things for money, fame and power. They are all selling themselves out for material things and an "easy life" and it's all starting to crack. All three of them are even showing it physically... it's toxic soup that's for sure.
Totally agree with this. One of the comments under the latest YT vlog mentioned how much weight Carrie had lost and how unhealthy she is. I think they mentioned 19:57 or something of the video where you see Carrie's legs from behind. I paused it and it was quite shocking, in my opinion.

It's just interesting to see Ali and Carrie lose so much weight and look stressed and older in the last several months, when they are the two closest to Lydiot. Carrie and Ali seem to have both declined physically since last summer, after the Globy disaster and then the Nicky scream session. Says so much right there since they were the two having to scrap the twat off the floor after every disaster she creates.

They both enable her and reap financially off her so I don't feel sorry for either of them. I do agree that birds of a feather flock together. Lydiot's relations with these two fools wouldn't have lasted all these years if they didn't have the same values and same moral code as her. And if they were against said behavior, they would have walked out a long time ago. But they haven't because they are one in the same. Three peas in a fucked up pod.
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Foot Furniture

I bought a sofa for my foot and then I bought a chair
My foot was in a dreadful rut - I had no time to spare
I placed a lamp which looked quite camp upon my little toe
I placed a greenhouse on my heel in hope that it might grow
With sourdough bread placed on my head I took my morning run
The sump-pump on my biggest toe enjoyed the pre-dawn sun
I bought a bookcase made of oak - a foot-enhancing wood
The table on my fallen arch was scraped from all it’s mud
And there it was - a masterpiece - a fully furnished treat
Thanks @Missmarpleknows - right from the bottom of my feet
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Chatty Member
Oh poop. I forgot the blazer which she wore out and about a few times (one location was a fish restaurant) but she put it on Depop, still with the tags on saying it was brand new and never been worn 😂


It reminds me of those hard rigid car seat covers from Argos 😂

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100000000000% guaranteed it was not bought from Hermes. We know the bitch is a pathological liar and we've seen she's had the bag for months now. If she bought it from a store, the desperate twat would have vlogged the whole process to try and prove she is important, rich and was treated well by Hermes.

She bought it second hand online and I question if it even is a real Hermes just like her 1st saggy brown "Hermezzzzzzz'. I believe it is a fake. Just like the twit is.

33 years old now and still as fake, pretentious and insecure as ever.

Thank God none of us are like that and can see her for what she truly is.

A loser.
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Milking Keynes

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I don’t believe the Hermès bag story. She says she filmed the unboxing but won’t show it because it’s “so out of date” - she doesn’t know if it’s Togo or Epsom leather and was stumped as to how to describe it. It was like she wanted to give it a brief mention and get it out of the way. Very suspicious.
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omg he looks so frail. he definitely seems gay. I've always thought so. just the way he carries himself
What does seeming to be frail and then seeming to be Gay have to do with the situaton? If he is frail ok .. if he is Gay ok ... but the 2 are not synoymous please! Like the time people in the 90's tried to brand every skinny "Frail" gay guy as dying of Aids .. Let's just be a little sensitive on here please. I am Gay and it is something we go through all our lives. You are a new member so I don't hold grudges as we all get to know each other well over time on this Tattle group .... but historic people like @Julia123 @Hunevoque2 @Oops... @Miscanthus @Namima @AmaliaLana @Elle Belle and not forgetting @Miss Trunchbull know me well and know that this type of stuff could actually hurt certain people here. So I would ask kindly to just be aware that unlike other threads on Tattlelife .. we are a majorly diverse group ... thank you xxx (No offence I hope?)
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Just putting this back up;

a) Because I now know how to... :m
b) Just in case anyone hasn’t seen it...:m:m

A week of us celebrating our Trunchy’s Birthday illustrated by our illustrious @theredgossiper 💛
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God I cannot stand this woman & her grotesque ways. I just watched her latest video where she paraded a £10k+ Hermes bag that she purchased as a birthday gift for herself. She begins by trying to come across relatable by saying she finds it so intimating going into these designer stores & being surrounded by people who have the money to splash on multiple items when she has worked SOOOO hard to save the exact amount of one item (I mean really?! Anyone who is comfortable & able to spend £10k plus on A BAG is not someone who has to spend months/years saving for it. Nevermind the fact that this is the second bag of this value that she has bought in a mere matter of months). But alas, her masks slip and she becomes as aggressive & out of touch as always by saying she doesn’t care if people don’t understand her desire to showcase it, it’s her channel and she’ll do what she wants. Her greed & constant need to discuss & showcase her wealth is disgusting. The vast majority of people in this country have been severely impacted financially by this pandemic - with businesses forced to close & so many losing jobs or taking a massive financial hit. Yet she is once again tone deaf to the world around her, and spends the time on her channel bragging about the fact she has spent over £20k in the last couple of months on handbags & is splashing out hundreds of thousands on her LATEST home renovation. And the worst part of all, she does this whilst trying to say that the only reason she is able to do all of this & has this wealth is because of how hard she works, insinuating that the rest of us aren’t as wealthy because we are lazy & don’t work as hard as she does. Honestly I can’t even with her... she’s just so gross.
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Why are they sleeping on the floor in their main bedroom if the bed hasn’t arrived yet? Surely you would carry on sleeping in the bed in the spare bedroom until the bed had arrived? Have I missed something here?
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