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Chatty Member
I want an avatar now, they're amazing!!!
I love drawings like those .... Wouldn’t know what to have though as I don’t really concentrate on her when I’ve got her flogs on 🙈 even though I do love little Porter though.
There's loads of outfits you could choose from where she looks ridiculous.


Let's not forget some accessories like the hat, dior bag and blanket!



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Elle Belle

Chatty Member
Morning Tattlers,

I've just had my morning coffee. I'm just waiting to see if it chooses it's powers for good or evil today. So it's been my birthday WEEK and I've started my new spring life. It's the season where I just bloom. I'm just so excited to live my life. I just hope this time my new life lasts longer than my explanation of starting my new life. I've removed all the negativity and ambiguity that's directed at me. So about 97% of the comments. It's still a working progress though after Vlogster's What Is With Lydia Millen? So she thinks I'm batshit crazy. She should say it to my face so she can get the full experience. And don't think I didn't notice Claire Chanelle digging me AGAIN. Three words that describe her: desperate, insecure and pathetic. I forgot to add skank. That too.

After all this, I was so glad to have my best friend back this week. Nearly as much as I was to go shopping. I'm in need of a treat or ten after topping up on my husband's knives. If you didn't know my best friend moved house to be closer to pick me up off the floor when needed. My face hurts from pretending to like it though. The audacity that she won't take my advice on the chair! I pay her wage. Her wage pays her mortgage. So it's my house now. Lauren said she'll be round in the morning to renovate.

So my husband's wanting to put on 8 pounds. My assistant Dee baked him sausage rolls for his birthDAY. Now I'm not saying she's fat. I'm just saying if I were to pick the 5 fattest people I know, she'd be 3 of them. My husband quipped well a woman's place is in the kitchen. Remember that's where the knives are Ali. The ones that I PAID the difference on. And NO he did not buy my table. When I said he can't buy my love. I just meant it's not possible with his salary.

Love Lydia xx
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I once bought into the whole "Carrie is an angel, super duper supportive friend, don't we all wish we had a Carrie" narrative. Then I realized that when Lydia misbehaves (think Lydia in Dior barefoot and cackling), Carrie eggs her on. When Lydia is gauche, which let's be honest is more often than not, Carrie is right there neck and neck with her. Yes, Carrie teases her and sometimes stands up for herself, but overall she isn't making Lydia a better person.

Then the breaking point in my opinion changing was Nicky Lazou's video. What kindhearted person would have traveled hours, into the night, rushed into a private home, and sat holding a foaming at the mouth, screaming rabid Lydia's hand, chanting "breathe chicken breathe"? AND THEN gone on to block the heavily pregnant hairdresser, that Carrie saw crying her eyes out that night, when the same hairdresser tried to reach out to Carrie to de-escalate things with Lydia?

Carrie is the lighter fluid. She keeps Lydia paranoid and feeds off the frenzies. I think Carrie's family has money so she can faff about being a pretend big boss COO to an influencer that isn't all that successful at influencing. She has a sugary voice, clean scrubbed look to her, but beneath it she has to be as bad as Lydia to have lasted as her friend for all these years.

Birds of a feather, and all that shit, #amiright?
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Hey everyone. I'm a long-time lurker here and this is my first post. I have to say, I have enjoyed many a night just reading the various threads on here and honestly think some of you guys are hilarious.
So I started watching Lydia's vlogs last year, actually the collection of bags video took me there and I thought she's chill, so I started watching her older content from her previous house. I guess what drew me to it was just a) a distraction from my work, b) I love committing to one channel/person/thing so I thought Lydia's vlogs would be a nice little escape from everything that was already going on in the world. I also found Ali to be a harmless and very attractive person and his own vlogs were kind of dull so I just enjoyed watching him over on Lydia's channel.
However, I followed her for her beauty and fashion content, and was not really into the home content. I thought she had a perfectly nice (new) house and the CONSTANT need to renovate couldn't help but make me feel like it was too much. But still, I took it as more of a personality trait of hers, and not really something that would put me off her entire channel. Do remember, I am from India and had just come back from a trip to London, which for want of a better word, was THE DREAM. So maybe I was in that frame of mind where I would have gulped any remotely British content shoved down my throat. I just wish I had discovered Rosie HW's YT then, would have saved me a lot of useless browsing over at Lydia's channel. ( for me, RHW is as good as it gets). Anyway. I did come across this forum earlier and I have to be honest, I thought it was just a bunch of mean girls trying to take down a relatively successful person. So I didn't give it too much of a thought after. BUT. Ever since she bought the Birkin and the boots and the belt. GOD. I have been turned off her channel and Instagram, and then there was the whole Hairgate and everything with Nicky Lazou and honestly, I am kind of ashamed to have watched her for so long (which is still less than most of you guys, so I can't even begin to imagine your rage).

Problematic behaviour by LMG:
1. Constant need to come off as wealthy. I can't relate to this. I don't know what kind of a void you have to have inside you to have this constant urge to buy more and more things or beg for more and more stuff and then try to come off as one of the landowning, manor-living but Aston driving kind of people. If you don't come from money, you can still hustle and do well for yourself. I have all the respect for that. But to me it constantly feels like she's trying to build a backstory for herself. I think she's way too influenced by The Crown and Downton Abbey and believes that she's honestly one of the characters!

2. HERMES bags, boots, belt. I remember Lydia mentioning in one of her videos that she likes the style of Hermes bags but can't justify the expense. I had immense respect for her at that moment because I thought that's a good sort of stand to take when everyone else is splurging on Birkins left right and centre. My problem with a Birkin or anything Hermes is that they make you CHOOSE the BESPOKE leather you want - crocodile, lizard, snake etc. and there have been videos as evidence of their cruel treatment of animals. So much so that Jane Birkin herself chose to distance herself from Hermes. (Hermes later said that the videos were apparently just a one-off). No shade to anyone who owns a Birkin, but I associate a Birkin with outright cold blooded murder. I can't understand the hypocrisy of having clean and vegan beauty products and cleaning products and things that are more convenient and then splurging on a Birkin. I just cannot.

3. As for her behaviour, I think she's just a bitchy mean girl under her woman empowering woke kind "ally" exterior. I think she likes seeing people fail and loves showing how she saved the day or paid for something or did something for someone. She literally puts her life out there for us to see and sells herself and her brand and her image and her products to us, and earns a Birkin worthy income, but one comment that is remotely against her view of things will turn her against you and have her hissing at you or blocking you or calling you a hater or an unhappy person. Let me try to explain the problem here. Actors. They are literally people acting to be someone else onscreen, and accept the constant media scrutiny and publicity and positive and negative opinions as a part of their job. This is when they are not blogging or vlogging their lives, but are in a way trying to (for want of a better word) hide their true self from us ( by acting as characters on screen). They understand that since they are what they are because of their viewers, they've to sort of accept everything that comes along with it. (I don't think stuff like a breach of privacy or abuse or stuff is included in this, I just am talking more in the context of opinions about them.) Now. Influencers or vloggers or whatever people like Lydia are, they are in a similar boat in the sense that they generate income by putting themselves out there. They show us what they eat, take us shopping with them, cry with us, vent to us, share that they are going on birth control with us, blah blah. But the moment someone is like "oh but could you tell me why you did this one thing.." or like ask genuine questions, it's like "you do you and let me do me". I mean. The hypocrisy! Don't ask us to "comment down below" with what we think when you can't fucking stomach it. I remember Carrie once saying that she thought that Tom Hardy is hot or has a nice bum or something and Lydia going like naah I don't think so. Or something. Imagine Tom Hardy then coming out with a video going "You do you and let me do me" or "you can just not watch my movies if you don't like me". I mean I hope I have made the hypocrisy and double standard clear?

4. More than anything I think Lydia is in a kind of race against time to become/stay relevant. She's what? 33-34? She probably has another one or 2 years of a career in front of her, the way she's going. I don't want this to come off as sexist in any way. The problem isn't that she's a woman, the problem is that she's Lydia. Brands will sooner or later realize that she's too old for this shit or that there's a younger fresher cheaper version of her available.

Thanks for reading, guys. All that stuff had to be said.
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Elle Belle

Chatty Member
Uh, I don't think sharing pictures of Carrie's house is a good idea. Until she agrees to show the house herself, I think this is an invasion of her privacy, which she is entitled to.

ETA: I also don't think it's fair to make fun of Dee in what I perceived to be fat shaming. Lydia and Ali tart themselves for the camera constantly and sort of have it coming, but Dee barely appears on videos. Making fun of her job and menial tasks is one thing, but to call her fat when she doesn't even feature on her videos is quite another. Just my opinion, feel free to disagree.
Oh sorry I didn't mean to cause offence or fat shame. 😘 It was my perception that Lydia would fang behind Dee's back at her trying to 'fatten' Ali up with her homemade foods. I think it's apparent that Lydia strives to maintain her size 4 cinched in waist and likely looks down on anyone who doesn't aspire to this.

Also it was just a joke. I guess a joke is always going to be at someone/something's expense. The whole debate between humour and being overly politically correct... It really wasn't my intent to be offensive though. I would rather someone laugh at my post (as I do with others).
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I'm trying to watch the latest vlog, painful as it is. The narcissistic twat actually said to Carrie, that Carrie needed to get a bigger chair for the fireplace in her new house....for Lydiot! Then when Carrie said no, Lydiot said "Well, it's my birthday on Wednesday"!


What person tries to tell another, to install a piece of furniture in their own homes for when they comes over. I wouldn't even say that to my parents or best friend. The narcissism just grows. She's fucking ridiculous.
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As promised, here are freshly painted beautiful fancy dresses!

@Jeana J , the Chanel brooch completely elevates your globy tan mitt outfit!


@blue_orchid , no pheasants were harmed in the making of your headpiece! I hope you don't mind the wedges, I assure you they are comfy. Your bronzer is quite the strong look...


And dear @Oops... , here you have a better resolution and upright pic for your avatar. I hope you can put it to use.

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It's stunning to me how both her and Carrie openly vlog their sitting in the car with no mask on. Then Lydiot goes over to Carrie's house and clearly, went inside with no mask on again. The blatant disregard and breaking of current UK Covid laws is mind blowing. I hope some UK tattlers report her and Carrie to the police.

I'm upset because I have two nurse coworkers that caught Covid on the job. One in December and the other in February. Both are ill and both still have not been able to return to work. Both also unfortunately spread it to their families.

Yet we see blatant bitches like Lydiot and Carrie fucking yapping in the car, shopping and going to each other's house with no mask. And Lydiot has all these unnecessary house renovations all with people with no masks, including a pregnant woman?!?! Now she says her and Lauren are going shopping together later this week. Are they going to sit in the same car and not wear masks??

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people? I'm sorry but I do not feel an ounce of pity for people like this who blatantly break the rules, and who then get Covid. Yet I have dedicated coworkers who worked the last year taking care of others despite the risk to their own lives, and got Covid on the job.

I'm honestly sickened by what I continue to see on this twat's channel. I truly hope Lydiot gets reported to the police.
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It was a calm Monday evening, and Ali was relaxing in the living room with a drink after a long day of completing his assigned daily tasks. His wife Lydia has retired to bed early, as she was close to menstruating and had predicted she would get little sleep.
All of a sudden, Ali heard a crash coming from the kitchen. He ran to the door to see Lydia crouched on the counter top over an F&M basket. Ali cautiously approached Lydia, who looked up at him with a face covered in crumbs and fanged "fuck off tiny tears". She then leapt down from the counter and scuttled out through the patio doors, leaving behind her the remains of a multipack of Hula hoops.
Ali was shaken, but not surprised. He had grown to expect this from Lydia. He ran to the patio doors locking them behind him, carefully as not to disturb the cracked window pane above (this was the result of Lydia's full moon night a few months back). He ran to the window sill and ducked down as not to be spotted. Whilst staying hidden, he got his phone out and started recording. Lydia was so nice to everyone but him, that nobody ever believed him when he reached out for help. So his last resort was to risk his safety and get evidence.
What his phone captured was simply chilling. Lydia stood at the foot of the path leading to her satanic shrine, swaying and producing a deep low growl. She stayed like that for a good 20 minutes, before looking back at Ali and gesturing aggressively towards him (see example image below) then leaping to apex of the satanic shrine building. She then stayed there until sunrise, frozen like a gargoyle watching over Ali and "her kingdom".

(Sorry guys I'm no writer 😂)

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Can anyone bring Lydia in the real world! I’ve just finished a 12 hrs ****ing shift, come home to my two toddlers, cooked tea, worked on my little business and now I’m off to bed and I’ve got this c**t saying how much work she has done and how tired she is every ****ing upload,I literally cannot cope. Then she uploads a video called life organise with me... I’ve watched it.. I don’t get what she bloody organised or what the video was about other than her rambling, pretending to be happy, surrounding herself with overpriced furniture, clothes and products. Then making uninspiring videos on a fake life with fake smiles. Sorry rant over!!!
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Lydia Millen #83 Lydia's pronouns are me/my/mine, all she can do is whine about her "sympathetic" home design
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Called it! On the WONK headless pheasants 🦖🦖 and it's really SO satisfying to know how irritating this will be for her. 😏

Mirror and light fixtures are too high and... too small... FAIL

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Jeana J

Active member
Part way through her vlog and had to pause as I’m so angry.
“The world is on the home stretch!”she simpers between photo shoot dribble and facial treatment timetables. Meanwhile, over in India and Brazil, the healthcare systems are on their knees and families are bereft. I have never seen anybody with less awareness of the plight of others. I am totally serious when I say that my 7 year old pupils have more understanding and empathy about the current situation. Aaaahhhh!!! 🤬
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Watched the flog. I stopped for three breaks throughout.

It’s her birthday week so it’s exciting. She jokes that she’s turning 18. No one laughs.

She waffles about a new project - a passion project - she’s launching soon. She says it’s with a woman who has the same core values. Interesting, didn’t think Lidl had any values.

She whines about the importance of a team. She learned a lesson that whilst you can pay someone to be on your team, they’re not always on your team. She’s probably talking about Nicky again. Oh wait - she didn’t pay for that.

She’s going to Bicester clinic. She usually goes to DermaSpa but she’s going out of hours to Bicester because appointments are all booked up. And probably also because it’s free, of course.

She’s looking for a female photographer. She’s not discrediting male photographers (like her husband) but this shoot is extra important. It’s in the greenhouse.

The world is on the home stretch. No it fucking isn’t. Lidl’s career, maybe.

She’s in the car on the way to her appointment because she’s finished in the office for the day. Her admin is done. It must be midday, if that? Work really has dried up.

She exclaims that she is “SO BRITISH” because she’s talking about the weather. She’s going to “rein in” the chatting. She says she chats so much in her videos.

She’s considering the post-lockdown office. She thinks two days a week in her office is enough for her team. More separation from them, the better. It’ll be another place to sit. Alone.

Also, Ali and Lidl want more time alone in the house by themselves. Weird, as they’ve been creating all these spaces for entertaining.

She continues waffling about her laser hair removal appointment. She advises that for anything you find painful, take a painkiller. Groundbreaking.

“The moment they say we can have a party, in throwing the biggest party and I’m going to wear my most glamorous dress and the world is just not going to be ready for it.” What a twat.

She collects a console table from The Old Flight House. They gift her birthday Prosecco. Italian Prosecco. She fakes happiness. We all know when the camera is off, she’ll scoff that they didn’t give her champagne.

She says the people at The Old Flight House thought she was mental as she told them she was so excited for her treatments at Bicester clinic. What a strange conversation that must have been.

She arrived at Bicester clinic for her “out of hours” appointment. So special, so VIP. Except It’s broad daylight so which “out of hours” is this? Is she on another planet? Yes, she is.

She’s home and opens a birthday mug from Dee. Its personalized with Lidl, Carrie and Dee on the side. It’s not antique, made of tumbled limestone and doesn’t fit the new kitchen aesthetic so she won’t use it. It’ll be dropped by a tradesman tomorrow.

She opens a gift from Ali. Before pulling it from the paper, she claims she knows what it is and demands to know what size it is. “Is it medium?“

The giftwrap paper practically matches the bland walls. Was it carefully selected by LC Interiors?

She tells us that “it’s all well and good” having everything fitted in spring/summer, but in winter you just need bulky layers. Cinched in with a waist belt, of course.

She talks about some brand who specialise in tablescapes. She’d ordered 8 plates from. For cake in the greenhouse. Normal.

“Ali said that he would get them for my birthday.” Or, as per the recently explained arrangement you have with Ali, you buy/beg them yourself but attribute to Ali.

She continues to open the package. “Oh. They’ve sent other stuff!” ... the stuff you begged for, perhaps?

She goes on to acknowledge that she put the plates on her Insta stories. Tumbleweed from Ali.

She opens the extra items. Placemats! They must have heard Ali’s recent suggestion that they needed something to cover their great big mucky bit of wood in the kitchen.

She opens the HalfPenny dress. “I feel so lucky to have built such a relationships with my wedding dress designer that I now have a collection.” She says she’s planning to wear the tutu under a blazer.

She goes on to say “I’ve worn my wedding dress so much; I’ve worn it in Reels... I just, I love it”.

Ali has made her breakfast. Pancakes and bacon. Not sausage rolls that someone else brought.

She shows the en-suite. Disastrous at best. She says there’s “two his-and-hers mirrors.” Could there be only one?

She says that “Because of the way that I am, I get easily overwhelmed.” Which way is that, Lidl?

Her parents are round for dinner. It’s an Iranian is that she’s going to put in the oven. They brought the foot. Hostess with the mo- I mean, leastess.

She says “I’m so funny... I should take Ali’s approach” to birthdays. By that she means, not talking about her birthday a month prior, begging for gifts.

She says she sees the girls on Instagram getting flowers. She’s lined up all 5 bunches of flowers she received.

She goes on to talk about other flowers she’s received, “even just from friends”. It’s very telling how you ordered it, Lidl. Brands come first. Friends next. Ali didn’t make the cut. Did he forget your flowers?

She shows a gift from the “Finance coordinator who is part of the Lydia Millen team”. How many bloody roles are there? The size of LEM staffing could rival a global conglomerate like CocaCola, by the sounds of it.

She’s had a full rebrand. She’s doesn’t say why. I’d hazard a guess that it’s perhaps to get away from the disaster that was Globy and the PR mess with Nicky.

She’s got a stamp with the new brand logo for when she’s sending letters to people. Does she think she’s the queen? And how will she possibly write said letters with such weak wrists?

She goes on to show vouchers she received from “my wonderful friend who also happens to be someone that I work with”. Does she have any friends who aren’t on payroll?

She says “experiences make such wonderful gifts”, yet her gift to herself is a handbag. Nailed it.

She’s says that “a friend put me in touch with a new sales associate” but doesn’t disclose what happened to her first SA. Beheaded, perhaps, for not giving Lidl what she wanted.

She’s explains that “with Hermes, you don’t get to dictate when you get a bag.” She’s right, it’s exactly the same as well these second hand sites, like Sellier, get in-demand bags.

She says she’s chasing her tail because she’s not two videos ahead as usual. She’d filmed an unboxing of the Kelly but “it’s so out of date now”. She’s so worried about the lack of pre-recorded videos she has but doesn’t feel her Hermès bag deserves a video of its own. Interesting.

We don’t see a Hermès box at all - and she doesn’t know the leather it’s made of. She says she’s wearing it a lot. She adds “I’m not particularly precious” about the bag. Strange, as the reaction to Porter chewing the Hermes belt says otherwise.
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Jeana J

Active member
I am now absolutely convinced that the lady who works for Lydia is actually called ‘My assistant Dee’, as in forename ‘My assistant’ and surname ‘Dee’. There is no other explanation; I have literally never heard her referred to as simply ‘Dee’. Maybe it’s actually something exotic like ‘Mya Sisstant’ and we have just wrongly assumed the former title, erroneously blaming Lydia for being the boss from hell.
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With regards to 'The Best Friend' affording to buy a £600k property, it's not that far fetched. Let's say she purchased her old property ten years ago for £150k (For those that are so inclined I am sure you could probably find out) she sold for £300k and had paid half off her mortgage in 10 years, she would 'only' need a mortgage for £375k. She may be mortgage-free, she may have had an inheritance, she may be buying the property with someone else. It wouldn't be a straight-up £600k mortgage. Good luck to her I say. I like her style, she is everything Lydiot wants to be and never will be. She appears so effortless and chilled, the complete opposite of madam evil.
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