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Lauren Caisely, Lydia’s interior designer, has just a announced on her instgram that she’s five months pregnant. I wonder how she feels about Lydia screaming at a heavily pregnant hairdresser.
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I haven't yet watched Ali's vlog from yesterday, but did watch Lidl's best tonight. As always, some excellent quotes to share here, which (as always) just leave me feeling absolutely bamboozled as to how this is her career. This is actually her job, being this... terrible?

She talks about her garden water butt. She imagines herself telling "Lydia from 5 years ago with her new Chanel bag" about buying a water butt. That's funny, because you dropped probably 4 to 5 times the amount of a Chanel bag on two Hermes so it doesnt seem like too much has changed in five years. A new character for each new bag, perhaps?

She's sitting in her office chair. Interesting placement as she's barely been downstairs since 2020, but she's sitting at her desk. Perhaps after we pointed out on Tattle that she's got all these workspaces yet spends her time on the sofa?

She says it's been a "manic day" but she's gotten dressed, had one Zoom call and not yet eaten her McDondalds breakfast. It can't be past midday, but it's been manic. She'll be due to go to bed soon.

She moves out to the garden and talks about her bins. Lols. There's a "bigger project" planned for those. More lols.

She claims she needs to get a "cubby unit" for her inside her greedhouse to rest her camera on. Or "keep seeds in or whatever." A professional would use a tripod Lidl, but please do keep fannying about as you are. It's a good laugh, for us.

She's going to dedicated a whole coffin bed to ESPArgus. They love it in their house. Never seen them eat it though. Anyone else?

She loves "all of the feedback" on flowers for her garden. "Very helpful. Very, very helpful" she says through gritted teeth. Definitely not genuine, definitely entirely sarcastic.

She rifles through envelopes of seeds she's apparently ordered from Amazon. There's a letter that's been sent to her PO box. She opens it, says it's too long and she'll read it later. What's the bet that it'll never be seen again?

She's back in the kitchen when she explains that the painter is going into the living room. Doesn't sounds like he's going for a quick kip - the paintbrushes are out and the black walls are going! Who is taking bets on the next colour?

"Items" are in the oven for dinner. Does she mean ingredients? Or ready meals? Who eats ITEMS?

She moves to her dressing room and explains that she's just attended a finance meeting in her dressing gown. But they should probably just be thankful she ever turned up - it's been yet another "hell of a morning". I do wonder how she's taken seriously, in a professional setting. Ever.

Alitex have sent her a bunch of flowers. She thought the envelope was her "...bill". Had to think about that, didn't you Lidl? And are they sending all their loyal customers flowers or just you to stop you whining about the shit lamp you paid for?

She opens the deliveries for lampshades and lighting. She trusts Lauren is all over it, but she will open the boxes to "feel like" she's helping and that she's one of the team. Glad she's come down off her pedestal, but only because she "likes unboxing things". That’s a funny idea of teamwork...

Whilst opening boxes, she delivers a "motivational speech" about the "so much more people on the internet". Great grammar, as always, Lidl. Really inspirational. She says online opinions are discouraging her. Ok - here's your sign Lidl: I'm discouraging you from reading Tattle. Problem solved. That was easy.

She moves back to her dressing room again to advertise the flammable items from KM. She shows a "gardening dress" and a dress that's "great for just after Christmas". Just two months too late then? She finally shows a jumpsuit with a belt. It's “great because the belt isn't stitched on” so she can swap it for one of her own to "make it look better". KM must be so chuffed with that comment.

She wraps up the vlog with some waffle about ASA and potentially dropping down to one video a week. Not because we don't deserve a twice-weekly dosage of Lidl, but because she and Ali are so busy and so important on their other "businesses and projects". Attending meetings in your dressing gowns to plan the bins, perhaps?

Bamboozling. This is her career. She's paid for this drivel!
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Don’t leave us hanging, @Oops, spill the tea!!
Since it’s Saturday so I have a little spare time and since you have asked (I think @Hunevoque2 once asked too) I will attempt to tell the sorry tale. Apologies for the length of it...

I boycotted Hermes in 2004. I did so because of an extremely tiresome and stressful experience with them in their Paris store. (I think it may have been that store that refused Oprah entry because she was a woman of colour!!:mad: ) But - I digress...

So - the year before, I had met a Lady whilst making a series of TV programmes for a well-known company. (I’m no one special or famous, I just had a particular skill they needed for the program.) She was a very commanding woman - very tall and very elegant. She could fill a room with her presence. We really hit it off. We really got on with each other and we laughed and laughed and laughed together. We stayed firm friends until her sad, untimely death some years later.

This Lady was extremely grand and a force to be reckoned with. Some found her to be prickly and aristocratically high-handed. She never was with me but she was formidable when you saw her in action. I loved her for this because she was such a kind and lovely woman when you got to know the real her. She was a lot older than me but that didn’t matter because we shared similar interests and an almost identical sense of the absurd. She was great fun and a truly wonderful, supportive friend to me.

She had a big Birthday coming up that year and so I took her to Paris as a treat. We shopped...every day we shopped...

One of our excursions found us in Hermes. My friend raised an eyebrow and immediately a lovely silk chair appeared for her to sit on whilst I frolicked in the frocks. I bought a grey coat (worn twice but still in wardrobe) and then we just wandered together throughout the store. I mentioned that I was looking for some cutlery having recently bought a London flat and was fed up bringing knives and forks from home when I stayed there.

She found some...She urged me to buy it because it was lovely to look at and she said it suited me (I had always wanted to look like a fork and anyway she was the best friend to go shopping with because she always told the truth AND she always found the loveliest and most perfect things for me. She had SUCH a good eye. I trusted her implicitly.) So after not much deliberation I went ahead and bought a whole canteen of this beautiful cutlery. As it was fairly heavy they said the would post it to me in London. So comes the day - comes the cutlery - and I admit I did a thrilling unboxing when it arrived. I laid it out and I gave myself praise for choosing so wisely.

In a VERY short time the silver cutlery turned orange and then brown. So I polished it, stored it back in the big boxes it came in and didn’t think any more. Until, I had to use it for a bash I was throwing in town. Lo and behold - I opened the box and it was orange and brown again. So I cleaned it again and repeated the whole charade. I got fed up with this so told my friend. She came to stay with me that weekend and I showed her. She was very put out for me and said she wished she had never set eyes on it as she felt responsible for urging me to buy it. I assured her this wasn’t the case. Anyway, she decided that next morning (Saturday) we were going to Hermes in Sloane Street (very nearby) and SHE was going to complain!

She sailed into Hermes like a galleon. She quite literally opened the boxes and emptied them noisily on the glass counter and told the SA in no uncertain terms that their cutlery was utter rubbish! (She did not use the word rubbish btw). I was like a rabbit caught in the headlights standing behind her watching this scene all pan out. The SA then said (and I quote) Madam, this silver needs cleaning! My friend then royally KICKED OFF! She explained she had had silver all her life. Her family had used family silver all their lives. She had family silver open to the public. She was well aware that silver needed cleaning, however it should not need cleaning EVERY DAY! The SA took out a silver cloth and cleaned one spoon. He put it on the counter and we watched it turn pale orange in front of our eyes. He explained he would have to send it back to Paris and have tests done on it. So my cutlery was confiscated and sent back to Paris. It could not be dealt with in UK. WHY? Who knows...

After many weeks nothing was heard from Paris. My friend came to stay again. She carted me back to Sloane Street and a chair appeared (for her) as soon as we entered. She explained that nothing had been done and demanded a full refund. She was told that that would not be possible and that SHE had to get in touch with the store in Paris!! We went back to my flat and she did - in flawless French.

This carried on getting batted backwards and forwards for months. In the end they rang me and told me there were indeed problems with that consignment of cutlery and that they were sending me a credit note. My French is poor - very poor. However, I managed to tell them I did not want a credit note - I was much more in favour of a full refund please. NON! NON! NON! It was not company policy to give refunds - only a similar amount to what I had spent in Paris (taking account of fluctuations in currency meanwhile). I was told that they had given me their permission to spend this similar amount in their store in London. I was so hacked off by this because it now meant I had to go and spend a fairly significant amount of money on things I really didn’t want or need. Like a leather pochette containing a battery light to shine on the keyhole of my front door and a watch I would not normally have chosen to buy. This along with various scarves and almost every scent bottle they sold completed the wretched transaction. It was a dreary shopping excursion undertaken with no enthusiasm, which took hours just to get goods to the value of.

So that’s why I have very good reason not to shop with them ever again. They produced sub-standard cutlery and I had to pay the price for it. There was no apology - no uptake of responsibility - just hard-nosed retention of my hard-earned cash. THE END.
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Oh god we all called it- referring to ‘soho farmhouse’ vibes now 🙈🙈 on her stories about the shitlap
So we had the grey/ luxe vibes, then the restoration hardware obsession, and now this soho farmhouse vibe....she is just a follower- she is not an influencer.
I’m actually so embarrassed for her, it’s totally cringe. As soon as Josie got that house and stamped her own style on it that’s all Lydia has seen. What a sad life to live
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Thanks to @wanderlust73 for the winning thread title!

Still no apology to Nicky.....
There's a deafening silence from Lydia, who continues to remove negative comments, buy bots and deflect attention to her chaotic redecorating.
ESPA go ahead with their Lydia masterclass, watched by 34 people, 30 of whom are Tattlers!
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Long time lurker, first time poster here!

Firstly, THANK YOU. Because of this forum of lovely tattlers, I realised how badly I was being gaslighted.

Like you, @Ludovica, I really enjoyed Lydia’s vlogs, and was so excited for her when she & Ali married and started making their new home together.

I am embarrassed now; I also showed a picture of her hair to my hair stylist. I bought the By Terry CC serum. I bought the excuses, fakery and lies.

It was Lydia herself that actually led me here. Her constant obvious references to people pointing out her hypocrisy helped guide the way.

I can, and do, forgive/understand her for many things but the bullying of a pregnant woman while also playing the damsel in distress is sickening. The quick change of Winston for Porter just as major renovations began was sad and manipulative. The over-consumption of every trend while preaching sustainability is hypocritical.

In a recent vlog, without recognition of the irony, Lydia was doing her normal opening of many boxes section in every blog these days. She opened a box of fresh flowers from one company, took a couple of seconds to Oooh & Ahh at it. Then read a note on another box of flowers, this company apologised for not sending the exact free flowers that she had asked for as the world-wide lack of cardboard had hit their supply chain. :unsure:

Behind Lydia was a mountain of cardboard the size of her. Not a word was said about sustainability.

She could truly embrace some causes and show the work and dedication required to truly influence fashion by actually designing, or world events like the sleeping rough charity or actually practice sustainable living. I suspect, though, that she will continue to swallow the truckloads of Amazon boxes and spew the tired “haul” vlogs.

I am sad for her. She seems lonely and lost. However, I cannot support or condone her behaviour. I feel betrayed.

Does anyone have a banana?🍌
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Nothing fucks me off more than how she chats constant shit about workmen/builders etc. Does she realise we’re in the middle of a pandemic? During lockdown 1, getting concrete and soil was a pain. Does she realise deliveries can be delayed? The fact she says “lots of worried faces” from them makes me FUME. No one should made to feel uncomfortable doing their profession. She’s clearly had ago at them for the floor not being down yet and they didn’t want to tell her that there was another delay. It’s absolutely disgusting. I can literally imagine her being like “I’m paying you to do a job and you aren’t doing it as fast as I want! I want my floor and heating back wah wah wah poor me.”

She’s sat having a bitch fit because her flooring, which didn’t need to be replaced, isn’t going down as fast as SHE wants. I can’t help but think of the people that have been left in limbo with no homes from moving to a new one with covid. People not being able to afford heating and not having a whole other floor to go to during covid. The people who have worked their fucking arse off during this pandemic and not even been given a pay raise and she’s fucking comparing about her SELF INDUCED anxiety from being a massive fucking bratty twat and screaming at a pregnant woman over her HAIR????
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This comment from under the latest outfit reel on IG 🤣 I don’t know if the commenter means “chic” or “sheikh”

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So I had a look at the Frow, inthefrow or whatever her name is, not a fan of her but... Lydiot must be dying of jealousy. First of all over a million subscribers and lot’s of reels that are actually quite good. Not sure what it is about the frow but they are just vibrant and interesting. She appears quite natural in them, I think she just really enjoys making them. Lydiot on the other hand... absolute disaster. Boring same reels all the time. Also... I think her and Aldi are not getting on at all as his reels are far more better than hers. He is not a professional standard but definitely creativity is there! Hers are soooo boring is unreal. She is soo not creative which makes me think that everything that is a bit on her insta was made by.... Ali. Her Insta recently is awful.
This has always been the vibe I get from LEM, as the viewer, I always get the vibe she doesn't really like what she does, she definitely doesn't want to interact with her followers and it all seems half-hearted and an effort and the viewer should be grateful shes put a video up or the that the brand should be grateful that it's being featured on her channel. (even though in most cases shes being paid)

I have seen so many times her ask a question on Twitter or IG and her followers give her really nice feedback or comments and even recommendations and advice and she never replies, says thank you or even just acknowledges them with the little heart/thumbs up button and to make matters worse if someone did write something she didn't agree with she would only respond to them???

There would be no mention of anything nice ppl did for her, for instance she once put a photo of bunch of flowers up that a friend bought her on her IG grid, the caption basically that it was only uploaded to rub it in someones face in it, the saying something like 'some ppl always let you down' and along the lines of 'you know who your real friends/support are etc' she couldn't just put the post up and be nice and grateful to the person who had given her the flowers.

She would have constant crying meltdowns on Snapchat and she did a few IG lives and hardly replied to anyone on their commenting! I remembered it was before the wedding and some ppl were asking where their dream honeymoon destination was... which they ignored. Turned out she didn't want to spend money on a honeymoon (even though Ali did want one). She couldn't even then just say 'dream honeymoon destination would be....' because then it would give Ali ammo to ask to book one I suppose?

The final straw was the horrible remarks about her mum and then the constant digs at the haters. Watching an influencer's video feels quite personal and like they're talking to you, it's kind of supposed to be like your reading a personal blog and that person grows to be someone you like and feel connected to, which is what I think INTHEFROW is a lot better at.

LEM on the other hand spends the whole time scolding the viewer for things they haven't been doing (I don't ever write hateful comments on any of her content and neither do most of her followers) and well it was actually her constant referencing hateful comments and forums that have driven the most traffic to these sites!

Then it moved on to the salty and arrogant IG captions which were just strange. (throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack, CEO,000,000, my relationships are immucate etc) which was just strange and cringe...

She used to create sit down the video which did give viewers some form of content and it was like she had thought out some of the things she was promoting (liquid lipstick reviews etc) but nothing she creates now is of any use to anyone it's just vlogs and vlogs of what shes buying.

The last video was as dull as dishwater but at least it showed a bit of her gardening! I have no idea why she doesn't make a video about what I have learned about growing herbs or veg or how to start a little kitchen garden.

She could have strung out buying the glass wendy house and showed how to evolve into a kitchen garden etc. But its not a true passion, she just saw Desi Perkins building her raised beds and her now house and simple just WANTED!!! it was around the same time she decided to get a dog and that it was ok to have a child (as long as its a girl, there's just one and they sleep down the corridor away from her bedroom, hence why the dining room couldn't be turned into a nurse (as suggested by Ali) and was turned in to the peaky blinders set.

When I first followed her she kind of had a bit of a blogger X essex girl vibe which suited her and she did seem more confident and it seemed more authentic, however not to forget she already morphed from emo/ibiza shot girl/chav blogger/fitness blogger at this point.

Basically, her content is boring because it's inauthentic, it's just a mash-up of what others are doing (josie, desi, in the frow, claire channel and Patricia) you cannot be creative when you are always imitating...

Thanks to @wanderlust73 for the winning thread title!

Still no apology to Nicky.....
There's a deafening silence from Lydia, who continues to remove negative comments, buy bots and deflect attention to her chaotic redecorating.
ESPA go ahead with their Lydia masterclass, watched by 34 people, 30 of whom are Tattlers!
is that it! She pulled in 34 views on that, to be fair she didn't promote it AT ALL! I bet none of her followers knew about it because she was lying low following the whole NL fiasco.
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I also checked out Frow's insta and youtube and wow. This is who Lydia is copying. It's like Single White Female! Even down to the little sausage dog. But everything about Frow is just better - you can tell she's being authentic to who she is. I do think Lydia is pretty but she should lean in to her strong features. I actually think she would look amazing with super short hair, especially with the power blazers she used to wear. And she would stand out from the crowd as the only influencer who doesn't have long beachy waves!

Also, I can't believe I ever believed Lydia that her only surgery was her breast implants. Gurl. Come on now.
How’s this for copying... After Vic posts a reel in a frilly purple dress, Lydiot has to copycat. Now, let’s see...who wore it better? 🙈


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