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Lola Faith

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Bloody hell she looks like she's in bed with a teenager!

Never a truer word spoken by Ali "my brain capacity is very limited"
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Lola Faith

VIP Member
It takes between 2-3 years of being on a waiting list to get a dog from a reputable breeder in the UK. How did Lydia confirm a dog so quickly? Puppy farming in England is a huge, huge problem. This is really worrying. ADOPT DON'T SHOP!

Couldn't agree more, I adopted my dog from Romania, it is such a worthwhile amazing thing to do, not without problems but so rewarding. She has bought a puppy the same way she buys a handbag, thrown money at something designer! But could we ever ever expect anything less from her?
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One would hope these floggers would support #givingtuesday and do something good with their platform. Like something actually selfless unlike complaining about maybe being cold sleeping in a heated tent, in 50 layers, being fed, cackling with a friend..... but shine a light on some charities in serious need.
Welp.... here it is. The bag for giveaway tied to donating for Alzheimer’s. A good cause and I hope it raises money but it ain’t taking away the shame she must feel for being a fraud and using her grandfathers illness to deflect. Of course she makes it all about herself (the parents divorce 🙄) and really very little about this man’s life. But it is sad for any family.

I just don’t know if I can see any good intentions with her anymore.... I’m glad she hasn’t “asked anyone to subscribe to win” but I can’t help but think she will use this as a cover up and reason for 45k+ bought followers.

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Gd luck to those 2 dumbos if it's really a Weimaraner or similar. These breeds are gun dogs and need plenty of exercise and stimulation, lazy ass Lidl will never be able to put in the efforts. I really doubt it's a Weimaraner though. I don't even think they have heard of this breed with their limited general knowledge. Can you imagine the imbeciles trying to pronounce the breed name on camera? They prob need a 100 takes and they'll still butcher the name.

They do say that ppl resemble their a China crested hairless would fit Lidl to a T. 🤣 View attachment 326799
If dogs resemble their owners, Lydiot's dog should be an Afghan - pretty, slim, very hairy and a bit on the 'very not-so-intelligent' side. However, Kim Jong Lydiot would be very jealous of the dog having hair in a better condition than hers as well as having Ali's affections ('cos Ali loves girls with long hair 🤭 ).
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Chatty Member
Wow that was one boring vlog, almost on the same level as Ali’s vlogs. I just skipped forward the whole thing to see what kind of struggle-meal they were eating this time and then I couldn’t watch any more.

I hate when she tries to sound like a pretend girl power feminist and say things like “men don’t say they need me time they just do it bla bla bla” Lydia shut up, most men don’t sit all day in a bath robe doing nothing like you and Ali, looking at themselves in the mirror and filming their lazy existence of day, taking naps and then going to bed at 4:30 pm.
It’s so dumb...
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The flogmas promo vid 🤢 desensitised romance, all for the camera, aesthetics over authenticity. Not a day will go by without an ad, always on the shill! Sums it up perfectly actually ❤

Lydia Millen #48 Flogmas with the Shillin’ Morons
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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
@Oops, I have a favour to ask you. Well, you know what they say - if you want something done, always ask the busiest person. Three years ago, we moved house and my husband, mistakenly, threw out all the Christmas decorations I had saved from when my girls were toddlers and made wonderful decorations every Christmas together. We were heartbroken to lose the memories. Little gingerbread men on ribbons and homemade baubles with nativity photos, etc etc.

I was wondering if one of your most able digger dogs could be cast in the role of digging them up and returning them to Anna and Lisa this Christmas? xx I would be beyond thrilled if you could include a line in your marvelous Dogmas panto ❤❤
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Active member
Alright guys !

What are your predictions for Lydiots vlogmas?

Mine are:

1. An insanely expensive and elaborate gift wrapping tutorial where she hand wraps each gift in sage linen cloth and finishes it with a sprig of rosemary - that Ali grew and cut from the garden.

2. Christmas cooking that she gives a fancy name and thinks is really impressive but is just a basic pasta bake or something

3. Taking a week of 'personal time' off the internet because 'this time of year is so stressful' and filming more than one video a week is too much for a woman that has no real job, knowledge, skills or work ethic.

4. An incredibly elaborate video timelapse of her decorating the Christmas tree only at the very end to promote a brand we all know she doesn't use

Let me know what your predictions are!
Great idea!

- I predict copious amounts of alcohol, guarantee we'll hear the 'wine' in 90% off flogs.
- Showcasing all the new Louby shoes she's bough over the last month
- "Getting the house ready for Christmas"
- Showing us all the dog merch she's already bought
- The endless walks she goes on
- Trips to garden centres

Struggling to think what else she actually does..
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OK - I’ve started to get a bit of a skeleton and have divided the Fur Babies into four sub-divisions.

Rescuers - those who have been rescued

Rainbow Bridge Angelic Choir - those who are waiting at the Bridge

Cat’s Chorus - Present day cats

Dog Nappers - Present day dogs

I can work anyone in at any time but aiming to have Act 1 - Scene 1 up on 1st of December.

If your fur baby is missing let me know (there’s been quite a few to note down :ROFLMAO:) and I’ll put it right immediately. If your fur baby is a rescue and in the wrong column I’ll put that right too x

Rescuers - Nacho Cheese - English Bulldog
Frank the Pug


Rainbow Bridge Angelic Choir

Beloved Jamie


Cat’s Chorus



Dog Nappers

Little Miss Sky
Mushi Umbrage
Grumpy Snoopy
Charlie (Panda Bear)
Scratch and Sniff
Teddy Bear


Let me know if you would like anyone added or revised please x thank you x
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Lola Faith

VIP Member
Carrie is not actually allowed to decorate the tree, she take the labels off the baubles and hands them to the witch!
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Sorry, but I just have to comment after seeing her stories about her grandfather. She said he went into a home and she doesn’t know when or if she will ever see her Nonno again.
Why then, when she had the time and before he was put in a home, didn’t she spend as much time as she can with him?
My grandmother had Alzheimer’s. It was sad to see her not remember anyone and anything. She would come to our house to visit ( she lived a couple of houses down from us ) and she would not know who we were. My mom would patiently remind her who she was and where she was. Looking back after she passed away, and knowing what I know now, I would have spent as much time with my grandmother. That is one of my biggest regret in life.
I hope she is not doing this just for the engagement. But like most of you, I question her authenticity. She never has, and probably never will, think about anyone other than herself.
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Last night on Channel 4 in the UK there was a programme on about the truth about Amazon, in it, there was mention of Jamie Genevieve and how she had put a vlog up on her channel, and it was only when it was about 14 minutes in did the people watching it realise it was an advert for Amazon. I do think people are now getting wiser to their tactics, or even being educated in what's going on. I can only hope that legislation follows and more of these Influencers are brought to task for their underhanded tactics. They already make a fortune on the adverts, but they have to be greedy and have the commission too, putting many shop staff out of jobs as they direct people to where products can be bought online. One of our large department store chains, Debenhams, looks set to close if a buyer can't be found. Thousands of people will lose their jobs, and I see a direct correlation between people losing jobs in bricks and mortar stores with the rise of the Influencer and them encouraging people to buy online because if you don't buy online they can't get their cut of the action. Would be so easy if that code they give could be given in a store, and the commission tracked back that way so at least the stores were in with a fighting chance.
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Giveaways to increase subscribers are not allowed on Instagram according to the rules they recently sent round.
OMG now I get it.... she bought the bag for 900K and then with the "new rules" she realized she couldn't use it to up her subscribers with a giveaway so "lightbulb"... a way around the problem.

I'll refrain from my further comments about her motives and it has raised 15k. But I stand by my opinion on her WAYS... esp with this "event" reason. Good for the charity tho

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Well Im not surprised there is no video tonight because she hasnt got enough content so she is saving the little she has for boremas :sleep:
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Oh wonder why Ali doesn't want to decorate the trees with her???? um she literally just said "I just direct Carrie and she helps me because that's what best friends do". WHO would want to be DIRECTED on how to decorate 4 trees in their own home? On this point Ali is smart. NOT FUN MILLEN which is why you have to PAY a person to do this with you.

AND Tiffany... oh how far they have fallen to use influencers the likes of Lydia. We shall see if it's a real partnership but I'm sincerely disappointed in them if it is.
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She looks like her dad, the nose the eyebrows.

He looks knacked I don't why he doesn't do anything, no long hours like a normal hardworking person.
Plus his dead eyes never change when he's
talking, no expression from the nose up 😏
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5 mins into the latest flogmust video and the mad bint ordered garlic cloves on the internet to plant! How can she claim to be Italian and not know that she could’ve just cracked open a 30p bulb of garlic 🤣🤣🤣
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