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I don’t think it’s the normalising breast feeding that’s the issue I don’t think anyone who’s having or had a baby doesn’t know about breastfeeding but it’s more the practicalities that need help.

However just my opinion but for new mums especially I think it’s the support and help that needs to be highlighted. You’ve got the likes of Lucy pushing how amazing she is end it’s tiring but worth it blah. For someone who is struggling to get them to latch on or nipples are on fire she just makes it seems like it’s so natural for her. Two of my friends had babies similar times to Lucy and ended up unfollowing her as they struggled to breast feed and felt like failures (not Lucy’s fault). But she does push whatever agenda suits the #ad she’s going that week


She said she only feeds him 3 times a day that normal?
Yes that’s about right based on his age and having proper meals now, though every baby is different. There are no rules though with babies, some days can be that amount other days 1 time a day the next 5 times a day but I would say 3 is about the average day and will gradually reduce.

Sorry to change the subject but is it just me or does Lucy have a weird dress sense 😂
I don’t think so, I think she dresses nice even when casual, but then again I’ve lived in joggers for the last 9 months or so!! 🤣

A lady at baby group once tried to offer me her breast milk because my son didn’t get any 🤣🤣 that was when I felt like I must not have been a real mum, and like you if people assumed I’d breastfed I didn’t deny it. Fucking ridiculous when I look back. My son is 4 now and it’s not like you can tell the breastfed kids from the bottle fed kids in his class. It’s a combination of the hospital leaflets plus all these bloody instamums pushing it. Don’t get me wrong I’m not AGAINST breastfeeding, I just don’t want it shoved down peoples faces.
I’m not convinced Lucy will stop at 1, or admit to it - because what else will she have to talk about 🤔🤔🤔
At the end of the day does it matter if she stops today or doesn’t stop at 1 year, parents can choose not what’s best for them and baby at the time, no need for anyone to judge another parent just for changing their mind. Just because someone has said they will stop at 1 year, they may get there and could take months of gradually stopping, no one should judge another parent for their choices plus baby can have other ideas!!! Probably why Lucy has bought it formula to gradually reduce it, a lot of mums do this, and Lucy probably didn’t mention because felt would be judged!!! She May be in the media and influencer but at the end of the day she has no right to tell us everyone like anyone who is in that industry, especially when it comes to their children and their parenting choices and probably don’t because scared of being judged by judgy julie!!
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Well-known member
But with lucy. Even before she was pregnant and BF'ing she didn't do much with RLW at all and she says she does. That Cecelia is pretty much the face.

£110 is that a joke??? That's horrific. I paid like £40 for 2 shake tubs. £110 to subscribe? That's awful.

Someone on Danielle's page said Herbalife costs £110 a month 😒 surely not but then again how else would she drive around in a Bentley jeep?


VIP Member
For me it was actually a student midwife when I was still in hospital that mentioned formula top ups (wee one was screaming, wouldn't latch and nothing was coming when expressing). I'd never even considered it and then she left without and actual outcome. The next thing I buzzed again and spoke to the midwife and I was that upset I just wanted her fed and kind of after that I decided that I'd just use formula til my milk came in. When I got home I was all over the place about it one minute I was expressing, the next formula then attempting breast feeding. Looking back I could have done more research while I was pregnant too.The midwives/hv never pushed me either way and I was never really given any support/suggestions or help with latching and this was pre covid it was basically okay shes not latching, express into a syringe. I know now what I could do to help with latching in the early days if I'm lucky enough to have another. I sometimes wonder if its because I'm a nurse that they just left me to it though... but I mean I work in elderly palliative care so not a lot of breast feeding going on there 🤔
I don’t think hospital staff are meant to push you one way or another, just help with your choice. Both times I wasn’t allowed to leave hospital until I had agreed to formula top ups. Both times the doctor came to see me with a ready made bottle in her pocket for when I ‘agreed’ to top up. Luckily my county has amazing support and people who actually helped


VIP Member
Ryan was made bankrupt as he couldn't pay his tax bill then after appearing on Celebrity Big Brother the money started rolling in and he became a millionaire again....


Active member
I agree, she looks shockingly thin. Not trying to be nasty at all, it’s very concerning how gaunt & fragile she looks. But then remember she’d just had Roman & Ryan commented on a bikini pic of his sister in law “can we swap” I imagine she feels lots of pressure to stay underweight. They’re both so shallow!
Did this actually happen?!?! That is awful. Does anyone have screenshots


VIP Member
Isn’t she in tier 4?
Her sister is over on her insta
Didn’t think mixing households was allowed
Yeah I’m in tier 4 and have a baby under 1 so I can still see my support bubble which is my mum and dad. She can still see whoever is her support bubble too.


Chatty Member
I feel cheated over the whole breastfeeding makes you lose weight, I’m BREASTFEEDING my 16 month old and I’ve fucking gained weight since he was born 😩😂
I've just stopped at nearly 11 months and the extra weight has just dropped off..everyone told me breastfeeding makes you loose it all so quickly but I just couldn't shift that extra bit and was always starving

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
My baby is a week older than Roman and often fights his last nap and just has the one. It depends what time he wakes up as well, if he wakes up at 8amish then he only has the one nap. It can happen