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VIP Member
I do have a feeling there’s more to this than meets the eye, in terms of him knowing more about what was going on, but I hope I’m wrong
There's no fool like an old fool.

And, I can't help thinking about what Dr Jayaram said about him having the sense that he didn't trust Lucy Letby.
And that as a doctor (and I paraphrase (when asked why he didn't go to the police sooner)) he was trained to look for the common symptoms, and then to consider the uncommon, - but it was beyond comprehension that one of the medical staff could be deliberately hurting the patients.

Maybe he saw the gorilla, when his training told to look elsewhere.
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Embarrassing for Lucy yes, not embarrassing for Ben. You can’t work miracles if the person you’re defending has no one wanting to give them a testimony can you.
No I know he can’t, and I respect that. But the plumber added nothing to the trial in my opinion.

Other regulars haven’t been scathing of ‘new’ members - unless they have been defending that thing, which I certainly am not.
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Active member
Does anyone have info or a link to info - on the baby that was declared a NG by the judge at the start? Was this a boy or girl? I’m just wondering about the details of this poor thing, being forgotten now really ☹ any help appreciated
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Chatty Member
I think it’s just the one being released in total (but they’re tweeting it in short segments).
Thanks, yeah I can only see the one hour long one on utube.
I did wonder what else they could have released, it was very good though and showed how much work went into getting a verdict
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VIP Member
It’s interesting to me to see people saying they’ve always thought she looked dead behind the eyes because I don’t think that’s true at all. In all of her “normal” life pictures she looks like a nice, normal girl, friendly and approachable even. There’s nothing demonic looking about her at all.
That's exactly what I think
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VIP Member
I think she’ll suffer more because she won’t have the protection of people in jail, take Savannah Brockhill for example, she killed poor little Star Hobson in the most vile way but because she’s built like a man and had friends/family already in Styal she was acting like she ran the jail and didn’t get a single thing said to her. Lucy won’t have that, she’s a very education ex nurse who didn’t seem like the type to have associations in jails, she’ll be fucked

She was walking around with several staff so was even more obnoxious. She's on the nonce wing... someone will get to her eventually same goes for letby!
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I highly doubt it tbh, the evidence was stacked against her. I doubt lorenzo alone could have got her off, just saying. All it did her taking the stand was help convince people on the fence of her guilt, but it doesn’t change her guilt. At the end of the day the prosecution had so many witness’s. The defence, excluding letby, had a plumber.
God the ridiculousness of this now. Ben Myers should be so embarrassed. Why weren’t all these ‘loyal’ friends giving her character testimonies??
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VIP Member
Morning Tattlers! I've not contributed to these threads but have dipped in and out during the trial, hats off to everyone for (mostly) having intelligent discussions, and of course a big thanks to those who have attended court and fed back what they could, it's been hard going just reading about it so I can't imagine how tough it must have been to be there in person.

Just something I was wondering about - do we know how the NHS trust dealt with her employment after the first arrest? Obviously she was moved off the unit and into the admin role, but following that, was she suspended and then dismissed when she was arrested for the last time in 2020? As someone who works in HR I've been trying to work out what would be the best course of action - once she was in custody they could dismiss her for frustration of contract, but prior to that it feels a bit of a grey area. You can't dismiss someone because they "might" have done something, yet with those allegations surely they couldn't still have her in the hospital (although given the rest of the cover up shitshow it wouldn't be a surprise). If she was suspended she would have been receiving full pay for sitting on her arse being pandered to by mummy and daddy, telling her she was the best nurse ever and of course everyone knew she hadn't done anything wrong and the nasty police were picking on her etc
I wondered the same. I think we would go with frustration of contract/SOSR or potentially reputational damage? It would have to be done in liaison with the police to ensure if does not affect their investigation.
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VIP Member
Was gonna say....highly doubt Chambers will have documented he met "it" in a coffee shop/cafe!😡
Yes the half arsed one or any notes on the claims made by the consultants etc , the internal going’s on before the police stepped in basically
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The Cheshire police documentary is so good, only watched the first one so far but thanks to whoever it was originally shared that. Anyone who thinks she’s NG (not here generally speaking) should watch it and I’m sure they will change their mind when they see how much work went into the case and how thorough they were. I’m glad the families had this brilliant team working so hard for them to get it absolutely right.
Where can I find this doc??
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VIP Member
xhc___ said she spoke to a medical professional who said something about Letby being a "Beverley Allitt fan"
According to think they were a reporter (would need to watch their title bit in the Panorama episode regarding her though to confirm that), who was at the trial, the prosecution in their opening statement mentioned absolutely nothing of the sort apparently, that she hadn't had any kind of interest in any serial killers or no evidence certainly to suggest that.
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VIP Member
Does anyone think that she will actually admit it at some time or she will keep protesting her innocence?
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Well-known member
With respect, what has that got to do with the fact she isn't RN? Her baby was likely a victim and she spoke with eloquence about her experience?
All I did was correct her job title, I didn’t dispute her experience with LL at all. In fact I also said “I’m not saying it didn’t happen” as well. The reason I corrected it was because I don’t want inaccuracies flying around or anyone to accuse her of lying as some articles say nurse and other say nursing assistant.
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New member
Victim personal statements are, however, part of the case papers and so provided to the defence, and well before a sentencing hearing. She could potentially have been pouring over them for months (or longer).
I hadn't realised they were provided to the defence before they were read out in court.
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Well-known member
If the babies were in a crash situation and she saved them, they’d be eternally grateful to her (and their parents would too?)
I think even if it started off that way, for the most part she wanted the babies to die. She got off on the power and control she felt at ending a life, and the sick trophies back that up.
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Well-known member
I thought Fred West was from East London!
Nah he lived down the road from me and was born round the corner from my inlaws. The house was pulled down by the council in the end. Wonder if similar will happen with 'its' house. Different circumstances but I couldn't stomach living there.
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