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Mr Myers says Dr Jayaram had said Child K was sedated, and that was "a prime basis for blaming" Letby.

He says Child K was not sedated until after the tube was dislodged and she was reintubated.
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He says Letby cannot have interfered with the bags in the way it is alleged.

He says the bags are changed during the 53 hours Child L was recorded to have low blood sugar readings, during which five bags were used.

He says a number of bag changes took place for which Letby was not involved in.

He says the prosecution alleged Letby was 'setting up an issue' of hypoglycaemia for Child L.

He says it does not follow as Child L would be a focus on blood sugar levels, and someone with harmful intent would not identify an issue that was going to be detected anyway.

He says Letby would be drawing attention to it.

He says Child L's designated nurse was recorded on the neonatal schedule as being a co-signer for 9.25am-9.29am prescriptions.

He says that is when the electronic prescriptions are inputted.

He says Dr Ukoh would also be in room 1 that morning (where Child L and Child M are) as part of his ward round.

He says there is no record of him outside of room 1 during the time Letby was alleged by the prosecution to administer insulin in Child L [about 9.30am].
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Baby G had a low temperature as well which is a sign of infection in preemies, they go cold rather than hot when they are unwell.
I do think she's guilty but I don't think she will be found guilty on all counts.
I agree some of the cases I feel like are a real stretch to blame her - baby G, baby H and the baby that bled and was transfused really late I’m struggling with tbh
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Mr Myers says, for the allegation Letby 'cooked the notes', he refers to Child G's temperature reading on the observation chart, that there are 'two dots' on the 9am reading.

He says there are multiple dots recorded on other hours on the same chart by other nurses.

He adds the dots are both in the 'white' area [ie normal].

He says it is "not a good point".
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Chatty Member
Sorry I kind of lost my way with this thread when it was all hectic! When are we expected to hear verdicts? And how long after that will sentencing be?
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Do we think Myers knew she was guilty when he took the case? Does anyone think he believes shes innocent?
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Mr Myers says Child K was a tiny baby needing complex care.

He says Dr James Smith agreed in cross-evidence that an experienced neonatalogist at a tertiary unit would have had more experience than him in looking after babies such as Child K.

A mortality review at Arrowe Park Hospital said Child K's death was "avoidable", Mr Myers says.

He says surfactant, to allow babies to breathe properly, should have been administered "straight away" to Child K.

He says Child K could not breathe without assistance and it was "inevitable" she would need intubation.

He says the "air leak" recorded "cannot be ignored".

He says staff at the Countess "did not seem concerned".

He says the defence acknowledge the oxygen saturation was high.

He says a tertiary unit consultant had said the pressure [VTE reading] was "too low" and the oxygen saturation reading was "not consistent" with the air leak and pressure readings.



Mr Myers says the count is Letby "deliberately did nothing to help" when confronted by Dr Ravi Jayaram, and that by implication, she had harmed Child K.

He says Letby did not recall what had happened.

He says the allegation "relies on the credibility and reliability" of Dr Jayaram.

He says the allegation had "morphed" against Letby.

He says tubes can dislodge.

He says Dr Sandie Bohin agreed tubes can dislodge even if a baby is sedated.

He adds nurse Joanne Williams said Child K was an "active baby".
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He says this case is evidence "beyond doubt" that serious deteriorations can come out of nowhere, as there are two desaturations for Child J, a well baby generally, which are serious and "cannot be blamed on Lucy Letby".

Dr Kalyilil Verghese had considered the first was a 'false desaturation'.

Mr Myers says Nicola Dennison had given evidence to say the first "serious desaturation" is a real one "which comes out of nowhere", with Child J desaturating to the 30s [of oxygen saturation levels].

He says Dr Stephen Brearey said he could not find a cause for those two desaturations, and agreed they were unexpected.

Mr Myers says it is "clear unfairness" that the latter desaturations, when Letby is present, are an allegation of harm, as opposed to the first two desaturations when Letby is not present.

He says there is "no evidence" that can be linked for Letby causing harm to Child J.



Mr Myers says the experts do not identify any physical harm for Child J.

He says Letby is being left to explain something for which she probably wasn't present for.
He says Dr Dewi Evans, when cross-examined, could not rule out infection in his report.

He says this is not attempted murder, and the prosecution case is "empty".
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Mr Myers says Dr Evans and Dr Bohin, before the trial, said air and milk had been forced down the NG Tube, and that a colleague of Letby had aspirated Child G's stomach before the 45ml feed [ie the stomach was 'pretty much empty'].

He says that was the assumption.

He says the assumption was wrong.

The nurse said she would have taken enough aspirate to assess the pH level of the stomach, but not enough to empty the stomach.

She had said that would have been done with bigger babies who were stable.

He says the evidence "all falls apart".

He says the nurse said there could have been undigested milk in there.

He says this "created a fundamental problem for the experts".

He says the defence was critical of how the allegation "morphs", and focused on the description of the pH level.

He says the judge, Mr Justice James Goss, asked about that, and the nurse replied the pH level would not give an indication of how much milk was in the stomach.

Mr Myers says Dr Evans and Dr Bohin said low pH levels meant acid, and no milk in the stomach, and had "changed their lines of attack".

Dr Bohin was "particularly vigorous" about it, saying pH of 4 was "very acidic" and milk would "neutralise" that reading.

Mr Myers says the nurse "did not get that wrong".

He says in the case of Child P, there can be a low pH reading with a lot of milk in the stomach.

He says 14ml of milk was aspirated, and a pH reading of 3, and a later reading gives 20ml aspirate and a pH reading of 3.
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Mr Myers said Letby, on April 9, had other babies to look after that day, with their own issues.

He refers to a note by Mary Griffith on April 9 for Child M to say there was an underlying problem prior to the 4pm collapse.


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Mr Myers adds Child G had a further projectile vomit on October 15, when Letby was not on duty.

He refers to the third event for Child G, the second on September 21, 2015.

He says the prosecution opening in October last year said somebody had switched off the monitor.

He says it was the evidence of a nursing colleague who said what did happen.

He said the nurse recalled there had been seven attempts to insert a cannula.

Mr Myers says that could have caused a desaturation for Child G.

Mr Myers said the nurse's "crystal clear evidence" said the doctors left Child G behind screens and the monitor was switched off.

He says Dr John Gibbs had said if that was what the nurse had said, then that was what had happened. Dr David Harkness said he could not recall.

Mr Myers says it was "very poor treatment" for Child G.


VIP Member

Mr Myers refers to the case of Child H.

He describes the events for Child H, including the insertion of chest drains.

He says the evidence reveals "serial, sub-optimal care" and "no evidence" of Letby "doing any wrongdoing at all", but "she gets the blame".


Mr Myers says late provision of surfactant would have made the pneumothorax worse for Child H, as Dr Bohin said.

He says Dr Bohin also wrote in her report there was an "unacceptable delay" in intubating, and leaving a butterfly needle in the chest was 'sub-optimal practice as it is hazardous