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I just can’t imagine the force!! The distance on the chair must be something like 5 times the length of the baby - imagine that relative to an adult!!
That is really shocking. I’m trying to picture how far 5x the length of an adult would go and the force it would take to project it.
It’s like the vomit exploded with force out of the baby. Horrific.
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Hey 👋🏻 Following when I can and when there’s something to follow and wowzers it’s been a strong day for the prosecution imo 💔 I would be interested to hear @Haveyouanywool and @docmum (aka Emma Thompson/Claudia 💞😉) opinions on the medical details today as always 🤞🏻
Really pleased to see you back posting @MmmB777 . Hope your little break from posting has helped ❤
I agree, very strong day from the prosecution. I feel so sad for Baby G’s parents having to hear all this. That poor little girl 😔
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Reading the write up of messages between LL and her colleague - it looks like the colleague is just basing her opinions on what LL is telling her as she hadn't actually seen the baby or the medical notes herself. So I would take her opinion of whether the baby was well enough to be downgraded or not with a pinch of salt - as she (the colleague) wasn't the designated nurse during the shift. Also given that LL has gotten the diagnosis of every single victim wrong in her messages to colleagues so far, including what she told the police about G - her opinion on baby's stability is pointless to me. She messages colleagues every single time to discuss her opinion on the babies with them in great detail, and they all agree with her thinking she's very knowledgeable and experienced - but as we've seen she really knows nothing.

This entire message exchange below feels very weird for some reason. Almost like LL just wants an adoring audience with a front row seat to how much more skilled she is than other nurses and doctors(!). Every message exchange just seems to be her talking about how difficult things are, how much parents love her and what a big part of their journey she is, how she confidently diagnoses every death and almost death, how other doctors and nurses get things wrong and she needs to swoop in to help. Even without any charges of wrongdoing, people with this kind of attention seeking make me feel uncomfortable.

Following completion of her shift Letby messaged a colleague in the evening to say: “(Child G) poorly again.

“Due date today!”

Her colleague, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, responded: “Oh she likes to ‘celebrate’ the big ones in style (sadface).”

Letby replied: Due imms (immunisations) today too. I got her screened this morning after she vomited.”

Her colleague said: “Was she still in (nursery) 4 then?”

Letby said: “Yup and had NN (nursery nurse) all weekend … looked rubbish when I took over this morning, then she vomited at 9 and I got her screened.”

The colleague said “See. It really worries me. I wasn’t on when she was moved but wouldn’t have done it myself.”

Letby replied: “I personally felt it was a big jump considering how sick she was just a week ago. Being in 4 is bad enough and then having NN that just doesn’t always know what to look for/act on. Mum said she hasn’t been herself for a couple of days.”

The colleague said: “F***. I wish she’d told a registered nurse.”

Letby said: “It’s hard isn’t it. When mum came in today she was like oh I’m so pleased you’ve got her which I thought was a little strange as I don’t know her that well but wonder if she just felt reassured to have a nurse.”

The last bit feels like the colleague and LL casting shade on the doctors?
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Hey everyone, hope y’all had a fab Xmas and NY. Really thought we’d be back to our full blown discussions by now, but obviously not🤦🏼‍♀️.

Have to say I agree with the others, sounds like there is definitely more to this two jurors thing than just causal sickness. There’s no point in me speculating about why it seems to be significant, could be anything from it’s too traumatising for them and a doctor has signed them off, to a bereavement, to them talking about the trial outside the courtroom, to a whole load of other reasons. As we’ve seen with this trial and the twists and turns already, it could literally be for any reason these two jurors seem to be off for a while. What I will say is I pity that jury so much for many reasons, and now knowing they’re going to be there until may😩

To answer about whether trial can still go ahead without them, I remember at the beginning reading that if one has to be excused permanently, then the trial can still go ahead without them, it will be 11 jurors deliberating at the end rather than 12. However, if the juror is to be excused for something such as talking about it outside courtroom, then I’m not sure this would still apply (for obvious reasons), I’m not sure whether it can go ahead with 2 jurors down and only having 10 though, I can’t remember. But pretty sure 11 is ok to continue the trial as it is currently.

Also thought it was interesting to hear there’s massive legal discussions going on in background too, oh how I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that.

Will see everyone again once the trial resumes (if indeed it does anytime soon), as there’s not much more for me to say until then imo 👋🏼
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I’m still following closely. Hope everyone comes back this week, it’s been very quiet without all the usual posters
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I haven’t seen this mentioned but going back to Baby F.. On the podcast they said it was put to them that she poisoned the second bag before she clocked off her shift.
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torn on this. I really think she enjoyed all the praise. I think she is the type to want to go to tesco in her uniform.

Although you cannot really ignore the comments about the state of the unit and 2 way conversations about moving units. Obviously if the unit was that bad it also solidifies how/why she was able to get away with it if guilty
Go to tesco in her uniform 🤣🤣 I completely see your point. For me, part of the reason it was all so awful and stressful and in a state could easily be because at this time G, H and I are all there I believe and she is accused of sabotaging them all so it would feel horrendous for a level 2 care unit I’m sure. There are plenty of “bad run” type comments in there again, although Letby tries to say it’s the team that are a shit magnet 🚩 She also says it’s happening on nights when less people are around - which is again a red flag to me (shocker🤣). It’s her pointing out unnaturally that it’s happening because less people are around but it’s just confirming a preferred situation for these type of killers- the strange/difficult to explain/awful incidents in this run are always happening at night and when she (sorry her team 👀) is there.
‘You picked the right week for a holiday’ suggests it’s not usually as bad as this, it’s not an all the time problem it’s that all the babies are having these events. If she was so disgruntled there, I wonder why she didn’t leave in all that time and this nurse probably hasn’t either as she is unnamed.
Anyone else spot her text about a baby with blood sugar being 0.1 too 😬 I know I’m completely convinced but I just saw 🚩🚩🚩 everywhere
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Poor baby G 💝 Tough reading and it's only the first of three alleged attempts 🥺


I thought this was an odd point. Perhaps out of the orbit of LL, sudden and unexpected collapses of stable babies are far more uncommon.
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I think it’s been said frequently on serial killer programmes and they don’t just start out of no where really. Something happens small and things escalate normally ending in getting caught because they can’t stop until they’re stopped.
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If she really was deliberately going after parents of IVF babies she's even sicker than I thought possible. I've had friends go through it and seen first hand the time, money and heartbreak it involves. To rip those babies' lives away when their parents had been through the wringer to get them and to add to the parents' suffering even more I just can't comprehend. What a reprehensible woman she is.
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Oh God I just hope this doesn't all fall apart, I truly believe she did this and I would be heartbroken for the family's if this trial doesn't go ahead.
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I do find it baffling how others can have such different opinions after todays reportings but I respect that not everyone thinks the same.

i am keen to know myself if the defence have medical experts which can provide explanations to counter what the prosecution have said.

However, based on the evidence from these experts today, I believe someone deliberately over fed that baby.

Then it comes down to the whole thing of LL being there…again. It’s just too much at this stage.
It is too much at this stage, this whole trial is too much tbh.

I just hope she gets put away for the rest of her life and never harms another innocent again. She's evil incarnate.
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I've often been a minority in this thread and tbh on the whole I've found it to be no issue.
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Just heard this on the new Netflix show Wednesday, to paraphrase the late great Agatha Christie, “one coincidence is just a coincidence, two coincidences are a clue, three coincidences are proof”.
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My eldest son was born around the same time of these attempts on Baby G’s life, it’s given me chills just thinking about it. The poor little darling 💔
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