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VIP Member
Sorry, I hadn’t realised LL was only the designated nurse until 11.30am.
Apologies if it has already been asked but who was the 2nd designated nurse (after 11.30)? Was it the nurse who changed her statement?
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They have been describing her as doing so well before the first incident. I think they have said she was never the same again after the initial over feed. These texts are once she’s returned from AP so she isn’t doing as well but was deemed well enough to be there again. She was severely brain damaged after the first incident.
I think this was the attack where she had been due her immunisations which they're saying they wouldn't have done if there were concerns, which is a bit contradictory to the other nurse saying she shouldn't have been moved. Also LL said the mum thought she hadn't been her best for a couple of days, which could well just be LL saying it but if the other nurse is saying she was concerned then maybe it's another case of the nurses and Dr's not communicating properly and somethings being missed.
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I was worried I was getting a bit behind with the wiki, at least I have plenty of time to catch up!!

It does feel sudden, especially when they haven’t finished evidence for G and there is still more than a working week before Xmas. Is there a general day when courts break for Xmas? And why 9th Jan? Working week starts 3rd Jan.
My daughters not back at school until the 10th! 🥴
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VIP Member
No I think that’s the point. As the ph level was 4, the stomach was empty, so the 2am feed went ahead as normal just before the nurse went on her break. Again, I’m not sure!
Yeah I get what he's saying, but you can get an acidic reading even when you can physically see feed in the aspirate, so it doesn't mean the stomach is empty. I remember being glad when we aspirated and there was feed there cos it was so much easier to test compared to when the stomach was empty.

I haven't worked with ED in years but there's only been a few times I've had an empty stomach when checking pH, most times there was some feed in there. Maybe neonates are different 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
I wouldn’t be surprised if the complaint was fobbed off and kept off the record but would the incident not have been recorded in the medical notes and the parents notified?
Kept off the record? Shit stuff like that happens? God I feel really naive but I work in a totally different environment.
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VIP Member
Sorry stupid question but I really don’t think I came across a ‘Nursery Nurse’ what are they?
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Only just managed to catch up with the latest on this case. I've been called for jury service, but asked for it to be delayed due to my job, very bespoke role, not easy for work to get cover. I was then called again, same thing. They accepted that I couldn't easily get the the time off & it would cause my employers a right headache if I was missing from work, so I was discharged & they logged it as service done.

There are enough retired people & those on Jobseekers allowances who could quite easily do jury service I feel. Get the unemployed or retired doing it, they should get their benefits/pensions & the unemployed can get their dole without having to sign on if they are gainfully employed doing jury duty I think. Why drag us hard working folks away from our jobs for it? That's my opinion anyhow.
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VIP Member
My thoughts too! It’s the sort of thing that would be held back from a jury i imagine until after the verdict. Did she search BA extensively?? I dunno. Should that sort of thing be covered during a trial, or revealed later? I can’t fully make my mind up.
They didn't hold back what Savannah was Googling in relation to Star's case so if it seemed relevant surely it would?
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Chatty Member
Regarding the nurse changing her statement, it made me think immediately of a case here in Ireland of the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier. She was beaten to death in 1996 and it has never been proven who murdered her.

In 2003 a woman called Marie Farrell gave the Gardaí a witness statement that she saw a man called Ian Bailey near the scene (this was after she had repeatedly called the witness helpline anonymously). In 2004 she was threatened with legal action by Ian Bailey and in 2005 she then went on to say she was physically threatened by him etc.

In 2015 she did a total 180 and was part of his wrongful arrest case!! She changed her earlier statement to say she never saw Ian Bailey near the scene like she originally said she did.

Some people get a kick out of being involved in these kind of cases.
I think I've seen a p rogramme on TV about this case.
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Active member
I wonder if police asked her any questions about the monitor in her initial interview/s? To not have said something then when asked would be weird but if you weren’t asked and didn’t know it held any relevance would you say anything at the time?
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VIP Member
Can anyone with experience of premature babies and NG tubes confirm whether the Dr’s evidence that a baby can’t vomit whilst on an NG tube is true?
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VIP Member
When I worked in the NHS, we were actively discouraged from putting in datix forms because it “just creates more admin”.
There was an attitude that datixs were just a waste of time. I have since left the NHS and moved abroad, and whilst we are now encouraged to submit reports, every single response I have ever received, regardless of the reason for the report, is the head midwife/charge nurse saying “I’ll look into it.” I’ve worked there nearly 3 years and as far as I am aware, not one thing has ever been looked into.

Just pointing this out because a lot have people have asked why things weren’t questioned at the time, and actually, they may have been!
Ok, so things might not always be acted on but there will be a record. One of the main points about submitting is there will be a documented record.
I didn’t work in the NHS latterly but we had the same type of system.
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VIP Member
This casts doubt on this nurse's 'correction' for me. Dr Harkness doesn't know how to turn off the monitor so it's not him. And if Dr Gibbs the consultant turned off the monitor, why would he bring his reg to the nurse with him to apologise?

Has she gotten mixed up with another time?
I’m sure I read, somewhere, that it was turned off at the socket.
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