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she could have done anything from a verbal report to the nurse in charge on shift (not necessarily the senior ward manager) up to a fully detailed datix or anything in between. It may have been appropriately reported via datix but my point being is that a lot does get missed with reporting, and when reported the datix may be read but often is hastily closed.
A lot of points like these I feel will be much more relevant at summing up or in the reports once the trial is over as their context will be clearer.
It worrying to learn that even "minor" incidents that if reported would contribute to the safer running of the unit could just go no where or get buried. Very disheartening!

Thanks for the insight though!
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Kept off the record? Shit stuff like that happens? God I feel really naive but I work in a totally different environment.
The staff on the ward wouldn’t listen to consultants concerns about Letby so I can’t imagine they would have dealt with the monitor issue. The insulin case was another thing not investigated so they don’t have a great track record.
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There's a difference though, injecting air is proven to be potentially deadly to people, this is something that the jury will be made aware of during the course of the trial- probably through a research paper or via an expert in the field. Showing it on TV in the manner it was doesn't demonstrate that its easy to administer in a hospital environment, nor is it making any claims that aren't already widely known. The example of grooming is potentially promoting a bias in the jury's mind as its similar circumstances to the accused and could tap into peoples unconscious bias. Not sure if that makes sense, but yea if it was a programme based in hospital and it demonstrated how a nurse might 'get away with it' then could see as it could lead the jury to think she's more likely to have done it, but it's not alluding to anything nor likely to form bias.
Yeah I get you, I didn’t actually see the episode so if as you say it wasn’t in a hospital or done by a nurse, it makes sense as to why they didn’t have any issues with showing it
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Chatty Member
Even if she was found innocent her life will be in effect over. No hospital will employ her and the media will stalk as will people on social media.
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Isn’t she the prosecutions own witness though? They won’t want to savage her if she is.
Fair point! I’m assuming if she’s now made such a great revelation that goes in the defences favour (I don’t particularly think it does) then why wouldn’t the defence call her? Can they call her? Will any of Letby’s colleagues be called for the defence 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess my point was that had this been any new info that worked against Letby he would have pulled the same cards on reliability, changing info since the police interview to form opinions, integrity etc. I know that’s the name of the game but that would stand out more to me on the jury than the supposed lack of suspicion about the monitor now when there’s still a perfectly legitimate chance that Letby hurt the baby in this instance whatever happened reg. the monitor.
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The staff on the ward wouldn’t listen to consultants concerns about Letby so I can’t imagine they would have dealt with the monitor issue. The insulin case was another thing not investigated so they don’t have a great track record.
You don’t need a managers say so to report. Staff can do it themselves and it will generate an email to the appropriate line manager.
In the spirit of ‘no blame’ and ‘learning opportunities’.
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Can anyone recommend any either fictional films or real life / documentaries with a really gripping court case? I find the whole court thing really intriguing (obv in this LL case it’s really harrowing but the whole prosecution v defence thing still is interesting)

I followed a bit of the Johnny depp Amber heard trial but found it all a bit weird tbh and wasn’t sure what to make of it (even though it seemed like Johnny was the more innocent of the two it seemed super toxic all round)

I’ve heard a bit about the Stephen lawrence
I’ve watched a few things on channel 4 app and channel 5 x
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I can't help but feel the first baby to die under Lucy's care wasn't murdered by her, but died as a consequence of being premature.

But then Lucy fed off everyone's sympathies and condolences for her so much, it made her crave more to the point where she started to "accidentally on purpose" cause babies' deaths to garner more sympathy as the "unlucky midwife". Utterly twisted mind.
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Chatty Member
Could anybody tell me what the thing with the monitor was? Had to take a step back from this case she’s ago.
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My view is that the nurses original statement was right, LL turned off the monitor. She’s changed her statement because she knows how incriminating that is for her friend.

I don’t see any other way it would get this far with her interviews, checking statements, going over statements before court etc without her clarifying “oh, actually, a doctor said they turned off the monitor - it wasn’t Lucy”.
I don't doubt people are can be stupid but this just feels like something worse in this nurses case.... like it's either she's lying now and trying to cover for a friend OR she's a bit too like Letby and tried to incriminate Letby in this incidence to be part of the drama of a big investigation.
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Is anyone wearing a Lucy inspired sequin number tomorrow sported with kitten heels? I want pics.
Lucy inspired. 😂😂 Although not wearing kitten heels a may keep one to hand to launch at someone's head if they rub me up the wrong way 😂.
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Really is. He mentions in an early episode that his wife was aware of his bisexuality, and then in the last one he muses on what she would think about it if she knew 🤔
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There's two reserve jurors, I think? So they will be there for the whole trial and can replace a juror who falls ill or has to leave for some other reason, meaning that in theory they could lose up to five jurors and still bring in a verdict, which you would think should be enough, fingers crossed.
I mentioned the challenges of doing this now with Covid still rampant in a post the other day, so I now feel like I jinxed it!
This may have been responded to (haven’t finished reading) but I believe they dismissed the reserve jurors quite near the start. One reserve juror replaced a juror and the other was dismissed.
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@docmum @Haveyouanywool what is your opinion on the way the ventilation wasn’t working in the first incident? It seems significant and another example of treatment not working how it should, leaving people scratching their heads. So much so that they tried changing the machine just in case it was that. Is this because baby was so full of air and the diaphragm splinted? Sorry if they’re silly questions x
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