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Just quickly scrolling through her new video.

- So far, she has said she wants more wall art.
- Got a new Switch game (a viewer called Amanda gave her an Amazon voucher for Christmas which she used to put towards the game)
- She had a mini Nasty Gal haul, where she said she didn't want to add too much to her basket as she is watching her money (but near the start of the video she wants more wall art..)
- AND I may have misheard her, but I am sure she said she rarely shops online? Uhmm..what? From where I'm sitting it looks like she shops online alot, if the videos are anything to go by, but of course I could be wrong. She just always gave the impression she did alot of online shopping.
- She also said she only really treats herself to new clothes at her birthday or Christmas when she gets money from her family members (she is obviously forgetting the clothes she has got previously which were gifted to her from various companies)
- Still waiting on a TV unit, which I'm unsure why she doesn't just cancel and find another one.
- Oh, and eat a chocolate bar and said she had to do cleaning or something.
Thanks for the summary! Are any of the clothes nice? The TV unit is bizarre - just say you can’t afford one just now! I’d have cancelled it ages ago, sounds v suspicious


Active member
I don't know about you but if I had a dog and I moved out I'd miss it terribly and want to walk it at every opportunity. They seem to think animals are just objects to pass around when it suits them.
exactly I've been walking a dog for neighbours most days since March and miss him like crazy if miss a day or two!

The way she says Nairn annoys me too.
I just googled and it seems that is correct though it sounds totally wrong

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
there so odd i hope when lock downs over and they can go out they go out more and enjoy time together whilst they can kids are great but i defonitly know from experience they make it so you and your partner have limited time together they need to enjoy time to themselves together going out doing things going on adventures before kids

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
so ok someone clear somthing up for me she said shes orderd a sofa even when i got mine from dfs i got a rough delivery date yet this is left on the latest vlog i call bs to her sofa comment

in one of the first vlogs about moving she said she went to view a second hand sofa but she couldn’t get it until the seller got their new sofa. To me that’s really weird and a bit dodgy.
Who sells a sofa then expects the buyer to wait 6 weeks for it?
it does not make sense because she has no sofa or tv unit but is carrying on with this act and lie she does shes really just showing her true self to me tonight


Well-known member
What was the reason she gave about why she doesn't see Amber anymore?

Megan most likely did see her true colours. She maybe saw the real Lucille, and saw the difference in her vs what she portrays to the camera?

I can't unsee this now 😂
It was just that she and amber live so far apart I’m pretty sure.

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Laura lives at the family home.
So would mean Natasha, Lucille and the family would make 3 households.

but what about michaels family. He’ll probably want to see them

Just seen that Laura’s cover photo on Facebook is baby Lola at Lucille’s flat with the Christmas tree. We all knew Lucille is a liar about not seeing them😂
Omg no way post here so we can see ? 😂😂


New member
As much a I don't agree with rule breaking, please don't waste scarce recourses reporting her the police are stretched enough. Let her live with her guilt!

I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I skimmed through her video. Just as I expected + she irritates the shit out of me.

1) Lucille needs to learn it is no longer her flat. It is their flat. When she was looking at curtains and was like "My flat" or "My room" or "My livingroom" etc. That just annoyed me. It isn't like she has been used to living alone for years and then had to adjust, it was a few weeks then bam! He moved in.
I'm also still not 100% convinced it was her flat to begin with, as something his Mum said on her page made it sound like they were both involved in it from the start. Maybe I'm wrong, but anyway, she does need to realise how selfish and bossy she sounds/is.

2) her being annoyed cause of the tree being wonky whatever. Big deal! If that is all she has to worry about then that says alot! She is so wasteful.
Yet, complains about having no money or low on money. I realise everyone has a different idea/opinion of what low on money is, I get that, but she is publicly voicing that, then showing everyone she is buying pointless crap, meanwhile saying she cannot afford whatever it is for the flat. She needs to be more conscious of what she is saying and doing as it is not a good image she is portraying right now. Not good at all.
She has always been wasteful, but jeeez..

3) Again, poor Michael! She should be trying to be nicer to him. He moved for her. Left his family, his job and his flat. Yet, is now having to put up with her lousy attitude 24/7.
Going to work must be a break for him, not having to put up with her!
He already looks worn down. I hope things improve for him, or he realises he has made a mistake and moves back down to his family.
I wonder what his family think of her, like really think? They must watch the videos and question their relationship too, or i hope they do.

A few times now he has even voiced how late it was and how tired he was but she seemed to call the shots and make him either film a video or watch Netflix. How pathetic of her.

Everytime she uploads she is just showing more and more of her selfish, bossy, childish behaviour. Lucille, it is not good!!

I noticed some comments were not that complimentary to her, behaviour with quite a few 'likes' so obviously more people are thinking it but few are saying it. Of course she had the usual minions defending her.
what did his mum say ?
This is what I don't get! Where is all of his things from his apartment? And I get the feeling that he's not paying towards anything which is really strange to me. If his mum says they had planned all of this then why is he not contributing?

I didn't even consider that they would have an inheritance! That's very possible and probably explains the sudden move. Which I don't think is that shocking, she had been mentioning that it was their goal regularly
I presume his flat was rented furnished? That’s pretty standard and I think it’s strange she didn’t do that.

Definitely don’t think there’s been any inheritance unless it was about £2k and she hadn’t saved a single penny besides that. She’ll have had to pay a deposit and the first month’s rent - how much would that be?? (I don’t know the Inverness rental market at all) and then a few of the usual things you pay when you first move like insurance etc. She’s bought a sofa second hand and not much else other than B&M tat and she now has no money so she can’t have had much at all to begin with. Absolutely no judgement but the stuff about buying a house soon is all just nonsense and lies - it’s as though she thinks no one remembers what she’s said on other videos. It’s like the “it’s amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it” comment when someone asked her about managing to drive to Michael’s. She literally thinks of no one but herself when she comes out with all this rubbish.

Maybe money their grandad left them?


Active member
I think the decision to have him move to her stomping grounds does make sense in that he can always return to his family's business but comparatively Lucille would have a harder time finding work if she were to quit her retail job. Matalan probably doesn't try to accomodate transfers and with the economy, I can't imagine it's as easy to get a service job. I seem to recall that it took Lucille to get a job outside of childcare and that was before corona. It is unfair but that's relationships and that's what Michael has agreed to.


none of us have reported her and none of us comment negatively on her videos...
Anon miss put up the link and encouraged people to report.

I've been following this thread since midway through the first one and its just going downhill, I hate her and her bf without wanting to actually mess with their life.

We are venting about annoying "influencers" and if people want to report her or anyone who has broken the rules, they can, as it is their right to do so. However, it is not the right of idiots like that brat Lucille to continually break the rules.

We know her well enough now that she has most likely had her whole family round. Her Dad most likely put up the wall hangings, her Mum could have babysat Lola, but that was just an excuse to get them all in the house, which is not allowed.

If Lucille gets in trouble for breaking the rules, that is her own doing.

Also, none of us comment under her dull as dishwater videos :)
We leave her pathetic fans to do that.
Yeah but theres no actual proof. There's proof of her being as exciting as paint drying but Michael could have taken that pic. Reporting her is just slowing down the chances of people with real proof getting caught. They won't bat an eyelid as us just suspecting her dad hung up the pics. Her mam could be off Christmas shopping or even at the appointment with Laura. I just think its too far and immature when people are having parties and all sorts under the new rules.

He might have done but she shouldn’t be looking after her and the fact that she didn’t mention it in her vlogs makes it clear that she knows it isn’t ok. She’ll be continuing to do wherever she likes and will just try to hide it instead. Someone has commented on her video saying they’ve reported her, which they are perfectly entitled to do.
Okay well I don't want to moderate, we're all free to say and think what we want of her. I think its just abusing people's time to look into a photo that may or may not have been taken by people which aren't her extended household. Nothing will come of it


He did at least twice because they stayed in hotels. I think that's why she went there... he had a flat. She had only her tiny bedroom.
I'm a shy person but still stayed over at my bf's when he was living at home with his family in his small bedroom. I feel like it was him just letting her do all the work. I think people are giving him too much credit here tbh. I also was the one to sacrifice my family/ friends over moving closer to my other half. sometimes you just have to do what makes sense 🤷‍♀️


Active member
Can someone share what she got so I can avoid watching the video?

Her what I got videos are always so cringe because it’s usually always small, cheap things and she acts like they’re amazing. It’s never interesting stuff
like her mum who sobs over boring pyjamas and tacky ornaments!!