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VIP Member
I’m so disappointed Danica went tbh. The rest of them are all eejits

I do think that contract thing is a rumour. There’s been loads that split after. Chris and Olivia weren’t together a long time either. Or Dani and Jack
Chris and Olivia didn’t win they were 2nd I think.

think there is some sort of contract to stay together or least appear to be for some promo stuff. Greg and amber could’ve faked it longer given the distance but they didn’t even fake it. He did well out of that one.


Active member
I’m glad Jacques isn’t going to the reunion tbh, means the girls can actually enjoy their night without having to worry about what vile comments he will come out with next. I guess they already have Luca for that đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
Did he confirm he was not going?


VIP Member
“they were in a couple and happy” davide looked happier when ekin picked him in the recoupling then we ever saw him with antigoni. davide didn’t even have a conversation with her after ekin picked him. it was literally like she didn’t exist and they were never coupled up. antigone wasn’t even 100% sure about jay and said she didn’t want to be his second choice
You don’t need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy in a couple.
too right wouldnt want to be 2ndchoice

if Jay had made more effort later effort with antigoni and danica had taken the telling of he’s not interest. Then maybe antigoni and Jay might have worked. Wouldbe leave been better than danica and Jay.


VIP Member
Thanks for the update!

Ahhh glad to hear it girrrrl, I've got home to all of these that I bought last weekend ♄. Just about to crack into a pink one.

Where can I get LI USA? Is it on hub? 😘😘
Download the cinema apk on google. It’s great!!


VIP Member
Davide obsessed? But we are discussing Ekin, no? Not sure of the correlation. If Antigoni’s first choice was Jay then regardless of who Ekin chose it wouldn’t have mattered as she didn’t choose Jay, she basically took Davide off her hands which should have been perfect if Danica didn’t pick Jay.
No it was 1 minor part about how ekin should’ve handled it better and would’ve been fine.
dancia was the one in the wrong and she eventually realised. Ekin choosing Davide didn’t matter to antigoni cause she and everyone else assumed antigoni would pick Jay. Jay assumed he was going with antigoni so he was shocked too.


VIP Member
Posted this recently on Molly Mae’s Thread

Amber said in her recent Murad interview, they had a huge argument the day before final ( she forgets what about) & both knew it was over then. She said they were both shocked to win only expected to be 4th & never compatible but neither had any other choice on show. She still nastily pretended to be shocked & heartbroken after their split for publicity to encourage all her fans to hate & cancel him.

Greg revealed all islanders are contracted to ITV for 1 month after being on the show. Must do reunion filming, all press & request permission to do any work - he had to ask to go back rugby training. They publicly split once their ITV contract was over & so did other couples like Ovie & India, Belle & Anton.

Expect this year Gemma & Luca, Paige & Adam to be similar. ( Gemma doesn’t need Luca for work & Adam doesn’t need Paige, will likely go back to his recent ex of 2 yrs). Although couples make a lot more money if they can stay together longer for publicity & other past ex couples have said their managers wanted them not to split for the work opportunities.
I don't think Amber and Greg had broke up before the final. I remember Amber joined Greg in Ireland after the show ended and I don't think that had anything to do with ITV commitments?
Already 14+ episodes of LI USA yet the thread is only on page 1 â˜č get watching!! it's rly good so far haha
is it actually good? I tried with earlier seasons and just couldn't get in to it, to American-cheesy, no real drama and just not as entertaining and over all cringe and more liek friend island, has it improved?


VIP Member
They are allowed to have friendships yes, but Ekin and Davide and everyone else in the villa knew that she was picking Davide that night. It was blatantly obvious. Ekin didn’t owe her anything, there was nothing between ANTIGONI and Davide in the first place. If you have a friendship with everyone and no connection well then that’s no ones fault but her own. People with actual connections are gonna choose the person who they feel they have something with regardless of a friendship or who they’re breaking up.

She was still coupling up with someone and still had the opportunity to stay in and find love but they got voted out. Ekin didn’t owe her anything. Danika was unclear with Jay but she had to pick someone and she didn’t want Charlie so she could pick Jay if she wanted too.

Can’t believe I have the grammar police coming for me fs😂
Jeez the point about ekin was the right thing to do would be tell the person Davide is currently coupled up won’t that you’re choking him. That’s all. That’s not how ekin chose ro
Act fine. She wanted to pretend like there’s a mystery over who she chooses. She wanted it to be a love square soup making people wonder who it’ll be. But early ok it was obvious she would go back to Davide.

danica chose Jay cause she didn’t like Charlie. She knew if she chose Charlie it would’ve been the right thing to do
For the other girls but would likely mean she’s next dumped.

once w saw the casa boys it was obvious why it was antigoni they dumped. She wouldn’t have been suited to those young Boys. Danica was. So made sense Keep her.


VIP Member
i think being a good bombshell to most people means you actually cause drama and manage to stay. the whole point of being a bombshell is to shake things up, hence the name. if nathalia came in earlier she would’ve been a great bombshell and probably would’ve stayed longer. she was dumped “asap” because of the time she came in. she came in at a terrible time. did antigone even get a kiss or anything like that? and she came in before casa even. nathalia did more than antigone and would’ve been a better bombshell if she came in earlier. in fact she should’ve came instead of antigone. antiGONE just played nicey nice (probably so that she looked good and it would then help her music, which is smart tbf) and that didn’t help her at all. nathalia was more entertaining in 5 minutes than antigone was the whole time she was there
Your opinion. I can’t work out if you’re trying to make a nickname for Antigoni by calling anti gone or just rude misspelling her name.

Personally I’m not a fan of the “I’m here to shake things up steal your man” type bombshells

Natalia was left to the end cause they had to put her in eventually and didn’t want her in earlier. She wasn’t interesting or likeable. She had an attempt at an argument with ekin but failed.


VIP Member
That’s a weird one, what beef could they have had? I don’t even remember seeing them interact 😂
That’s probably why unfollowed each other. Someone said last year their handlers/PR follow all the islanders. Then they unfollow those they aren’t friends with.


VIP Member
You’re on another planet đŸ€Ł she’s a desperate entitled beg, absolutely cringe that she thought anyone in there owed her a thing. She’d practically been there minutes and it was obvious to everyone Davide wanted Ekin back. Besides her reaction shows she didn’t deserve their consideration anyway. I don’t like Danica but she was SO rude when they picked Danica over her. She thought it was a given she’d have her pick of the men.
It wasn’t even the ekin part that I thought was bad. It was crap both guys she got on best with and would’ve coupled up with we’re chosen before her turn. If she had gone first she would’ve picked Jay.
course she was gutted getting dumped when she had only been there a few days. But given casa was next she herself said it was the right thing cause the casa boys weren’t right for her.

antigoni deserved better and more time. I liked her from the start and liked her during her time in the villa.

she’s gone down the classic ex love islander route now unfortunately. Though maybe in a few weeks she will calm down the press stuff given love island is over move on.