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Has anyone noticed that she didn't show her new kitchen after making such a fuss about it? Surely it must be done or nearly done by now?
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Such a waste of a Disney trip. You can tell they can afford to go back as we would never waste a weeks trip with a morning spent in the resort arcade
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VIP Member
Am I missing something with this Hamley’s PR thing, she’s saying she labelled it as an Ad but it isn’t actually an ad as she wasn’t paid, she’s just doing it to be clear - surely it IS an ad though as she’s promoting the store? And I doubt Pearl wouldn’t have been given the opportunity to open the store if it wasn’t an ad?
According to the ASA guidelines anything gifted has to be declared as an ad / at the very least declared as gifted. This includes both products and events.

However, I believe what Louise is saying is that she wasn’t paid in real money & there’s no official agreement / contract in place with the company meaning she has no obligation to post should she choose not to. She’s just wording it horribly because the asa would consider it an ad, and really instead of saying it’s not one she should have just said it’s a different kind of ad / explaining what a gifted experience means.
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Apple In My Pie

VIP Member
I don’t see the issue with the girls having the same middle name. I mentioned upthread my middle name is the same as every one of my half brothers - I dislike this as it is a traditionally masculine name, but, I like the connection it gives to me and my siblings. But I think because both the girls’ lives are so enmeshed (they both do dance, they both wear the same clothing, they both share a room) it’s different - it’s like louise is seeing them as the same person and not allowing them to develop their own individuality and have something that is *theirs* and only theirs.
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Chatty Member
At least Carrie actually has a career outside of YouTube
Well, they're both meant to be authors who never seem to write! Their channels are pretty non existent at the minute, both moan constantly about how busy they are, how hard they work etc etc. I think they were separated at birth tbh!👩👩
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Chatty Member
That latest Instagram live with the skirt try on is very odd! Lady Louise looks manic, talking fast and trying to detract from the fact that she's not happy with herself. Why throw in the 'my dead mum' comment? Weird! I'm older than her by a good margin and she gives off almost 50 vibes instead of late 30s! Her hair colour and style ATM is dreadful, she needs a stylist and a makeover before the book tour. Just shows that money can't buy style!
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Active member
You need to tell us more!!!
Haha only saw her in the pool, spotted the girls and Liam first, she looked very awkward and not at all like she was enjoying herself so it will be interesting to see what if anything she shares about the trip
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VIP Member
I have nieces around Darcy's age and they do not want to match their younger siblings, they want to start wearing things that are on trend (so right now it's baggy jeans and T shirts that look like what I would have worn in 2002). Darcy is gonna want to dress like this soon, and Louise is going to have no control over it. If she keeps forcing her into matching outfits, eventually Darcy is going to get upset and rebel.
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VIP Member
I haven't watched her new video yet, but the title really bothers me... what on earth kind of title is: 'Very Chatty, Much Honest'? It literally makes no sense, it's grammatically incorrect and it doesn't tell you what the video is about.
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VIP Member
Oh right! So when the high temperatures come they don’t last for the whole summer season? More like a week or 2? Thanks all! I have been to London once in September and the weather was pleasant.
No it doesn’t last really. We might get one or two heat waves (25-35 degrees) in the summer season then for the rest of the time it’s usually pretty ok at like 16-20 degrees the rest of the summer. Plus we do still get our fair share of rain in the summer.

Personally if I had Louise’s money I would have absolutely gotten aircon because even at like 18 degrees I have my fan on because our houses trap heat so badly and become like saunas.
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Well-known member
Does she get the Centre Parcs trips gifted and/or heavily discounted? Cos if I had her money I'd be taking my kids all over the world!
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VIP Member
I think we have to remember Darcy goes to Disney like it’s a casual activity. It’s not the same once in a lifetime vacation that other kids may consider it to be. Also, she doesn’t know any different — having two families doesn’t always mean resentment, she has a great relationship with both and is treated to a lot of things — including trips away with just her and Louise. No Pearl.
I don't think its fair to say thst disney is a casual activity for Darcy. She went this year but prior to that hadn't been since pre pandemic? Darcy is only 11 so that's a long time to a kid of that age, it's hardly a trip to the soft play. Also she loves Disney, she watches Disney vlogs regularly and seems to be a huge fan, it's not like they've gone swimming without her.
We went on holiday to the same place once or twice a year when I was younger and I always really looked forward to it, I'd have been gutted if I couldn't go with my family for some reason and it was just a normal pool and beach holiday, not WDW!
I think what I dislike most about the situation is that she did it for money. It wasn't that Darcy was doing something fun with her dad so she decided to plan something for Pearl to enjoy which she absolutely should - she went to Darcy's favourite place without her because she was paid for it, she never would have done that unless there was a few quid involved.

No, the lazy slob will only "cook" pre-made food or she'll get Esther to cook for her like she did before for an ad :cautious:
Can't wait to see her heat up £30 lasagne ready meals in her new kitchen 😖
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Chatty Member
Darcy is tiny which is why she can still get away with even finding those matching outfits. The matching coats are cute and I agree, shirts are fine even accessories but whole entire outfits is too much at this age.
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Chatty Member
Do you think if the Frozen films didn't exist she'd still be going to Norway? I very much doubt it.
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Well-known member
Yeah sure probably the same kids she's been around are gonna be with her now but the thing is those kids are growing up as well and they are obviously going to notice darcy still dresses like a little girl, and kids her age can be mean af so i hope darcy puts her foot down and stops with Louises dressing code
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VIP Member
I just found it quite cringeworthy. Yeah, I’d bloody hope you favour being a parent over your to do list, Louise! Parenting is in fact a requirement that comes with being a parent.

I get the impression Louise likes to feign/over exaggerate how busy she is - either that or she’s just got no concept of how busy normal people are, or she’s just very easily overwhelmed. Maybe it’s something to do with her dad calling her lazy as a child that’s caused her to need to appear like she’s doing something constantly.
I definitely think she over exaggerates how busy she is… the other day she was posting about being so overwhelmed/ burnt out. She’s literally just got back from holiday, and it hardly seems like she works that much during the week. Imagine how she’d cope with a full time normal job having to take care of two kids…

Also the way she’s talking about her to do list it seems like it’s more things around the house like organising or cleaning not exactly seems like work stuff!
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unt Bessie

Well-known member
She said in Katie Ellison's latest vlog that she was having a hard time with something but it wasn't appropriate to share on the internet. Lots of phone calls and emails throughout the day to sort things out and she was signing a contract at the start (although not sure if that was related to the issue or not)

Maybe a big job has fallen through? Or something to do with the properties she owns?
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Darcy is eleven, she's secondary age as if she wants to share with her 4 year old sister

With her being away half the week as well its going to turn into Pearl's room and Darcys going to end up feeling like she doesn't have a space.
Exactly. And then as time goes on Darcy will enjoy being at her dad's more because (I'm assuming) she has her own bedroom there with no little kid interruptions to worry about. Louise doesn't seem to realise that this whole Neverland act she's forcing with Darcy is soon going to wear very thin.
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New member
Okay so Louise is complaining of having such a hard summer last year. So I decided to compile a list of everything she did (well posted and bragged) about last year

There's so much- it's going to take me forever to list them.

She's just so ignorant to her own privilege, she's allowed to complain but just comes across as tone deaf


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Chatty Member
I internally scream when I see them dressed the same, let your children have their on personality’s..
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