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Here for tea

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I feel sorry for OMR really. Poor things lived in the same coat, shit shoes and crusty yellow swim shorts for years and she’s getting a £10k bag.
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So it wasn’t a good time to open her Chanel when there was an explosion in Lebanon but Hermes is fine on mental health day? Which I notice she hasn’t acknowledged at all. She’s really has outdone her self on the scale of vulgarnes.

A 10 grand bag and yet still sits on the floor in a grubby dressing gown, doing make up with filthy hands.... all kinds of contradiction.
Never mind the dressing gown, the bag is worth more than her car!
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Ooohhhhh @RaspberryCheesecake you’re turning out to be a very valuable member to this thread .. I’m just off to look at this AliExpress . Keep your posts coming ...
I love a bit of sleuthing! I was very confused yesterday about why Sonja (I'd never heard of her either) would use Lorna's pictures on her own website for her own clothing line. So I did some Googling and found an old Reddit thread where people were complaining that all of Sonja's stuff comes from AliExpress, yet she flogs it as her own designs. There were examples on that Reddit thread (similar to what we've done above), and they were absolutely right -- all her 'designs' are dropshipped from Ali Express. So, where does Lorna come in? Well, Sonja has (probably unknowingly) selected some of the same shite to sell that Lorna does, and Lorna obviously saw it yesterday and panicked that people wouldn't think her designs were exclusive, so she instructed Sonja to remove the images.
So, the two fakers are in two different countries, unknowingly both selling the same tat from AliExpress as their own designs. You couldn't make it up!
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Hello all, I’ve been hate reading for a while but I just cannot any longer!!
I knew an extended stay in Paris would mean only one thing - desperately hounding an appointment at FSH. But, this is even worse than I imagined!! She actually had to beg the hotel to help them, because they clearly were unable to procure a bag of their own volition - even at FSH. I cannot believe they are just so completely shameless and utterly devoid of embarrassment. Imagine begging a hotel to help you buy a handbag?
Each time they reach a new low and you think it can’t get any worse, it absolutely does.
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Firstly. My name is Kelly and I’m absolutely off down to city hall to change my name... always thought it was so cool that my name was one of the most incredible bags in the world... until LMCC got her hands on one.

Secondly. I’ve re -looked through her stories and not ONCE has she said thank you to John, or shown genuine affection and thanks. I used to like her as I thought she was down to earth, now I just cannot see past how rude & arrogant she is to John. It’s actually disgusting.

Thirdly.. how tone deaf to refer to a bag as her baby / making conception jokes during misscarriage & baby loss awareness week. Obviously we don’t know her circumstances but I find it crass & disrespectful.
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100%. I hate to even say it but for Lorna, Stephanie ticks the plus size and BLM boxes and that is it. She’s that sick and twisted.

Lorna still fully supports Stephanie. When she tweeted her apology tweet (to summarise, it was basically “but but but BLM” - no Stephanie, “sorry but” doesn’t equal an apology), Lorna liked it. And Lorna has subsequently liked this tweet about it basically trying to excuse it because she’s apologised.
Stephanie is cancelled. If person thinks - at any point in their life - it is acceptable to make a joke about one of the biggest tragedies world has ever seen, this is not a fucking mistake or a trip up - its who you are, thats your character. I am BLM supporter, my husband is black, my family and friends are. I support it with my whole heart. But what she did here made me so upset I wanted to cry. She is EVERYTHING blm doesn't stand for.
LL liking her posts.. so ducking typical of her, that bitch has no clue either. I wish I could bump into (both) cunts one day. I may make it a fucking mission of my life
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After today’s debacles she makes me sick

Lies after lies but somehow people are believing it

Quick scan of twitter and several comments wanting to be LL

it just so worries me these girls are taken in so far then left for their families to deal with the aftermath of mental health issues

I just could not do it, just couldn’t knowingly making girls/guys that ill
I know.. the irony being that she professes to have had mental health issues in the form of a serious eating disorder...?
IMAGINE what it would have been like for her if she grown up surrounded by people like herself thrusting obscene materialism in her face every day growing up as she did, on a council estate as the child of a single parent? ( her words in the live thing she did)
I truly believe it would have been potentially catastrophic for her and something she needs to consider.

But she never addresses this. She just continues to gloat and brag and displays her alleged wealth, defying government advice in the throes of a pandemic. Why?!
Because in reality , Lorna is vain, needy, greedy and shameless.
This isn’t a successful business woman, or an entrepreneur.. this isn’t hard work.. this isn’t slogging 18 hour days, this isn’t giving back, this isn’t demonstrating moral compass. It’s just vile.
Oh god, I’ve ranted again.
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Whenever I used to compare myself to other people having a bag or watch or whatever I wanted. My mum would always say you don’t know the whole story and it’s important to have a home, a car, savings etc... Lorna is the perfect example of the ol’ fur coat and nae knickers. Sad she inspiring 1mil others down the path of spending beyond your means...
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miss trixie

VIP Member
Here SHE goes again referencing ‘babies’ . People get cross when she’s asked about having children but she’s always the one with this type Of flippant child remark ..? Makes me sick 🤢 😡
Just Fukkin open the boxes you know what’s in them anyway !!! Oh wait you want to show us all and make us jealous ... got it ... 🙄🙄. God your life is so sad Lorna ... full of useless trophies and an OMR whipping boy that you couldn’t even be bothered to buy a present for .. such a vile person both inside and out !
This babies/bags comment gets wheeled out time after time, one of the many "stock" comments that we hear over and over again. You all know what they are; you don't need reminding. The script is tired & past its sell-by date, as is the act. The whole spectacle of over-consumption followed by the vulgar charade of unboxing/showing it all off, again tired & past its sell-by date. The themes that emerge consistently; the neglected & demeaned husband, the spoiled & indulged princess, the unexpected surprises; past their sell-by date. The staged displays of marital harmony & devotion; as fake as her tan. All of it is old, tired & expired. There is nothing that is original, inspiring, honest or interesting. When you break it down, the whole Luxe show is basically vapid, empty & meaningless. Added to which, I just happen to think that she's two crusts short of a loaf & I have to wonder about anyone who would facilitate all this. What a shit show!
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miss trixie

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I just needed to get off my chest how I am totally disgusted & nauseated by everything connected with the bag (I'm referring to the Kelly). Today's shit show fills me with utter revulsion. I think we're all equally sickened and angered by the latest example of crassness, ostentation & insensitivity. I (foolishly) thought we'd seen the most that vulgarity had to offer; today she has reached a new pinnacle. I know we all feel really strongly about all the lying, deception, fakery etc that surrounds the myth of Lorna. We've used the same words time & again about her......fake, deceitful, vulgar, crass, lying, amoral.....The list is never-ending. We're not all wrong. Yes, I know that we all enjoy a good laugh, thank heavens, it relieves the tension. I know that I get so angry at her antics that it totally winds me up. The thing that gets me most of all is this.....I don't care how much the next bag etc. costs. What angers & sickens me is that she has earned the means to make these purchases by creating an ever-more-complex web of fakery in order to deceive impressionable young girls/women and get them to part with their cash. Put simply, one huge con, where she's laughing all the way to the bank or most likely Chanel, Dior, Gucci, etc. If THAT weren't reprehensible enough, she then has to publicise how she's spending her ill-gotten gains (which I prefer to think of as DIRTY MONEY). Yes, she has to wave the fruits of her "spenny spends" under the noses of all those impressionable young women whom she's deceived. That is inexcusable & unforgivable. To me, it's like she's saying one massive "F**k you" to her loyal followers. That's without thinking about all the other inherent problems (like ED's) which are caused. I am so glad that more people are waking up to the truth about what she's like and that it's being discussed, and that people like @Suxy (huge respect) & others are doing their best to expose her for what she is. I wouldn't wish misfortune on anyone; I simply want to see her stopped and her followers to learn the truth; so that they can stop lining her pockets (and those of Dick Frisby). Sorry about my rant but I needed to get if off my chest and I hope you can all understand that. RANT OVER. I'm off to pour a large one! x 😙
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I'm still here 😄 just had to take a break from the gross ostentation that is Madame nause bucket... when I feel my eyeballs are spending more time rolling into the back of my head than looking forward I take it as my cue for some time out for the sake of my mental health. 👀:LOL:

I see she's still being as disgusting as ever.

I can't actually relate to anybody who would cry over a handbag but think nothing of leaving their pet for months on end.
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Side stepping the Hermes bag for a second, I want to talk about the clothes which ITS supply.

As mentioned by myself previously, we have two factories in China where we make wigs and all things hair for hair industry, TV and Film.

Ali Express and DH Gate are our equivalent to Amazon where other retailers (middlemen suppliers or retailers), not manufactures, sell their goods. So ITS will be buying at far less prices than what you’re seeing on those sites.

Chinese manufactures of textiles (Where I would say 100% ITS and throw away clothing brands go direct to buy their clothes because they are well known in China) send their materials to North Korea for their clothes to be made there, because labour is around 60-75% cheaper, with ‘Made In China’ labelling.

This IS a problem because you’ve heard about sweatshops and working conditions in China, but this is much, MUCH worse in NK. Factories in NK get fined if they up their workers wages or cut their hours. Workers can work for days without sleep, to fulfil Chinese manufacturers orders.

Another huge wrong with all this is that NK are sanctioned under the UN, so all of this is done illegally with agents from NK and China. This is well known practice in China and known by our employees in China for well over ten years.

Lorna does very little in the ITS buying process. ITS have buyers that pick stuff out. Lorna will say whether she likes it or not. Even at this stage I’m sure she has very little say.. because looking back years ago on her grid, you can see her style has taken such a dive, it really is embarrassing. I don’t think she cares as long as the money is coming in.
No amount of Chanel (so sorry Karl Largerfeld🖤) or Hermes could make those clothes look better.
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Wait, wait, wait. I haven’t commented on a Lorna thread in ages, but they basically didn’t rent an apartment in Paris because they were worried about lockdown closing all the restaurants, and therefore they would starve? Ffs, you ridiculous bint, it’s called an effing supermarket! Cook something you lazy cow.
Right! And I don’t believe they are paying upwards of €700 a night to stay there either. I’ve stayed in some ‘vuurrrry bouji’ places and no where has put my fucking initial on a robe or made a menu with my name on it or had photos plastered of me everywhere (I wouldn’t mind the initialled robe but the rest is creepy) Something is going on there-Like it is everywhere with her, nothing is as it seems.
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Newbie here! 😊 i discovered tattle after following suxy and then being blocked by LL who I randomly followed. if I am honest I am utterly horrified by her behaviour and also the irresponsible marketing brands who continue to let her use filters Etc.

the good news is my geriatric cat has an Instagram account and can follow in true sneaky feline fashion 😉 xx
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Yes I’m ‘one of those’ influencers who contributed to this thread. She is one of the least liked influencers within the influencer community. I don’t know a single person including Lydia (Who claims to like her) Actually like her. Somebody mentioned above that fake it till you make must be her mantra, it is true and she actually once admitted it proudly. I wish I could tell more, I really want to but I need to make sure the stories I want to tell are known by many people and not only by me. I cannot deal with her horrible personality if she finds out who I’m.
I met her in a that world too ..A horrible person..
I’m so angry and a victim to my phone I’m constantly looking on Instagram .. and when Lorna posted this I felt sick .. So I tried to reach out and tell her how I was feeling .. this is how the story went ☹😡😡

Then this ..😩


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If she’s assuming a bag in the place of a child she would probably be best spending the money she spent on a bag, on therapy.

I think she’s totally consumed in herself. She gives zero fucks about anything apart from the here and now, and any glory she can bring upon herself. She speaks to and about her husband like a piece of shit.

And Whether or not she or he or both wanted (or didn’t want) kids, is probably irrelevant.

She’s repellent. she’s comes across terribly, Which ever way you look at it.

The fact is she claims to have suffered mental illness which in her world are all miraculously fixed by materialism.

Sorry, I’m beyond sugar coating this hideous example. I’m literally done.

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They’re up early.. already been up the Eiffel ! And she had a “ business meeting” last night - who’s she trying to flog herself to now??
Someone explain...🙄

So all in all, it’s a very active day for her. Will be needing a nap soon.
Well she’s in the wrong place - NEW YORK is for business, right gals?? 🙈
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