Llewelyn Davies & Rhys Davies / Champions of Mind / TTTOfficial #5

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It’s Matt Hall here (or Matt SMALL/ musketeer/ conman/ scammer as I’m often referred to by multiple people on this thread).

So here goes…

This is no doubt going to be a long post but I hope you can appreciate there’s a lot that has been said about me on this thread for many months now so obviously theres a lot for me to try and address as best as I can.

The first thing to say is obviously I’ve been aware of this thread and the negative comments about me from day 1. Initially I was still paying Llewellyn to coach me at the time and with regards to this thread he would just tell me to stop being pathetic and not even look at the comments - he would say this is all just normal to get negative threads about you when you’re successful and if you can’t handle the haters then you can’t handle success. 🙄

But it did really really bothere me as I felt what was being said about me was totally misguided and wrong.

Regardless of Llewellyn‘s affairs and whatever he had done with his coaching agreements with SA, it had been none of my business, I knew very little about it and I now felt I was getting dragged into something that was really nothing to do with me.

I wanted to respond to the comments about me immediately. But I’ll admit through fear of Llewelyn and basically being manipulated and dragged into having to be “on his side”, I didn’t.

However from time to time I’ve still read this thread and every time I see somebody mention my name my heart literally sinks. It’s one of the most horrible feelings to see your name being talked about on a thread about scamming. For people to slander you, mock you because of your height/ my tribute band etc and to say negative things about what you do on a daily basis is really quite disturbing.
As much as I can, I’ve stayed away from reading the thread as I know people here have simply made their minds up about me. Therefore I’ve just felt powerless about it. But I’m being completely honest, being mentioned continually on this thread has really effected me.

As much as I’ve tried to avoid coming on here, at times I’ve wanted to see how I’m being portrayed and every time I do it’s made me sick.
Due to the fact I’m still being mentioned on here as recently as just yesterday, I think it’s right that I address this thread now and join the conversation properly as I’m beyond the point of being fearful of the consequences. It’s more important to me that people can hear my side of things and have a proper conversation about it rather than just putting me down without knowing me.

Firstly, I’m aware some people are hurt and upset as a result of having a bad experience working with the twins. I understand those peoples intentions are to spread awareness of this bad experience and therefore warn others so they can avoid the same misfortune.

I get that.
When I left Llewellyn, I myself was owed £7,500 from him due to services I paid for and never received. It was money that I was bullied into paying him (I didn’t want to at the time) and when I asked for it back… I was ignored and it was never returned.

So I’m also very frustrated at the way I was treated. And I also have empathy for peoples anger.
I’m also aware there’s a number of posts in here that are aimed specifically towards me that are predominantly based on nothing more than speculation, assumptions and inaccurate information.
My hope is that I can bring a fair and balanced post to this thread and be allowed to put my side across and have it taken seriously by those who judge and mock.
That said, it seems to me like the majority of people who are still commenting on this thread have a narrative of me that they actually WANT to be true. They actually want to believe that I’m a bad person that rips people off and takes advantage of vulnerable people.

I assume the reason might be partly because it plays into the entertainment /comedy factor of being able to mock and make jokes about me. It also justifies the amount of time that has been spent on here slandering me for over a year now. I imagine it could be frustrating after all this time has passed to realise and admit that it’s just not true.

But it’s important to me that those people realise the implications of what they write and the very real consequences it has.

It also feels at this stage that some people on here almost view me like I’m a fictional character in some sort of entertaining soap opera. They don’t view me as a human being. A real person that has feelings and (like all of us) is flawed, complex and of course has made bad judgement calls.
Despite me sharing and being tagged in numerous testimonials from so many different people stating they have loved working with me and taken a lot of value from me as their coach, despite me openly talking about my relationship with the twins, and regardless of me now making a decision to actually stop offering 121 coaching….I STILL continue to be mentioned on this thread even just as recently as yesterday where I was indirectly mocked with comments such as “He’s busy with the boy band 👀
which is a clear dig at the fact I work in a Take That tribute. Also comments that suggest I’m ripping people off e.g “Another load of bullshit I bet he carry’s on ripping the people off”.
I completely appreciate that when you put yourself out there on social media you must be willing to have people make assumptions about you and they have the right to form opinions. And I know I’ve got to just take that judgment on the chin. It’s comes with the territory.

But on a human level it doesn’t stop the kind of comments and lies I get said about me on here being hurtful. It can literally make me feel sick in my stomach for days when I’ve read a comment saying I’m “ripping people off”. I feel sick right now as I write this to know that’s what you think. That is something I could never, ever do to somebody.

In order to have a more fair conversation, I’ve created a profile on here to put my point across and be somebody who actually has the courage to put my name and face to the words I’m typing. I think I’m the only person that has done that so far on this thread. And I think that’s part of the problem I’m caught up in. If you don’t disclose who you actually are, I’m very aware it can be all too easy to become a “keyboard warrior” and rather than having a fair conversation, people can just start to gossip about or mock people with very little consideration or thought.
I’m not here to do that.

I want to say this: I totally understand and appreciate that “life coaching” is currently an unregulated industry. And there seems to be a lot of charlatans out there just in it to get rich and take advantage of people. Obviously that’s appalling and I do really hope it can change in the months and years ahead to stop people abusing the industry and just using it for quick money.
I also totally get that for many people they just don’t see life coaching as necessary/ valuable/ Valid / a proper service etc.

That is completely fine to have that opinion. I’ve got no issues with anybody who is not a fan of life coaching and thinks it’s a load of tit. After all, we all have different opinions on many things in life. We’ve all got different experiences, personalities and opinions and that’s life.
In many ways I get why people would have a poor view of life coaching in particular if A. They’ve had an awful experience with a coach in the past and B. They’ve never actually had a coach and are just looking at it from the outside looking in.
The main focus I’ve tried to put on the coaching services that I have offered is business coaching for start-ups/ people who are new to business. That’s what the majority of my clients have been. Or they’re people that have been in business a while but have got stale with where they are at. I’ve also worked with a number of network marketers most of which were from Bodyshop due to being booked multiple times as a guest speaker on their webinars.

There is an element of life coaching in what I do and I do put an emphasis on the clients mindset/ habits / behaviours.
But the main thing I have helped people in is progressing in their business.
I’ve never claimed to be the most successful business owner or coach in the world. But I certainly am somebody who’s been running an agency and tribute artist management company for 12 years now and therefore have valuable experience, insights, understanding and support to offer people that want that.
However I want to make it very clear that I have NEVER scammed, lied or ripped anybody off. Everything I do is with the best of intentions and I always give my best efforts.
There are many many people who have paid me good money to work with me as their coach that have told me they’ve taken enormous amounts of value from it and it was worth every penny (and more in some cases). I’ve got countless examples of people that cannot praise my work with them highly enough.
I’m more than happy to put anybody in touch with any of my current or previous clients so long as the client is willing and happy to talk to you about their experience.

I’ve got absolutely nothing to hide and I’m very proud of the work I’ve done in all my businesses now.

I want to ask of anybody commenting on here to please not allow your opinions of the whole life coaching industry, the twins and also my previous connections of paying the twins to coach me in the past to cloud your judgement on me as a person and what I do.
Yes, I’m not a perfect person. I can confidently admit that. Yes I’ve made poor judgements and trusted the wrong people. And yes as I’ve spoken about previously there were certainly times when I was working with the twins that I questioned things about the way they were and their methods and was always just immediately shutdown by them. I often felt fearful and would be manipulated and made to feel like I’m thick.
When it comes to narcissism and manipulation I get that from the outside watching, it can be easy to form a judgement that I should’ve just walked away from Llewellyn much sooner. That the second I saw questionable behaviour I should have just left.
But that shows a lack of understanding of what manipulation can be. It’s not as black and white as that. It’s a slow process of which you eventually question whether you are actually completely stupid for even questioning they’re in the wrong in the first place. You start to believe you’re wrong.

I won’t go into great detail here about that. But what I will say is that things started really great and all made logical sense. I was really excited to work with Llwellyn and I thought he seemed amazing. Also I will say that a lot of what he taught me really did help me build my confidence and self esteem.

There was a real desire to be the best I could be but also to impress him - somebody who believed in me, encouraged me and also who from what I could see… he appeared to have it all - the good physique, the nice big house, the lovely wife, the beautiful daughter and he seemed a really articulate, wise man initially. He also seemed to be really respectful of his wife and a family man - this was something that really drew me in as I admired the fact that even though he had the business success and the financial success (I thought), that he was still a good man with integrity and loyalty to his wife and could balance all those pressures well. Obviously many months later it started to become clear over time that it was an act.

We were often encouraged and put on a pedestal. Which mean a lot when it’s by somebody you’re inspired by.

Obviously cracks started to show. His wife leaving him was a big red flag.

Overtime you go from being praised one minute to being called a “stupid thick bleep” the next. And made to look like you’re a total idiot in front of others.

Before you know it you’ve ended up on this constant wheel of trying to do the right thing, to learn, improve, train hard, give people value, follow his daily orders, pay him on time and then also not get shouted at for making a mistake or not following his instructions correctly.

I then started to question if he’s even who I thought he was and if I even wanted to work with him anymore. But then there’s also genuine fear of him thrown in there as well.

That’s why even though I started to think I wanted to walk away after probably about a year of working with Llewellyn… it wasn’t as easy as just walking away like that. In total I was there 18 months before we left. Eventually I found strength in realising a couple of other clients were having the same doubts as me and also were now feeling manipulated and wanted to leave. That was one of the big things that helped us have the courage to just leave. The fact we were in a similar position where we’d been heavily bullied and manipulated into feeling disloyal if we were to leave.
What I think is hard for people to understand once you’re deep into the manipulation of it all and the constant eggshells we were walking on between the constant yo-yo’ing form praise to humiliation…. We were genuinely scared of the twins. The way they spoke at times was genuinely frightening. So we actually feared leaving.
BUT during all of that experience, regardless of the fear and manipulation I endured, I was still aware of what I was doing as a coach and I would never ever be so low as to take somebody’s money and not deliver the best service that I can for that money.

It’s also worth saying that I did multiple other courses on business, life coaching and Personal development over the years and have been to multiple other events and got qualifications that were all absolutely nothing to do with the twins or associated with them in anyway at all. And that’s combined with 12 years experience running a business that again had nothing to do with them.
So yes I was mentored by Llewellyn for 18 months. And yes some of it was really tit and not something I’d go through again. But it taught me lots of valuable lessons. And I’ve also got 31 years of life and 12 years of business experience aside from working with him that I bring to the table worry time I work with my clients.
I’m not from a dysfunctional family home. I’ve not lived on a mattress opposite a crack den. And I’m not trying to achieve goals from a place of real pain and trauma like they appear to be doing.

I’m somebody that had an amazing upbringing that I’m so grateful to have had and I was taught very clearly the difference between right and wrong at a young age. I’m somebody who is ambitious yes! But I’m also thoughtful and have integrity. And yes I got caught up in a little bit of the madness of working with the twins, I was gaslighted by them and I got pretty manipulated along the way.
But I never did wrong to others.

It feels like I’ve just been tarred with the same brush and every other part of my life is not even considered. As far as people are concerned on here - I’m just guilty through association and that’s that.
From what I can see there was only ever just one client who people have used multiple times on this thread (and I won’t mention their name for fairness and confidentiality) as an example of “evidence” that I apparently have scammed people.
The person in question was having personal issues at home and her teenage son was understandably worried about her.
She took part in numerous group calls with the twins/ Llewellyn and I was working with her 121.

As her son was worried he clearly looked into me and the twins further and he came across this thread. After seeing all the negative comments about me saying I’m a scam artist, he then joined in the discussion and disclosed confidential information about the relationship between me and the client (his mum) as well as the prices I charge and his apparent worries that she is being manipulated by me.

That one particular instance obviously has two sides to the story. Like everything does.
Again its really difficult for me to be able to fully explain in detail and properly defend my position when I equally don’t want to mention any names or major details for confidentiality reasons.

But I want to be clear about this: The person who wrote slanderous words about me in here was a worried teenager and was NOT an actual client of mine. His mother was. And she was an adult of sound mind and was more than happy with my service. In actual fact when I terminated working with her (only after a short period working together in total) she was upset and actually pleaded with me me to reconsider the decision.

Prior to the message from her son being in this thread and only a early into coaching the client, I had already had a conversation with her where I strongly suggested that we terminated working together and that I give her a full refund due to my judgement that she had a lot going on personally and didn’t appear to able to properly commit to working with a coach at this time.
I politely suggested that my recommendation was that she would perhaps benefit more from working through her current issues with a therapist or a counsellor right now before she even considered the idea of working with a coach.

We spoke about this suggestion at length on a video call and I heard her side and eventually she convinced me multiple times that she was completely ready to work with me, she wanted to work with me and she was determined to turn things around.

She assured me that with my support she was confident that she had the best chance of making some really positive changes in her life and didn’t want to lose me as a coach.
With that said, I agreed to continue to work with her for another month at that stage with a view to review it as we go.

Within a matter of weeks of having that conversation her son then discovered this thread and posted the slander saying I was manipulating her to work with me - when in actual fact she was the one who was convincing me to continue working with her and I’d suggested she might not be in the best position for coaching at that time.
Once that post from her son appeared in here, I immediately terminated working with the client as I explained that if her family members have concerns about us working together and are publicly slandering what I do then I don’t feel it’s right or comfortable to continue coaching her. I apologised and then gave her a refund and wished her all the best without any hard feelings.
Out of I reckon at least 100 clients that I have worked with in the past few years I believe that is the closest this thread has got to having any substantial “evidence” that I have scammed people. And quite simply, it’s not evidence at all.
Let’s be fair, the only complaint didn’t even come from a client I’ve worked with it came from somebody who was (I think) just 15 years old, was worried about his mum and had never actually been present in any of our sessions. AND I also immediately gave her a refund!!

I highly doubt that if somebody was in the business of scamming people and just trying to get their money instead of offering a genuinely fair service, they would not give them a refund.

Also one thing that is very common with the twins is when they cease working with a client they immediately block them on every platform.

This is something I started to get really suspicious of and started to question why they would do that. Once again I was always talked down as if I was stupid to even ask.

Despite what they said to me, I on the other hand have never blocked a client I’ve worked with. Including that lady who’s son wrote in here.

I’ve got nothing to hide and I have no reason to block somebody just because we stopped working together. It doesn’t matter to me how long somebody works with me. As long as they feel they’ve received fair value and are happy with my services then I’m happy. I’m never going to force somebody to work with me for longer or block them just because they refuse.

Again, if I was scamming clients and not delivering a fair service surely I would block ex clients that I’ve scammed??

Again. I understand that life Coaching is not for everybody. And that’s absolutely fine. Just the same as therapy, personal training etc isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s cool.

But I have now on multiple occasions publicly addressed the claims that I am “ripping people off”, I have spoken very honestly about my experience working with the twins of which some was very positive (can you believe it?!), and yes some was quite negative too. Please feel free to see my full post about this here: .

One of the reasons I’m stepping away from coaching people for the time being is as a direct result of this thread.
As much as I love coaching, feel I have a genuine talent and ability for it and also have many clients that love working with me and are getting great results and don’t want me to stop…. seeing my name constantly crop up onto this thread is really hard to see and deeply upsetting.
I’ve always been a person that does my best and has good intentions. I would never want anybody to think I’ve ripped them off or scammed them. I set up my first company (Tribute Acts Management) when I was 19 and one of the biggest things we’ve prided ourselves on from the beginning is unlike a lot of other entertainment agencies that I saw out there at the time, we never wanted to just be about making money off the top of acts. We have always been focused on building great relationships between performers and venues alike and giving quality service and making people happy. That is exactly how I have always approached coaching and anything else I do.
I believe it would be a very sad existence when you only do things for money and lack genuine integrity or fulfilment in what you do. For that (in many ways selfish) reason, I could never be one of the people that rip people off or take advantage of vulnerable.

Maybe been misguided at times? 100%. Been scared and manipulated to just do as I’m told even when I’ve questioned that things might not be the best way of handling things? Absolutely I will admit that. But regardless of any manipulation or being misguided, one thing I can very confidently say is I’ve always maintained professionalism and fairness at all times and delivered to the best of my ability.
I don’t need everybody on this thread to love me or be my friend. I’m fully aware that as much as I hate the idea of being hated on, that it’s unrealistic to expect anything other than scepticism from people who participate here.

Although that’s a real shame and I hope it can change. I do understand it.

What I would ask is that you please refrain from mocking and insulting me without really knowing me.

I’m not working with anybody one-to-one for the time being. I am taking more time to focus on my Tribute company, getting more education, learning new skills and in the meantime I am continuing to run a low fee membership site where there are hours worth of training videos from multiple people in business and personal development (not just me) and I will also be giving group coaching sessions within the membership. It’s something I’m really passionate about and I know I have a lot of value to offer the people who join.

I won’t be keeping my account on this site open for very long as I really don’t want to spend time engaging in sites like this, however as my name continues to be brought up in a negative way I just wanted to address it, add my side and hopefully restore a little bit of balance and fairness to the way I’m being commented about.
If it’s made people understand a little more and reconsider their actions towards me that’s amazing and I’d be over the moon!

Equally if people can’t see past the fabricated narrative…. as frustrating and hurtful as it is… I understand. I’m just gutted that being involved with the twins (and paying a lot of money for the privilege) has caused so much hurt and tarnished my name.

I ultimately paid the Llewellyn to coach me because I wanted to become a better person, grow my businesses and help other people. My intentions were the exact opposite of scamming anybody. And to this day that is still something that never did happen.

Thank you to anybody who has taken the time to read my points and consider them. Again I’m truly sorry to anybody who’s had bad experiences with life coaches in general and in particular the twins and I have genuine empathy for you.

Thanks again.
I’m sorry but what qualifies you too give business advice to any one else. I’m sorry I don’t see it what successful business have you got or either achieved.

Anyway wonder how rhy getting on today ?
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It’s Matt Hall here (or Matt SMALL/ musketeer/ conman/ scammer as I’m often referred to by multiple people on this thread).

So here goes…

This is no doubt going to be a long post but I hope you can appreciate there’s a lot that has been said about me on this thread for many months now so obviously theres a lot for me to try and address as best as I can.

The first thing to say is obviously I’ve been aware of this thread and the negative comments about me from day 1. Initially I was still paying Llewellyn to coach me at the time and with regards to this thread he would just tell me to stop being pathetic and not even look at the comments - he would say this is all just normal to get negative threads about you when you’re successful and if you can’t handle the haters then you can’t handle success. 🙄

But it did really really bothere me as I felt what was being said about me was totally misguided and wrong.

Regardless of Llewellyn‘s affairs and whatever he had done with his coaching agreements with SA, it had been none of my business, I knew very little about it and I now felt I was getting dragged into something that was really nothing to do with me.

I wanted to respond to the comments about me immediately. But I’ll admit through fear of Llewelyn and basically being manipulated and dragged into having to be “on his side”, I didn’t.

However from time to time I’ve still read this thread and every time I see somebody mention my name my heart literally sinks. It’s one of the most horrible feelings to see your name being talked about on a thread about scamming. For people to slander you, mock you because of your height/ my tribute band etc and to say negative things about what you do on a daily basis is really quite disturbing.
As much as I can, I’ve stayed away from reading the thread as I know people here have simply made their minds up about me. Therefore I’ve just felt powerless about it. But I’m being completely honest, being mentioned continually on this thread has really effected me.

As much as I’ve tried to avoid coming on here, at times I’ve wanted to see how I’m being portrayed and every time I do it’s made me sick.
Due to the fact I’m still being mentioned on here as recently as just yesterday, I think it’s right that I address this thread now and join the conversation properly as I’m beyond the point of being fearful of the consequences. It’s more important to me that people can hear my side of things and have a proper conversation about it rather than just putting me down without knowing me.

Firstly, I’m aware some people are hurt and upset as a result of having a bad experience working with the twins. I understand those peoples intentions are to spread awareness of this bad experience and therefore warn others so they can avoid the same misfortune.

I get that.
When I left Llewellyn, I myself was owed £7,500 from him due to services I paid for and never received. It was money that I was bullied into paying him (I didn’t want to at the time) and when I asked for it back… I was ignored and it was never returned.

So I’m also very frustrated at the way I was treated. And I also have empathy for peoples anger.
I’m also aware there’s a number of posts in here that are aimed specifically towards me that are predominantly based on nothing more than speculation, assumptions and inaccurate information.
My hope is that I can bring a fair and balanced post to this thread and be allowed to put my side across and have it taken seriously by those who judge and mock.
That said, it seems to me like the majority of people who are still commenting on this thread have a narrative of me that they actually WANT to be true. They actually want to believe that I’m a bad person that rips people off and takes advantage of vulnerable people.

I assume the reason might be partly because it plays into the entertainment /comedy factor of being able to mock and make jokes about me. It also justifies the amount of time that has been spent on here slandering me for over a year now. I imagine it could be frustrating after all this time has passed to realise and admit that it’s just not true.

But it’s important to me that those people realise the implications of what they write and the very real consequences it has.

It also feels at this stage that some people on here almost view me like I’m a fictional character in some sort of entertaining soap opera. They don’t view me as a human being. A real person that has feelings and (like all of us) is flawed, complex and of course has made bad judgement calls.
Despite me sharing and being tagged in numerous testimonials from so many different people stating they have loved working with me and taken a lot of value from me as their coach, despite me openly talking about my relationship with the twins, and regardless of me now making a decision to actually stop offering 121 coaching….I STILL continue to be mentioned on this thread even just as recently as yesterday where I was indirectly mocked with comments such as “He’s busy with the boy band 👀
which is a clear dig at the fact I work in a Take That tribute. Also comments that suggest I’m ripping people off e.g “Another load of bullshit I bet he carry’s on ripping the people off”.
I completely appreciate that when you put yourself out there on social media you must be willing to have people make assumptions about you and they have the right to form opinions. And I know I’ve got to just take that judgment on the chin. It’s comes with the territory.

But on a human level it doesn’t stop the kind of comments and lies I get said about me on here being hurtful. It can literally make me feel sick in my stomach for days when I’ve read a comment saying I’m “ripping people off”. I feel sick right now as I write this to know that’s what you think. That is something I could never, ever do to somebody.

In order to have a more fair conversation, I’ve created a profile on here to put my point across and be somebody who actually has the courage to put my name and face to the words I’m typing. I think I’m the only person that has done that so far on this thread. And I think that’s part of the problem I’m caught up in. If you don’t disclose who you actually are, I’m very aware it can be all too easy to become a “keyboard warrior” and rather than having a fair conversation, people can just start to gossip about or mock people with very little consideration or thought.
I’m not here to do that.

I want to say this: I totally understand and appreciate that “life coaching” is currently an unregulated industry. And there seems to be a lot of charlatans out there just in it to get rich and take advantage of people. Obviously that’s appalling and I do really hope it can change in the months and years ahead to stop people abusing the industry and just using it for quick money.
I also totally get that for many people they just don’t see life coaching as necessary/ valuable/ Valid / a proper service etc.

That is completely fine to have that opinion. I’ve got no issues with anybody who is not a fan of life coaching and thinks it’s a load of tit. After all, we all have different opinions on many things in life. We’ve all got different experiences, personalities and opinions and that’s life.
In many ways I get why people would have a poor view of life coaching in particular if A. They’ve had an awful experience with a coach in the past and B. They’ve never actually had a coach and are just looking at it from the outside looking in.
The main focus I’ve tried to put on the coaching services that I have offered is business coaching for start-ups/ people who are new to business. That’s what the majority of my clients have been. Or they’re people that have been in business a while but have got stale with where they are at. I’ve also worked with a number of network marketers most of which were from Bodyshop due to being booked multiple times as a guest speaker on their webinars.

There is an element of life coaching in what I do and I do put an emphasis on the clients mindset/ habits / behaviours.
But the main thing I have helped people in is progressing in their business.
I’ve never claimed to be the most successful business owner or coach in the world. But I certainly am somebody who’s been running an agency and tribute artist management company for 12 years now and therefore have valuable experience, insights, understanding and support to offer people that want that.
However I want to make it very clear that I have NEVER scammed, lied or ripped anybody off. Everything I do is with the best of intentions and I always give my best efforts.
There are many many people who have paid me good money to work with me as their coach that have told me they’ve taken enormous amounts of value from it and it was worth every penny (and more in some cases). I’ve got countless examples of people that cannot praise my work with them highly enough.
I’m more than happy to put anybody in touch with any of my current or previous clients so long as the client is willing and happy to talk to you about their experience.

I’ve got absolutely nothing to hide and I’m very proud of the work I’ve done in all my businesses now.

I want to ask of anybody commenting on here to please not allow your opinions of the whole life coaching industry, the twins and also my previous connections of paying the twins to coach me in the past to cloud your judgement on me as a person and what I do.
Yes, I’m not a perfect person. I can confidently admit that. Yes I’ve made poor judgements and trusted the wrong people. And yes as I’ve spoken about previously there were certainly times when I was working with the twins that I questioned things about the way they were and their methods and was always just immediately shutdown by them. I often felt fearful and would be manipulated and made to feel like I’m thick.
When it comes to narcissism and manipulation I get that from the outside watching, it can be easy to form a judgement that I should’ve just walked away from Llewellyn much sooner. That the second I saw questionable behaviour I should have just left.
But that shows a lack of understanding of what manipulation can be. It’s not as black and white as that. It’s a slow process of which you eventually question whether you are actually completely stupid for even questioning they’re in the wrong in the first place. You start to believe you’re wrong.

I won’t go into great detail here about that. But what I will say is that things started really great and all made logical sense. I was really excited to work with Llwellyn and I thought he seemed amazing. Also I will say that a lot of what he taught me really did help me build my confidence and self esteem.

There was a real desire to be the best I could be but also to impress him - somebody who believed in me, encouraged me and also who from what I could see… he appeared to have it all - the good physique, the nice big house, the lovely wife, the beautiful daughter and he seemed a really articulate, wise man initially. He also seemed to be really respectful of his wife and a family man - this was something that really drew me in as I admired the fact that even though he had the business success and the financial success (I thought), that he was still a good man with integrity and loyalty to his wife and could balance all those pressures well. Obviously many months later it started to become clear over time that it was an act.

We were often encouraged and put on a pedestal. Which mean a lot when it’s by somebody you’re inspired by.

Obviously cracks started to show. His wife leaving him was a big red flag.

Overtime you go from being praised one minute to being called a “stupid thick bleep” the next. And made to look like you’re a total idiot in front of others.

Before you know it you’ve ended up on this constant wheel of trying to do the right thing, to learn, improve, train hard, give people value, follow his daily orders, pay him on time and then also not get shouted at for making a mistake or not following his instructions correctly.

I then started to question if he’s even who I thought he was and if I even wanted to work with him anymore. But then there’s also genuine fear of him thrown in there as well.

That’s why even though I started to think I wanted to walk away after probably about a year of working with Llewellyn… it wasn’t as easy as just walking away like that. In total I was there 18 months before we left. Eventually I found strength in realising a couple of other clients were having the same doubts as me and also were now feeling manipulated and wanted to leave. That was one of the big things that helped us have the courage to just leave. The fact we were in a similar position where we’d been heavily bullied and manipulated into feeling disloyal if we were to leave.
What I think is hard for people to understand once you’re deep into the manipulation of it all and the constant eggshells we were walking on between the constant yo-yo’ing form praise to humiliation…. We were genuinely scared of the twins. The way they spoke at times was genuinely frightening. So we actually feared leaving.
BUT during all of that experience, regardless of the fear and manipulation I endured, I was still aware of what I was doing as a coach and I would never ever be so low as to take somebody’s money and not deliver the best service that I can for that money.

It’s also worth saying that I did multiple other courses on business, life coaching and Personal development over the years and have been to multiple other events and got qualifications that were all absolutely nothing to do with the twins or associated with them in anyway at all. And that’s combined with 12 years experience running a business that again had nothing to do with them.
So yes I was mentored by Llewellyn for 18 months. And yes some of it was really tit and not something I’d go through again. But it taught me lots of valuable lessons. And I’ve also got 31 years of life and 12 years of business experience aside from working with him that I bring to the table worry time I work with my clients.
I’m not from a dysfunctional family home. I’ve not lived on a mattress opposite a crack den. And I’m not trying to achieve goals from a place of real pain and trauma like they appear to be doing.

I’m somebody that had an amazing upbringing that I’m so grateful to have had and I was taught very clearly the difference between right and wrong at a young age. I’m somebody who is ambitious yes! But I’m also thoughtful and have integrity. And yes I got caught up in a little bit of the madness of working with the twins, I was gaslighted by them and I got pretty manipulated along the way.
But I never did wrong to others.

It feels like I’ve just been tarred with the same brush and every other part of my life is not even considered. As far as people are concerned on here - I’m just guilty through association and that’s that.
From what I can see there was only ever just one client who people have used multiple times on this thread (and I won’t mention their name for fairness and confidentiality) as an example of “evidence” that I apparently have scammed people.
The person in question was having personal issues at home and her teenage son was understandably worried about her.
She took part in numerous group calls with the twins/ Llewellyn and I was working with her 121.

As her son was worried he clearly looked into me and the twins further and he came across this thread. After seeing all the negative comments about me saying I’m a scam artist, he then joined in the discussion and disclosed confidential information about the relationship between me and the client (his mum) as well as the prices I charge and his apparent worries that she is being manipulated by me.

That one particular instance obviously has two sides to the story. Like everything does.
Again its really difficult for me to be able to fully explain in detail and properly defend my position when I equally don’t want to mention any names or major details for confidentiality reasons.

But I want to be clear about this: The person who wrote slanderous words about me in here was a worried teenager and was NOT an actual client of mine. His mother was. And she was an adult of sound mind and was more than happy with my service. In actual fact when I terminated working with her (only after a short period working together in total) she was upset and actually pleaded with me me to reconsider the decision.

Prior to the message from her son being in this thread and only a early into coaching the client, I had already had a conversation with her where I strongly suggested that we terminated working together and that I give her a full refund due to my judgement that she had a lot going on personally and didn’t appear to able to properly commit to working with a coach at this time.
I politely suggested that my recommendation was that she would perhaps benefit more from working through her current issues with a therapist or a counsellor right now before she even considered the idea of working with a coach.

We spoke about this suggestion at length on a video call and I heard her side and eventually she convinced me multiple times that she was completely ready to work with me, she wanted to work with me and she was determined to turn things around.

She assured me that with my support she was confident that she had the best chance of making some really positive changes in her life and didn’t want to lose me as a coach.
With that said, I agreed to continue to work with her for another month at that stage with a view to review it as we go.

Within a matter of weeks of having that conversation her son then discovered this thread and posted the slander saying I was manipulating her to work with me - when in actual fact she was the one who was convincing me to continue working with her and I’d suggested she might not be in the best position for coaching at that time.
Once that post from her son appeared in here, I immediately terminated working with the client as I explained that if her family members have concerns about us working together and are publicly slandering what I do then I don’t feel it’s right or comfortable to continue coaching her. I apologised and then gave her a refund and wished her all the best without any hard feelings.
Out of I reckon at least 100 clients that I have worked with in the past few years I believe that is the closest this thread has got to having any substantial “evidence” that I have scammed people. And quite simply, it’s not evidence at all.
Let’s be fair, the only complaint didn’t even come from a client I’ve worked with it came from somebody who was (I think) just 15 years old, was worried about his mum and had never actually been present in any of our sessions. AND I also immediately gave her a refund!!

I highly doubt that if somebody was in the business of scamming people and just trying to get their money instead of offering a genuinely fair service, they would not give them a refund.

Also one thing that is very common with the twins is when they cease working with a client they immediately block them on every platform.

This is something I started to get really suspicious of and started to question why they would do that. Once again I was always talked down as if I was stupid to even ask.

Despite what they said to me, I on the other hand have never blocked a client I’ve worked with. Including that lady who’s son wrote in here.

I’ve got nothing to hide and I have no reason to block somebody just because we stopped working together. It doesn’t matter to me how long somebody works with me. As long as they feel they’ve received fair value and are happy with my services then I’m happy. I’m never going to force somebody to work with me for longer or block them just because they refuse.

Again, if I was scamming clients and not delivering a fair service surely I would block ex clients that I’ve scammed??

Again. I understand that life Coaching is not for everybody. And that’s absolutely fine. Just the same as therapy, personal training etc isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s cool.

But I have now on multiple occasions publicly addressed the claims that I am “ripping people off”, I have spoken very honestly about my experience working with the twins of which some was very positive (can you believe it?!), and yes some was quite negative too. Please feel free to see my full post about this here: .

One of the reasons I’m stepping away from coaching people for the time being is as a direct result of this thread.
As much as I love coaching, feel I have a genuine talent and ability for it and also have many clients that love working with me and are getting great results and don’t want me to stop…. seeing my name constantly crop up onto this thread is really hard to see and deeply upsetting.
I’ve always been a person that does my best and has good intentions. I would never want anybody to think I’ve ripped them off or scammed them. I set up my first company (Tribute Acts Management) when I was 19 and one of the biggest things we’ve prided ourselves on from the beginning is unlike a lot of other entertainment agencies that I saw out there at the time, we never wanted to just be about making money off the top of acts. We have always been focused on building great relationships between performers and venues alike and giving quality service and making people happy. That is exactly how I have always approached coaching and anything else I do.
I believe it would be a very sad existence when you only do things for money and lack genuine integrity or fulfilment in what you do. For that (in many ways selfish) reason, I could never be one of the people that rip people off or take advantage of vulnerable.

Maybe been misguided at times? 100%. Been scared and manipulated to just do as I’m told even when I’ve questioned that things might not be the best way of handling things? Absolutely I will admit that. But regardless of any manipulation or being misguided, one thing I can very confidently say is I’ve always maintained professionalism and fairness at all times and delivered to the best of my ability.
I don’t need everybody on this thread to love me or be my friend. I’m fully aware that as much as I hate the idea of being hated on, that it’s unrealistic to expect anything other than scepticism from people who participate here.

Although that’s a real shame and I hope it can change. I do understand it.

What I would ask is that you please refrain from mocking and insulting me without really knowing me.

I’m not working with anybody one-to-one for the time being. I am taking more time to focus on my Tribute company, getting more education, learning new skills and in the meantime I am continuing to run a low fee membership site where there are hours worth of training videos from multiple people in business and personal development (not just me) and I will also be giving group coaching sessions within the membership. It’s something I’m really passionate about and I know I have a lot of value to offer the people who join.

I won’t be keeping my account on this site open for very long as I really don’t want to spend time engaging in sites like this, however as my name continues to be brought up in a negative way I just wanted to address it, add my side and hopefully restore a little bit of balance and fairness to the way I’m being commented about.
If it’s made people understand a little more and reconsider their actions towards me that’s amazing and I’d be over the moon!

Equally if people can’t see past the fabricated narrative…. as frustrating and hurtful as it is… I understand. I’m just gutted that being involved with the twins (and paying a lot of money for the privilege) has caused so much hurt and tarnished my name.

I ultimately paid the Llewellyn to coach me because I wanted to become a better person, grow my businesses and help other people. My intentions were the exact opposite of scamming anybody. And to this day that is still something that never did happen.

Thank you to anybody who has taken the time to read my points and consider them. Again I’m truly sorry to anybody who’s had bad experiences with life coaches in general and in particular the twins and I have genuine empathy for you.

Thanks again.

I doubt you will get much in the way of positive comments from this... but... fair play for coming on here and telling your side and sharing your experience. Weve seen what one of the twins did when they signed up on here a while back.

A few threads back you were seen in a positive light for finally seeing the light and leaving the 'inner circle' but as you've stated, some posts following that, kind of put you back in the same boat as the Twins.

Personally I dont know you (and youre not someone who i follow so I dont see any posts etc) and can understand how you were manipulated by those two.. im glad you got out just like the others did... i just truly hope you haven't taken what they taught you on board to manipulate your own clients purely for financial gain (again.. like some others ie. "if you don't have what they want to buy, make something up and rinse and repeat")
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Hopefully pretesh will come on here next. And explain why he talks to a empty room lol
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Carly Thornton is challenging herself (again). She’s competing in 3 weeks boom 🤯!! Do you think she’s checked out the line up and feels she’s in with a chance 😂😂??
No she announced her comeback a few months back and doing a LD thing by doing a short prep. Clearly failing glutey wear needs a boost so co.eback will enable her to con other vunlerable IG users
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Has anyone got the link to pretesh video when he talking to a blank room I can’t find it. I need a laugh 😂
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If the three musketeers (Matt Hall, Pretesh Parmar and Alec Witts) are so mortified by their mentions in these threads then perhaps they all need to locate the nearest mirrors and take long look at themselves and think why for months on end when the tinpot twins were lying, cheating and stealing, none of them had it in them to call it quits rather go along with the scamming schemes the tinpot twins were leveraging onto innocent and vulnerable people. Two days before the three musketeers came out and publicly stated they were sailing off into the sunset, they were in the lemon Llewellyn Davies’s hotel room giving him an up close and personal pose down, right down in their briefs. This whole narrative of them being these three young, easily influenced poor sods is bullshit. They are all around the age of 30 and knew exactly what was going on whilst they were breaking lockdown rules to sit around that antique table sipping out of those goblets spouting a load of crap with the lemon Llewellyn Davies and the bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies.
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I’m sorry but what qualifies you too give business advice to any one else. I’m sorry I don’t see it what successful business have you got or either achieved.

Anyway wonder how rhy getting on today ?
Regarding my business experience. I set up a company called Tribute Acts anagement when I was 19 to manage live bands and tribute shows.

At the time I knew absolutely nothing about business and over time I learnt a hell of a lot.

For 12 years now I’ve been able to build a business with an amazing team and run a profitable company that pays me a good wage as well as paying the wages for the full time staff we employ and also pay multiple people who are part time/ self employed and earn a lot from the work we get them.

We’ve manage to (just about) survive what was a horrendous time for the live entertainment industry in the pandemic and are now back in a position to grow again when many businesses in that industry have had to sadly fold due to too many knocks.

Once again… I’ve never said I’m the most successful person in business. But I do know I’ve got a lot of value to give to some people that were where I started. There’s also plenty of people out there who know way more and have done more than me (and charge more).

It’s all relative to where people are on their journey and what is the right fit for them.

I’m not forcing anybody to work with me if they don’t want to.

Just because you have the opinion that I’m an idiot and you wouldn’t want to work with me doesn’t make me a scammer. And that’s a point I want to make clear.

The posts you’ve made about Pretesh this evening suggest to me you’re more interested in simply being here just to take the piss out of people and have a laugh as you say.

That speaks volumes to me tbh.
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Regarding my business experience. I set up a company called Tribute Acts anagement when I was 19 to manage live bands and tribute shows.

At the time I knew absolutely nothing about business and over time I learnt a hell of a lot.

For 12 years now I’ve been able to build a business with an amazing team and run a profitable company that pays me a good wage as well as paying the wages for the full time staff we employ and also pay multiple people who are part time/ self employed and earn a lot from the work we get them.

We’ve manage to (just about) survive what was a horrendous time for the live entertainment industry in the pandemic and are now back in a position to grow again when many businesses in that industry have had to sadly fold due to too many knocks.

Once again… I’ve never said I’m the most successful person in business. But I do know I’ve got a lot of value to give to some people that were where I started. There’s also plenty of people out there who know way more and have done more than me (and charge more).

It’s all relative to where people are on their journey and what is the right fit for them.

I’m not forcing anybody to work with me if they don’t want to.

Just because you have the opinion that I’m an idiot and you wouldn’t want to work with me doesn’t make me a scammer. And that’s a point I want to make clear.

The posts you’ve made about Pretesh this evening suggest to me you’re more interested in simply being here just to take the piss out of people and have a laugh as you say.

That speaks volumes to me tbh.
Yeah because he’s cut from the same cloth as you.
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I doubt you will get much in the way of positive comments from this... but... fair play for coming on here and telling your side and sharing your experience. Weve seen what one of the twins did when they signed up on here a while back.

A few threads back you were seen in a positive light for finally seeing the light and leaving the 'inner circle' but as you've stated, some posts following that, kind of put you back in the same boat as the Twins.

Personally I dont know you (and youre not someone who i follow so I dont see any posts etc) and can understand how you were manipulated by those two.. im glad you got out just like the others did... i just truly hope you haven't taken what they taught you on board to manipulate your own clients purely for financial gain (again.. like some others ie. "if you don't have what they want to buy, make something up and rinse and repeat")
Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to read my comments and then share your honest, fair and balanced response.

I never have and never would try to manipulate anybody for financial gain.

As I said on the previous (extremely long) post, I’m more than happy to put people in touch with ex clients of mine.

I’ve never claimed to be some millionaire business coach and sell the dream.

However I do appreciate some of my content could look heading down that path when I was working with Llewelyn.

That was largely because of how he would bully us into acting a certain way as I explained in the post. Sometimes he’d actually write the statuses for me and tell me I had to post them as if it was me.

Looking back - it seems crazy that I allowed it for so long. As I’m not an idiot.

But he was very clever.

And I agree there was a cross over period after leaving where I knew I still wanted to coach and help people. Also I had already told all my current clients at the time that I was leaving Llewelyn and they all stayed working with me and said I was doing the right thing. The comments where that they loved working with me and had bad vibes about him. And they wanted to continue working with me. So I needed to continue to show up and keep things moving forward and evolving….but I also realised I had some “unlearning” to do of how to conduct myself online.

That took a little time and I didn’t always get it right. E.g statuses and videos that are bold, shouty and egotistical.

It took time to rediscover me again. And how I want to conduct myself without somebody constantly telling me what to do.

As I said though, regardless of any of what he did, I have never not delivered on what I’ve promised a client. I’ve always done my very best for a paying client.

And I think the fact I’ve not blocked any of my ex clients and still get lovely comments and messages of thanks etc still today should hopefully say a lot.

If the three musketeers (Matt Hall, Pretesh Parmar and Alec Witts) are so mortified by their mentions in these threads then perhaps they all need to locate the nearest mirrors and take long look at themselves and think why for months on end when the tinpot twins were lying, cheating and stealing, none of them had it in them to call it quits rather go along with the scamming schemes the tinpot twins were leveraging onto innocent and vulnerable people. Two days before the three musketeers came out and publicly stated they were sailing off into the sunset, they were in the lemon Llewellyn Davies’s hotel room giving him an up close and personal pose down, right down in their briefs. This whole narrative of them being these three young, easily influenced poor sods is bullshit. They are all around the age of 30 and knew exactly what was going on whilst they were breaking lockdown rules to sit around that antique table sipping out of those goblets spouting a load of crap with the lemon Llewellyn Davies and the bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies.
I’m sorry you take that viewpoint. As I’ve said in depth on my post it is easy to see it that way when you’ve not been through it first hand.

Yes I’m 31. And yes I’m not an idiot.

But when somebody is very good at gaslighting and manipulation, I believe they have the potential to twist anything to anyone regardless of age or intelligence.

Your response to me really doesn’t take into consideration the reality of what it was like being gaslighted and manipulated over many months.

Being WhatsApp’d and called al day long and eventually completely suffocated.

It doesn’t happen fast. It’s done slowly over time and built up.

At the time of working with the twins I knew nothing of any scams or lies.

The only thing that he admitted was the affair but he twisted thing and explained it very well to make us all be on his side and support him. He also explained having to give refunds for all the courses he did with SA due to people getting the wrong end of the stick and just not liking his coaching style etc.

Again it was all very well twisted so we believed him and supported him.

The key thing here is that none of us knowingly played any part in lying or scamming anybody.

It was only after we walked away that people then contacted us confidentially and we learnt other sides to the story’s and realised some of the real stuff that had happened that we had been in the dark about.

Plus when I didn’t get refunded the £7,500 he owed me that’s when it was clear to me he’s only interested in money and has zero integrity.

At that point, now away from them, it all became clearer how we’d been used to make him look so great and … basically what became clear to me is that EVERYTHING he does is only for his own gain. To me he doesn’t seem to care about anybody other than himself. And that’s sad.

But I did truly believe for some time he had my best interests at heart and genuinely wanted to help people.

Was that naive? Looking back now, clearly.

But again, it can be hard to see it when it’s been built up slowly over time and you’re right in the thick of it.

Yeah because he’s cut from the same cloth as you.
The responses you’ve made in here tonight are what take away credibility from the people who are on this thread with the good intentions to help raise awareness and to genuinely try stop people being coerced and manipulated.

You’re clearly not here to do that.

You’re clearly here to belittle and mock and “have a laugh” as you’ve said. You don’t have the decency to have a proper conversation or take anything into consideration that doesn’t fit the the fun you’re getting from this.

I genuinely hope you’re ok. Seriously.

That’s pretty tit that you spend your evenings getting kicks out of this thread. Especially if you’re a grown adult. That must mean something in your life really sucks. And for that reason I have empathy for you.
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It’s Matt Hall here (or Matt SMALL/ musketeer/ conman/ scammer as I’m often referred to by multiple people on this thread).

So here goes…

This is no doubt going to be a long post but I hope you can appreciate there’s a lot that has been said about me on this thread for many months now so obviously theres a lot for me to try and address as best as I can.

The first thing to say is obviously I’ve been aware of this thread and the negative comments about me from day 1. Initially I was still paying Llewellyn to coach me at the time and with regards to this thread he would just tell me to stop being pathetic and not even look at the comments - he would say this is all just normal to get negative threads about you when you’re successful and if you can’t handle the haters then you can’t handle success. 🙄

But it did really really bothere me as I felt what was being said about me was totally misguided and wrong.

Regardless of Llewellyn‘s affairs and whatever he had done with his coaching agreements with SA, it had been none of my business, I knew very little about it and I now felt I was getting dragged into something that was really nothing to do with me.

I wanted to respond to the comments about me immediately. But I’ll admit through fear of Llewelyn and basically being manipulated and dragged into having to be “on his side”, I didn’t.

However from time to time I’ve still read this thread and every time I see somebody mention my name my heart literally sinks. It’s one of the most horrible feelings to see your name being talked about on a thread about scamming. For people to slander you, mock you because of your height/ my tribute band etc and to say negative things about what you do on a daily basis is really quite disturbing.
As much as I can, I’ve stayed away from reading the thread as I know people here have simply made their minds up about me. Therefore I’ve just felt powerless about it. But I’m being completely honest, being mentioned continually on this thread has really effected me.

As much as I’ve tried to avoid coming on here, at times I’ve wanted to see how I’m being portrayed and every time I do it’s made me sick.
Due to the fact I’m still being mentioned on here as recently as just yesterday, I think it’s right that I address this thread now and join the conversation properly as I’m beyond the point of being fearful of the consequences. It’s more important to me that people can hear my side of things and have a proper conversation about it rather than just putting me down without knowing me.

Firstly, I’m aware some people are hurt and upset as a result of having a bad experience working with the twins. I understand those peoples intentions are to spread awareness of this bad experience and therefore warn others so they can avoid the same misfortune.

I get that.
When I left Llewellyn, I myself was owed £7,500 from him due to services I paid for and never received. It was money that I was bullied into paying him (I didn’t want to at the time) and when I asked for it back… I was ignored and it was never returned.

So I’m also very frustrated at the way I was treated. And I also have empathy for peoples anger.
I’m also aware there’s a number of posts in here that are aimed specifically towards me that are predominantly based on nothing more than speculation, assumptions and inaccurate information.
My hope is that I can bring a fair and balanced post to this thread and be allowed to put my side across and have it taken seriously by those who judge and mock.
That said, it seems to me like the majority of people who are still commenting on this thread have a narrative of me that they actually WANT to be true. They actually want to believe that I’m a bad person that rips people off and takes advantage of vulnerable people.

I assume the reason might be partly because it plays into the entertainment /comedy factor of being able to mock and make jokes about me. It also justifies the amount of time that has been spent on here slandering me for over a year now. I imagine it could be frustrating after all this time has passed to realise and admit that it’s just not true.

But it’s important to me that those people realise the implications of what they write and the very real consequences it has.

It also feels at this stage that some people on here almost view me like I’m a fictional character in some sort of entertaining soap opera. They don’t view me as a human being. A real person that has feelings and (like all of us) is flawed, complex and of course has made bad judgement calls.
Despite me sharing and being tagged in numerous testimonials from so many different people stating they have loved working with me and taken a lot of value from me as their coach, despite me openly talking about my relationship with the twins, and regardless of me now making a decision to actually stop offering 121 coaching….I STILL continue to be mentioned on this thread even just as recently as yesterday where I was indirectly mocked with comments such as “He’s busy with the boy band 👀
which is a clear dig at the fact I work in a Take That tribute. Also comments that suggest I’m ripping people off e.g “Another load of bullshit I bet he carry’s on ripping the people off”.
I completely appreciate that when you put yourself out there on social media you must be willing to have people make assumptions about you and they have the right to form opinions. And I know I’ve got to just take that judgment on the chin. It’s comes with the territory.

But on a human level it doesn’t stop the kind of comments and lies I get said about me on here being hurtful. It can literally make me feel sick in my stomach for days when I’ve read a comment saying I’m “ripping people off”. I feel sick right now as I write this to know that’s what you think. That is something I could never, ever do to somebody.

In order to have a more fair conversation, I’ve created a profile on here to put my point across and be somebody who actually has the courage to put my name and face to the words I’m typing. I think I’m the only person that has done that so far on this thread. And I think that’s part of the problem I’m caught up in. If you don’t disclose who you actually are, I’m very aware it can be all too easy to become a “keyboard warrior” and rather than having a fair conversation, people can just start to gossip about or mock people with very little consideration or thought.
I’m not here to do that.

I want to say this: I totally understand and appreciate that “life coaching” is currently an unregulated industry. And there seems to be a lot of charlatans out there just in it to get rich and take advantage of people. Obviously that’s appalling and I do really hope it can change in the months and years ahead to stop people abusing the industry and just using it for quick money.
I also totally get that for many people they just don’t see life coaching as necessary/ valuable/ Valid / a proper service etc.

That is completely fine to have that opinion. I’ve got no issues with anybody who is not a fan of life coaching and thinks it’s a load of tit. After all, we all have different opinions on many things in life. We’ve all got different experiences, personalities and opinions and that’s life.
In many ways I get why people would have a poor view of life coaching in particular if A. They’ve had an awful experience with a coach in the past and B. They’ve never actually had a coach and are just looking at it from the outside looking in.
The main focus I’ve tried to put on the coaching services that I have offered is business coaching for start-ups/ people who are new to business. That’s what the majority of my clients have been. Or they’re people that have been in business a while but have got stale with where they are at. I’ve also worked with a number of network marketers most of which were from Bodyshop due to being booked multiple times as a guest speaker on their webinars.

There is an element of life coaching in what I do and I do put an emphasis on the clients mindset/ habits / behaviours.
But the main thing I have helped people in is progressing in their business.
I’ve never claimed to be the most successful business owner or coach in the world. But I certainly am somebody who’s been running an agency and tribute artist management company for 12 years now and therefore have valuable experience, insights, understanding and support to offer people that want that.
However I want to make it very clear that I have NEVER scammed, lied or ripped anybody off. Everything I do is with the best of intentions and I always give my best efforts.
There are many many people who have paid me good money to work with me as their coach that have told me they’ve taken enormous amounts of value from it and it was worth every penny (and more in some cases). I’ve got countless examples of people that cannot praise my work with them highly enough.
I’m more than happy to put anybody in touch with any of my current or previous clients so long as the client is willing and happy to talk to you about their experience.

I’ve got absolutely nothing to hide and I’m very proud of the work I’ve done in all my businesses now.

I want to ask of anybody commenting on here to please not allow your opinions of the whole life coaching industry, the twins and also my previous connections of paying the twins to coach me in the past to cloud your judgement on me as a person and what I do.
Yes, I’m not a perfect person. I can confidently admit that. Yes I’ve made poor judgements and trusted the wrong people. And yes as I’ve spoken about previously there were certainly times when I was working with the twins that I questioned things about the way they were and their methods and was always just immediately shutdown by them. I often felt fearful and would be manipulated and made to feel like I’m thick.
When it comes to narcissism and manipulation I get that from the outside watching, it can be easy to form a judgement that I should’ve just walked away from Llewellyn much sooner. That the second I saw questionable behaviour I should have just left.
But that shows a lack of understanding of what manipulation can be. It’s not as black and white as that. It’s a slow process of which you eventually question whether you are actually completely stupid for even questioning they’re in the wrong in the first place. You start to believe you’re wrong.

I won’t go into great detail here about that. But what I will say is that things started really great and all made logical sense. I was really excited to work with Llwellyn and I thought he seemed amazing. Also I will say that a lot of what he taught me really did help me build my confidence and self esteem.

There was a real desire to be the best I could be but also to impress him - somebody who believed in me, encouraged me and also who from what I could see… he appeared to have it all - the good physique, the nice big house, the lovely wife, the beautiful daughter and he seemed a really articulate, wise man initially. He also seemed to be really respectful of his wife and a family man - this was something that really drew me in as I admired the fact that even though he had the business success and the financial success (I thought), that he was still a good man with integrity and loyalty to his wife and could balance all those pressures well. Obviously many months later it started to become clear over time that it was an act.

We were often encouraged and put on a pedestal. Which mean a lot when it’s by somebody you’re inspired by.

Obviously cracks started to show. His wife leaving him was a big red flag.

Overtime you go from being praised one minute to being called a “stupid thick bleep” the next. And made to look like you’re a total idiot in front of others.

Before you know it you’ve ended up on this constant wheel of trying to do the right thing, to learn, improve, train hard, give people value, follow his daily orders, pay him on time and then also not get shouted at for making a mistake or not following his instructions correctly.

I then started to question if he’s even who I thought he was and if I even wanted to work with him anymore. But then there’s also genuine fear of him thrown in there as well.

That’s why even though I started to think I wanted to walk away after probably about a year of working with Llewellyn… it wasn’t as easy as just walking away like that. In total I was there 18 months before we left. Eventually I found strength in realising a couple of other clients were having the same doubts as me and also were now feeling manipulated and wanted to leave. That was one of the big things that helped us have the courage to just leave. The fact we were in a similar position where we’d been heavily bullied and manipulated into feeling disloyal if we were to leave.
What I think is hard for people to understand once you’re deep into the manipulation of it all and the constant eggshells we were walking on between the constant yo-yo’ing form praise to humiliation…. We were genuinely scared of the twins. The way they spoke at times was genuinely frightening. So we actually feared leaving.
BUT during all of that experience, regardless of the fear and manipulation I endured, I was still aware of what I was doing as a coach and I would never ever be so low as to take somebody’s money and not deliver the best service that I can for that money.

It’s also worth saying that I did multiple other courses on business, life coaching and Personal development over the years and have been to multiple other events and got qualifications that were all absolutely nothing to do with the twins or associated with them in anyway at all. And that’s combined with 12 years experience running a business that again had nothing to do with them.
So yes I was mentored by Llewellyn for 18 months. And yes some of it was really tit and not something I’d go through again. But it taught me lots of valuable lessons. And I’ve also got 31 years of life and 12 years of business experience aside from working with him that I bring to the table worry time I work with my clients.
I’m not from a dysfunctional family home. I’ve not lived on a mattress opposite a crack den. And I’m not trying to achieve goals from a place of real pain and trauma like they appear to be doing.

I’m somebody that had an amazing upbringing that I’m so grateful to have had and I was taught very clearly the difference between right and wrong at a young age. I’m somebody who is ambitious yes! But I’m also thoughtful and have integrity. And yes I got caught up in a little bit of the madness of working with the twins, I was gaslighted by them and I got pretty manipulated along the way.
But I never did wrong to others.

It feels like I’ve just been tarred with the same brush and every other part of my life is not even considered. As far as people are concerned on here - I’m just guilty through association and that’s that.
From what I can see there was only ever just one client who people have used multiple times on this thread (and I won’t mention their name for fairness and confidentiality) as an example of “evidence” that I apparently have scammed people.
The person in question was having personal issues at home and her teenage son was understandably worried about her.
She took part in numerous group calls with the twins/ Llewellyn and I was working with her 121.

As her son was worried he clearly looked into me and the twins further and he came across this thread. After seeing all the negative comments about me saying I’m a scam artist, he then joined in the discussion and disclosed confidential information about the relationship between me and the client (his mum) as well as the prices I charge and his apparent worries that she is being manipulated by me.

That one particular instance obviously has two sides to the story. Like everything does.
Again its really difficult for me to be able to fully explain in detail and properly defend my position when I equally don’t want to mention any names or major details for confidentiality reasons.

But I want to be clear about this: The person who wrote slanderous words about me in here was a worried teenager and was NOT an actual client of mine. His mother was. And she was an adult of sound mind and was more than happy with my service. In actual fact when I terminated working with her (only after a short period working together in total) she was upset and actually pleaded with me me to reconsider the decision.

Prior to the message from her son being in this thread and only a early into coaching the client, I had already had a conversation with her where I strongly suggested that we terminated working together and that I give her a full refund due to my judgement that she had a lot going on personally and didn’t appear to able to properly commit to working with a coach at this time.
I politely suggested that my recommendation was that she would perhaps benefit more from working through her current issues with a therapist or a counsellor right now before she even considered the idea of working with a coach.

We spoke about this suggestion at length on a video call and I heard her side and eventually she convinced me multiple times that she was completely ready to work with me, she wanted to work with me and she was determined to turn things around.

She assured me that with my support she was confident that she had the best chance of making some really positive changes in her life and didn’t want to lose me as a coach.
With that said, I agreed to continue to work with her for another month at that stage with a view to review it as we go.

Within a matter of weeks of having that conversation her son then discovered this thread and posted the slander saying I was manipulating her to work with me - when in actual fact she was the one who was convincing me to continue working with her and I’d suggested she might not be in the best position for coaching at that time.
Once that post from her son appeared in here, I immediately terminated working with the client as I explained that if her family members have concerns about us working together and are publicly slandering what I do then I don’t feel it’s right or comfortable to continue coaching her. I apologised and then gave her a refund and wished her all the best without any hard feelings.
Out of I reckon at least 100 clients that I have worked with in the past few years I believe that is the closest this thread has got to having any substantial “evidence” that I have scammed people. And quite simply, it’s not evidence at all.
Let’s be fair, the only complaint didn’t even come from a client I’ve worked with it came from somebody who was (I think) just 15 years old, was worried about his mum and had never actually been present in any of our sessions. AND I also immediately gave her a refund!!

I highly doubt that if somebody was in the business of scamming people and just trying to get their money instead of offering a genuinely fair service, they would not give them a refund.

Also one thing that is very common with the twins is when they cease working with a client they immediately block them on every platform.

This is something I started to get really suspicious of and started to question why they would do that. Once again I was always talked down as if I was stupid to even ask.

Despite what they said to me, I on the other hand have never blocked a client I’ve worked with. Including that lady who’s son wrote in here.

I’ve got nothing to hide and I have no reason to block somebody just because we stopped working together. It doesn’t matter to me how long somebody works with me. As long as they feel they’ve received fair value and are happy with my services then I’m happy. I’m never going to force somebody to work with me for longer or block them just because they refuse.

Again, if I was scamming clients and not delivering a fair service surely I would block ex clients that I’ve scammed??

Again. I understand that life Coaching is not for everybody. And that’s absolutely fine. Just the same as therapy, personal training etc isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s cool.

But I have now on multiple occasions publicly addressed the claims that I am “ripping people off”, I have spoken very honestly about my experience working with the twins of which some was very positive (can you believe it?!), and yes some was quite negative too. Please feel free to see my full post about this here: .

One of the reasons I’m stepping away from coaching people for the time being is as a direct result of this thread.
As much as I love coaching, feel I have a genuine talent and ability for it and also have many clients that love working with me and are getting great results and don’t want me to stop…. seeing my name constantly crop up onto this thread is really hard to see and deeply upsetting.
I’ve always been a person that does my best and has good intentions. I would never want anybody to think I’ve ripped them off or scammed them. I set up my first company (Tribute Acts Management) when I was 19 and one of the biggest things we’ve prided ourselves on from the beginning is unlike a lot of other entertainment agencies that I saw out there at the time, we never wanted to just be about making money off the top of acts. We have always been focused on building great relationships between performers and venues alike and giving quality service and making people happy. That is exactly how I have always approached coaching and anything else I do.
I believe it would be a very sad existence when you only do things for money and lack genuine integrity or fulfilment in what you do. For that (in many ways selfish) reason, I could never be one of the people that rip people off or take advantage of vulnerable.

Maybe been misguided at times? 100%. Been scared and manipulated to just do as I’m told even when I’ve questioned that things might not be the best way of handling things? Absolutely I will admit that. But regardless of any manipulation or being misguided, one thing I can very confidently say is I’ve always maintained professionalism and fairness at all times and delivered to the best of my ability.
I don’t need everybody on this thread to love me or be my friend. I’m fully aware that as much as I hate the idea of being hated on, that it’s unrealistic to expect anything other than scepticism from people who participate here.

Although that’s a real shame and I hope it can change. I do understand it.

What I would ask is that you please refrain from mocking and insulting me without really knowing me.

I’m not working with anybody one-to-one for the time being. I am taking more time to focus on my Tribute company, getting more education, learning new skills and in the meantime I am continuing to run a low fee membership site where there are hours worth of training videos from multiple people in business and personal development (not just me) and I will also be giving group coaching sessions within the membership. It’s something I’m really passionate about and I know I have a lot of value to offer the people who join.

I won’t be keeping my account on this site open for very long as I really don’t want to spend time engaging in sites like this, however as my name continues to be brought up in a negative way I just wanted to address it, add my side and hopefully restore a little bit of balance and fairness to the way I’m being commented about.
If it’s made people understand a little more and reconsider their actions towards me that’s amazing and I’d be over the moon!

Equally if people can’t see past the fabricated narrative…. as frustrating and hurtful as it is… I understand. I’m just gutted that being involved with the twins (and paying a lot of money for the privilege) has caused so much hurt and tarnished my name.

I ultimately paid the Llewellyn to coach me because I wanted to become a better person, grow my businesses and help other people. My intentions were the exact opposite of scamming anybody. And to this day that is still something that never did happen.

Thank you to anybody who has taken the time to read my points and consider them. Again I’m truly sorry to anybody who’s had bad experiences with life coaches in general and in particular the twins and I have genuine empathy for you.

Thanks again.
Hi Matt, fair play for coming on here and voicing your opinion and experiences with the twins but also addressing comments which have been specifically directed at you.

I believe alot of people have been manipulated and are victims, having been involved with the twins. In some ways I believe this forum has shed light on the twins tactics which is beneficial for so many who research them but also I read alot of "bitchy" trolling comments on here aswell.
Like everything in life we have to make our own judgments and form our own opinions...along the way... we all make mistakes aswell.
The one thing I will say in my opinion about the twins I have followed them for years and at first they came across as motivational and positive but overtime the narcasistic traits were apparent and the coercive manipulation became uncomfortable to watch so I stepped away from it.
I do know one of them personally and the ins and outs of their failed relationship...and all I can say is I am glad you got out!
I expect my comment will conjure some negative remarks but fair play for commenting and putting your side across.
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Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to read my comments and then share your honest, fair and balanced response.

I never have and never would try to manipulate anybody for financial gain.

As I said on the previous (extremely long) post, I’m more than happy to put people in touch with ex clients of mine.

I’ve never claimed to be some millionaire business coach and sell the dream.

However I do appreciate some of my content could look heading down that path when I was working with Llewelyn.

That was largely because of how he would bully us into acting a certain way as I explained in the post. Sometimes he’d actually write the statuses for me and tell me I had to post them as if it was me.

Looking back - it seems crazy that I allowed it for so long. As I’m not an idiot.

But he was very clever.

And I agree there was a cross over period after leaving where I knew I still wanted to coach and help people. Also I had already told all my current clients at the time that I was leaving Llewelyn and they all stayed working with me and said I was doing the right thing. The comments where that they loved working with me and had bad vibes about him. And they wanted to continue working with me. So I needed to continue to show up and keep things moving forward and evolving….but I also realised I had some “unlearning” to do of how to conduct myself online.

That took a little time and I didn’t always get it right. E.g statuses and videos that are bold, shouty and egotistical.

It took time to rediscover me again. And how I want to conduct myself without somebody constantly telling me what to do.

As I said though, regardless of any of what he did, I have never not delivered on what I’ve promised a client. I’ve always done my very best for a paying client.

And I think the fact I’ve not blocked any of my ex clients and still get lovely comments and messages of thanks etc still today should hopefully say a lot.

I’m sorry you take that viewpoint. As I’ve said in depth on my post it is easy to see it that way when you’ve not been through it first hand.

Yes I’m 31. And yes I’m not an idiot.

But when somebody is very good at gaslighting and manipulation, I believe they have the potential to twist anything to anyone regardless of age or intelligence.

Your response to me really doesn’t take into consideration the reality of what it was like being gaslighted and manipulated over many months.

Being WhatsApp’d and called al day long and eventually completely suffocated.

It doesn’t happen fast. It’s done slowly over time and built up.

At the time of working with the twins I knew nothing of any scams or lies.

The only thing that he admitted was the affair but he twisted thing and explained it very well to make us all be on his side and support him. He also explained having to give refunds for all the courses he did with SA due to people getting the wrong end of the stick and just not liking his coaching style etc.

Again it was all very well twisted so we believed him and supported him.

The key thing here is that none of us knowingly played any part in lying or scamming anybody.

It was only after we walked away that people then contacted us confidentially and we learnt other sides to the story’s and realised some of the real stuff that had happened that we had been in the dark about.

Plus when I didn’t get refunded the £7,500 he owed me that’s when it was clear to me he’s only interested in money and has zero integrity.

At that point, now away from them, it all became clearer how we’d been used to make him look so great and … basically what became clear to me is that EVERYTHING he does is only for his own gain. To me he doesn’t seem to care about anybody other than himself. And that’s sad.

But I did truly believe for some time he had my best interests at heart and genuinely wanted to help people.

Was that naive? Looking back now, clearly.

But again, it can be hard to see it when it’s been built up slowly over time and you’re right in the thick of it.

The responses you’ve made in here tonight are what take away credibility from the people who are on this thread with the good intentions to help raise awareness and to genuinely try stop people being coerced and manipulated.

You’re clearly not here to do that.

You’re clearly here to belittle and mock and “have a laugh” as you’ve said. You don’t have the decency to have a proper conversation or take anything into consideration that doesn’t fit the the fun you’re getting from this.

I genuinely hope you’re ok. Seriously.

That’s pretty tit that you spend your evenings getting kicks out of this thread. Especially if you’re a grown adult. That must mean something in your life really sucks. And for that reason I have empathy for you.
Matt to be honest your lucky you haven’t had a thread about you on here. Because I can see through your smoke and mirrors mate. Because I truly believe you deserve one. And the other two.
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Matt to be honest your lucky you haven’t had a thread about you on here. Because I can see through your smoke and mirrors mate. Because I truly believe you deserve one. And the other two.
So just as I guessed, your response to me is now loaded with a threat and is passive aggressive calling me “mate”.

Those actions are again a clear sign of somebody who’s got some tit that hasn’t been dealt with in their life. Genuinely, I’m sorry if that’s the case.

My previous comment stands though. Your comments are taking a lot of credibility away from this thread.

If you’ve genuinely experienced being scammed, by all means use this thread to shed light on that and give your examples of what happened.

But just being here to mock, have a laugh and threaten people isn’t the actions of somebody who’s genuinely here to do good.
Matt I’m really interested in what tangible results you’ve had with your clients?

Also you said that whatever happened between Llewy Davies and Sarah Akwisombe was none of your business, yet on both of your social medias, made it quite clear that you were in some kind of alliance with her following your departure from Llewy.

Can you understand why the many, many women who lost literally thousands of pounds during the pandemic to these two scam artists, who were gaslighted and made to feel the same sort of stupidity that you claim to have felt, may then see you in the same light?

It’s not the mistakes you make, it’s how you rectify them.

Personally I see all of this as self PR clean up which I’m afraid isn’t going to go down too well. The majority of people on these threads (and please do go and familiarise yourself with the Sarah Akwisombe one, as well as the numerous articles written on her and her scam) have lost money and their mental health to these scam artists. Of course people are going to “take the piss” - it’s a coping mechanism. People have been robbed by these scammers - are they meant to keep their mouths shut?

Those actions are again a clear sign of somebody who’s got some tit that hasn’t been dealt with in their life. Genuinely, I’m sorry if that’s the case.
Oh stop with the gaslighting will you 👀
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Hi Matt, fair play for coming on here and voicing your opinion and experiences with the twins but also addressing comments which have been specifically directed at you.

I believe alot of people have been manipulated and are victims, having been involved with the twins. In some ways I believe this forum has shed light on the twins tactics which is beneficial for so many who research them but also I read alot of "bitchy" trolling comments on here aswell.
Like everything in life we have to make our own judgments and form our own opinions...along the way... we all make mistakes aswell.
The one thing I will say in my opinion about the twins I have followed them for years and at first they came across as motivational and positive but overtime the narcasistic traits were apparent and the coercive manipulation became uncomfortable to watch so I stepped away from it.
I do know one of them personally and the ins and outs of their failed relationship...and all I can say is I am glad you got out!
I expect my comment will conjure some negative remarks but fair play for commenting and putting your side across.
Thank you very much for sharing your experience on that too.

And I appreciate your willingness to listen and not just write me off.

I totally agree with what you’ve said about them appearing really motivational at first and that we’re all on a journey where we make our judgements and sometimes make mistakes along the way.

I also agree that there has been good to come from this thread.

But the bitchy / “tolling” comments are at best not useful to the cause here and at worse really dangerous.
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Matt I’m really interested in what tangible results you’ve had with your clients?

Also you said that whatever happened between Llewy Davies and Sarah Akwisombe was none of your business, yet on both of your social medias, made it quite clear that you were in some kind of alliance with her following your departure from Llewy.

Can you understand why the many, many women who lost literally thousands of pounds during the pandemic to these two scam artists, who were gaslighted and made to feel the same sort of stupidity that you claim to have felt, may then see you in the same light?

It’s not the mistakes you make, it’s how you rectify them.

Personally I see all of this as self PR clean up which I’m afraid isn’t going to go down too well. The majority of people on these threads (and please do go and familiarise yourself with the Sarah Akwisombe one, as well as the numerous articles written on her and her scam) have lost money and their mental health to these scam artists. Of course people are going to “take the piss” - it’s a coping mechanism. People have been robbed by these scammers - are they meant to keep their mouths shut?

Oh stop with the gaslighting will you 👀
Do you no what cracks me up he was on here a few month back pretending to be one of he’s clients when it was clearly him.
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Do you no what cracks me up he was on here a few month back pretending to be one of he’s clients when it was clearly him.
I think they’ve all done their turn on here. My favourite was when Lauren used to do her daily digs on Rhys. Those were the days!

Thank you very much for sharing your experience on that too.

And I appreciate your willingness to listen and not just write me off.

I totally agree with what you’ve said about them appearing really motivational at first and that we’re all on a journey where we make our judgements and sometimes make mistakes along the way.

I also agree that there has been good to come from this thread.

But the bitchy / “tolling” comments are at best not useful to the cause here and at worse really dangerous.
Im also interested Matt, what’s the purpose of you coming on here? Is it to ask to stop the “trolling comments” as you are suggesting they are effecting your mental health (and from memory I can only really recall silly comments about your band and your beard - I’m not making excuses but surely with your mindset mastery, they’d be water off a ducks back? Personally I couldn’t care less what a bunch of “trolls” in a random corner of the internet we’re laughing about me, and I don’t have all these courses and trainings in my toolkit.

Or is it to clear your name so you can carry on “coaching” in the future?[/QUOTE]
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Matt I’m really interested in what tangible results you’ve had with your clients?

Also you said that whatever happened between Llewy Davies and Sarah Akwisombe was none of your business, yet on both of your social medias, made it quite clear that you were in some kind of alliance with her following your departure from Llewy.

Can you understand why the many, many women who lost literally thousands of pounds during the pandemic to these two scam artists, who were gaslighted and made to feel the same sort of stupidity that you claim to have felt, may then see you in the same light?

It’s not the mistakes you make, it’s how you rectify them.

Personally I see all of this as self PR clean up which I’m afraid isn’t going to go down too well. The majority of people on these threads (and please do go and familiarise yourself with the Sarah Akwisombe one, as well as the numerous articles written on her and her scam) have lost money and their mental health to these scam artists. Of course people are going to “take the piss” - it’s a coping mechanism. People have been robbed by these scammers - are they meant to keep their mouths shut?

Oh stop with the gaslighting will you 👀
Yes. I totally understand that if many women have lost £1000s, have felt humiliated, gaslighted, manipulated and left hurt (and out of pocket) that they could then see me in the same light.

At that same time I was still paying him money to coach me, offering coaching services to people myself and being promoted/ put on a pedestal by him on a regular basis.

So I completely understand why I could be seen to be like him. Hopefully everything I wrote on here in my initial posts explains the other side of things and that it’s way more complex.

I’m sorry if I didn’t handle it well though.

In hindsight yes I wish I’d have left him much sooner, I wish I’d have spoken out sooner and I’m sorry to those who maybe needed me to be that voice at the time.

But the truth is he was the master at twisting everything, I was manipulated, I was unaware of the truth and I was also scared to question things or leave him.

If that seems hard to believe, I take it. From the outside looking in, I myself might have been pretty sceptical before this experience. But it’s the truth of what actually happened. And that’s all I can give you.

We didn’t know what was actually going on with regards to ladies losing £1000s etc. We were told a lot of people were unhappy due to misunderstandings and they all got refunded in full. And then the rest was people telling lies and people who were just trying to jump on the band wagon of the “heat” they were receiving to try and get money out of them! That’s what we were told.

I’m sorry to hear of the damage they’ve done to people financially and to their mental health. I mean that. I’m gutted for them.

I don’t agree that’s an excuse to spread hate, false allegations and mock people who didn’t scam them though. That’s not right. There’s nobody on this thread that I’ve scammed. Because I haven’t scammed anyone. But I do of course understand those peoples frustrations and why it’s been aimed at me too.

Tangible results I’ve got for clients include helping clients to increase profits, build their self-esteem, confidence, overcoming drug addiction, overcoming years of being on tablets for depression, getting fitter and healthier.

The list goes on.

But please remember that just because I’ve not made people millionaires doesn’t mean I’ve not helped people get great results.

Do you no what cracks me up he was on here a few month back pretending to be one of he’s clients when it was clearly him.
This is exactly what I’m talking about when it comes to lying and why these Forums can become so toxic and damaging.

To be clear I have NEVER had a profile on tattle before or written on this thread in anyway until tonight.

This is a great example right before my eyes of what I’m talking about - how people make an accusation but write their “guess” as if it was a proven fact.

Again - it takes credibility away.

If you genuinely want to do good, stick to talking about evidence.

I’m not the sort of person to make a false profile. As I’ve demonstrated tonight, if I’m going to speak out about something I’m willing to own my words and give my opinions as me. I wouldn’t make up a fake profile.

I think they’ve all done their turn on here. My favourite was when Lauren used to do her daily digs on Rhys. Those were the days!

Im also interested Matt, what’s the purpose of you coming on here? Is it to ask to stop the “trolling comments” as you are suggesting they are effecting your mental health (and from memory I can only really recall silly comments about your band and your beard - I’m not making excuses but surely with your mindset mastery, they’d be water off a ducks back? Personally I couldn’t care less what a bunch of “trolls” in a random corner of the internet we’re laughing about me, and I don’t have all these courses and trainings in my toolkit.

Or is it to clear your name so you can carry on “coaching” in the future?

Yes I absolutely do want to clear my name!! Of course I do. I am being made out to be something that I’m not!! I’ve got people saying I’m a scammer….Even though they’ve NEVER been scammed by me nor do they have any evidence to back up what they say!

It’s extremely damaging and totally wrong. It could easily destroy somebody.

Of course I do totally appreciate the hurt and upset that has been caused by the twins and have genuine empathy for that.

But I personally never scammed anybody! Yet I’m referred to as somebody who did!

So I think I deserve to share my side so people can hear a balanced view, fill in the blanks where there was room for confusion or fabrication and make up their own minds about me.

I’d ask you to consider, wouldn’t you want to clear your name if false allegations were made about you on a regular basis for almost 2 years?

It’s absolutely horrible!! And yes it absolutely has effected me mentally. It’s irrelevant that I’m big on personal development and mindset and have worked on it for years. I’m not perfect. And I’m still a human being that is being unfairly accused and that’s really tit to have to live with when you know it’s going on.
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@MattHall you've had the chance to read the threads on here about Llewy, Rhys and Sarah Akwisombe, can you see why all 3 of them have so obviously scammed, gaslit and abused their victims? I note that even now, you refer to Akwisombe as SA rather than her full name. Believe me, you aren't going to save her from the ravages of search results on her name by doing that. Had she refunded everyone she scammed 2 years ago, the situation would be different. Why exactly did you side with her? It looks very much like you cast aside say ethical considerations, going straight for "my enemy's enemy is my friend" in a bid for self preservation at any cost. But aligning with a proven conwoman, with a MILLION POUND scam to her name and a trail of victims longer than my arm was a stupid move at best, or a contrived, mercenary one at worst. Do you see that - and more importantly for your character & reputation - now denounce and distance yourself from her now you've seen all the evidence? That's a yes or no question by the way.

Over to you. I get this is uncomfortable, I really do, but nows your chance to publicly disown and disavow yourself of all of them, or be seem as part of it.
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@MattHall you've had the chance to read the threads on here about Llewy, Rhys and Sarah Akwisombe, can you see why all 3 of them have so obviously scammed, gaslit and abused their victims? I note that even now, you refer to Akwisombe as SA rather than her full name. Believe me, you aren't going to save her from the ravages of search results on her name by doing that. Had she refunded everyone she scammed 2 years ago, the situation would be different. Why exactly did you side with her? It looks very much like you cast aside say ethical considerations, going straight for "my enemy's enemy is my friend" in a bid for self preservation at any cost. But aligning with a proven conwoman, with a MILLION POUND scam to her name and a trail of victims longer than my arm was a stupid move at best, or a contrived, mercenary one at worst. Do you see that - and more importantly for your character & reputation - now denounce and distance yourself from her now you've seen all the evidence? That's a yes or no question by the way.

Over to you. I get this is uncomfortable, I really do, but nows your chance to publicly disown and disavow yourself of all of them, or be seem as part of it.
Hi Hunsgraveyard

Thanks for your understanding that this is tough. And I also appreciate your honestly and clearly presented points.

I’ll be honest, I’ve only looked very briefly at Sarah’s thread in the very early days over a year ago. Since then when I’ve come onto this tattle site I’ve only ever checked this thread and skim read through it to just see what people have said about me personally.

I’ve not really invested any time into learning about Sarah. I’m interested to know what I’ve done to give the impression I have sided with her?

The truth is I honestly still don’t really know what the full story is and I don’t understand exactly what the hell happened. That’s the truth!!

I was under the impression that the majority of people did actually get a refund!??

But from what I have heard there were also multiple people that had ongoing disputes and I don’t know the full story of what really happened with that? I also heard that Llewellyn had been manipulative to Sarah. But again I don’t know what actually went on in reality.

So did nobody actually get refunded?? If so that’s news to me.

I will take some time to read more of the other threads on Sarah. Or maybe somebody can fill me in so I have clear evidence?

I’ve certainly not defended or befriended Sarah. At the same time I’ve not been her enemy or had any known reason to dislike her either. I Don’t really know enough about her. But maybe that’s because I’ve not paid enough attention to what has really gone on there and obviously the version of events I got told was somewhat twisted and has therefore maybe given me a skewed view of the whole event.

But in answer to your question - absolutely - if Sarah has conned people and there is clear evidence of that then YES! Of course I do denounce her!!

I would never stand by and support a known, proven scammer. I just hadn’t been aware of what really happened or particularly gone looking into it.
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I will take some time to read more of the other threads on Sarah. Or maybe somebody can fill me in so I have clear evidence?
I was under the impression that the majority of people did actually get a refund!??
Here you go - her wiki page here with links to all the press coverage about her scam (from verified, trusted and quality media outlets), video evidence, Undelete repository of all social content she tried to delete, victim testimonials, screenshot of further unethical actions by Akwisombe (trying to guilt people into silence using Caroline Flack's anniversary) and more:

But anyway, back on topic - thanks for taking the time to join up and at least start to address some points. I'd be interested to know how the discussions between you, Alec and Pretesh went that led to all 3 of you quitting at once. How about Steve Burgess, Grant Robe and other former "inner circle" members? Did you speak with them?
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