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Hahaha the classic off social media for the weekend post.

He's never actually kept his word on this, the dopamine addiction of getting a like from your mum and aunt and 2 people in india is usually too much to take.

I'm cheering for you Rhys! See if you can actually do this this time! 1 out of 172 isn't a bad stat if you do!!!!

You've got this!!

Also Rhys, did you rob a car boot sale? You're dressed like the woman that feeds the pigeons in home alone.
He lasted 2 hours on IG! He just had to film himself begging for victims/clients to DM him 😂
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I have a Polish friend who called them out on their latest Facebook Post this morning about how small their online following and interaction really is - he was literally blocked from their page in about a second.
😂😂😂 why does this not surprise me, We should all set up a page on FB " the terrible Tits" and just make the world aware of these pair of fucking morons
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Tony Arnold

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I'm not going to link to the new video on the TTT Style YouTube, but it is amazing...

I don't know what my favourite bit was, but there were several highlights:

  • Starting out by filming in front of a sign that says "Parking reserved for Little Kids Kingdom Nursery" - absolute ballers
  • Lewellyn Davies quietly admitting that no-one is taking any notice of them when he asks "why haven't you emailed me and Rhys to help you?" - maybe because people look at your content and think, 'how have these two been on social media for ten years and ended up with a YouTube channel with less than 300 subscribers?'
  • The gym sessions that look like they were filmed in 2012 - guys, it's 2021, Buff Dudes (2.5million subscribers) and Athlean-X (12million) exist, f**k's sake even smaller channels like IFBB Pro James Hollingshead's have tens of thousands. BECAUSE THEY MAKE GREAT CONTENT. HOW HAVE YOU MADE MILLIONS OF POUNDS AND STILL TURN OUT STUFF THAT LOOKS WORSE THAN A SIXTH-FORM MEDIA STUDIES ASSIGNMENT?
  • Rhys Davies's killer quote "the world is full of c**ts and the world is a c**t" - exactly the language that one of the world's best coaches would use. Would be easier to sell the idea of himself being sought after and in-demand if the video had had more than 200 Views.
  • Not using proper microphones, so that when the wind blows in the car park, the audio is unlistenable - production values exactly in line with their budget
It's too funny. But I wouldn't recommend watching it - I did so you don't have to.

I genuinely think they have no concept of what a successful online presence is. They seem happy to get a couple of comments here and there - as long as some poor, underpaid guy-with-a-camera is following them about, it doesn't seem to matter to them that no-one's actually engaging or interested in what they're doing.

Hilarious viewing though..
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Tony Arnold

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can I have some help please. Off topic, does anyone remember LUKE JARVIS the old graphic designer that the twins fired for selling cocaine. Is it true that he now sucks cock for money. I have recieved multiple messages saying not to use his services as he is a drug dealer and abuser. Please search him and comment below. What a horrible predator

First post from this account....

RHYS DAVIES - dat u brov?
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Chatty Member
Good fun on Rhys's IG stories where he is trying to claim he is busy by showing a screenshot of payments coming into his bank. Probably should learn how to blank things out properly- including Grant Robe's business, plus Nisha Parmar, is a pretty big giveaway that it is months/ years old.

No Rhys, you aren't busy.
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Looks like Carly “CEO of ONE” Thornton has dumped LLEWELLYN DAVIES CONMAN! 😆

Maybe his claims of being the MD of a Global Apparel Brand - her brand Gluteywear - must have raised serious 🚩 🚩 because he was announcing there was a million pounds worth of stock when her turnover isn’t even 6 figures! Seriously, he is so deluded and talks so much bullshit 💩 it is beyond belief!

If they were still an item 🤮 then surely she would be supporting him to win the last chance saloon show in Denmark, where they hand out pro cards like sweets, I will laugh if he doesn’t win, he will turnaround and use the but I’ve dieted for nearly a year blah blah blah to say what an achievement despite being a complete knobhead loser!

And please don’t get me started on the other knobhead loser RHYS DAVIES CONMAN…

The verbal word salad diarrhoea that falls out his mouth is just brain numbing! He thinks he’s some top UK mentor / coach, when he’s been the most incongruent person posting non descriptive, boring, grammatically incorrect dribble content, alongside his pants around his ankles daily gym selfie… 🤢

When they both say, today I’m taking on 25 new students blah blah blah and 9 hours later only one like on the post… and it’s LLEWELYN DAVIES liking his own content! Cringe 😬

Where are the new cars? Where is the Sauna? Where is the basement Cinema!!?!?!!

Biggest Bullshitters out there! 😂
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Few things, Did you see the video of him bragging about the brand new trainers that he 'Forgot' he had and thanked the 'Burglar' for reminding him mmmmmmm, i know people that live in the street that wouldnt wear any of them Rascal things you fuckin idiot, Secondly this was staged, Clear Insurance job, But what the FOOL doesnt realise is that you are not covered by your insurance if you advertise you are away from the property, you are getting nothing, no payout no nothing you pussyole. then he is showing off his 'Cigars' but showing off the watch as the angle his arm is at is unatural. that is the fakest looking Daytona i have ever seen, Wheres the iced out AP gone gayboy???? wheres the Lambo Gayboy??, cant wait to see you back on your mums floor, We know you are reading all this so come on lets have a comment, Give us your views. You cant even do a fuckin insurance job right you Cunt

Oh and Llewy, Everyone on here has experienced you 'First hand' you fuckin cock jockey, Talking about 'Cancers' and this and that in you little video, thing is sunshine, for me personally, i 'OWN' everything i have, I bought it 'Working' with my own two hands, I 'OWN' my luxurious home, all my cars and all my valubles i did that 'Grafting' hard, not blagging people, you my friend have NOTHING, you will be homeless soon, that is why you are latching onto that shemale thing that is currently the highlight of the month, but she will see through you in a minute just like your wife did then you'll need another victim, But we are the 'Cancers' ?? You really are a silly little man with as much class as green garden bin, Hows your daughter mate?? she good yeah? will you be spending some quality time with her this xmas? Mmmmmmmmm doubful, me on the other hand will hold my children tight safe in the knowledge they know i treated their mother with love and respect and that is what they will alway remember it, will your daughter? nah mate, She will grow up knowing you are nothing but a classless CUNT

Hello everyone. New person here that reads from afar.
I have been snooping on here for about 9 months and I find it hilarious so I’ve made an account as I have a lot to share. Maybe I won’t throw it all out right away, but Rhys is quite a sex pest 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Need to hear this
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So according to con man Llewelyn Davies, during Carly’s 16 week training she’s had 5 holidays abroad…yeah right! He can’t help but lie and think he’s impressing someone 🤥
Create the illusion of the life you think people want to live and you’ve got something to sell. Imagine paying someone money because you want to be like them, not realising they’re spending your money to create the lifestyle you think you want. This whole thing is lunacy.
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I’m too scared to post the screenshots in case they get into the wrong hands but I was reading them back and basically he’s having a go saying I’m not consistent and that I talk myself out of things and basically he was having a go because I had the chance to see my family rather than go gym. I told him that things like that may not be important to him but it is to me. I felt at the time I was just made to feel bad if I didn’t do something, he would tell me off like a naughty school girl. Being hard and aggressive tactics are what the twins use too. I went to LD house for a yoga thing that his wife was doing and I just could not relate to all these fake people around me who just were all about money, business and being up the twins arse. Couldn’t wait to leave and drive home to be honest.
I know what I’m saying is not that interesting. I’m relieved I didn’t flush lots of money down the toilet and feel sad for those that have.
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So, to recap for those just joining or reading for the first time to see if Llewellyn and Rhys Davies are all they appear to be on social media.

No. No they're not.

What they claim to be:
Successful business owners, influential on social media, millionaires, best coaches in the UK/country, ex-pro boxers, ex-pro footballers, actors, owners of multiple luxury cars and houses.

What they are:
  • Two bit-part pretenders who lie endlessly. A pair of deceptive fantasists who have never achieved much on their own and have had to leech off others to get anywhere (before it all falls apart).
  • They have no social media influence - the Insta followings are mostly paid-for. And you can't be a worldwide influencer with a private Insta account, obvs.
  • They don't own the houses that they live in. They pretend to - which is f**king weird for a pair of grown men - but they're rented.
  • The "luxury cars" are mostly elderly - and often un-taxed/MOT'd (always the sign of a successful entrepreneur) - and the one decent car Rhys Davies drove for a few months was a leased Lambo, acquired around the time that the Bounce Back Loans were arriving, which he said he'd purchased but has since gone back.
  • Any "success" they've had over the last four years has come off the back of James Burtt and Sarah Akwisombe (see countless other threads on here). Before they hooked up with Burtt the pair were involved in MLM coffee nonsense Organo Coffee and obvs made f**k all out of that. When James Burtt up and left, Llewellyn Davies leeched onto Akwisombe and her (incomprehensible) social media following. Managed to convince a handful of her Followers to part with silly money for absolute crap "coaching courses" or what-not - got found out, people started complaining, he had an affair with her, everything fell apart.
  • Llewellyn and Rhys Davies have virtually no clients.
  • Compared to the millions they say they've made, their available info on Companies House show tragic company accounts
  • Rhys Davies has claimed to be buying a house for his mum for years and years. Never happened.
  • They frequently bang on about coming "from the ends", living in council houses on a mattress opposite a crack den etc etc and how they've managed to escape that life and how they can teach you how to do the same. This is, obviously, a hugely unoriginal tale. While it might be true, the way they've "escaped it" hasn't been through being brilliant at business. In fact, at least some of their ££ has come from selling dodgy gear round gyms in the past.
  • They've recently pivoted back to bodybuilding (a tacit admission that no-one's interested in their coaching services if ever there was one) - Llewy did OK in a UK comp receently. But they're not big-time. They also don't own a supplement or gymwear business, even though they announce things fairly regularly.
In short, they're a joke. No-one knows who the f**k they are other than a handful of people who have been ripped off by them, or a few of us on here who have had the misfortune of seeing friends, family and acquaintances pay them for truly f**king awful, generic, shouty, crappy coaching or, god forbid, "branding" advice.

DON'T PAY THEM FOR ANYTHING is the takeaway from this.

As an aside, they were also very happy to post about/show off their happy families/holidays etc over the years. Both partners - with kids/step-kids up and left in the last year or so. So they've also demonstrated very little success in the personal as well as business arena recently.

Sound like people you'd want to be coached by? Knock yourself out...

I'm sure I've missed loads, but you get the gist..
In a nutshell you’ve absolutely nailed it!!
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Keynote speech to the British Army? 🤣🤣😂🤣

Don't make me laugh. When there's actual ex military people who have built proper performance consultancies like the royal marine that helped with the England football team, why would the forces get a fat conman in when plenty of their own are available to do it properly?
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Tony Arnold

Active member
If you read stuff like the Facebook post below and think it's a bit odd, you're right!

Rhys Davies' common comeback to "the haters" (a lazy and tedious assertion that means he can ignore entirely justifiable comments about the way he and his brother have fraudulently presented their "success" for many years) is that he's "focussed" or "motivated".

That's cute.

But a REAL comeback might be - "here's a look at my company accounts, showing millions of pounds of turnover", or "here - at last - are the deeds to my mum's house that I've finally bought her" or even, "here's a picture of me with my current crop of high-level business clients that I'm coaching to new levels".

But of course he has none of these things to show. If he DID - if he was GENUINELY the success that he says he is - he could show it very simply.

HERE'S THE IMPORTANT BIT (in case you think we're jus' hating on you Rhys)....

If you're wondering if either Rhys or Llewellyn Davies's secrets-of-success coaching services are worth considering for 2022, the answer is "f++k no". Unless, of course, you want coaches who are still renting-but-pretending-to-own houses at 38 and have never achieved any business "success" on their own without clout-chasing the likes of James Burtt and Sarah Akwisombe in recent years etc etc. Choice is yours!

Oh, and for clarity - please note that I don't care how he dresses, who he's with, what his peccadilloes might be, how he furnishes his home etc.

The ONLY thing that matters is that people are warned off spending money with this clearly duplicitous, fantastist pair.


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Proof Rhys Davies is here and reading these threads…everyday he’s at the gym several times as he has nothing else to do. I commented he didn’t have time for new victim/clients because he’s always there. Low and behold no gym today, but 3 made up victims He’s busy in the office with. Hi Rhys 👁
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Rhys Davies now on his social media calling out his art dealer/advisor for not selling his art in time and now missed the chance to buy his mums house in cash,:unsure::unsure:, Interesting as a so called 7 figure earner, Why would you need to sell your art you daft cunt?? its a council house and with her discount should be less than £50K, What goes around comes around you silly silly cunt, desperately now selling his art to pay his rent and cant get it quick enough, Looks like its all falling apart around them, well its about fucking time, Wont be long till you're back on that mattress big man
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Matt Hall has posted a statement. He’s not a bad guy. I know him personally & he was also a victim of the twins bullying ways.
He is probably not a bad guy at heart, or at least doesn't realise the irony in his statement, but he is still representing a very shady aspect of online coaching which many people have had their lives wrecked through and been wringed dry of finances through manipulation tactics taught to him originally by the tinpot twins.

Matt may want to remind himself that he facilitated the twins scamming, knowingly, and failed to condemn them.

If this man has such amazing 12 year business experience, but fails to spot he's been part of a huge scam that facilitated 2 scumbags at the top of the pyramid scamming people out of supposedly millions, then I would say he is far from well placed to offer business advice to anyone.

People here are absolutely right to call him out. Look what has happened as a result of this forum, the twins have been found out and pushed into submission, minimizing their impact on vulnerable people, and people like Matt have finally made at least some acknowledgement of their scamming ways public, and hopefully will be more aware of they way they should operate from a moral standpoint.

The problem is labeling people as trolls suggests that they come here with the sole intention to create negativity around a person for no reason, but the problem comes when you realize that I personally know people who have been 'coached' by you and other tinpot alumni and felt scammed as a result.

What businesses have any of these people scaled, sold, made millions from? What stripes have they earnt to be able to morally advise other business owners who want to make millions and scale? They've never done it themselves.

Read any basic book on mentoring, it will tell you to find people that have achieved what you want to do, all of these guys are still trying to achieve success themselves, with little to no experience to offer anyone except perhaps someone starting from day 1.

Sure, call yourself a CEO of a coaching business, or the CEO of a podcast, but all that does in my eyes is prove you're full of shit, both of those businesses do not have a team of CXO's, they do not have a board, its just you and perhaps one other person, that also makes you the caretaker.

Although most of these people believe they are doing no wrong, it's because they simply know no better.

They still use the same manipulation tactics and scamming ways used by the tinpots; charging huge upfront fees, manipulating vunerable people to part with cash, claiming to know how to coach you to explode any business, pretending they are a 'CEO', and thinking hypnosis and NLP is a good way to coach people in place of genuine experience.

This coaching game should be regulated, it's dangerous and I'm glad forums like this exists where people can talk about these things anonymously.

Bottom line, overall this forum has done more good than bad.

If matt is correct and we are all just trolls, then the truth will always come out on top, so he need not worry.
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The other day I questioned Rhys Davies’s business acumen. Today, he’s only gone and put up a post advertising FREE coaching. Come Christmas he will be offering people money out his own pocket to coach them at this rate! Then you got the other lemon, Llewellyn Davies, who preached all last week how he’s going to be working like a dog relentlessly during this month since he’s been back from his “working holiday” and all he’s done since is post pics and videos of himself in the gym and doing his morning cardio (taking the dog out on a walk). Some work ethic, hey.
Pretty sure he offered people money to be coached last year. No one took the bait on that either.

The man is one seriously useless cunt who is extremely desperate. It is getting very cringe worthy now.

Inundated, yet offering cheaper and cheaper services by the day.

How can the fucktard not realise that everyone sees straight through the blatant lies.

I guess when there's bills to pay and an act to keep up, you gotta do what you gotta do. This is all he knows.

Imagine how painful it is to be in this position.

Once made good money from COM but the whole thing went tits up as soon as James B leaves because they are too thick to know how to run a business.

Add to that these two cunts have no understanding of finance, spunked the lot of rented cars houses and watches to appear wealthy and massage their egos on social media, invested barely any of it in anything sensible and now have fuck all cash, cars being sent back by the day, watches all gone, and they still need to keep up the act as pretending to be a someone.

It's the only game they know how to play.

Must be so stressful being one of these stupid cunts.

I see this ending badly and very publicly for them. I know they both have deep rooted emotional problems that have not been dealt with, going through this total and utter public humiliation is going to be tearing them both to pieces behind the scenes.

Add to that you're putting out offers for free coaching and no one with any money or sense ever signs up. What a kick in the teeth!

I wonder how long the range rover and 2 bed semi will last at this rate, not long!

We're all enjoying this car crash lads! Keep posting!!
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