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I think Lindsey just lives for male validation, I don’t think she really gave herself enough time to perhaps understand why her last relationship ended. Lindsey was still talking about babies and rings when they recorded the podcast in March, in April when they recorded the audiobook it was over and she was already planning to meet someone when she moved back to London. I wonder if her ex gave her hints that things weren’t going too well between them and did Lindsey just ignore or not understand them?
Did Lindsey really want to spend the rest of her life with James? Or did she just want the ring and a child? Does it matter who gives her that? As she’s just picked up where she left off with her new guy, I bet she ignores a lot of red flags and compromises just to be in a relationship as soon as possible.

I am late to the bathroom bashing party but it is just so bland, the faucets are a borrowed idea from Anne’s bathroom and the wall tiles taken from Lizzy’s last rental. That is exactly what Lizzy’s bathroom looks like an inoffensive rental bathroom.
The glass bricks are just meh, neither make an impact or offensive, and they stop at a weird height. Lizzy should have really done the whole wall, moved the electrics for the light switches, for them to have any real effect otherwise just they look like a dated feature you can’t afford to remove. But then it is a bathroom so why would you want glass bricks leading to the hallway in the first place? In that regard they are worse than the ones in Max Renn’s apartment.
The floor tiles on the other hand are just a bizarre choice, the colour and size of them just make it look as if Lizzy has a brick wall on her floor. Who even puts subway tiles on the floor?
Neither of the tiles were similar to the ones she showed in the vlogs before the work began so something has obviously gone very wrong along the way.

I hate the sofa too. Before Lizzy had it made she said it was Japanese but what on earth makes that sofa Japanese? It looks like a day bed made out of MDF sheets Lizzy put together with a stable gun in her back garden. I imagine it is horrendously uncomfortable and already looks out of shape, especially considering she’s been away for most of the time she has owned it.

Lizzy’s IG following has started slowly decreasing again, how long until she starts buying followers again? She’s been in this cycle for awhile now and I’ve always wondered with influencers is it worse for them, in terms of getting ‘work’, to have a declining following? Or to have a large amount of bought followers and low engagement rate?
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It's sad that they actually think they're promoting healthy relationship with one's sexuality when the only that matter to them is men's validation. Did you get chlamydia? Doesn't matter, because that guy found you hot. Did he leave you afterwards? Just a tiny detail. Did he came back and...gave you chlamydia once again? Wow, talk about sex-appeal. Did he leave again? Shhh, he said you tits were nice.

There's enjoying sex and there's doing everything you think men want and presenting it like your wish to appeal to their fantasies. (Which is imo equally or even more harmful than men demanding those things.) Being both a cute girl accomplishing her "adult tasks" on Sundays -- god, just thinking of that article pisses me off -- and a femme fatale who lets her dress fall down in the middle of the street fits the madonna-whore complex so well.

I also think this why relationships could be problematic for them to navigate -- they tend to overlook a lot of problems just for the thrill of being lusted over. If their partner's interest vanishes, so does the relationship.
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It’s appalling to me to think Lizzy is a fashion influencer who is grossly overpaid to sell fashion to us yet she’s too lazy and superior to tag her shit so someone else had to set up an account to do it for her. She’s really trying to reach the “I’m too cool for all of this” celeb status.
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Just saw the video and it is crazy how many things people in this thread predicted! The moving to NY part time, the renting out her home, the poor cat being left at her mom's...

I agree that Luigi is probably better of staying with Anne at this point and it's definitely not near as bad as "rehoming" aka abandoning a pet like Lindsay did, but it still reads like 'crapy person' to me.

And like what is up with the bathroom looking old already? how can half her grout look dingy and grey? I wonder how the tiling company that gifted her the tiles and etc feel about this result. I am sure they were expecting Lucy Williams/Pandora Sykes/Matilda Goad kind of results and instead they got generic rental flat bathroom from 2002 instead.

To be honest 4 or 5 years ago, when I discovered Lizzy on youtube I really liked her and enjoyed her content. I think I got her on my suggested due to some Buffy the Vampire slayer content I had watched and thought "oh she is nice, I could def hang out with her, we seem to have a lot of things in common". But for a long time ti feels like watching someone who had potential making all the bad choices as an act of teenage rebellion. I think the friendship with Lindsay is toxic for both of them, but more so for Lizzy. Back in the day she did not seem like the person who needed to drink, sleep around and be a 'pick me girl' to have fun. I wonder if one of them will ever realise this and break it off. At the end of the day no matter her money and free stuff, I feel sorry for her not having a real, true friend to support and guide her..
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I'm not gonna lie, I kinda like the bag (even though I don't like the color yellow that much I'm digging this and I just love ugly shit in general lol). It just shows how boring she is because she doesn't know how to have fun and style it in a fun way. Like I think the all black outfit would have been fine if it wasn't her plain old baggy clothes and tan shoes, I don't know I'm not a fashionable person that's why I'm not a fashion blogger but I feel like this could have been styled so much better than how she styled it.
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Lizzy paid £1,050,000 for her house!
I wonder what made her buy it? There were better located properties at the time she could have bought for that price.
I find her house a bit problematic, she definitely paid a premium for the two storey extension/reno and that's the part I don't like. This is just personal preference but personally I don’t like how the square utility room juts into the kitchen, it cuts off too much light to the dining room and creates those two cavernous corridors either side it.
Lizzy needs a big open space for her bigger dining table with the glass legs and having the second smaller dining table in the kitchen just seems pointless and makes the glass legged one a bit redundant, sitting there in that dark room. It's like the house doesn't even suit her own needs.

Lizzy is in a bit of a pickle.
You can’t just rent your house out when you have residential mortgage, you have to get consent to let from the mortgage provider - even if it gets approved they only last a year and she wouldn’t be able to live in the house during that time, she would need to be a proper landlord with tenancy agreements, safety certificates, insurance, the works to satisfy the mortgage provider. They’d increase her mortgage rate to match a buy to let mortgage too and all of that probably wipes out any financial benefit of renting the house.
Boring legalities I know but just shows Lizzy hadn’t been considering living between London and New York when she bought the house. If she was I’m guessing she would have bought a smaller property/flat outright and wouldn’t have had any constraints when it came to renting.

Unless she wants to risk getting caught for mortgage fraud she might have to suck it up and pay both her mortgage and New York rent at the same time. Realistically we just know she will want to rent somewhere in NY in the $5K a month bracket.
Honestly she would be better off just visiting NY every few weeks throughout the year but then that probably doesn’t topple Linda’s Portugal plans. Considering Lizzy only got Luigi to keep up with Linda getting Arthur this just seems like Lizzy’s latest attempt to keep up with Linda.
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This is brilliant 😂
I watched one of her old vlogs. And she replied to the boring criticism, she said she doesn’t have soo much fun with clothes and keeps it to a minimum because she cares about sustainability. 🤣🤣
Lol. The very premise of their jobs and livelihoods is TOTALLY antithetical to sustainability. You make money off people buying shit. And the more shit they buy, the more money you make. I mean convince yourself however which way makes you feel better but this is bonkers levels of delusional.

At the very least her old testing basics was arguably more pro sustainability as she would review basics from different brands and it maybe told someone if you get THIS jumper you won’t need much else as a core basic etc. Buying second hand is MORE sustainable, but at the end of the day it is NOT sustainable if all you do is consume. Don’t forget all the online deliveries and the carbon footprint of the orders from far fetch etc. She owns like 100 iterations of the same exact thing.

If her style was maximalist I could at least see why she has such a large wardrobe but she doesn’t have that aesthetic at all. It’s various shades of monotone with the very occasional colour (navy and God forbid red) thrown in. So it’s 10 converse lookalikes, 50 navy jumpers with very small differentiations, and 100 pairs of jeans. Just a small bit of contemplation and surely she has to realise that influencers would make no money if the world stopped consuming in droves, and their presence on social media only serves to make people wish they had this or that other thing. If influencers never existed total fashion industry revenues would be far lower and at 1990s levels. ANY consumption is unsustainable if you simply don’t NEED it. I get it’s hard to have the whole world with all our advancements and higher wages change our buying habits, but please just don’t masquerade as caring about sustainability if you haven’t thought this through properly. As a major participant in the modern economy and a city lifestyle I certainly am not living sustainably and I am under NO illusion that I am just because I buy second hand sometimes.
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For me, the most embarrassing thing about the vid was her gushing about her lucky leather blazer as she was wearing it when she met her bf. She's been with him 5 mins, she sounds like a 15 year old who's just got her first bf.

She's clearly regressed significantly since she broke up with her ex, which is odd because the vibe I always got is that she wanted to settle down
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So she's just posted a new vlog where she talks about her plans for the house and new york.

In the vlog she also features a cat which she's allowed into the house and walk around. I'm not a big cat fan and obviously never owned one, but I do think it's really unfair she's allowed this cat in whilst Luigi's away. How confusing will it be for him if and when he gets back and his home smells of another cat? If she can't be arsed to be with Luigi cos she'd rather go galavanting round NYC at the very least She should respect that this is his home and stranger cats are a no go till he's back
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Did I miss the bit when someone held a gun to Linda's head and forced her to live by herself? House mates are a thing.
IT'S SOCIETY!!!! society tells us to be alone, to live alone, to watch movies we hate alone, when in reality, it will only lead to all of our vases and mugs and glasses to be destroyed...for more info, follow lindsey's instagram captions 🤟🏻
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It’s all in the details guys! We commoners don’t have the photographers eye. We don’t understand the beauty of a brolly hanging off a pole, or a stash of dirty plates and napkins 💕
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I remember reading The Lonely City and thinking it was not what I expected at all.

This is Lizzy’s version of Eat, Love, Pray - London woman goes to NYC, and writes a book that is part memoir, part art history. I mean…
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Oh the utter fucking irony of washing all your freebies/kindly gifted endless blue jumpers in Ecover plant based biodegradable washing liquid.
Give me STRENGTH !
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She knows her content is stagnant and boring, so she thinks dropping everything and moving to New York will solve this? I'm not sure what exactly she aims to find there; a better exchange rate for navy jumpers? Orange peels in NYC are just as boring as orange peels in London.
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lizzy with that bag looks like she just found it outside and is looking for its owner, lol
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I think she will hate NYC when she actually lives there. It does not care about people like her for more than 5 mins. There is always someone prettier and more interesting. When she's on a summer holiday, well that's different. Different vibes.

Plus, the dating scene is horrid in NY. I knew models who couldn't get a date. My best friend, who is super gorgeous, did not have a boyfriend there of more than a month duration, until she met her husband, but for like 10 years nothing - and there is ZERO wrong with her. Just the way it is, men there, for the most part treat women like they are at a bus stop and the next one, equally gorgeous, but a different flavor will be along in 5 mins, ghost and repeat. So many women will say the same - in fact beyond the "lack of time and space" conversation it's got to be one of the most prevalent convos you'll overhear in a bar. It's insane. It's worse than any city I've ever lived in (London, NY, Melbourne, San Francisco, Austin), in that regard.

Not that she's there to find a man. Maybe she thinks she's already found one. And maybe she'll just hang with fellow Brits in one or two neighborhoods. I hate that kind of thing and the Brits and Australians tend to do that a LOT. But making real relationships and connections takes time and the city makes most folks who are not of the uber rich variety (and she is wealthy but not uber wealthy) grey complected and hyper vigilant about everything. It's not an easy city to be healthy and balanced. Of course she can have some superficial fun for a bit, but to stick it out will take moxie.

I do love it there - lived there for 15 + years, but it's love/hate all the way and I'm can say definitively I'm way tougher than Lizbutt - no joke. I'd say now I love it from afar like an old flame who I know isn't good for me but who I can admire for their good qualities all the same.
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Breaking the planet by making use of sales on items people otherwise couldn’t afford: bad! Breaking the planet by accepting copious amounts of gifting that we don’t need: good! Cheers LindaView attachment 882798
I came on here to say the exact same thing.
Is she really that tone deaf.
She really is taking the piss.
Hey you lot don’t break the planet but hey I can! #gifted
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